CPM Forum
General => The Trading Post => Topic started by: regent on December 09, 2018, 02:48:48 pm
I am looking for those notes , I prefered unc or better but willing to take lower grade;
1954 2 BE/RA N/R 4.32-4.40
1954 2 BE/RA S/R 0.32-0.40
1954 2 BE/RA S/R 0.64-0.72
1954 50 BE/RA A/H
1954 100 BE/RA A/J
1971 10 BO-RA *DX
-----------------found------------- 1986 5 CR-BOW EPW BLUE>9.698
1986 5 BN-TH GOG 0.1000-0.1999
1986 5 BN-TH HNB
1989 10 BN/TH BDP 4.440-4.460
1989 20 KN-DO EWP 2.358-2.394
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.120-6.138
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.300-6.336
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.534-6.552
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 7.200-7.218
2004 5 JE-DO HNN 5.845-5.846
__________found_________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOH 5.709-5.710
2006 5 JE-DO AOH 9.838-9.839
__________found_________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOT 2.987-2.988
2006 5 JE-DO AOT 2.992-2.993
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.847-4.848
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.874-4.875
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.905-4.906
____________found________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOV 5.816-5.817
2006 5 JE-DO APF 2.909-2.910
2006 5 JE-DO APF 2.914-2.915
____________found_______________ 2006 5 JE-DO APL 5.325-5.326
____________found_______________ 2008 5 JE-CA APN 0.004-0.005
2008 5 JE-CA APN 0.964-0.965
2009 5 JE-CA AAD 2.560-2.561
2009 5 JE-CA AAD 2.829-2.830
2005 10 JE-DO BEY 2.620-2.621
____________found________________ 2005 10 JE-DO BEY 2.928-2.929
2008 10 JE-CA BFF 3.472-3.473
2004 20 JE-DO AYR 4.296-4.304
_____________found_______________ 2005 20 JE-DO ALK 9.922-9.923
2007 20 JE-DO ALW 0.345-0.346
2007 20 JE-DO ALW 0.398-0.399
2005 100 JE-DO BKJ 5.560-5.561
2013 5 MAC-POL HBG 7822400-599
2012 20 MAC-CAR BSW
2012 50 MAC-CAR AMK
2012 50 MAC-CAR GMA
thanks REGENT
I have some items on your list
send me an email with your lists please
I am looking for those notes , I prefered unc or better but willing to take lower grade;
1954 2 BE/RA N/R 4.32-4.40
1954 2 BE/RA S/R 0.32-0.40
1954 2 BE/RA S/R 0.64-0.72
1954 50 BE/RA A/H
1954 100 BE/RA A/J
1971 10 BO-RA *DX
1986 5 CR-BO EPW BLUE>9.698
1986 5 BN-TH GOG 0.1000-0.1999
1986 5 BN-TH HNB
1989 10 BN/TH BDP 4.440-4.460
1989 20 KN-DO EWP 2.358-2.394
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.120-6.138
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.300-6.336
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.534-6.552
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 7.200-7.218
2004 5 JE-DO HNN 5.845-5.846
__________found_________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOH 5.709-5.710
2006 5 JE-DO AOH 9.838-9.839
__________found_________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOT 2.987-2.988
2006 5 JE-DO AOT 2.992-2.993
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.847-4.848
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.874-4.875
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.905-4.906
____________found________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOV 5.816-5.817
2006 5 JE-DO APF 2.909-2.910
2006 5 JE-DO APF 2.914-2.915
____________found_______________ 2006 5 JE-DO APL 5.325-5.326
____________found_______________ 2008 5 JE-CA APN 0.004-0.005
2008 5 JE-CA APN 0.964-0.965
2009 5 JE-CA AAD 2.560-2.561
2009 5 JE-CA AAD 2.829-2.830
2005 10 JE-DO BEY 2.620-2.621
____________found________________ 2005 10 JE-DO BEY 2.928-2.929
2008 10 JE-CA BFF 3.472-3.473
2004 20 JE-DO AYR 4.296-4.304
_____________found_______________ 2005 20 JE-DO ALK 9.922-9.923
2007 20 JE-DO ALW 0.345-0.346
2007 20 JE-DO ALW 0.398-0.399
2005 100 JE-DO BKJ 5.560-5.561
2013 5 MAC-POL HBG 7822400-599
2012 20 MAC-CAR BSW
2012 50 MAC-CAR AMK
2012 50 MAC-CAR GMA
thanks REGENT
Cool, I will keep my eyes opened.
