CPM Forum
Canadian Notes => Show and Tell => Topic started by: Dean on December 04, 2020, 07:50:32 pm
Note to Admin: please combine my other posts “huge bank haul today” and “ collection dump “ into this thread.
Today, I scored these notes. I just missed the radar in the small run of consecutive $1s! :D
These are great finds "Dean." Makes one wonder if people (& some of them relatives of collectors) are trading their $1 & $2 stashed away since learning the BOC will end their legal tender status. It's hard to believe that people would do that- it's only a few bucks- but there you go! Their loss = your gain. :D
Today’s bank haul...
166 twos, fives, tens and a really nice modified 1954 $50...except someone wrote on the back! 😭
Ugh...heartbreaking on that modified 50. It looks really nice.
Today’s bank haul...
166 twos, fives, tens and a really nice modified 1954 $50...except someone wrote on the back! 😭
Looks like it was used at one time to buy a car in Ontario based on the writing, cool find regardless!
That's a lot of Journey fives you picked up this time, anything special about them or were they just in good condition?
That's a lot of Journey fives you picked up this time, anything special about them or were they just in good condition?
I had requests for some Journey fives from some people so I took the opportunity to take the best ones I could pick from the pile. :) And there was a Birds five with prefix ANU too, so I had to take that one. :D
I kept the three Birds $2 birthday notes aside for people who might want them.
Ugh...heartbreaking on that modified 50. It looks really nice.
Yes, it is too bad, but it is very common to see writing like this on older banknotes. I once picked up a load of old notes from a bank that had somebody's bank account number written on the back of every single note! ???
Today, my bank called and had these notes waiting for me...
Not much, but I will take anything they have to offer!
I had requests for some Journey fives from some people so I took the opportunity to take the best ones I could pick from the pile. :) And there was a Birds five with prefix ANU too, so I had to take that one. :D
I kept the three Birds $2 birthday notes aside for people who might want them.
That makes sense, good catch with the prefix too as it must be tough to remember all the key prefixes of multiple banknote series while you look through the notes.
Today, my bank called and had these notes waiting for me...
Not much, but I will take anything they have to offer!
Maybe not much quantity wise, but that fifty doesn't have writing on it. :D
Finds for December 9th... :)
Slim pickings today... :D
December 11th finds...
Teller finds for December 12th 2020:
Nothing special, but there is a Birds $2 replacement note in there!
The $1000 notes are awfully pretty but you do know you may have trouble cashing them in right?
The $1000 notes are awfully pretty but you do know you may have trouble cashing them in right?
I have never had a problem dealing with any of my banks...
Good Day,
Do you still have the 3 $1000 bills of the Bird's series in your possession? I would like to buy them if they are up for sale?
Best regards, Whitenite
Good Day,
Do you still have the 3 $1000 bills of the Bird's series in your possession? I would like to buy them if they are up for sale?
Best regards, Whitenite
Please send me a PM...
Dec 14 finds...part 1
Dec 14 mother lode part 2
The BEF 10 is a nice find. Not far off of the changeover!
Dec 14 mother lode part 2
In this lot were also 24 2002 AOF prefix Journey $5 notes in UNC, 2 UNC Birds $20 EWP prefix notes as well as a 1954 Devil's face $20. :)
In this lot were also 24 AOF prefix Journey $5 notes in UNC, 2 UNC Birds $20 EWP prefix notes as well as a 1954 Devil's face $20. :)
Vow you are really getting some great stuff. Congrats.
Why are all these notes are being brought in right now?
I saw an older gentleman at the bank bring in a bunch of mc/birds notes the other day lamenting how it made him sad to trade them in. I don't watch the news anymore. Gets my blood pressure running too high. Are they running scare stories to get people to turn in old notes or something???
Why are all these notes are being brought in right now?
I saw an older gentleman at the bank bring in a bunch of mc/birds notes the other day lamenting how it made him sad to trade them in. I don't watch the news anymore. Gets my blood pressure running too high. Are they running scare stories to get people to turn in old notes or something???
The message is that the notes will "lose legal tender status" but people are interpreting this as "becoming worthless". Even the bank tellers say this to me when I ask them for old notes and I have to educate them! ???
Thank you for the clarification. I never really understood what legal tender status implied as there are plenty of businesses who have refused to take old notes or certain denominations for a long time. I don't see how this changes anything at all.
Thank you for the clarification. I never really understood what legal tender status implied as there are plenty of businesses who have refused to take old notes or certain denominations for a long time. I don't see how this changes anything at all.
If I recall correctly, legal tender means that the Government approves the use of a certain medium of payment (coins or bills).
I read somewhere...I can't remember where, that the reason that rolls of coins are in set amounts (50 pennies to a roll for example) is because a merchant can refuse payment under the legal tender rules if someone tries to pay for a purchase with buckets of pennies.
Legal tender status can be removed, i.e. paper money and coins can be "demonetized" but in every case, the obsolete currency can be redeemed either at financial institutions or at the central bank of that country. The obsolete notes never become "worthless" as so many people continue to believe, but they are no longer accepted in everyday transactions.
The Bank of England regularly demonetizes its old banknote series but clearly states that all Bank of England notes remain redeemable at full face value at the offices of the Bank of England in perpetuity.
The whole legal tender debate is moot if a merchant and the customer agree to exchange obsolete coins and banknotes; heck, if someone walked into my store and offered to pay for his purchase with a crisp uncirculated bundle of $1 notes, I wouldn't turn him away! ;D
Dec 15th finds plus...a bonus error note!
From the same bank as the mother lode.
Looks like you got a bit of everything today; notes from most series, 1000$ note, special serial number, tough prefixes, Devil's Face and an error note!
Dec 15th finds plus...a bonus error note!
From the same bank as the mother lode.
Great find. In terms of the error note I agree that it should be error because it is cut out of register. However I thought for it to be of any value and recognized as an error there must be part of another note showing.
December 18th finds:
Nothing special today, but there was one birds 100 dollar note in decent shape.
Finds for December 19th:
I was cautioned that these notes will be “worthless” once again by ill informed bank employees.
But I did get another nice 1954 $1000 note! :)
Dec 21st finds.
105 twos and 118 ones.
December 22nd bank finds:
59 Birds twos, 13 multicoloured twenties, five multicoloured ones, three 1979 fives, one 1972 five, and six 1954 fives.
Best of the lot was an AU $2 Birds replacement note!
Finds for December 23rd
December 30th finds:
Crispy consecutive birds and Journey notes plus some multicoloured notes too!
One lone new year’s eve note picked up today.
A nice 1975 $100 note. 😀
The earlier notes with the 2 letters seem to have more vibrant colours than the later notes of this issue.
The slight green highlight is also more noticeable on the earlier notes.
Finds for January 4th 2021...from one bank.
Dean, do you have special relationships with all of these bank branches to get these hauls? Or do you just walk up cold and ask?
Dean, do you have special relationships with all of these bank branches to get these hauls? Or do you just walk up cold and ask?
I know a few tellers...Sometimes, I go into a branch and ask without knowing anyone. Usually if I do not know the teller, they will brush me off but sometimes, they give me notes once I explain what I am doing.
Or maybe I’m just charming... ;D
{attach:35442}January 5th finds from one of my regular banks.
Finds for Jan 6th. You have to take the bad notes with the good ones...I didn’t want to waste the nice teller’s time by being too picky! ;D
Jan 7th finds...from one bank.
Wow...I thought one bank haul today was good...until bank number 2 called me for a pick up.
Do you see what I see? ??? Is that a Lawson/Bouey EET good over??? Yes it is!
I just noticed this ink smear on the $100 birds OSD. Is it significant enough to be an error?
Man you should buy a lottrey ticket.
Jan 8th finds.
One of my teller contacts called me this morning and said to drop by the branch.
She had these 1954 $1000 notes waiting for me. :)
Jan 8th...an afternoon call from one of my banks yielded ten crisp birds 20s some journey 10s and a multicoloured 10.
Jan 12th finds:
A devil's face $1, a low print run 1954 Beattie Rasminsky *A/B (Torn and taped! >:( )
A $1000 note and a nice group of AU Journey notes, along with some spenders.
Awesome finds. That EET is really something. I wonder if whoever had it knew what they had only to have a clueless family member cleaned out their drawers for them. Keep posting these. Makes my day every time.
Do you keep all the 1000s? If I knew anyone wanted them I had a whole pile of EF/AUs that I had to got rid of recently. I only kept the four nicest ones which ended up grading 66 EPQ ???. Made me think I should have kept more.
Do you keep all the 1000s?
I sell most of what I find and that includes the $1000 notes. $1000 note collectors are few, but there are people who will buy them. :)
Finding a 1935 or 1937 $1000 for face value would be fantastic!
I keep the nicest and rarest stuff for myself though...Including the EET note. :)
Question for the crowd: Is it worth getting the EET note graded professionally?
Jan 13th finds...Light on the paper money, but heavy on the coins!
I got a call from my teller contact this afternoon and he said to come by and check out these "strange" coins someone had turned in.
It turned out to be a small group of nickel dollars and 50 cent pieces! One of the nickel dollars is the 1974 double yoke variety!
The teller also saved 3 birds $50s and $18 worth of customer wrapped penny rolls for me too!
I guess I'll be doing some coin roll hunting during the lockdown. :D
I started searching through the batch of pennies from yesterday's bank pick up and...
I think I found my second-ever 1985 pointed 5 penny!
Sorry about the poor picture...
Jan 14th finds:
Day one of the Province-wide lockdown in Ontario means that everyone is supposed to stay home unless they absolutely must travel for essential purposes only.
Well, one of my teller contacts called me today and said that she had some notes...I call picking up banknotes an essential activity!
Off I went to the bank, and this nice little cache of bills is waiting for me. I took it all so as not to waste the teller's time and on closer inspection, what did I find? Apart from a destroyed 1954 $1 note, there was ANOTHER EET Lawson-Bouey Good Over note in the pile!
This one has a tear in the top margin >:-(, but the paper is in overall better condition than the first EET note I found earlier.
Lightning does strike twice! ???
Together again! :)
I had a whole pile of EF/AUs that I had to got rid of recently. I only kept the four nicest ones which ended up grading 66 EPQ ???. Made me think I should have kept more.
Were your $1000 notes 1954 or were they Birds series?
And yes, I think that a lot of notes get "cashed in" by people who are strapped for cash. Many people are struggling to make ends meet during COVID and it is sad that they have chosen to liquidate their collections at face value rather than do some basic research on the internet or make a quick call to a paper money or coin dealer.
Another vector for note redemption is through estates. It happens often, as you say, where a clueless family member takes grandpa's coin and paper money collection to the bank and cashes it in after he dies.
ANOTHER EET Lawson-Bouey Good Over note in the pile!
Absolutely nuts! I would suggest getting them graded only if you were going to sell them. Even then I don't know if it really matters. Unless you send them to PMG and they grade them VF20!
Were your $1000 notes 1954 or were they Birds series?
The 1000s were all Law-Bo '54s that my jeweler had gotten paid with. Thought about offering them but since Unc's barely sell above face value it didn't seem to be worth the trouble. Also didn't want to deal with the logistics of accepting payments and such.
Absolutely nuts!
Well put! I was shocked to see you score another Lawson-Bouey EET good-over "Dean." Totally awesome (that's what I call "knocking it out of the park" for collector's luck). I also concur with "Al-Bob" in keeping them raw unless you want to risk a BCS grading (but be prepared to have the wind knocked out of your sails! :P) & keep it inexpensive. IMO: if you want to resell those 2 notes its better to keep the buyer guessing at the grade than having either PMG or BCS pin it down for you/them. TPG either one (or both) would only be advisable if you want to make a quick sale.
