CPM Forum

Canadian Notes => Bank of Canada Notes => Topic started by: hanmer on February 08, 2010, 07:18:33 pm

Title: RE: 1937 Issue
Post by: hanmer on February 08, 2010, 07:18:33 pm
With this issue, I understand that the Osbourne/Towers signature combination is the most desired. This of course means higher prices. Bearing that in mind, what would be the next desired signature combination for the 1937 series?

Title: 1937 Issue
Post by: mmars on February 08, 2010, 10:05:11 pm
I'm sure your Charlton catalogue has the answer.  You do have a Charlton catalogue, don't you?  Best $20 you'll ever spend.
Title: Re: RE: 1937 Issue
Post by: hanmer on February 09, 2010, 10:07:54 am
As a matter of fact I do. It is a reasonable reference resource, I'm, waiting for the PDF version. However the Charleton catalogue will not give me access to expertise that this board offers. Thank you for your suggestion, but I was looking for something more like, x/y signature combination is generally better than y/z and would be a better choice because of blah, blah and blah.


Title: Re: RE: 1937 Issue
Post by: BWJM on February 09, 2010, 10:39:38 am
I guess I even misunderstood the question because I was thinking to myself "why not just look at the catalogue?".

Anyway, thank you for the clarification. In my personal opinion, both Gordon/Towers and Coyne/Towers are equivalent for the 1937 series. Both have similar quantities printed and both have similar availability (ie: extremely common).
Title: Re: RE: 1937 Issue
Post by: hanmer on February 09, 2010, 10:51:18 am
Thank you for the info Brent. The reasoning for the purchase would dictate the specific 1937 issue to buy.

i.e. osbourne/towers for investment side or gordon/towers coyne/towers to have a nice example


Title: Re: RE: 1937 Issue
Post by: Elwoodbluesca on February 09, 2010, 09:45:02 pm
Do not discredit all G/T or C/T notes, as there are a few prefixes within them that are tough to obtain, and in my option worth the investment.