thanks any help will be appreciated ,I am willing to pay good prices
Is there something special about S/R 0.32 - 0.40 and 0.64 - 0.72 as opposed to other ranges?
I think the general consensus on Be/Ra A/H and A/J is that they were never released into circulation but you can always keep looking. In 50+ years none have surfaced to the best of my knowledge.
I agree with you the A/H and A/J probably do not exist , but they are in charlton. I have the confirmation from the bank of Canada ,that they do not have any copy in their files. In addition I sent a email to steven Bell the editor of charlton asking him to remove those two notes from the book.
about s/r 0.32-0.40 and s/r 0.64 -0.72
during the testing they changed the type of paper or the coating or other specs of the note
and s/r 0.32-0.40 was the test# 7 ; "to be printed faces last"
the s/r 0.64-0.72 was the test #10; "coated with urethan"
What test was the serial # S/R 2040740 part of?
Any idea what this test was for?
Thanks in advance
What test was the serial # S/R 2040740 part of?
Any idea what this test was for?
Thanks in advance
it was part of test # 21 s/r 2.000 -2.080 25% cotton linters
regent cpms LM 59
Interesting info, thank you. Were the various test note ranges published in the CPMS journal at some point?
I am not sure .
I am looking for those notes , I prefered unc or better but willing to take lower grade;
1954 2 BE/RA N/R 4.32-4.40
1954 2 BE/RA S/R 0.32-0.40
1954 2 BE/RA S/R 0.64-0.72
1954 50 BE/RA A/H
1954 100 BE/RA A/J
1971 10 BO-RA *DX
-----------------found------------- 1986 5 CR-BOW EPW BLUE>9.698
1986 5 BN-TH GOG 0.1000-0.1999
1986 5 BN-TH HNB
1989 10 BN/TH BDP 4.440-4.460
_____________found_______________1989 20 KN-DO EWP 2.358-2.394
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.120-6.138
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.300-6.336
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.534-6.552
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 7.200-7.218
2004 5 JE-DO HNN 5.845-5.846
__________found_________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOH 5.709-5.710
2006 5 JE-DO AOH 9.838-9.839
__________found_________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOT 2.987-2.988
2006 5 JE-DO AOT 2.992-2.993
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.847-4.848
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.874-4.875
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.905-4.906
____________found________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOV 5.816-5.817
2006 5 JE-DO APF 2.909-2.910
2006 5 JE-DO APF 2.914-2.915
____________found_______________ 2006 5 JE-DO APL 5.325-5.326
____________found_______________ 2008 5 JE-CA APN 0.004-0.005
2008 5 JE-CA APN 0.964-0.965
2009 5 JE-CA AAD 2.560-2.561
2009 5 JE-CA AAD 2.829-2.830
2005 10 JE-DO BEY 2.620-2.621
____________found________________ 2005 10 JE-DO BEY 2.928-2.929
2008 10 JE-CA BFF 3.472-3.473
_____________ found_______________2004 20 JE-DO AYR 4.296-4.304
_____________found_______________ 2005 20 JE-DO ALK 9.922-9.923
2007 20 JE-DO ALW 0.345-0.346
2007 20 JE-DO ALW 0.398-0.399
2005 100 JE-DO BKJ 5.560-5.561
-------------------found 14-2-2020--------2013 5 MAC-POL HBG 7822400-599
2012 20 MAC-CAR BSW
2012 50 MAC-CAR AMK
_____________found 28-10-2019______2012 50 MAC-CAR GMA
2013 5 WIL-POL INA-B-C-D
I will pay more than the catalogue
thanks REGENT
I am looking for those notes , I prefered unc or better but willing to take lower grade;
1954 2 BE/RA N/R 4.32-4.40
1954 2 BE/RA S/R 0.32-0.40
1954 2 BE/RA S/R 0.64-0.72
1954 50 BE/RA A/H
1954 100 BE/RA A/J
1971 10 BO-RA *DX
-----------------found------------- 1986 5 CR-BOW EPW BLUE>9.698
1986 5 BN-TH GOG 0.1000-0.1999
1986 5 BN-TH HNB
1989 10 BN/TH BDP 4.440-4.460
