CPM Forum
Canadian Notes => Bank of Canada Notes => Topic started by: BWJM on August 24, 2010, 01:24:55 am
Hi All,
I'm looking for a little help on this one... I'm having trouble identifying the font (and obtaining a font file) for the serial numbers of notes in the Multicoloured and Birds series.
The font used on the Journey series is an international standard (OCR-B), but my attempts to identify the previous font have come up empty so far.
If you can successfully identify the font, I will be very grateful.
Brent, I can't answer your question, but do you perchance know the name of the font used in the serial numbers of 1954 notes? Is there even a name for it? Perhaps it is proprietary to the BoC?
Maybe you should stick to printing Journey notes.... ;D
(Sorry, I just couldn't resist......)