So, I won't lie, you kind of inspired me to give it ANOTHER shot today at my local branch & try your strategy to ask if they have any old banknotes. Now I gotta tell you that I was pretty skeptical & somewhat nervous b/c all I've ever got from this branch has been GRIEF over our hobby. In fact, I even had to write the manager a letter explaining the paper money hobby to him about 5 years ago just so I could order a brick of Fives (which of course was all ratty, awful Fives after asking for new currency). In short, they have done a lot in order to deter me from getting banknotes (in quantity) from them. But I hear you say, "well man, bank managers change since they pay them so poorly," and yes I thought I'd heck, why not give it another "kick at the can."
And, I actually got a friendly teller who told me that they had some old notes! Eureka! But then he told me that I wouldn't be interested in them b/c they were "old, disgusting and ratty." [Which was no surprise to me since that seems to be the only type of currency these folks at this branch tend to deal with].
So I pressed my luck & said "that's fine, let's see what you got." The nice man counted $54 in ones and twos & boy they were the worse, ugliest rags I ever did see. However, at least I can say I did it & guess what? I even managed to score a $2.00 Beattie-Coyne I/B 8) (but this note is probably Poor to "Good")
I even managed to score a $2.00 Beattie-Coyne I/B 8) (but this note is probably Poor to "Good")
I'm glad that I've ignited the spark for banknote hunting in at least one other collector on this forum. :D
It's always a thrill to get anything from the bank at face value.
I struck out today; 3 different banks, not one note. These were banks that I went in cold and just asked for old money; they were not my "regular" banks.
It may seem that I find stuff every day, but in fact there are LONG stretches of time when I find nothing at all. There was a glut of finds because of the Jan 1st change in legal tender status and now things seem to be cooling down to the occasional find of one or two notes.
The important thing is to keep going to the banks that you have had success in finding old money and coins because the tellers will get to know you as the "collector". Don't let them forget your face!
Best of luck in the hunt,
It may seem that I find stuff every day, but in fact there are LONG stretches of time when I find nothing at all. There was a glut of finds because of the Jan 1st change in legal tender status and now things seem to be cooling down to the occasional find of one or two notes.
The important thing is to keep going to the banks that you have had success in finding old money and coins because the tellers will get to know you as the "collector". Don't let them forget your face!
I used to "recycle banknotes" by withdrawing large amounts & changing them down to smaller denominations. They used to know my face well but nobody works at these branches for very long so many new faces. I just slowly pulled back in 2019 and then rarely went in the past year (due to Covid). I really didn't care what they had (nor what shape it was). It was actually more important for me to just see that they honour my request (& let me buy their old currency) than anything else. I know it takes several trips to score anything significant (from those $ recycle days) so I may try my luck again in the next couple weeks. Now I have to make a trip to a different bank branch to deposit those disgusting ratty old $1 & $2 (except perhaps that beat-up DF $2)
Now I have to make a trip to a different bank branch to deposit those disgusting ratty old $1 & $2 (except perhaps that beat-up DF $2)
I sent you a PM...
Jan 18th find:
My friendly teller saved this $1000 note for me.
Dean what kind of branch(es) are you visiting? Urban? Suburban? Neighbourhood? Downtown business district? Are you more successful at one than at another?
Dean what kind of branch(es) are you visiting? Urban? Suburban? Neighbourhood? Downtown business district? Are you more successful at one than at another?
All of my branches are urban...Downtown Toronto.
I have had ZERO luck at suburban branches in Scarborough, North York, Etobicoke and Thornhill. That said, all of my finds are from FOUR branches of two banks. (two CIBC branches and 2 RBC branches).
I've had no luck with Scotiabank whatsoever. The tellers are very nice at Scotiabank, but they never have old notes (or aren't willing to let me look through them.)
The four branches I frequent have tellers who know me very well and I have been going to these branches for years.
When I do a "cold call" at a bank, I only score old notes maybe once out of every 10 tries.
Good questions "Seth" and enlightening answers "Dean."
I have had ZERO luck at suburban branches
& I just thought it was me! :D This is also reassuring as I live in the "burbs" & find my TD branch very frustrating 90% of the time (considering my history with them/including paying out on a hefty mortgage). On a few occasions a couple years ago, I visited my home branch after I contacted the head teller (for a # of bundles) & while she was icy with me, I was just happy to finally get the type of banknotes I was trying to search. I started a system of canvassing 3 branches so I wouldn't be bothering any one more than once/week. (I never dumped the denomination I was searching back to the same branch I got them from).
I also had a good experience with BMO but that was because I met a nice teller who was interested in helping me out. If I went there without him present (& served by someone else) I got much less cooperation. Even so, he once tried to sell me old bills from the old/damaged purse and the head teller cornered him & said "no-can-do." I also had tellers try to dissuade me from getting bundles of Tens since they "had so few" after I set up requests for them (when I was after the 2018 Commemoratives). They were so quick to be uncooperative that they'd lie about what they had (& didn't have).
I opened a CIBC account & tried my luck (in another burb near my workplace) & had prickly staff from the get-go. I eventually closed my account & told the manager what I thought of their borderline rude service. He didn't seem to care. I often dumped my dud bundles at the branches with these "poor service" branches (recycling up to a higher denomination). All branches seemed to prefer exchanging cash rather than taking out (withdrawing) bundles from an account so I needed to have thousands on hand to do this.
All these -ve experiences were part'n'parcel to why I stopped trying to search bundles. Last week was the 1st time that any branch sold me old notes from their old/damage purse (so that's why I posted my DF find). 8)
All these -ve experiences were part'n'parcel to why I stopped trying to search bundles. Last week was the 1st time that any branch sold me old notes from their old/damage purse (so that's why I posted my DF find). 8)
The lesson here is to keep trying and also when you find a friendly teller, DO NOT let them go.
Try to get their work emails so when and if they move branches, go to see them there too. Gifts of appreciation also go a very long way to getting on the good side of the bank tellers.
That being said, here are my finds for January 19th, from one bank.
Highlights include a 1954 $2 O/G asterisk note, a 1979 516 replacement note and 39 UNC centennial dollar bills.
- MORE great finds Dean! The 1954 *O/G $2 & 1979 $20 replacement are amazing. I also like the looks of the condition of many of them (the higher grade $2.00, Journeys & centennials).
Gifts of appreciation also go a very long way to getting on the good side of the bank tellers.
-Absolutely. ;D I have come back with either 1 or 2 dozen donuts for the TD & BMO branch where that 1 friendly teller helped me. I gave him an old Chartlon GPM catalogue but have lost track where he went (they were always moving him around to different branches).
you find a friendly teller, DO NOT let them go.
- I wish! I guess that's been my weakness as I never have been able to get a teller's contact email or see many who last long at these branches. ::)
I will have to dig up my TD contact cards & see if I can find "Ms. Icy's" phone # & buzz her at my home branch one of these days.
Well, after a couple of days without any finds, I got lucky today.
From one bank, the teller said “I only have two old notes, but you probably won’t want them because they are really folded.”
I asked to see them anyway and...out came a 1937 $50 and a 1954 $20!
The next bank I visited near closing time and I asked the teller if she had any paper money. She said
“I have a few old $100 bills...do you want them?” They turned out to be 1975 $100 notes in nice shape...except one note has a tiny bit of a teller stamp on it.😠
I also got three 2017 $10s...all in all, it was a good day! When a teller offers you a 1937 note, don’t turn it down!
Finds for January 25th:
Centennials, a 54 $1 and $2 and a 1937 $1 note too!
The $2 is almost a radar and the F/P is a short run prefix.
January 27th finds:
Well, there’s a first time for everything...like getting a chartered bank note for face value from a friendly bank teller (and some 1937 notes, a couple of devil’s face $1s and some other nice notes as well!)
Keep trying to rescue these notes...can you imagine these beautiful documents being shredded? I know I can’t!
Jan 29th finds (part 1)
Two banks emailed me today.
The first bank had a bunch of bird series notes. All are in AU/UNC except for the $2; there are some consecutive $5s notably two non test GOG notes.
And the teller also gave me a 1979 $20 to top it off!
Jan 29th finds (part 2)
The second bank yielded five 1979 $20 notes which included two replacement notes! There was one CBN and one BABN replacement each.
Add in a couple of birds $10s and some journey fives, and it was worth the trip!
The teller said to me that he “only had a few 20s...no big deal”. Any time I can get replacement notes for face value, I think it IS a big deal!
Jan 30th finds:
One bank emailed today and gave me a few notes.
I never turn down 1954 notes!
Feb 1st finds
I used my lunch break today to pick up some notes from one of my banks.
The teller had much more, notably some 1975 $50 and $100 bills that I would have taken, but they all had writing on them or had the planchettes removed from them. :(
Nothing too special today, but I did get another 1954 $1000 note. :)
Feb 1st finds part 2:
Another teller called me and said that she got “an old note” and that I needed to come in right away because she was going to ship out all of the mutilated bills today.
I went and retrieved this 1975 $100 note. It’s nothing special, but it is important to keep those contacts alive, especially when they call you!
If you become too picky about the notes you take, then the tellers will stop setting things aside for you.
Happy hunting!
Did you keep the EET $10's or sell them? Curious on value as I have one in similar condition.
Did you keep the EET $10's or sell them? Curious on value as I have one in similar condition.
I kept both EET notes for my personal collection...
Feb 4th finds...from two banks!
The friendly teller from Bank #1 called me and said that someone deposited lots of old $100 notes. Naturally, I went in to check it out and she had $2300 worth of 1975 $100 notes for me to inspect!
I bought the best 5 in the short amount of time I had, and asked the teller to set a few more aside for me to pick up next week.
No sooner do I return home, then bank #2 calls. This bank had $84 in 50 cent pieces and $125 in big dollars!
When I went in, I said that I would buy them all...no questions asked. The staff was gobsmacked that I would do such a thing! When the teller dumped the coins to start counting, I heard the familiar “ping” that only silver can make!
I ended up with all of the nickel coins, some of which looked like they just broke out of uncirculated sets, one American half dollar, two worthless trade dollars from New Brunswick, but most importantly, $5.50 in pre 1967 silver coins, the oldest being a 50 cent coin from 1943!
Being the honest guy I am, I told the teller about the silver...but she said she was not interested in them and would rather give them to me!
All of the staff said that they will save all old coins that come in...if I promise to come right away to get them because they do not want the coins taking up space in their vault. 🙂
Happy hunting!
Need to buy those nice tellers flowers or a gift card!!
Need to buy those nice tellers flowers or a gift card!!
I did! ;)
Feb 8th finds:
Four 1975 $100 notes.
I am truly amazed on what you find. Keep on posting the images as it shows what is still left in the hands of the public!
Feb 11th finds:
Today, one of my friendly banks gave me a bunch of circulated multicoloured and birds notes plus some interesting American bills including some $2 red seals, one of which is a star note!
The highlight of this haul is a birds $100 AJX with a hidden BPN!
Feb 12th finds from two banks...
It’s been a grand day so far...
Highlights of this pick up include:
1954 $20 G/W changeover (small tear in the top margin😡)
1954 modified $100 note
A nice clean 1969 $20
A 1988 $1000 note with a low serial number
A bunch of customer rolled pennies
1991 $20 ESJ changeover and...
Two consecutive 1986 replacement notes...except somebody scrawled the number 35 on one of them! 🤬🤬🤬
The one teller said that “there’s not much today, but come by anyway...”. Then he proceeds to pull out the 1954 notes, the 1969 $20 and the consecutive FNX notes!
He has a knack for understatement...😂
Everything else came from bank #2.
Happy hunting!
Feb 19th finds:
My teller contact had these notes for me after saying that “not much came in this week.”
I will never turn down a chance to pick up some old notes...I did turn down four 1979 $20s because they were torn or had writing on them.
Feb 22nd finds from one bank.
My finds today are a mixed bag. I always take 1954 notes and I got a $2 and a $50.
Some decent multicoloured notes and some birds notes round out the lot.