-----------------FOUND-------------------1989 20 KN-DO EWP 2.358-2.394
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.120-6.138
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.300-6.336
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.534-6.552
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 7.200-7.218
2004 5 JE-DO HNN 5.845-5.846
__________found_________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOH 5.709-5.710
2006 5 JE-DO AOH 9.838-9.839
__________found_________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOT 2.987-2.988
2006 5 JE-DO AOT 2.992-2.993
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.847-4.848
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.874-4.875
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.905-4.906
____________found________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOV 5.816-5.817
2006 5 JE-DO APF 2.909-2.910
2006 5 JE-DO APF 2.914-2.915
____________found_______________ 2006 5 JE-DO APL 5.325-5.326
____________found_______________ 2008 5 JE-CA APN 0.004-0.005
2008 5 JE-CA APN 0.964-0.965
2009 5 JE-CA AAD 2.560-2.561
2009 5 JE-CA AAD 2.829-2.830
2005 10 JE-DO BEY 2.620-2.621
____________found________________ 2005 10 JE-DO BEY 2.928-2.929
2008 10 JE-CA BFF 3.472-3.473
-----------------found-----------------------2004 20 JE-DO AYR 4.296-4.304
_____________found_______________ 2005 20 JE-DO ALK 9.922-9.923
2007 20 JE-DO ALW 0.345-0.346
2007 20 JE-DO ALW 0.398-0.399
2005 100 JE-DO BKJ 5.560-5.561
------------------found---------------------2013 5 MAC-POL HBG 7822400-599
------------------found-------------------- 2012 20 MAC-CAR BSW
2012 50 MAC-CAR AMK
------------------found---------------------2011 100 WIL-POL GKA
------------------found---------------------2012 50 MAC-CAR GMA
thanks REGENT
I have the "HNB" note that you are looking for. Not looking to sell at the moment but I'll keep you in mind when the time comes.
thanks for keeping that one for me
I am looking for those notes , I prefered unc or better but willing to take lower grade;
1954 2 BE/RA N/R 4.32-4.40
1954 2 BE/RA S/R 0.32-0.40
1954 2 BE/RA S/R 0.64-0.72
___________do not exist___________1954 50 BE/RA A/H
___________do not exist___________1954 100 BE/RA A/J
1971 10 BO-RA *DX
-----------------found------------- 1986 5 CR-BOW EPW BLUE>9.698
1986 5 BN-TH GOG 0.1000-0.1999
1986 5 BN-TH HNB
1989 10 BN/TH BDP 4.440-4.460
-----------------FOUND-------------------1989 20 KN-DO EWP 2.358-2.394
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.120-6.138
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.300-6.336
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.534-6.552
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 7.200-7.218
2004 5 JE-DO HNN 5.845-5.846
__________found_________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOH 5.709-5.710
2006 5 JE-DO AOH 9.838-9.839
__________found_________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOT 2.987-2.988
2006 5 JE-DO AOT 2.992-2.993
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.847-4.848
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.874-4.875
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.905-4.906
____________found________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOV 5.816-5.817
2006 5 JE-DO APF 2.909-2.910
2006 5 JE-DO APF 2.914-2.915
____________found_______________ 2006 5 JE-DO APL 5.325-5.326
____________found_______________ 2008 5 JE-CA APN 0.004-0.005
2008 5 JE-CA APN 0.964-0.965
2009 5 JE-CA AAD 2.560-2.561
2009 5 JE-CA AAD 2.829-2.830
2005 10 JE-DO BEY 2.620-2.621
____________found________________ 2005 10 JE-DO BEY 2.928-2.929
2008 10 JE-CA BFF 3.472-3.473
-----------------found-----------------------2004 20 JE-DO AYR 4.296-4.304
