Topic: US $50 Star "Fancy Number" FRNs  (Read 3929 times)
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« on: November 25, 2006, 06:16:00 pm »

I've noticed on eBay auctions for US currency that a lot of seller describe notes with serial numbers like 00006789 as ladders or mini ladders and 00006776 as radars or mini radars.  Notes with serial numbers like 12345678 are emphasized as true ladders and the same goes for proper radars.

There is currently a note for sale now with serial number 43322110 and is described by the seller as a "fancy ladder".

That said, any idea what these notes would be worth as:
(a) regular UNC $50 Star FRNs
(b) UNC $50 Star FRNs with fancy serial numbers

I guess 01112222 and 01112223 could be described as non-descending ladder notes.


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