Highlights include a $2 note that is one digit away from being a radar note and a nice EET $10...but this time, it is NOT a Lawson Bouey good over. :D
My heart stopped for a second when I saw it though!
Feb 25th finds from one bank.
I decided to stop into a branch where I haven’t had much luck and they actually had a nice stash of bills today!
Unfortunately, someone decided to use a sharpie to mark up some of the $10 bills... >:(
One 1954 $2 and a 1975 $50 are the highlights of the lot today. I never seem to be able to find 1975 $50s beyond VF condition. I wonder why that is the case?
Find for February 26th:
Only one lonely birds $100 note, but better than nothing!
February 27th finds from one bank...
I hit the jackpot again...
Highlights include an EFA multicoloured $50, a whole run of AOF Knight/Dodge pre security strip journey $5 notes, which are a short run, with only 3.8 million printed including the 2 digit radar note!, a bunch of early birds series $5 notes, a nice run of consecutive birds $50s and five American $2 notes.
More pics from February 27th finds...
March 4th megascore!
Highlights include some nice multicoloured notes and two consecutive 1975 EHX replacement notes!
It’s too bad...the person who deposited the notes mangled them before surrendering them...I’ll bet that they were uncirculated just a few days ago... :'(
March 5th finds.
The teller from another one of my trusty banks called and said that he was going to ship out a bunch of notes.
This is what I got.
Lots of birds 50s in EF/AU condition, spanning most of the FH...series. Someone could put together a decent prefix set! 😉
There was one birds 10, and a few journey 5s and 10s.
I have noticed a lot of high denomination notes, particularly 50s, and 100s in the last few weeks.
If anyone wants journey 50s or 100s, I have access to piles of them! 😂
March 8th find
Today, I picked up a nice birds $100 from one of my banks. I got the chance to look through 100 bird notes before they were shipped out and this was the best one! 😂. There were no replacements or rare prefixes in the bundle.
I gave this nice teller a Tims gift card for her trouble.
March 11th finds.
Well, there truly is a first time for everything.
In the months since I have been scouring the banks for old notes, I’ve found some pretty neat stuff. But this next find was truly shocking.
The haul was nice, and finding some nice journey 20s along with some multicoloured notes, and some 1954 notes is always satisfying, but when a teller sells you a shinplaster from 1900 for face value, how could anyone turn that down?
The teller said she never saw anything that old before and had to ask the manager whether she could accept it. The manager had to search google to see that the note was indeed legitimate!
I guess the person who deposited the shinplaster really needed that quarter...
March 12th finds:
Another friendly bank teller called me today and said that she saved these notes for me.
She also let me search through the rest of the notes and I pulled out a decent journey $10 and a ratty HAG journey $5 among other things...
I also spotted a counterfeit multicoloured $50 in the mutilated pile and the teller was very appreciative of the information.
March 11th finds.
Well, there truly is a first time for everything.
In the months since I have been scouring the banks for old notes, I’ve found some pretty neat stuff. But this next find was truly shocking.
The haul was nice, and finding some nice journey 20s along with some multicoloured notes, and some 1954 notes is always satisfying, but when a teller sells you a shinplaster from 1900 for face value, how could anyone turn that down?
The teller said she never saw anything that old before and had to ask the manager whether she could accept it. The manager had to search google to see that the note was indeed legitimate!
I guess the person who deposited the shinplaster really needed that quarter...
:o That's a great find, but also sad to realize that note would have been sent to be destroyed had you not gotten to it first. Glad you were able to save it!
March 16th finds.
These notes came from one bank...the teller had 2 envelopes stuffed with $1 and $2 notes, but he said that he wasn’t allowed to give them out “because they were recalled”.
I was disappointed, but before I could leave, he asked me if I wanted to buy some other notes...
These other notes turned out to be 8 1975 $50s, in EF/AU including one really nice HB prefix note, and two EFA prefix notes.
I also managed to score two 1975 $100 notes, and 8 circulated 1979 $20 notes.
So I won’t be getting any more $1s or $2s from this particular branch, but if they keep giving me nice $50s, I’ll be there every day of the week!
March 18th finds:
More high denomination notes.
I picked up some more multicoloured notes today. They’re not in the best shape, but they are still so much better looking than our current plastic money.
There seem to be a lot of $50 and $100 bills being turned in these days.
It’s interesting to find 2 letter prefix notes...they are at least 40 years old, because the triple letter prefix was introduced in 1981.
March 19th finds:
3 more birds $100 notes from a friendly teller at my local bank.
On March 17th, I struck a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow by getting 132 Journey banknotes from my local RBC branch and then I got a call from the local Scotiabank branch with 2 more Journey notes and a 1971 Multicoloured $10. St. Patrick's day was kind to me. I have attached images of these bills. Please enjoy the pictures.
Here is the picture of the 2nd group of Journey $20 with 2 Bird $20's.
March 23rd finds:
One lonely multicoloured $100...
I’ll take it!
I got a call from my local branch of RBC and I got the following collection of notes. Enjoy the pictures.
Finds for March 25th:
Another two letter prefix $100 note. At least 46 years old. And a journey 10 along with three nickel dollars.
March 26th find:
A 1954 $1000 that has definitely seen better days.
I have to say that I am seeing fewer and fewer of these 1954 $1000 notes in the mutilated banknote piles at my banks. 9 out of 10 $1000 notes are the bird series notes.
March 30th finds
Today, I got some interesting notes from two banks.
A trio of $2 bills; of course, I always take any I can find...One 1954, one nice 1986 and a pretty beat up 1974 note. The 1974 note isn't much to look at...Until you inspect it closely. It's a 2 digit radar note!
From bank number 2, I scored a 1969 $20, 4 x Birds $10s, a birds $5 ENA 1st prefix, a birds $20, a birds $100 and one pre security Journey $10. A closer look at the birds $100 reveals that it is a replacement note!
It's too bad that the best two notes in this haul (The $2 radar note and the $100 replacement note) are stained and have writing all over them! :(
They are still cool finds though!
March 30th addendum:
This note is technically not a "find" rather, it is a "save".
My friend was going to cash this 1954 note in to the bank. Rather than see this note shredded, I bought it.
April 1st finds:
I got home late last night and was too tired to post...
Better late than never!
The finds from one bank...a bunch of journey notes, some birds notes and 20 rolls of pennies.
Nothing too special, but when a teller goes out of their way to save stuff for you, it’s a good idea to accept it.
A curious find:
I searched through the penny rolls as shown in the previous post. Inside one of the rolls, I found this coin...
It looks like a delamination error. The coin is tarnished, but I was wondering if this is just environmental damage...
Your thoughts are welcome...
April 5th find:
Nothing much today...
Just one birds $100...but the teller was kind enough to call me, so I bought it.
April 7th finds:
One lonely multicoloured $100 note...
There isn’t much coming from the banks these days, and what is available are generally $50s and $100 notes. Journey $50 and 100 notes are plentiful, and birds $100s are still common in the mutilated bank note piles.
Supplies of $1 and $2 notes have seemingly dried up. We shall see what the future brings...
April 16th finds:
After a long dry spell, one of my banks called up and said that a bunch of $100 notes came in.
I searched $3000 worth of multicolour and birds notes and decided to take these:
Two birds Replacements with hidden bpn, and three really nice 1975 $100s.
April 19th finds:
More $100 notes...
All I seem to be getting from the banks these days are hundred dollar notes...but I’ll take them because it’s important to keep those teller contacts alive!
April 22nd find:
I didn’t find this note at a bank, but I did win it in an auction.
A 1935 French $1...I have been searching for a long time to find one.
April 23rd finds:
One of my teller contacts let me buy three 1975 $100s and five crispy journey $20s...
Not too special, but I can’t turn down a call from the bank!
April 22nd find:
I didn’t find this note at a bank, but I did win it in an auction.
A 1935 French $1...I have been searching for a long time to find one.
Good job, Dean. You could have told us you got it from a bank and would have probably fooled me given everything else you've hauled.
April 28th finds:
Nothing too special today, but I always try to save as many multicoloured notes as I can, especially if they are two letter prefix notes.
The HA $50 dates from 1975 for sure.
And I also picked up a birds $100 in decent shape. (see picture)
Again, only high denomination notes in the haul. I think tough economic times are forcing people to cash in their rainy day funds from the bottom of the sock drawer...
April 28th finds...part 2!
Today got even better when I got an email from one of my banks this afternoon telling me to come in and check out what they had received...
A huge treasure trove of notes, ranging from gem UNC condition down to ratty old spenders!
Best surprise of all was an uncirculated 1973 $1 test note and, if that wasn’t enough, an uncirculated birds $2 replacement note!
Wow...I am blown away at what people are depositing at face value...
Some great looking notes in this lot. Congrats!!
Cheers, Bill
April 29th finds:
Today I got a chance to revisit a branch that I had picked up some notes from earlier in the week.
The teller said that she was going to send out the mutilated bills tomorrow and asked if I wanted to take a second look.
I managed to pick out ten Journey $20s this time around.
May 6th finds:
It’s been a few days since my teller contacts have reached out to me but today I got an email from one of them asking me to come in and check through some notes before they were sent out.
I searched through one bundle each of $100s, $50s, $20s, $10s and $5s and I noted that within those bundles of mutilated notes, most of them were polymers!
I saved the best of the lot...Granted, there wasn’t much in terms of older or rare notes, but along with some decent journey notes, I saved a 1975 $100 note with prefix JC and a short run journey $100 note, prefix BJZ.
May 15th finds::
One of my banks offered me this little group of notes today.
Five Lawson/Bouey 1979 $20s, a nice 1975 $100 and journey $50, a nice birds $100 and an American $2.
Finds have been slower as of late and I was happy to accept these notes.
May 18th finds: Yet another collection dump.
A teller contacted me today and said that I should drop by the branch because someone had turned in “a bunch of really crispy notes.”
I was not expecting this...
A *MR from 1973
Two consecutive *B/M modified $1 notes from 1954 AND two consecutive *B/M notes from 1967!
12 gem UNC consecutive 1973 $1.
5 regular serial number 1967 notes, (2 consecutive)
8 1867-1967 notes.
Three 1954 $1 notes.
A 1954 $2 in EF condition, (this was the lowest grade note in the lot!)
Seven 1974 $2...( two consecutive three letter prefix notes and five of them are 2 letter prefixes!)
I asked the teller to contact me right away if any more notes like this come in; she said she would...
According to the teller, “some older man” came in and deposited all of these notes.
I am blown away once again by what people are depositing at face value...
Nice unc repeater from the atm today
May 22nd finds:
The teller at the bank where I got my finds on May 18th called me back and said that the same “older gentleman” deposited a few more “really crispy notes”.
This is what I picked up.
This is what I picked up.
-you're on another roll: congrats on such great FV pick ups!
Nice unc repeater from the atm today
-looking good 'AlbertaGuy!'
June 10th finds:
Well, after over two weeks with absolutely no finds, I was beginning to think that the party was over…until I went into one of my regular banks and picked up these notes:
A birds $20, two 2001 $10 notes, one of which is an FDZ sheet replacement note signed by Knight & Thiessen and the other is also a replacement note from the FEC prefix!
The topper today was a birds $5 marked with whereswilly.com.
I entered the information and my hit was the first and only hit in the 18+ years since the person entered the bill into the system! The bill originated in Hamilton and was first entered in February, 2003!
The hunt is back on…
June 11th finds:
When it rains, it pours!
I got a call from one of my banks today to come and see some “old banknotes that are in really nice condition” as the teller described them to me.
I was blown away by this lot…24 uncirculated multicoloured $1 notes, 16 of which are the BFC prefix. The neat thing about these notes is that someone saved pairs of notes so the second last digit of the serial number is 0, 1, 2,3,…all the way to 9.
The other prefixes in this find are BCW (two of these) ACW (four of these, one of which has an ink smear that looks like it is from the original printing process) and ACJ (two of these).