_____________found_______________ 2005 20 JE-DO ALK 9.922-9.923
2007 20 JE-DO ALW 0.345-0.346
2007 20 JE-DO ALW 0.398-0.399
2005 100 JE-DO BKJ 5.560-5.561
------------------found---------------------2013 5 MAC-POL HBG 7822400-599
------------------found-------------------- 2012 20 MAC-CAR BSW
------------------found---------------------2012 50 MAC-CAR AMK
------------------found---------------------2011 100 WIL-POL GKA
------------------found---------------------2012 50 MAC-CAR GMA
------------------found---------------------2013 5 MAC-MAC INE
I am looking for those notes , I prefered unc or better but willing to take lower grade;
1954 2 BE/RA N/R 4.32-4.40
1954 2 BE/RA S/R 0.32-0.40
1954 2 BE/RA S/R 0.64-0.72
___________do not exist___________1954 50 BE/RA A/H
___________do not exist___________1954 100 BE/RA A/J
1971 10 BO-RA *DX
-----------------found------------- 1986 5 CR-BOW EPW BLUE>9.698
1986 5 BN-TH GOG 0.1000-0.1999
1986 5 BN-TH HNB
1989 10 BN/TH BDP 4.440-4.460
-----------------FOUND-------------------1989 20 KN-DO EWP 2.358-2.394
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.120-6.138
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.300-6.336
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.534-6.552
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 7.200-7.218
2004 5 JE-DO HNN 5.845-5.846
__________found_________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOH 5.709-5.710
2006 5 JE-DO AOH 9.838-9.839
__________found_________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOT 2.987-2.988
2006 5 JE-DO AOT 2.992-2.993
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.847-4.848
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.874-4.875
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.905-4.906
____________found________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOV 5.816-5.817
2006 5 JE-DO APF 2.909-2.910
2006 5 JE-DO APF 2.914-2.915
____________found_______________ 2006 5 JE-DO APL 5.325-5.326
____________found_______________ 2008 5 JE-CA APN 0.004-0.005
2008 5 JE-CA APN 0.964-0.965
2009 5 JE-CA AAD 2.560-2.561
2009 5 JE-CA AAD 2.829-2.830
2005 10 JE-DO BEY 2.620-2.621
____________found________________ 2005 10 JE-DO BEY 2.928-2.929
2008 10 JE-CA BFF 3.472-3.473
-----------------found-----------------------2004 20 JE-DO AYR 4.296-4.304
_____________found_______________ 2005 20 JE-DO ALK 9.922-9.923
2007 20 JE-DO ALW 0.345-0.346
2007 20 JE-DO ALW 0.398-0.399
2005 100 JE-DO BKJ 5.560-5.561
------------------found---------------------2013 5 MAC-POL HBG 7822400-599
------------------found-------------------- 2012 20 MAC-CAR BSW
------------------found---------------------2012 50 MAC-CAR AMK
------------------found---------------------2011 100 WIL-POL GKA
------------------found---------------------2012 50 MAC-CAR GMA
------------------found---------------------2013 5 MAC-MAC INE
Posted by: regent
still looking
I am looking for those notes , I prefered unc or better but willing to take lower grade;
1954 2 BE/RA N/R 4.32-4.40
1954 2 BE/RA S/R 0.32-0.40
1954 2 BE/RA S/R 0.64-0.72
___________do not exist___________1954 50 BE/RA A/H
___________do not exist___________1954 100 BE/RA A/J
1971 10 BO-RA *DX
-----------------found------------- 1986 5 CR-BOW EPW BLUE>9.698
1986 5 BN-TH GOG 0.1000-0.1999
1986 5 BN-TH HNB
1989 10 BN/TH BDP 4.440-4.460
-----------------FOUND-------------------1989 20 KN-DO EWP 2.358-2.394
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.120-6.138
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.300-6.336
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.534-6.552
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 7.200-7.218
2004 5 JE-DO HNN 5.845-5.846
