CPM Forum
Canadian Notes => Polymer Series => Topic started by: AZ on July 10, 2019, 07:43:11 pm
When reporting new prefixes, especially those that extend known prefix ranges, let’s post images of notes in this thread. This way we will know for sure that the new prefix exists and is not an entry error. In the past, some of the users of SNDB never bothered reporting their errors and they stayed in the database for years. Here is $10 FFC.
Agreed. New prefixes are certainly worth making a forum post! We are also working on some better ways of checking for errors in the SNDB section.
I had tried to post the pic when I first found the FFC note on June 23 but when I added it to SNDB the pic never showed up. Darn technology lol.
Admin, please enable the database to accept $20 FZ* notes. Prefixes FZB, FZE and FZN have been reported. Here is an FZB note.
I picked up a few $100 GJY notes today. These are from a new print run as they have the same varnish pattern as $5 HCV or some of $20 FZ* prefixes.
Please re=enter any new $20 in the FZ* series as the admin has added them to the DB.
Just got a couple of 5$ notes with prefix IND, a pleasant surprise during these times!
Just got a couple of 5$ notes with prefix IND, a pleasant surprise during these times!
Nice find! So after HN*, HO*, HP*, HA*, HB* and HC* we will be seeing IN*, IO*, IP*, IA*, IB* and IC*, which makes sense.
The note has been added to the DB
Just got a couple of 5$ notes with prefix IND, a pleasant surprise during these times!
You can now add these prefixes to the database as the admin has added them.
Pulled some cash out of the ATM at TD today and got some new GMB prefix. What I found interesting is the extra frosting around the hologram area. See attached for a comparison.
Pulled some cash out of the ATM at TD today and got some new GMB prefix. What I found interesting is the extra frosting around the hologram area. See attached for a comparison.
Good find! GMB notes are from a new print run, with the same varnish pattern as $5 HCV-HCZ and INA-IND, $20 FZN and $100 GJY.
Agreed. New prefixes are certainly worth making a forum post! We are also working on some better ways of checking for errors in the SNDB section.
Admin, pls enable IND 0069996 07 07 have a few of them, database wont accept, thank you
Very surprising that we're seeing printer letter I now, despite that many retailers refuse to accept cash during these difficult times. I guess it's safe to say that denominational letter G will be recycled on the $10 bill, once the FF* series runs its course.
One user (whose name is not mentioned), many years ago, did claim that denominational letter G would be on tbe ten. It turns out he will have been right, most likely, and this could imply he may have inside information or connections with the Bank of Canada.
The introduction of printer letter I on the five will be the first new printer letter for the five in nearly two decades. If not for printer letter A prefixes sporadically released from 2002 to 2009, we probably would have seen the printer letter I ages ago.
$50 GME found in Toronto.
Nab this one a place holder
Found the first $20 FZA. Funny that it’s a repeater. FZA5535535 email with pic sent
Thanks for posting new prefixes here, everyone! Here is $100 GJZ.
$100 GKA found today.
Interestingly enough, in the many months Canada has seen the new wave of fresh banknotes with the protective varnish coating, all of the denominations are covered except the ten. I wonder if overall demand for $10 bills has fallen so much (thanks to inflation), most of the remaining banks rhat ordered them finally discontinued ordering them?
I bet it will be quite a while before Atlantic Canada sees any of these new banknotes due to its tough economy they've had fpr years, and COVID-19 will really cause a big setback for many. I don't even know if the release of the new $5 bill could be pushed back to 2022 or so.
Here's a new prefix GMR and new signature, it does not look like Rogers, but probably is.
Can't make out the first signature but why would it be Rogers if she doesn't officially take on the 2nd in command position until mid December?
Her appointment was only recently announced. Too soon to appear on a banknote I think,
Dont know! thats why i wrote looks like Rogers, that was a guess, cant read either,
i also was thinking december. open eyes needed, anybody!
** Chair of Senior Management Council
That's what I thought ...
** Chair of Senior Management Council
Changeover information from the BoC:
The last printed Wilkins-Macklem $50 was GMN6119999.
The first printed Lane-Macklem $50 was GMN6120000.
Well RBC in Brantford was loaded with the INF series notes, so all the IN* notes are out now up to INK now. Can someone get a hold of the admin to update the main menu and move the IN notes to the new signatures and there is some in the other denominations also. I have sent messages but to no avail is the admin .
Well RBC in Brantford was loaded with the INF series notes, so all the IN* notes are out now up to INK now. Can someone get a hold of the admin to update the main menu and move the IN notes to the new signatures and there is some in the other denominations also. I have sent messages but to no avail is the admin .