I wonder why I am seeing so many uncirculated notes being turned in lately. It is not a coincidence because this lot was picked up from a different bank than the other UNC notes that I have found.
I have a feeling that many collections are being emptied out as the pandemic rages on and some people have no choice but to cash in notes that they have held on to for decades for only face value. On a more sinister note, I wonder if some of these notes were stolen from collections and then deposited?
It’s sad to think that these notes were once treasured by somebody and it makes my quest to rescue paper money from the banknote redemption process that much more important.
-Great finds & thanks for keeping us posted.
I have a feeling that many collections are being emptied out as the pandemic rages on and some people have no choice but to cash in notes that they have held on to for decades for only face value.
-I'm sure you right- in that these older series you're getting must be from collections or SDB or someone who was about to start a collection. It could also be a parent of a departed university student (spring clean up), a partner (etc) of someone who would never see them as collectible who's depositing them. To those who don't collect, "it's only money."
Yesterday, I thought I'd try my luck with a friendly teller at my branch & asked if he had any banknotes returned (paper) recently and of course the answer was 'no.' As I left, I was a bit shocked that one of the customer service reps overheard me & then offered to call me if she had anything come in. I doubt it will actually materialize, but it was a nice gesture (the thought that counts). I'm still working on trying to get some of the staff to help out but its been an uphill battle with so many new staff (high turn-over rate).
And today, I took out 50 Tens and one was FFC 6666966 (near solid) & the other a repeater so I was pretty happy with that (as I can go months without anything).
I was blown away by this lot…24 uncirculated multicoloured $1 notes, 16 of which are the BFC prefix. The neat thing about these notes is that someone saved pairs of notes so the second last digit of the serial number is 0, 1, 2,3,…all the way to 9.
From experience I've learnt that when you see unc notes and they have a repeating skip pattern then its usually come from an estate settlement or some such divining up of the collection. In this case, the person doing the diving would divide up the pile by doling out two to each of the recipients of which I would guess there were 5 at this event.
I've seen this and had a few occasions where each of the recipients eventually came in after the settlement of a will and I was able to reconstitute the bundle or the run of notes.
June 16th finds…part 1
I managed to get a whole slew of notes from two banks.
The first bank yielded a wide assortment of notes; from 1954 modified all the way up to a couple of journey notes. The highlights of this lot were several birds $2 in AU, two 1973 $1 replacement notes, a birthday note (1911983…January 19, 1983) and a 1954 $1000 note.
Of course, the $1000 note has two staple holes in it. I have a feeling that tellers used to staple $1000 notes together when they were received to prevent losing them. I have seen several $1000 notes that have been stapled and it is not common to see staple holes in other denominations.
Part 2 follows…
June 16 finds part 2:
My pickup from the second bank of the day was less impressive but interesting in its own way. The teller told me that the person who deposited the notes “didn’t even take them out of the plastic”. Most of the notes are in clear plastic sleeves and this lot was most likely deposited by a collector who is paring down the lower grade “spenders “ out of his collection.
The highlight of this lot was a 1954 $5 note.
June 25th finds:
My local bank did not disappoint me today. My friendly teller not only gave me a “bunch of ones and twos” (in her words), but also said “I have a hundred rolls of pennies if you want them”.
I took 50 rolls of pennies with the notes and I also asked if she had any $10 notes. In her register, the teller gave me six 2017 commemoratives, one of which is worn, but the other five are AU/UNC. There was one nice 2013 polymer ten in the pile so I took it as well.
The teller promised to keep the other 25 rolls of pennies for my next visit. I forgot how heavy they were!
The paper notes are spenders and I’d say that the highlight of this lot is the group of nice 2017 $10s. One of the $1 notes had someone’s name written on it. See my other topic “banknotes with a story” for my thoughts on that note…
June 29th finds:
Well, the banknote gods smiled on me today…
I braved a torrential downpour in a thunderstorm to travel to one of my banks and I was rewarded with 25 consecutive 1974 $2 notes.
They are absolutely stunning and they have the ARD prefix which was the second last prefix of these notes to be printed.
July 8th finds:
I returned to my local bank to retrieve the remaining penny rolls that the teller was saving for me and she surprised me with these additional bank notes.
Nothing too special, but I did get five nice birds $20s and a 1954 modified $10 as highlights of this lot.
July 16th finds:
A load of high denomination notes and a radar!
Well, the banknote gods smiled on me today. I went to see one of my bank tellers and when I got to the branch, he said that “someone had just deposited a whole bunch of old $100s today”.
I searched through his entire stack of culls and pulled 17 multicoloured $100s, some birds 100s and a few journey $5s and $10s. To top it off, he had six rolls of pennies too! I turned down 15 more multicoloured $100s because they were torn and had writing on them.
The highlight of this lot is a 3 digit radar journey $5 in uncirculated condition.
July 19th finds:
It’s raining $1 notes!
One of my regular banks called me today and the teller told me to come in and “check out this huge pile of one dollar bills that a customer just deposited”.
Well, I had to check it out and I was not disappointed!
The score consisted of 230 1973 $1 notes, 200 of which were consecutive, 14 x 1867-1967 centennial notes, 5 regular numbered centennial notes and 14 1954 modified $1 notes.
If that wasn’t enough, the teller also gave me a birds $1000 and a birds $20.
It’s hard to choose a highlight from this lot, but it would have to be the 200 consecutive notes.
The teller counted them by hand when she accepted them from the customer and then counted them by hand again when she gave them to me. That’s why the notes don’t have paper straps around them…the teller put the consecutive notes into an envelope instead! She said that this “old guy” has been depositing a lot of old cash and that she had given me what he deposited during previous pick ups. This might explain why I got so many uncirculated notes from this branch in the past.
The teller said that she would look out for this “old guy” and will call me again if he ever deposits more notes.
Needless to say, I thanked this teller with a nice Tim’s gift card…
I am once again blown away by what people are depositing to the banks…
July 19th finds:
It’s raining $1 notes!
One of my regular banks called me today and the teller told me to come in and “check out this huge pile of one dollar bills that a customer just deposited”.
Well, I had to check it out and I was not disappointed!
The score consisted of 230 1973 $1 notes, 200 of which were consecutive, 14 x 1867-1967 centennial notes, 5 regular numbered centennial notes and 14 1954 modified $1 notes.
If that wasn’t enough, the teller also gave me a birds $1000 and a birds $20.
It’s hard to choose a highlight from this lot, but it would have to be the 200 consecutive notes.
The teller counted them by hand when she accepted them from the customer and then counted them by hand again when she gave them to me. That’s why the notes don’t have paper straps around them…the teller put the consecutive notes into an envelope instead! She said that this “old guy” has been depositing a lot of old cash and that she had given me what he deposited during previous pick ups. This might explain why I got so many uncirculated notes from this branch in the past.
The teller said that she would look out for this “old guy” and will call me again if he ever deposits more notes.
Needless to say, I thanked this teller with a nice Tim’s gift card…
I am once again blown away by what people are depositing to the banks…
Update: July 23rd…
I searched through the 200 consecutive notes, looking for the “small B” variety. (Thanks to Cbeaulieu for the heads up!). Unfortunately, all of the serial numbers were the “big B” type, but I did find a BAX replacement note in the sequence!
I did not notice it when the teller was counting out the notes!
It is so cool that after 30 plus years, this replacement note is still in its original position in the bundle!
BFF 2546615 was the defective note.
July 23rd find:
I stopped into my regular bank to withdraw some normal spending money and the nice teller showed me three 1975 $100 notes. I took the best one and left the other two that were heavily soiled and worn.
It has some hard creases and I’ll bet that they were inflicted just recently by someone counting the notes prior to deposit.
It always made me cringe to watch people crumple brand new paper notes back in the day… :-[
PS: Yes, I still use cash! :D
July 26th finds:
I decided to stop in at a random bank while out running errands today. The friendly teller offered me five birds $20 notes in AU condition and a pair of uncirculated journey $20s.
I also stopped by the post office and picked up my latest purchase…A $1 bank note sheet that I bought for a VERY reasonable price.
July 27th finds:
The bank that yielded my finds on July 19th called me back today and the teller said that “the same old man from last week just deposited a bunch more $1s.”
I immediately went to the branch and picked up 198 $1 notes, most of which were uncirculated.
The interesting thing was that these notes were from the same brick as the 200 consecutive notes I found in the previous week.
All notes were from the BFF series (all “big B” type) but there were shorter runs of consecutive notes for a total of 198.
Curiously, there was one single note in the lot and one run that had a note missing (BFF2546000-2546076…note #2546075 was missing.)
An educated guess was that there was a replacement note where the missing note was in the original bundle that had been removed.
As shown in a previous post, I did find a replacement note in one of the consecutively numbered bundles that came from the same brick as these notes.
I did not show every single note in this lot because I wanted to minimize handling of the paper but I did show the first and last notes of each run.
July 19th and 27th $1 notes together again…398 of them!
A partial reunion of the brick…🤣
August 1st:
I went to the post office to pick up this note that I purchased for my collection today. It’s a low numbered multicoloured $1 from the first ever brick of notes issued in 1973!
August 9th finds:
Today’s finds from one bank were a mixed bag; but there were some really nice notes in this lot including consecutive journey $5s and a really nice JA multicoloured $100 note.
I managed to score a $1000 birds note today and I have noticed that there are fewer of them in the cull piles at the banks lately.
There is one circulated BFF 1973 $1 note. This is interesting because of my previous finds of large runs of consecutive BFF series notes. Maybe I should start collecting $1 notes from the BFF prefix! 🤣
August 26th finds:
After many days with no finds, a local bank surprised me with this nice little group of notes.
I was very pleased to pick up a 1937 $5, a nice 1979 $5, a 1954 modified $20 repeater note and a nice birds $2 as highlights of this lot.
August 27th finds:
I paid a visit to one of my regular banks and managed to rescue a bunch of notes and $8.50 in penny rolls!
Highlights of this lot include nine consecutive journey $50s…(remember when these notes were as common as sand?), a nice group of pre security journey $10s, some nicer birds $20s and $100.
The notes are still out there…you just have to go out and get them!
Happy hunting!
August 31st finds:
I dropped by one of my regular banks today and the teller said that she only had a few things.
I scored four nickel dollars, three fifty cent pieces and a 2017 $10.
September 2nd finds:
One of my banks called me and said that there was a load of old notes that had come in today. When I went in to pick them up, I was pleasantly surprised by the quality and variety of this haul. It appears to be a collection dump because there were:
114x 1973 $1s in EF to UNC condition, 52 birds $2s in the same condition, a journey $20, a 1969 $20, two modified 1954 $20 and three 1937 $20s!
Highlights of this lot in my opinion are the 1937 $20s, and the ten EAK prefix $1 notes which are lithographed back notes in the 3-4 million number range. Also interesting is the 1937 $20 with a date stamp of January 6th, 1956 which is after the 1954 modified portrait notes were released into circulation.
This goes to show you that notes from previous series endured in circulation long after a new series was introduced. It must have been an interesting time to be checking your change…one could find devil face notes, 1937 notes and maybe the occasional 1935 series note in circulation back in the mid 1950’s!
My theory is that somebody put away a few notes here and there when they got crispy money from the bank. Maybe someone socked away a few of the older series notes when they got one from the bank or in change. Who really knows? But it is fascinating to think about the reasons why these bank note have survived this long…
September 13th finds:
Lots and lots of $100 notes, a nice $1000 and $2s galore!
All came from one bank. Highlights of this lot include a journey $100 3 digit radar, short run journey $100 prefixes EJZ and BJZ, consecutive runs of journey $100s and a nice birds $1000.
September 26th find: a collection purchase!
I managed to acquire this small collection over the weekend. The lady was going to cash most of the paper money and coins in at the bank!
While I was looking at the notes, she brought out more coins and I ended up buying everything!