__________found_________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOH 5.709-5.710
2006 5 JE-DO AOH 9.838-9.839
__________found_________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOT 2.987-2.988
2006 5 JE-DO AOT 2.992-2.993
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.847-4.848
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.874-4.875
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.905-4.906
____________found________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOV 5.816-5.817
2006 5 JE-DO APF 2.909-2.910
2006 5 JE-DO APF 2.914-2.915
____________found_______________ 2006 5 JE-DO APL 5.325-5.326
____________found_______________ 2008 5 JE-CA APN 0.004-0.005
2008 5 JE-CA APN 0.964-0.965
2009 5 JE-CA AAD 2.560-2.561
2009 5 JE-CA AAD 2.829-2.830
2005 10 JE-DO BEY 2.620-2.621
____________found________________ 2005 10 JE-DO BEY 2.928-2.929
2008 10 JE-CA BFF 3.472-3.473
-----------------found-----------------------2004 20 JE-DO AYR 4.296-4.304
_____________found_______________ 2005 20 JE-DO ALK 9.922-9.923
2007 20 JE-DO ALW 0.345-0.346
2007 20 JE-DO ALW 0.398-0.399
2005 100 JE-DO BKJ 5.560-5.561
------------------found---------------------2013 5 MAC-POL HBG 7822400-599
------------------found-------------------- 2012 20 MAC-CAR BSW
------------------found---------------------2012 50 MAC-CAR AMK
------------------found---------------------2011 100 WIL-POL GKA
------------------found---------------------2012 50 MAC-CAR GMA
------------------found---------------------2013 5 MAC-MAC INE
_____________found_______________2012 50 WIL-MAC GMN
2012 50 LAN-MAC GMN
2018 10 WIL-MAC FFE
Posted by: regent
still looking
I am looking for those notes , I prefered unc or better but willing to take lower grade;
1954 2 BE/RA N/R 4.32-4.40
1954 2 BE/RA S/R 0.32-0.40
1954 2 BE/RA S/R 0.64-0.72
___________do not exist___________1954 50 BE/RA A/H
___________do not exist___________1954 100 BE/RA A/J
1971 10 BO-RA *DX
-----------------found------------- 1986 5 CR-BOW EPW BLUE>9.698
1986 5 BN-TH GOG 0.1000-0.1999
1986 5 BN-TH HNB
1989 10 BN/TH BDP 4.440-4.460
-----------------FOUND-------------------1989 20 KN-DO EWP 2.358-2.394
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.120-6.138
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.300-6.336
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.534-6.552
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 7.200-7.218
2004 5 JE-DO HNN 5.845-5.846
__________found_________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOH 5.709-5.710
2006 5 JE-DO AOH 9.838-9.839
__________found_________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOT 2.987-2.988
2006 5 JE-DO AOT 2.992-2.993
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.847-4.848
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.874-4.875
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.905-4.906
____________found________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOV 5.816-5.817
2006 5 JE-DO APF 2.909-2.910
2006 5 JE-DO APF 2.914-2.915
____________found_______________ 2006 5 JE-DO APL 5.325-5.326
____________found_______________ 2008 5 JE-CA APN 0.004-0.005
2008 5 JE-CA APN 0.964-0.965
2009 5 JE-CA AAD 2.560-2.561
2009 5 JE-CA AAD 2.829-2.830
2005 10 JE-DO BEY 2.620-2.621
____________found________________ 2005 10 JE-DO BEY 2.928-2.929
2008 10 JE-CA BFF 3.472-3.473
-----------------found-----------------------2004 20 JE-DO AYR 4.296-4.304
_____________found_______________ 2005 20 JE-DO ALK 9.922-9.923
2007 20 JE-DO ALW 0.345-0.346
2007 20 JE-DO ALW 0.398-0.399
2005 100 JE-DO BKJ 5.560-5.561
------------------found---------------------2013 5 MAC-POL HBG 7822400-599
------------------found-------------------- 2012 20 MAC-CAR BSW
------------------found---------------------2012 50 MAC-CAR AMK
