CPM Forum

General => General Forum Comments => Topic started by: rscoins on November 11, 2005, 08:15:45 pm

Title: Polls
Post by: rscoins on November 11, 2005, 08:15:45 pm
This feature appears to be excellent. How long before the results are made publice should I wait?

Title: Re: Polls
Post by: BWJM on November 12, 2005, 01:28:19 am
This feature appears to be excellent. How long before the results are made publice should I wait?

That's really up to you, I suppose. I'm glad you like the new features that Paul has brought to the forums.

This might be a good opportunity to renew the suggestion of donations. If anyone feels that this site has benefit them in some way or another, you are encouraged to show your appreciation to Paul in the form of a donation to help support the ongoing expenses of operating the forums. I could go into a whole PBS pledge drive schpeil, but that would just get boring. So, if you feel like it, please make a donation to show your gratitude.
Title: Re: Polls
Post by: rscoins on November 12, 2005, 09:37:06 pm
I now notice that I cannot start a poll.

Is there some reason for this?

Title: Re: Polls
Post by: admin on November 13, 2005, 02:16:00 pm
Sorry Rick, here's the history.

I've had polls before but found that after a short period of time, they tend to degrade from the important/serious to much silliness. When I switched to this software, I though I'd turned them off completely for everyone but me. Turns out, as you found out, that everyone had access to them. I spent a bit of time figuring out why you had access, found the setting, and turned it off for everyone but admins and Global Moderators. I've been debating about turning it on again for Senior Members, as they have generally been on boad for a long time, know what's been "polled" before and know who to keep the tool from becoming a free-for-all. On the other hand, we have also seen a few members join up and then post tons of messages just to get their status levels up as high as possible.

I'm leaning towards a policy whereby Moderators, GMs and admins can post polls. If anyone else wants one, they can contact anyone on the team and we can construct a viable poll. What you've done so far is excellent, and I'm not worried about that, I'm just worried about what comes down the road if we don't have good policies and procedures.

This is a good a post to lead the discussion. What are everyones thoughts on polls and how we should manage them?
Title: Re: Polls
Post by: rscoins on November 13, 2005, 04:02:10 pm
No problem, Paul.

It is your site, feel free to modify the rules as you see fit.

Title: Re: Polls
Post by: Hudson A B on November 13, 2005, 06:28:27 pm
Paul, I think that your idea for poll initiation is perfect.  If anyone needs to put one up, then they can ask- simple and no problem, then it keeps out those unwanted poll types you describe.

Title: Re: Polls
Post by: rscoins on December 06, 2005, 09:07:28 am
I say open the polls to everyone. If it is offensive, delete it.