This haul includes Canadian and US silver, US clad half dollars and red seal $2 notes, Canadian nickel 50 cent and $1 coins, RCM specimen sets from 1998 and 99the 1998 90th anniversary proof coin set, a millennium quarter set, centennial $1 notes, birds $2 notes and 1973 $1s, US buffalo nickels, a large US cent, Canadian cents both small and large, tombac nickels, George V nickels, 12 sided nickels, a Newfoundland cent and 1937 bank of Canada notes.
Perhaps the highlight of the lot is a complete cent collection that includes the 1923 and 1925 cents!…Somebody even wrote prices beside these two cents in the album…
There is even a coin set from 1973 but the quarter is missing…I’ll bet it was a large bust!
Oh well, you can’t win them all, eh?
September 28th find:
Loads of 1954 $1s!
I barely recovered from my weekend collection purchase, but I decided to drop in to one of my banks and they surprised me with 31 1954 modified $1 notes!
October 1st finds: Another collection dump!
Well, this is the best lot I have gotten from a bank in a long time!
My eyes widened when I saw all of the nice birds notes, centennials and crispy new 1979 $5s…but my jaw hit the floor when the 1937 $2s came out and a circulated EXA $1 test note!
It is surely a collection dump…One does not find random 1937 notes in that condition in the mutilated pile of a bank!
Not a face value find, but I did purchase these two awesome notes for my collection…
A 1937 $5 with handwriting
A low number 1969 $20 from the first ever brick!
I now own a multicoloured $1 and $20 from the very first batch of those notes ever released.
October 25th find…I hit the jackpot again…
I managed to score this nice lot of banknotes and two rolls each of the insulin toonies and Klondike loonies.
When I searched through the mutilated pile, there were some really nice 1975 $100s, a bunch of journey $5s in nice condition as well as some nice journey $10s, among other things.
I decided to take a pair of circulated, but consecutive journey $10s, FDT prefix notes. Then I turned them over, one of the notes had the manuscript signature of Gordon Thiessen, former Governor of the Bank of Canada, written on it!
If that weren’t enough, I also found a Knight Thiessen FDZ journey $10 sheet replacement note in Choice UNC!
I think that someone dumped another collection…how else could an autographed banknote and a perfect replacement note have ended up in the mutilated pile at the bank?
It is amazing that so many people just deposit notes without at least searching stuff up on Google. This makes me fear for my own collection once I am gone...
October 26th finds:
Another day, another collection dump…
Today, another one of my teller contacts and told me that she had a bunch of really nice $1 notes.
I picked up 28 uncirculated 1973 $1s and a couple of 1971 $10s in really nice shape!
I want to be Dean. ;)
I want to be Dean. ;)
Me too !!! :D
November 12th finds…part 1
I had calls from two banks today. The first haul must have been a collection dump because most of the notes are crisp uncirculated. The only exception ws one note that is EF but it is almost a radar…only off by two notes!
I did notice that on the triple letter prefix Lawson signed notes in the AAY series, the first A prefix letter is clearly smaller than the second A. Is this noteworthy? I have not seen a “small A” variety reported in the Charlton Catalogue.
Part 2 to follow.
Enjoy the pictures!
November 12th finds part 2…
Well, the second bank provided me with another motherlode of notes, spanning several series and a whole range of condition.
The highlights of this haul were:
A devil’s face $1 signed by Coyne & Towers
A nice birds $1000 note
A birds $20 replacement note AIX with serifs
A centennial $1 N/O series asterisk note
A birds $5 ANH signed by Bonin & Thiessen
Several 1954 notes in very nice shape, a couple of them in UNC
And an unfortunate $1 note covered in packing tape. Why do people do this to perfectly good bills?
I am barely taking this all in.
Happy hunting…the notes are out there!
Enjoy the pictures,
November 15th finds:
Today, I stopped by a branch that I had not visited in months…the friendly teller gave me these notes
Nothing too special today; a nicer journey $20 was the highlight of this lot.
Of note are the two destroyed $1 bills. These are probably “friendship notes” which are torn in half and kept between friends.
One of the notes has been taped back together while The other one is missing the other half…or they could be plain old torn up notes. Who knows?
You have to take the good with the bad, I guess!😂
November 21st finds…
Party like it’s 1967!
Yesterday, the friendly teller at one of my banks gave me twelve 1867-1967 Centennial notes.
I think that they came in as UNC, but got banged up in the mutilated pile… :'(
Most tellers use an envelope to store mutilated bank notes and then they save them up before a final accounting is done in the cash cage.
November 22nd finds:
A friendly teller left me a message today, advising me that she had some “really crisp bills”.
This lot consisted of several nice bird series $50s, $20s and even three twos!
Some nice runs of consecutively numbered journey $10s and $20s were up for grabs too!
I seem to be finding a lot of journey $10s these days, particularly pre security $10s…FDT prefix. I think that everyone put these notes aside back in the day and they are being turned in now.
The highlight of this haul is the consecutive runs of pre security strip journey $10s and a $2 birds EBX replacement note…with the corner ripped off of it! 🤬
ADDENDUM November 23rd: On closer inspection, the consecutive BEY journey $10s are printed in 2004... ???
December 6th finds:
One of my teller contacts had seven 1973 $1s in AU condition waiting for me today.
It’s always nice to get more of these $1 notes!
December 9th finds:
Multicolour bonanza!
I went to one of my regular banks to do other business and I saw my teller contact. He called me over to the cash cage and let me look through the mutilated pile.
I pulled out a bunch of multicoloured notes, a consecutive pair of journey $5s, a bird $5 and a birds $50 with a low-ish serial number.
Overall a good haul…especially seeing a 1972 $5! They are few and far between.
I felt like a time traveller as I watched the teller count these vintage notes in front of me. 😄
Oh, I also picked up $21 in customer wrapped penny rolls…I wonder what lies inside?
Hello Dean!
I have to say thank you for all thoses nices photos ??? since the beganning of your post,
may i ask, do you keep all thoses bills or you return to the banks the ones you dont likes,
i am suprised of yours olds bills findings in 2021,
PLS do continue to post oldies, im sure im not alone, very nice,
thanks again, :)
may i ask, do you keep all thoses bills or you return to the banks the ones you dont likes
Hello slackjack,
I keep some of what I find and sell the rest. Occasionally, I might return the odd note if I don’t sell it, but I keep all multicolour series and earlier notes.
December 22nd: Possibly the biggest haul of my life...
Last week, a contact of mine from the East Coast sent me a frantic message. He said that when he went to the bank to pick up a few boxes of coins for coin roll hunting that the head teller told him that "an old lady just came in and deposited $60,000 in old bank notes."
When I asked him what there was, he said "all sorts of notes; and there is a run of 50 x 1954 $1000s that has never been circulated!"
Well, that was it; I asked my contact to buy as much as he could. The transactions took place over two days and I was able to score some of the old lady's hoard.
Highlights include:
21 x consecutive Lawson-Bouey 1954 $1000 notes plus one single UNC 1954 $1000
(My contact actually purchased 32 out of the 50 available notes and I bought 22 of them from him.)
1937 $1s, 5, 10 and $20
A whole bunch of multicoloured and 1954 series $1s, $2s, $5s, $10s $20s $50s and $100s; many of which are in high grades,
A high grade 1972 *SB asterisk note and a circulated *HB asterisk $50
An ADX Birds replacement $10
A circulated birds $5 3 digit radar
and a circulated 1954 $1 with no serial numbers. The note is in heavily circulated condition but the microprinting on the background is still there. **I am fully aware that these errors can be faked**
*Full disclosure* I did not find this hoard myself and I did pay my contact a "finder's fee" for saving these notes from the shredder.
A closer look at some of the gems from the mega hoard. :)
December 23rd finds:
Well, this find is nowhere near the mega score I published yesterday, but today, a friendly teller at my local bank gave me five circulated birds $2 notes.
Back to reality! :D
January 10th finds:
I picked up 22 uncirculated 1973 $1s from the bank today.
No repeated prefixes in this lot makes me think that somebody deposited a collection.
January 24th 2022 finds:
Slim pickings…
Today, the friendly teller at my local bank gave me a 1975 $100, journey $10 and a roll of pennies.
I’m always grateful for whatever I can save from destruction at the banks but I have noticed that the volume of paper money at my regular banks has decreased significantly and of the paper notes, the majority of mutilated notes are birds and journey &50s and $100s.
February 1st 2022 finds:
Well, this month got off to a good start. I had to go to the bank today, and usually the beginning of the month is a bad time to do in person banking because all of the seniors deposit their pension cheques.
Well, I had to stand in line for half an hour. The person in front of me was an elderly woman and when it was her turn at the teller, took out an envelope and asked whether she could “turn in these old bills”.
When it was my turn, I asked my teller if I could buy all of the notes that the old lady had just turned in. So, the teller reached over and told the other teller that she was going to sell the notes to me! So I ended up with 81 birds $2s and a single birds $5.
Of note were three AUG and two AUJ prefix notes. Unfortunately, they are all signed Crow/Bouey.
There are also numerous $2s in the BB..series, none of which have mismatched “large and small B”.
If I had to choose a highlight of this lot, it would be the BBP note with “small Bs”
February 2nd 2022
Today, I welcomed the newest addition to my collection. I purchased five consecutive 1937 $1s.
They are absolutely stunning! They are as crisp and clean as the day they were printed.
Why doesn’t the Bank of Canada put more traditional elements into today’s banknotes? Why does everything have to be sleek and modern?
Feb 1st unexpected find:
My friend offered me this lot of banknotes that she said she found in a folder when cleaning out her mother’s house.
I bought them, of course. I paid over face value for this lot because it was the right thing to do.
Highlights of this lot include:
A 1973 $1 asterisk note *AA
19 consecutive centennial notes 1867-1967
Some regular serial numbered centennial notes.
Feb 7th 2022 finds:
One of my regular banks had a few notes for me today. Of course, I couldn’t turn them down!
Not much in terms of quantity, but there were a couple of nice journey $10s (the BTF $10 is dated 2005) a nice birds $10 and a nice birds $2.
February 1st 2022 finds:
Well this month got off to a good start. I had to go to the bank today, and usually the beginning of the month is a bad time to do in person banking because all of the seniors deposit their pension cheques.
Well, I had to stand in line for half an hour. The person in front of me was an elderly woman and when it was her turn at the teller, took out an envelope and asked whether she could “turn in these old bills”.
When it was my turn, I asked my teller if I could buy all of the notes that the old lady had just turned in. So, the teller reached over and told the other teller that she was going to sell the notes to me! So I ended up with 81 birds $2s and a single birds $5.
Of note were three AUG and two AUJ prefix notes. Unfortunately, they are all signed Crow/Bouey.
There are also numerous $2s in the BB..series, none of which have mismatched “large and small B”.
If I had to choose a highlight of this lot, it would be the BBP note with “small Bs”
Feb 1st $2 close up photos for Claude…
Prefix BG- as requested.
Feb 8th finds:
I got really lucky today. One of my branches that doesn’t usually have many finds came through for me. I picked up 52 x 1973 $1s, most of which are uncirculated.
I got 8 x 1974 $2s, two of which are uncirculated, and 43 x 1986 $2s, the majority of which are uncirculated.
Also in this lot is a nice birds $50, a nice journey $5, a journey $100 with prefix BJZ, (short run), two 1972 $5s, a birds $10 and a birds AIX $20 and ARX $2 replacement notes.
I will show the pictures in multiple posts this time, so I apologise in advance! :D
First up…the $1 notes.
Feb 8th finds continued…
The $2 notes…For Claude!
Feb 8th…more $2s…
Feb 8th…
I found it interesting that one of the 1974 $2 notes was cut out of register. I enjoy finding notes like this!
Feb 9th find:
I stopped by one of my banks today. They didn’t have much, only a few tattered polymer notes and two paper journey $50s. I ended up taking the better of the two notes and it happens to be a short run AHR prefix note.