------------------found---------------------2011 100 WIL-POL GKA
------------------found---------------------2012 50 MAC-CAR GMA
------------------found---------------------2013 5 MAC-MAC INE
_____________found_______________2012 50 WIL-MAC GMN
------------------found---------------------2012 50 LAN-MAC GMN
------------------found---------------------2018 10 WIL-MAC FFE
------------------found---------------------2018 10 WIL-MAC FFF-FFT
Posted by: regent
still looking
I am looking for those notes , I prefered unc or better but willing to take lower grade;
1954 2 BE/RA N/R 4.32-4.40
1954 2 BE/RA S/R 0.32-0.40
1954 2 BE/RA S/R 0.64-0.72
___________do not exist___________1954 50 BE/RA A/H
___________do not exist___________1954 100 BE/RA A/J
1971 10 BO-RA *DX
-----------------found------------- 1986 5 CR-BOW EPW BLUE>9.698
----------------found---------------------1986 5 BN-TH GOG 0.1000-0.1999
1986 5 BN-TH HNB
1989 10 BN/TH BDP 4.440-4.460
-----------------FOUND-------------------1989 20 KN-DO EWP 2.358-2.394
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.120-6.138
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.300-6.336
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.534-6.552
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 7.200-7.218
2004 5 JE-DO HNN 5.845-5.846
__________found_________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOH 5.709-5.710
2006 5 JE-DO AOH 9.838-9.839
__________found_________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOT 2.987-2.988
2006 5 JE-DO AOT 2.992-2.993
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.847-4.848
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.874-4.875
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.905-4.906
____________found________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOV 5.816-5.817
2006 5 JE-DO APF 2.909-2.910
2006 5 JE-DO APF 2.914-2.915
____________found_______________ 2006 5 JE-DO APL 5.325-5.326
____________found_______________ 2008 5 JE-CA APN 0.004-0.005
2008 5 JE-CA APN 0.964-0.965
2009 5 JE-CA AAD 2.560-2.561
2009 5 JE-CA AAD 2.829-2.830
2005 10 JE-DO BEY 2.620-2.621
____________found________________ 2005 10 JE-DO BEY 2.928-2.929
2008 10 JE-CA BFF 3.472-3.473
-----------------found-----------------------2004 20 JE-DO AYR 4.296-4.304
_____________found_______________ 2005 20 JE-DO ALK 9.922-9.923
2007 20 JE-DO ALW 0.345-0.346
2007 20 JE-DO ALW 0.398-0.399
2005 100 JE-DO BKJ 5.560-5.561
------------------found---------------------2013 5 MAC-POL HBG 7822400-599
------------------found-------------------- 2012 20 MAC-CAR BSW
------------------found---------------------2012 50 MAC-CAR AMK
------------------found---------------------2011 100 WIL-POL GKA
------------------found---------------------2012 50 MAC-CAR GMA
------------------found---------------------2013 5 MAC-MAC INE
_____________found_______________2012 50 WIL-MAC GMN
------------------found_______________2012 50 LAN-MAC GMN
------------------found---------------------2018 10 WIL-MAC FFE
------------------found----------------------2018 10 WIL-MAC FFF-FFT
Posted by: regent
still looking
I am looking for those notes , I prefered unc or better but willing to take lower grade;
1954 2 BE/RA N/R 4.32-4.40
1954 2 BE/RA K/R NO BPN
1954 2 BE/RA S/R 0.32-0.40
1954 2 BE/RA S/R 0.64-0.72
___________do not exist___________1954 50 BE/RA A/H
___________do not exist___________1954 100 BE/RA A/J
1971 10 BO-RA *DX
-----------------found------------- 1986 5 CR-BOW EPW BLUE>9.698
___________FOUND______________1986 5 BN-TH GOG 0.1000-0.1999
1986 5 BN-TH HNB
1989 10 BN/TH BDP 4.440-4.460
-----------------FOUND-------------------1989 20 KN-DO EWP 2.358-2.394
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.120-6.138