I too asked the admin to add the $5 IND and $50 GMN changeovers. The $10 FFE changeover can be added as well, based on the Charlton catalog information.
Lane-Macklem $100 GKP reported in Toronto (found on eBay).
Lane-Macklem $100 GKP reported in Toronto (found on eBay).
From the BoC: The last Wilkins-Poloz $100 note is GKL 8999999 and the first Lane-Macklem $100 note is GKL 9000000
Got this from the TD ATM today
Here’s a post from the Bank of Canada Museum regarding Timothy Lane. Seems it will only be in the $50s and $100 notes.
Makes sense, since the $50s and $100s are continually on the rise. The absence of new notes for the three smallest denominations with the Lane/Macklem signature combo, implies that demand for those three denominations is likely in decline. It's possible that the number of $10 bills being actively spent nationwide is likely cut in half or greater. The $10 bill will likely still be around for at least a few more years, but it will probably become scarce like the U.S. $2 bill in some places (Atlantic Canada, in particular).
Makes sense, since the $50s and $100s are continually on the rise. The absence of new notes for the three smallest denominations with the Lane/Macklem signature combo, implies that demand for those three denominations is likely in decline. It's possible that the number of $10 bills being actively spent nationwide is likely cut in half or greater. The $10 bill will likely still be around for at least a few more years, but it will probably become scarce like the U.S. $2 bill in some places (Atlantic Canada, in particular).
The 50s and 100s are on the rise due to rising inflation and the rampant Covid related government spending. The lower denominations are not in decline, they are being used as much as before. The 10s, being the “middle” denomination between the more commonly used 5s and 20s, have always been the least used. They are not going anywhere though, despite what you have been suggesting all the time here.
"Lane-Macklem" has been seen on the $5.00 INR prefix & apparently changes at INK prefix (though none reported yet).
SNDB has been updated to reflect the INK prefix changeover.
SNDB has been updated to reflect the INK prefix changeover.
-Thanks! :)
Appears as if the high end of IND Wilkins-Macklem is now missing from the SNDB "Wilkins-Macklem" chart for the $5.00:
https://cdnpapermoney.com/index.php?action=sndb;area=hl;c=20135wmc (https://cdnpapermoney.com/index.php?action=sndb;area=hl;c=20135wmc)
Still missing the IND ]Wilkins-Macklem $5(above 8981999) change-over chart in the recently revised SNDB.
I received from the Royal Bank in Carleton Place, Ontario on October 8, 2022, a new prefix of HJA for the polymer $100 banknote. It appears that $100 banknote is becoming very popular these days.
Was the HJA prefix the newest signatures (post-Lane/Macklem)? I haven't been keeping up with the latest prefixes because the branch I normally went to has a troublesome panhandler who appears to be aggressive, and I am very afraid to visit that branch these days.
I agree, the $100 bill has been quite abundant for many years now. Back in the 1980s, $100 bills (and $50 bills) were few and far between (back then, probably to the same extent as the $10 bill today) - there were many occurrences where I would go to the bank just after it opens, and the tellers told me they did not have any $100 bills in their tills. Because of inflation in the last 15 to 20 years (and even more this year), $100 bills are quite easy to come by. Banks probably order far more of them nowadays than 15 to 20 years ago.
Since all of the $5 IN_ prefix is all used now. I wonder what is the next prefix for the 5 dollar bill, I would like to hear your thoughts about it.
Since all of the $5 IN_ prefix is all used now. I wonder what is the next prefix for the 5 dollar bill, I would like to hear your thoughts about it.
IOA-IOZ, followed by IPA-IPZ
Hi, just wondering when the database will be updated to show the new signature combinations? Pm if I can help out.
Hi, just wondering when the database will be updated to show the new signature combinations? Pm if I can help out.
$100 Rogers-Macklem are currently being issued but we don't know where the changeover occur so I believe the SNDB will be updated to show the new signature once we know when the change will occur
I don't know if a Rogers-Macklem $50 has been issued yet but eventually it will be released
$100 Rogers-Macklem are currently being issued but we don't know where the changeover occur
The changeover for $100 is as follows:
Last L/M note: HJH 1979999
First R/M note: HJH 1980000
I don't know if a Rogers-Macklem $50 has been issued yet but eventually it will be released
Not yet. Latest prefix is HHA and they are Lane-Macklem signature.
Lane-Macklem $20 FZY spotted on the Bank of Canada Instagram account