Feb 15th find:
Not what you might expect…
My banks have been running dry with respect to paper money finds but on a routine withdrawal from a bank machine, I managed to score this well circulated polymer $20 note with a misaligned digit.
Not too exciting for most collectors, but someone out there might enjoy seeing it.
Feb 17th finds:
I have hit a bit of a dry spell with my note hunts. A few of my reliable tellers have received promotions or have moved branches.
So I have had to begin scouting out new bank branches. 9 times out of 10, I get nothing but I stopped by a new branch today, fully expecting nothing. I made a regular cash withdrawal and asked for old notes or coins. The teller advised me that they ship out mutilated notes on Thursdays so I figured I just missed another motherlode.
It was then that I noticed the business teller line had nobody waiting so I asked this person if he had any old notes. He went into the vault and came back with two 1975 $100 notes. They are heavily circulated, but I bought them anyway because this person was a new contact and I didn’t want him to think that I was wasting his time.
The best part is that he gave me his business card and promised to email me if any more stuff comes in.
February 26th finds:
My search for new bank contacts continues…
I managed to make another contact today at an RBC branch.
This teller was nice enough to retrieve some mutilated notes from the vault. He was genuinely surprised that anybody scrounges for notes and coins from the bank. He asked me how I do it and I told him that I have been collecting since I was a little kid and that my first finds as an 8 year old beginning collector came from a friendly bank teller.
In addition to these two 1975 $100s, were a handful of bird $50s and a few birds $100s, all in very poor condition.
I bought these two $100s so I could establish a relationship. They have no premium over face value, but I got the teller’s contact information and he said that he would contact me if any old notes or coins came in.
March 12 finds:
I tried going to a couple of new bank branches today.
Both banks paid out!
Bank #1 gave me two rolls of pennies…not much of a score, but this was a Scotiabank branch and I have never received anything from Scotiabank, ever.
Bank #2: RBC…The teller let me look through two envelopes of mutilated notes. There were lots of journey $5s, $10s and $20s, but they were really dirty ragged and truly unfit for circulation. I picked the two best $5s; a journey and a birds note.
I saw the high number on the journey $5 and took it on the hope that it might be a replacement note but it is not.
Oh well, it’s all part of the fun!
Update March 14th 2022: The two rolls of pennies I picked up are both entire rolls of 1967 centennial cents!
March 14th finds:
Diamonds in the rough?
I managed to score a big pile of notes today. Unfortunately, most of them are low grade “spenders” but there are some diamonds in the rough. Can you spot them? :)
March 14th finds continued…More diamonds to be found?
Just like Dean, I have been asking my local branches for paper banknotes and I got a call on March 4 from the RBC branch in Almonte, Ontario that the following notes were deposited. I was amazed to get 7 UNC 1867 - 1967 $1 banknotes as well as Bird $5 with a HNA prefix and an UNC Journey $5 with a heavy 8 imprint. I also took a the rest of their Journey Notes as you never know that you might come across a replacement note. Enjoy the pictures and if you are interested in any notes, please PM me.
I got another call on March 12th from the Royal Bank branch in Carleton Place, Ontario where I picked up a number of Bird banknotes and a Journey banknote. Apparently, the teller told me that an older gentleman brought these notes and he has been keeping since the 1990's. Many of the notes are of prefixes which started the Bird $50 and $100 especially a number of AJN notes. There was one UNC $50 note with the prefix EHT. The Journey note is interesting but it is not a replacement note but pretty close to the top of the range. Anyways, if anyone is interested in these notes please PM me.
March 16th finds:
Time to party like it's 1937!
I received a call from one of my branches today. The teller said "you should come to the branch; somebody just deposited a bunch of really old bills".
This is what I got:
a bunch of 1937 $10s, $20s and a $1, plus some 1954 modified $1s and $2s dating from the early 1970s.
Interestingly, there is writing on the back of some of the 1954 notes and a "paid" stamp on one of the 1937 $10s.
I will comment on these notes in my other thread "Banknotes with a story..."
March 18th finds:
A slow day at the bank today…A friendly teller gave me one lonely journey $5, but you should never turn down notes from a new contact.
The numbers are a bit smudged, but not enough to matter.
March 24th finds:
As one door closes, another one opens.
Today, I returned to a branch that has given me a lot of great banknotes. The teller who used to give me the old notes has since been promoted and I was forced to start from scratch. Fortunately, the remaining tellers remembered who I was and they allowed me to buy some mutilated notes with the promise of ontacting me when they get more.
My haul today includes some journey $10s, with and without the security strip, a birds $50 and seven 2002 dated 50 cent pieces.
The highlight of this lot is a “broken ladder” serial number FEB 7658432
Here are my finds from March 19 where the Journey $50 note is in AU shape and the rest of have seen some circulation. Enjoy the pictures.
March 29th finds:
You can't save them all...
I went to a branch that I hadn't visited in a couple of months. The friendly teller let me look through the mutilated notes and this time, there wasn't much to look at. There were a lot of really bad polymer notes, many journey $20s in bad condition, a few journey $50s, $5s and $10s and even five $1000 notes.
Of the $1000 notes, there was one 1954 Modified Lawson Bouey signed note in really bad shape and torn and four Birds $1000s, again in VG/F at best.
As much as it pained me to turn away these $1000 notes, I couldn't justify taking them.
I did manage to salvage one journey $50 in decent shape because it has a cool serial number, almost a radar AHM0888887 (with a small tear) and one American $2!
Oh well, I guess something is better than nothing, right?
April 2nd finds:
2 banks, 2 scores!
I went to 2 banks today and I managed to pick up a few paper notes.
Bank #1: The teller was nice enough to retrieve $350 worth of old journey & birds notes from the safe. I bought them all since I did not know him and he was nice enough to go out of his way for me.
This haul included
1 birds $100, 2 birds $50s (one in terrible shape that will be going back to the bank), five journey $20s, four journey $10s and 2 journey $5s*
Originally, the teller had given me 5 x journey $10s, one without the security strip, prefix FEE. On closer inspection, it turned out to be a counterfeit note! The ink was runny and it had water stains where the ink had come off. This is a note of caution to all bank note hunters to be on the alert for fake notes when you are picking up bank notes...Even the tellers at the bank are fooled!
When I told the teller that the $10 note was fake, he immediately exchanged it for 2 x journey $5s.
Bank #2: This was a BMO...I don't even have an account with them, but I thought I'd go in cold and ask. Well, it paid off this time because the teller gave me one birds $100 and a worn 1954 $20!
While today's finds aren't really special, it just goes to show you that the notes are still out there, if you're willing to look for them.
If you look closely at the birds $100s, does anybody else notice a change in the intensity of the brown ink between the AJ- and BJ- series? The later Birds $100s seem more heavily inked than the earlier ones.
April 9th finds:
Another diamond in the rough.
I went to one bank today and they offered me some paper money. The teller tried to talk me out of taking them because she said they are "in really bad shape". She was correct; most of them are truly worthy of the shredder, but there was one decent birds $2 and a Coyne-Towers signed 1954 Devil's face $10 changeover note, series E/D.
You never know what's hiding in these mutilated bank note piles...
April 13th find:
No vintage notes today, but I scored a 4 digit radar note from a cash withdrawal today.
April 15th finds:
The finds from my banks have been drying up, but it seems like the finds are beginning to pour out of the ATM!
I got a 2017 commemorative $10 in nice shape, FTH and FTN short run 2013 series $10s and a polymer $100 replacement note!
When one door closes, another one always opens…
The question is: are polymer notes worth keeping?
The question is: are polymer notes worth keeping?
- I think that they have to be in pretty good condition to keep unless ultra rare: like the Macklem-Carney FTH $10 (though Charlton nor the price panel seem to think so but only 13 notes reported), the BSW $20, the AMK $50 & the EKZ $100. Even the EKY $100, the M-C GHD $50 (change-over) & the W-P FVP $20 (change-over) are all tough & would be nice to have in VF to AU.
I think the CDF Commemorative & the Wilkins-Poloz FFE $10 will be good to keep in UNC (& its likely the high IND $5 with the Wilkins-Macklem signature) are going to be keepers too. Then any special serial numbers are nice (polymer or not).
You have had some amazing hauls Dean (especially those 37's and DF's). I know I would be pretty happy if I had a fraction of what you've recovered. It doesn't really matter how nice I ask they always look at me like I've just asked whether I can have a sleep-over in their vault (& it just ain't going to happen). In fact, the nice guy who let me go through their damaged pouch ONCE -I have never seen there again! :'(
April 25th find:
I seem to be getting more finds from the ATM these days rather than the mutilated note piles, but today, I got another polymer $100 sheet replacement note EKW2190381.
Unfortunately, it has a torn corner plus staple holes and wear, so it unlikely to command a premium. Too bad, because it is one of the last replacement notes...
If anybody is interested in it for face value plus postage, please let me know ASAP or it will be returned to circulation.
April 26th finds (from the ATM)
Well, another day brings more polymer finds from the ATM.
Once again, these notes are circulated and will most likely be thrown back into circulation unless someone on the forum wants them.
FWW 2425563 A 2015 Historic Reign Commemorative $20 short run prefix. (Tear in the lower right hand corner).
BSG 3986398 A 4 digit cycle repeater (ink has rubbed off in spots and you can see the polymer substrate).
If you are interested in these notes for face value plus $3 for regular mail, please let me know ASAP.
Boy, I'd really like to start finding PAPER notes again... ;)
May 7th finds:
Pickings have been slim for me lately; I’ve had to venture further afield to find notes and coins, often turning up empty.
Today’s finds come courtesy of a Scotiabank. It’s worthy to note that I have never been lucky with asking for old notes at Scotiabank branches but lately, they are the only ones paying out!
Not much today, just a few bucks in pennies, three nickel dollars (one has been holed), a ten pence coin from the UK and a raggedy old beaten up Macklem Carney HBG polymer $5, ready for the shredder.
A find is a find, and I’ll take anything the banks want to give me!
May 17th finds:
The drought continues…
The banks have nothing to give me lately. I did get some ragged changeover prefixes in a regular cash withdrawal from the ATM, but nothing to write home about.
The FFE changeover is also a birthday note, July 11 1953. If anybody wants it, please send me a PM.
I did get some ragged changeover prefixes in a regular cash withdrawal from the ATM, but nothing to write home about.
- yeah, those change-overs are (unfortunately) on the bulk side of the equation (ie: not tough).
For IND $5 you need above 8,982,000
For FFE $10 you need below 0,854,999
Not sure about the HCM or FTN as they're a fairly common 50/50 type change-over we see all the time.
Better luck next time...
May 21st finds:
Another collection dump!
Well, after weeks of finding next to nothing, I have found another collection dump.
It looks like someone had a favourite $1 prefix because there are a lot of AB two lettered notes, all circulated.
1973 $1s and birds $2s are nice, but 1937 notes are nicer! ;D
It looks like someone had a favourite $1 prefix because there are a lot of AB two lettered notes, all circulated.
Probably inherited the 37's & then started collecting when he/she got a few nice AB $1.00.
Good thing they found a new home.
Thanks for sharing @Dean
Probably inherited the 37's
It's astonishing to think that someone inherited the 1937 notes, and the only thought they had was "I just got $38...but the bills are old, and nobody will accept them at the store, so I'll deposit them at the bank."
It's a sad reality that most people just don't care about vintage currency; they see it as "just money" and treat it like yesterday's newspaper. :'(
May 24th finds:
I stopped in at one of my regular banks today and the teller let me look through the mutilated notes.
I got some decent paper this time, but all more recent issued birds and journey notes.
This haul included:
Seven journey $20s in decent shape,
Two birds $100s,
Four journey $100s…one almost radar BKD 9080808, and one sheet replacement note EJP 9916088 as well as a short run BJZ prefix note.
And three journey $10s…one of which has a discrepancy in the font of the left and right serial numbers, BFN 8439122. The left side appears to be more heavily inked than the right side and the right side is raised compared to the left side.