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.300-6.336
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.534-6.552
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 7.200-7.218
2004 5 JE-DO HNN 5.845-5.846
__________found_________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOH 5.709-5.710
2006 5 JE-DO AOH 9.838-9.839
__________found_________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOT 2.987-2.988
2006 5 JE-DO AOT 2.992-2.993
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.847-4.848
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.874-4.875
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.905-4.906
____________found________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOV 5.816-5.817
2006 5 JE-DO APF 2.909-2.910
2006 5 JE-DO APF 2.914-2.915
____________found_______________ 2006 5 JE-DO APL 5.325-5.326
____________found_______________ 2008 5 JE-CA APN 0.004-0.005
2008 5 JE-CA APN 0.964-0.965
2009 5 JE-CA AAD 2.560-2.561
2009 5 JE-CA AAD 2.829-2.830
2005 10 JE-DO BEY 2.620-2.621
____________found________________ 2005 10 JE-DO BEY 2.928-2.929
2008 10 JE-CA BFF 3.472-3.473
-----------------found-----------------------2004 20 JE-DO AYR 4.296-4.304
_____________found_______________ 2005 20 JE-DO ALK 9.922-9.923
2007 20 JE-DO ALW 0.345-0.346
2007 20 JE-DO ALW 0.398-0.399
2005 100 JE-DO BKJ 5.560-5.561
------------------found---------------------2013 5 MAC-POL HBG 7822400-599
------------------found-------------------- 2012 20 MAC-CAR BSW
------------------found---------------------2012 50 MAC-CAR AMK
------------------found---------------------2011 100 WIL-POL GKA
------------------found---------------------2012 50 MAC-CAR GMA
------------------found---------------------2013 5 MAC-MAC INE
_____________found_______________2012 50 WIL-MAC GMN
------------------found---------------------2012 50 LAN-MAC GMN
------------------found---------------------2018 10 WIL-MAC FFE
------------------found---------------------2018 10 WIL-MAC FFF-FFT
Posted by: regent
I am looking for those notes , I prefered unc or better but willing to take lower grade;
____________found___________1954 2 BE/RA N/R 4.32-4.40
____________found___________1954 2 BE/RA K/R NO BPN
1954 2 BE/RA S/R 0.32-0.40
1954 2 BE/RA S/R 0.64-0.72
___________do not exist___________1954 50 BE/RA A/H
___________do not exist___________1954 100 BE/RA A/J
1971 10 BO-RA *DX
-----------------found------------- 1986 5 CR-BOW EPW BLUE>9.698
___________FOUND______________1986 5 BN-TH GOG 0.1000-0.1999
1986 5 BN-TH HNB
1989 10 BN/TH BDP 4.440-4.460
-----------------FOUND-------------------1989 20 KN-DO EWP 2.358-2.394
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.120-6.138
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.300-6.336
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.534-6.552
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 7.200-7.218
2004 5 JE-DO HNN 5.845-5.846
__________found_________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOH 5.709-5.710
2006 5 JE-DO AOH 9.838-9.839
__________found_________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOT 2.987-2.988
2006 5 JE-DO AOT 2.992-2.993
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.847-4.848
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.874-4.875
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.905-4.906
____________found________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOV 5.816-5.817
2006 5 JE-DO APF 2.909-2.910
2006 5 JE-DO APF 2.914-2.915
____________found_______________ 2006 5 JE-DO APL 5.325-5.326
____________found_______________ 2008 5 JE-CA APN 0.004-0.005
2008 5 JE-CA APN 0.964-0.965
2009 5 JE-CA AAD 2.560-2.561
2009 5 JE-CA AAD 2.829-2.830