What could have caused this? My guess is that there was a slight bit of friction between the sheets when the numbers were wet, but it could also be that the rollers for the right hand serial number were more heavily inked than those for the left side.
I’d like to hear your thoughts…
Anyway, enjoy the pics and if any of you are interested in these notes, send me a message ASAP because I sell them rather quickly.
May 28th find:
One lonely birds $100 note.
Lately, there has not been much paper money available from the banks but what is available is in primarily $50s and $100s.
There are more notes out there; you just never know when they will come in!
June 3rd purchase:
I purchased the following lots of notes and stamps from an online auction for a reasonable sum.
Eight devil face $1s A/A to H/A…all Coyne Towers signed. One note has an interesting date stamp on it. I’ll comment separately on my other thread about that!
A 1937 $1…and
A group of British Empire stamps
June 4th find:
Just returned from the bank machine…I got this 2013 FTH changeover note, Macklem Poloz.
Is it worth keeping?
Nice lot of Devil's Face Dean.
I don't think your FTH (Macklem-Poloz) has any premium as it is the change-over with 837 notes have been reported. Not overly common but not too hard to find either. It would have to be UNC for any premium.
Here's a link to the Macklem Carney FTH (13 reported in the SNDB) but Charlton hasn't acknowledged its scarcity for some unknown reason. BV's have remained unchanged since this series ended in 2018.
https://cdnpapermoney.com/index.php?topic=15862.0 (https://cdnpapermoney.com/index.php?topic=15862.0)
Hi collectors,
It was around 6 months ago I ask to the cashierto keep all notes before polymer series.She said no problem.Every weeks she have some.
Ordinarily I found nothings special.The last 3 weeks I found some notes special.
This one nothings special except many 100$.
She take me out 97x5$ journey and this is what I found.If you take a look on the first 5$ I remark where the security strip is at the left and on the right it miss the blue color?On the HPT we can see a ''black ink of the armoirial''and the last one it's HAF prefix.
Hi again,
This one is only 10$,20$ and 100$.
In the last post I found a 20$ALZ incomplete prefix and also the same for the 100$ BKG and BJZ.
In this one she take me out 166x1$ 1973 and for a surprise I found a 1$ with two small ''B''variety it's the second I found.For the 100$ it's a radar.With the 97x5$ journey a other surprise it's a mismathed serial number.
I would like to share with my discovery.
In this one she take me out 166x1$ 1973 and for a surprise I found a 1$ with two small ''B''variety it's the second I found.For the 100$ it's a radar.With the 97x5$ journey a other surprise it's a mismathed serial number.
I would like to share with my discovery.
Hi Claude,
I will buy $1 and $2 notes…Did you give back the other $1s?
I’d be interested in the $5 mismatch if your selling.
Claude, the mismatched serial # on the $5 is an amazing find!
I bought an ALZ $20 as they are tough to find in high grade. Nice to see you got some other tough prefixes (like HAF). Not sure about the security strip as we've seen a lot of post-production damage on those. You should seek somebody's (like LCS) opinion, or take it to a show & see what other say when inspecting it in person.
Interesting scores. Thanks for sharing!
June 6th finds: Paper money plus some polymer finds too!
Today I went to one of my regular banks to make a cash withdrawal. I asked my teller contact if she had any paper money; I was allowed to look through a pile of $5000 $100 and $50 notes. Lots of journey $100s in nice shape, but of course, I didn't have time to look for SNR and sheet replacements!
From the paper money, I grabbed a pair of consecutive birds $50s that looked recently crumpled... :'(
a birds $100 with an interesting serial number but in not so great condition and a journey $100.
My most interesting finds came from my "regular" cash withdrawal, which was NOT from the ATM, but from the teller's drawer in the cash cage!
I received a 2017 commemorative $10 CDF prefix note, a 2013 $10 FTN Wilkins-Poloz changeover prefix note and a polymer $100 with a neat serial number FKE 0600066.
If anybody would like any of my finds from today's haul, please send me a message ASAP. (The CDF commemorative note is not for sale though).
June 7th finds:
Things seem to be heating up again…
Today, I received two $1000 notes and five birds $2s.
They are circulated, but the teller saved them specifically for me so I felt obliged to take them.
Notice the old school practice of someone writing their bank account number on the note, just in case the teller made a mistake…🤣🤣😀🤣🤣
If anybody would like to save one or both of these $1000s from the shredder or just needs one as filler for their collection until a better one comes along, please send me a PM as soon as possible...For sale at face value plus the cost of shipping.
If anybody would like to save one or both of these $1000s from the shredder or just needs one as filler for their collection until a better one comes along, please send me a PM as soon as possible...For sale at face value plus the cost of shipping.
And just like that, the $1000 notes have been claimed!
Thank you for your interest!
This is what she received at the bank this week.On the right side the B of the prefix BKC have a litle ink stain.They are all in good shape and many are in sequence.
June 11th finds:
I picked up a larger group of notes today, not much to report, but there are still some nice notes in the pile including:
A 1991 $20 AIX replacement
Three consecutive birds $100s
Some nicer multicoloured $100s
FHM birds $50 changeover notes
An EJZ journey $100 short run note
And more!
June 13th finds:
I stopped into one of my regular banks on my way home. The teller showed me a bunch of mutilated notes and I picked out a nice journey $50 and $10 from the pile.
The teller even saved me two nickels…a 1962 and 1967, from her change drawer!
This week I arrived a little bit to late and the cashier close before she finished she will keeps the notes for the next week.I asked to a other cashier 6000$ all with 50$.I would like to show you 3 notes I found who are interesting.The first one it's a funny number,the second I think it's a new prefix with Lane-Macklem signature and the last one the serial number on the left is higher than the right side.I do not found GMS prefix,for now no one is reported?
This is the picture of the front of the HHA prefix.
That HHA prefix is interesting update for the Serial Number Data Base $50 info.
Might be a good idea to post it there too & contact admin so they can update the SNDB info Claude!
Thanks for sharing!
June 25th:
Here is a set of 6 consecutive PMG graded 1954 Devil's Face $20s that I purchased for my collection.
I traded 2 consecutive 1954 modified $1000s and a bit of cash for them.
Very nice set Dean!
Let me know if you want to trade one ;D
Hi everyone,
This is what the cashier take me out for me this week.The first picture is all regular note,nothing special.The second picture it's what I think more interesting:AJZ with clear and hidden back plate,AJX,EJE replacement,20$ ARK ch/over,EJZ last prefix and EUG with ''fat 5''.
Hi everyone,
This is what the cashier take me out for me this week.The first picture is all regular note,nothing special.The second picture it's what I think more interesting:AJZ with clear and hidden back plate,AJX,EJE replacement,20$ ARK ch/over,EJZ last prefix and EUG with ''fat 5''.
These are very nice finds...
There seem to be a lot of 1975 $100s around at the banks. I wonder why?
July 2nd:
I traded a 1954 $1000 note and some cash for two consecutive graded devil’s face $100s.
This is the notes I receive this week.I got 2xBJI bon-thie and 1xBJI kn-thie.The second picture it's a note I bought and I would to share it with you all.
July 4th finds:
$10 in pennies and a broken ladder note!
In the “regular” cash I withdrew today, I got a polymer $10 FFD 5346782 which is a broken ladder!
It’s too bad the number wasn’t 2345678!
Here’s what I found inside the penny rolls:
$4.14 in pre 1997 copper Canadian cents, including:
A 1943, 47, 56 and 1959,
3 x 1961
2 x 63
7 x 64
3 x 65
4 x 66
3 x 67
3 x 68
2 x 69
In this haul, there was also $1.50 in US pennies. I managed to find a 1919 and a 1946 wheat cent, plus a 2009 “formative years” Lincoln bicentennial cent.
Oh, and there was one UK penny dated 1994 in there too!
I’m going to go back to the bank tomorrow because the teller told me he had “lots of pennies”. When I asked him how many he had, he said “how many do you want?”
I only bought $10 worth today…I wonder what is inside those other rolls?
July 5th finds:
I went back to the bank to pick up the rest of the pennies. There is $42 worth in customer wrapped rolls.
July 6th find:
I got this Wilkins-Macklem polymer $10 from the bank machine today. I will keep it for now, considering that it is a changeover prefix, FFE.
I also picked up a box of nickels since it seems like the paper money flow is drying up at my regular banks.
Stay tuned for the coin roll update!
July 7th: coin roll hunt update.
Here’s what I found in the batch of pennies and box of nickels I brought home over the last couple of days.
23 x USA
1 Indian Rupee 2015 date
1 unknown foreign coin…Look at the photo…can someone identify it?
1961, 63, 64, 68
17x nickels dated between 1970 to 1981
26x cupronickel coins dated between 1982 to 2000
3 x 2005 victory nickels
5 x 2017 nickels
1 x 2000P
1938, 42, 2x44, 2x45,50, 51, 52, 2x 1953 NSF, 56, 2x57, 2x58, 60, 4x61, 5x62, 9x63, 6x64, 7x65, 3x66, 8x67, 5x68, 6x69.
USA: 1945, 1946P, 1946D, 50D, 53D, 1956P, 1956D, 2009 Professional life Lincoln cent, 2017P.
10x UK pennies 1979, 80, 81, 83, 84, 88, 97, 98, 2000, 2005
Barbados 1993
Bahamas 1987
2 Euro cents Greece 2002, Netherlands 2000, Italy 2002
1975 Canadian cent (red)
I am disappointed with the decreasing number of older Canadian coins out there in circulation.
I used to get 2 rolls worth of nickel bullion nickels out of a box. Recently, the average is half a roll of nickel bullion…The alloy Recovery Program has effectively killed the coin roll hunting hobby in Canada.
There were also five rolls of pennies that were most likely metal detector finds…I didn’t even bother to search those coins because they were so awful in condition. The newer zinc pennies were literally rotting away in the rolls!
I ended up returning 48 rolls of zinc pennies to the bank; I kept all pre 1997 cents and I don’t see the point in keeping the zinc pennies. There were lots of 2006 dated pennies, but no rare varieties.
Enjoy the pictures,
Why pennies?
I still like pennies and plus, if a teller has some to give me, I'll always take them.
I have enough pennies to last the rest of my life and I still use them occasionally when paying in cash, just to see the looks on people's faces when they handle them.
I also leave pennies in random places when walking about like on a park bench in hopes that a kid might pick them up and start collecting coins.
July 7th: coin roll hunt update.
1 unknown foreign coin…Look at the photo…can someone identify it?
It is Thailand 1 baht (2018-2021): https://en.numista.com/catalogue/pieces138316.html
July 16th finds:
Out and about today, I went into a couple of banks.
No paper money, but one Scotiabank did give me $8.50 in rolled pennies.
Here’s what I found:
$3.50 in copper cents pre 1997. The oldest cent I found was dated 1954 and it was pretty banged up.
9 US cents
Highlights include:
A 1985 pointed 5 cent and a slightly off centre struck 2006 cent
Enjoy the pictures! I’ve included another normal 2006 cent (right side) along side the off struck cent (left side) for comparison.
Never underestimate the lowly penny! There are treasures to be found in these bank rolls!
Keep hunting!
This is what the cashier take me out last week.All the notes are in good shape(au to unc) except the 1954 2$,10$,20$.
Found new prefix and signature in 5$ .
I forgot somethings,it's a Lane-Macklem signature.
Can you contact/request admin to adjust the SNDB?
August 4th:
A new, cool (digital) find!
I was browsing the NumisBids website (2019 RCNA auction, lot #371) and found the companion note to an out of register cut journey $20 that I found at a bank on December 15th, 2020.
This is my note: AZW3543048; it's in better condition than the one for auction.
And this is the note posted on the auction site: AZW3351047
The asking bid of $175 was not met and this note went unsold. :(
Not earth shattering, but an interesting coincidence.