2005 10 JE-DO BEY 2.620-2.621
____________found________________ 2005 10 JE-DO BEY 2.928-2.929
2008 10 JE-CA BFF 3.472-3.473
-----------------found-----------------------2004 20 JE-DO AYR 4.296-4.304
_____________found_______________ 2005 20 JE-DO ALK 9.922-9.923
2007 20 JE-DO ALW 0.345-0.346
2007 20 JE-DO ALW 0.398-0.399
2005 100 JE-DO BKJ 5.560-5.561
------------------found---------------------2013 5 MAC-POL HBG 7822400-599
------------------found-------------------- 2012 20 MAC-CAR BSW
------------------found---------------------2012 50 MAC-CAR AMK
------------------found---------------------2011 100 WIL-POL GKA
------------------found---------------------2012 50 MAC-CAR GMA
------------------found---------------------2013 5 MAC-MAC INE
_____________found_______________2012 50 WIL-MAC GMN
------------------found---------------------2012 50 LAN-MAC GMN
------------------found---------------------2018 10 WIL-MAC FFE
------------------found---------------------2018 10 WIL-MAC FFF-FFT
I am looking for those notes , I prefered unc or better but willing to take lower grade;
____________found___________1954 2 BE/RA N/R 4.32-4.40
____________found___________1954 2 BE/RA K/R NO BPN
1954 2 BE/RA S/R 0.32-0.40
1954 2 BE/RA S/R 0.64-0.72
___________do not exist___________1954 50 BE/RA A/H
___________do not exist___________1954 100 BE/RA A/J
1971 10 BO-RA *DX
-----------------found------------- 1986 5 CR-BOW EPW BLUE>9.698
___________FOUND______________1986 5 BN-TH GOG 0.1000-0.1999
1986 2 TH-CR BBX BBX-bBX
1986 2 TH-CR BUJ BUJ-bUJ
1986 5 BN-TH HNB
1989 10 BN/TH BDP 4.440-4.460
-----------------FOUND-------------------1989 20 KN-DO EWP 2.358-2.394
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.120-6.138
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.300-6.336
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.534-6.552
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 7.200-7.218
1988 100 TH-CR BJD bJD-BJD
2004 5 JE-DO HNN 5.845-5.846
__________found_________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOH 5.709-5.710
2006 5 JE-DO AOH 9.838-9.839
__________found_________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOT 2.987-2.988
2006 5 JE-DO AOT 2.992-2.993
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.847-4.848
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.874-4.875
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.905-4.906
____________found________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOV 5.816-5.817
2006 5 JE-DO APF 2.909-2.910
2006 5 JE-DO APF 2.914-2.915
____________found_______________ 2006 5 JE-DO APL 5.325-5.326
____________found_______________ 2008 5 JE-CA APN 0.004-0.005
2008 5 JE-CA APN 0.964-0.965
2009 5 JE-CA AAD 2.560-2.561
2009 5 JE-CA AAD 2.829-2.830
2005 10 JE-DO BEY 2.620-2.621
____________found________________ 2005 10 JE-DO BEY 2.928-2.929
2008 10 JE-CA BFF 3.472-3.473
-----------------found-----------------------2004 20 JE-DO AYR 4.296-4.304
_____________found_______________ 2005 20 JE-DO ALK 9.922-9.923
2007 20 JE-DO ALW 0.345-0.346
2007 20 JE-DO ALW 0.398-0.399
2005 100 JE-DO BKJ 5.560-5.561
------------------found---------------------2013 5 MAC-POL HBG 7822400-599
------------------found-------------------- 2012 20 MAC-CAR BSW
------------------found---------------------2012 50 MAC-CAR AMK
------------------found---------------------2011 100 WIL-POL GKA
------------------found---------------------2012 50 MAC-CAR GMA
------------------found---------------------2013 5 MAC-MAC INE
_____________found_______________2012 50 WIL-MAC GMN
------------------found---------------------2012 50 LAN-MAC GMN
------------------found---------------------2018 10 WIL-MAC FFE
------------------found---------------------2018 10 WIL-MAC FFF-FFT