August 4th finds:
Well, after waiting for what seemed like forever, my regular bank had something for me!
I got to search through the mutilated notes and this is what I kept:
A pair of nicer sequential birds 50s,
A journey $10 with a serial number under 100,000.
A 1975 $50
And a journey $50 with slight misalignment.
Oh, and I also picked up
3 rolls of pennies…
Penny roll update: In the three rolls, there were 11 American cents, 49 copper Canadian cents and the rest were all worthless steel or zinc cents, 1997 or newer. The oldest Canadian cent I found was dated 1964 with a bit of red on the obverse.
August 8th finds:
I went to one of my regular banks and for the first time in a long time, they had paper money for me!
I picked the following notes out of the mutilated pile today:
Five birds $2s
Three journey $20s
Three birds $10s
And one journey $10.
I turned down a lot of journey $20s and $50s and they didn’t look like anything special. I even turned down three 1975 $100s, but they too were circulated and not worth a premium.
Thanks for sharing Dean, neat finds. For me the treasure hunting aspects of more modern issues is a lot of the fun I have in collecting.
August 8th finds:
I went to one of my regular banks and for the first time in a long time, they had paper money for me!
I picked the following notes out of the mutilated pile today:
Five birds $2s
Three journey $20s
Three birds $10s
And one journey $10.
I turned down a lot of journey $20s and $50s and they didn’t look like anything special. I even turned down three 1975 $100s, but they too were circulated and not worth a premium.
August 21st: Purchase…Error note.
I picked up this inverted 1954 $1 note.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: This note has been determined to be a manufactured error. Please don't make the same mistake I did and be VERY cautious when you encounter these types of notes. :'(
Hi Dean,
I like error notes and yours it's a great one.Very nice acquisition.
Hi Dean,
I like error notes and yours it's a great one.Very nice acquisition.
Hi Claude,
The note is not a legitimate error. Don't repeat my mistake! :'(
August 25th finds:
Well, after the trauma of buying the fraudulent error note, I guess the bank note gods took pity on me because I picked up a hoard of banknotes today! I am almost 100% certain that these notes were part of an estate distribution that was deposited into the bank because there were:
44 birds $2s, 26 of which were uncirculated but missing every other note…Somebody earlier in the thread suggested that this was a sure sign that the notes had been “doled out” amongst a group. In this case, the pile would have been split between 2 people since I am missing every other note. “One for you, one for me…” :D
There were also 42 uncirculated 1867-1967 notes, and 166 1973 $1s…all but one being uncirculated and in small runs of consecutive notes.
While I was at the bank, I pulled out some regular cash from the machine…and out pops a 4 digit radar $100 polymer note! I also have the shoulder notes…Should I keep them or spend them?
It saddens me to think that it is most likely that my collection will suffer the same fate as none of my nieces or nephews show any interest in numismatics whatsoever. :'(
Anyway, enjoy the pictures!
The Authentic version, which is a very uncommon error (on '54 notes anyway) will normally have the back printed significantly off-center. Presumably, the uncut sheet had different sized selvage areas on the top and bottom. The fact that the margins line up perfectly should be looked at with extreme suspicion.
Two examples of an authentic version (back and front). Note that both banknotes are from the same sheet.
September 2nd finds:
I returned to one of my regular banks (a CIBC) yesterday and asked my usual question about paper money to the head teller. He told me to come back tomorrow because he had some old notes.
When I arrived at the branch this morning, he was busy, so I waited patiently for an opportunity to view the mutilated pile.
He quickly took out the paper notes in the stack of mutilated banknotes, a total of $130 worth. To my amazement, there were five one dollar notes; two 1954 modified $1s with one of them being cut out of register and crooked, a ratty old 1973 $1 and best of all, two 1937 $1s…one of which is an Osbourne/Towers signed note!
The other notes were run of the mill journey and birds series $5s, $10s and a $20, but it was nice to strike gold today!
Among these, there were three journey $10s in AU condition, and a birds $10 BDZ Bonin/Thiessen signed changeover note.
Enjoy the pictures!
Fantastic finds Dean, the O/T sig 1937 is a huge surprise! Some kid ripped off his parent's coin collection and spent it.
September 2nd finds:
I returned to one of my regular banks (a CIBC) yesterday and asked my usual question about paper money to the head teller. He told me to come back tomorrow because he had some old notes.
When I arrived at the branch this morning, he was busy, so I waited patiently for an opportunity to view the mutilated pile.
He quickly took out the paper notes in the stack of mutilated banknotes, a total of $130 worth. To my amazement, there were five one dollar notes; two 1954 modified $1s with one of them being cut out of register and crooked, a ratty old 1973 $1 and best of all, two 1937 $1s…one of which is an Osbourne/Towers signed note!
The other notes were run of the mill journey and birds series $5s, $10s and a $20, but it was nice to strike gold today!
Among these, there were three journey $10s in AU condition, and a birds $10 BDZ Bonin/Thiessen signed changeover note.
Enjoy the pictures!
the O/T sig 1937 is a huge surprise! Some kid ripped off his parent's coin collection and spent it.
-I agree - awesome find Dean! I doubt that "a kid ripped off his parents" since 99.9% of the population don't give a rat's @ss about serial numbers (let alone signatures) but it is very possible that a senior passed away (as a result of Covid) & the heirs had no idea of what to do with the little collection of notes- so back to the bank they went.
The 1937 pick up (& others you've shown) make it super enticing for me to ask to check the damaged/return pouches. I would love to do ask but just about every branch that I have asked, has looked at me like I just asked them if I could sleep inside the vault overnight (as if my request was something so outlandish) so I just don't bother anymore.
The one person who had allowed me to check the pouch one time over a year ago was no longer at my branch the next day so....(& I don't want to get anyone in trouble).
I would have to agree with James. These older notes are probably from someone who passed away (won't speculate on the cause of death) and their heirs (if they had any) couldn't be bothered with it. I don't see a kid managing to spend a '37 $1 anywhere. First of all, what can you even buy for $1 (or even 5x $1 for that matter)? What store would even accept it? I tried spending a ratty old '37 $10 years ago for fun and all I got were bewildered looks. Any store clerk who actually knew what it was would have to be some kind of collector who was planning on keeping the note for themselves.
That being said, I do notice "patterns" of the notes I am offered from my branch that makes me think a collector is "off-loading", and trading up, from their collection. They are always "just off" UNC for some reason be it a single folded corner. some written notation, or other really minor flaw --
I once bought a large collection from a person which had some great notes but a lot of 1979 $20, a 1975 $50 & $100 that were part of the deal (I paid FV). I wanted to drop them off at the bank b/c they're uncollectible in my eyes (common VF or worse). I held the $50 & $100 for a friend but exchanged about 6 of the $20 so yes, I guess that is "off-loading."
- I think there are also a lot of "closet collectors" or people who never go online to check a site such as this, buy a catalogue nor attend a show. They just put a few notes (& coins) aside and that's that. I'm sure these are the people who either pass on (& their heirs have a tiny collection to sort out) or who just deposit it back b/c they can't be bothered to get into it as a hobby.
Often people think a note with a slight off-centre design is an error. When I first started collecting my parents often would give me a note slightly off & I've seen this from others who never collect. You see pictures of off-centred notes posted all the time in "What its worth" (or on Reddit/IG/FB) for those who either own the note or are posting for those "closet-collectors."
September 12th finds:
A huge haul today from one of my regular banks…
167 centennial dollars
150 multicolour dollar notes,
A birds $20
And a wheres willy marked $5.
Two 1954 $20s and ten 1986 $2s
September 25th find:
I rescued over 500 nickels from somebody who was there to deposit them at the bank yesterday. I was there to ask for bank notes (there were none) but I got to chatting with this person with the jar full of nickels.
He said that the coins were stashed by him over many years from pocket change and “the time had come to get rid of them” because they were “just sitting around.”
Luckily, I had enough cash in my pocket to buy the coin jar…and save the man hours of rolling coins because the teller had just informed him that he would not accept loose coins.
The man said that he has “about 1500 more nickels at home” that he will probably dispose of.
We exchanged numbers and I asked him to call me if he was cashing in any more coins.
I noticed that all of the nickels date between 1937 and 1967 but there are no V nickels, tombac nickels or 1951 commemoratives in the hoard.
I think I did the right thing by rescuing these coins, but now the seller’s problem has become mine. :D
If anybody needs any nickels, please send me a PM!
September 26th finds:
Huge Coinstar payout!
I hit the jackpot at a Coinstar machine on the way out of the grocery store today.
$78 in loonies
4 counterfeit toonies,
6 East Caribbean States dollars
Coins from Peru
7.20 in Euros (Greece, Spain, Germany, Monaco)
5 rupees from India
5 pence from the UK
It is disconcerting to see how common the fake toonies are…
The toonies are dated 2002, 2004, and 2005.
September 26th finds:
Huge Coinstar payout!
I hit the jackpot at a Coinstar machine on the way out of the grocery store today.
$78 in loonies
4 counterfeit toonies,
6 East Caribbean States dollars
Coins from Peru
7.20 in Euros (Greece, Spain, Germany, Monaco)
5 rupees from India
5 pence from the UK
It is disconcerting to see how common the fake toonies are…
The toonies are dated 2002, 2004, and 2005.
You mean you just found all of that sitting in the reject bin of the machine?
You mean you just found all of that sitting in the reject bin of the machine?
Yes, the reject tray was loaded with coins! :)
September 26th finds:
Huge Coinstar payout!
I hit the jackpot at a Coinstar machine on the way out of the grocery store today.
7.20 in Euros (Greece, Spain, Germany, Monaco)
Geez, I have been looking for Euro coins from Monaco here in Germany since 2002 and I have not found one yet. Yes, Euro from Monaco are occasionally found in circulation here in Germany. But not by me. You are in Canada and find one. Amazing...Congrats.
Which denomination? Which year?
September 28 find:
The guy who cashed in the pile of nickels the other day called me up and said that he was going to cash in the rest of his nickel stash…but not at the bank…he was going to put the coins into a Coinstar machine because it was “too much work” to roll them all up.
He asked me whether I wanted them so I bought the entire stash…he said that there were “about 1500” nickels.
From a quick inspection, I did not detect anything after 1967 but I counted 1843 coins in total!
October 3rd finds:
Huge note score!
I had the great fortune to receive this huge lot of notes from one of my banks.
169 birds $2s (For CBeaulieu: there was only ONE single note with “BB—“ prefix…BBR…2 small “B”s.)
A whole whack of 1954 notes…$1s, $2s, $10s, $20s, $50s and $100s…some in better condition than others.
A couple of raggedy 1973 and 1967 $1s, and some nicer 1974 $2s.
The highlight was a single 1937 $5 in rough shape, but I never turn down something that old!
October 3rd finds: continued…
October 7th finds:
I decided to visit one of my regular banks on the way home today.
When I spoke to my teller contact in the cash cage, she told me that she just shipped a huge load of $2 notes just 24 hours ago! She apologized profusely, telling me that she lost my contact information and tried to hold the notes until I came by next time, but the manager forced her to get rid of everything.
I gave the teller my email and phone number again and she assured me that she would keep the information in a very safe place. 😀
This amazingly kind teller then proceeded to pick through the mutilated pile and showed me all of the paper notes. The attached photos are the notes I chose to keep.
She said that the $2 notes that were shipped out were all birds notes, but I can’t help but wonder if any rarities slipped through my fingers given the other amazing finds I received from this branch (1937 & 1954 notes, a Gordon Thiessen autographed $10, 1937 notes, and many journey replacement notes are some of the examples of the finds from this branch).
I remain humbled and thankful for the efforts of all of the tellers who have indulged me in my obsession for bank note hunting. Without a sympathetic ear at the bank, the amazing notes I have rescued over the last two years would have been consigned to the shredder and lost forever.
I cannot get the finds like Dean but I got the following banknotes from the Royal Bank of Canada in Carleton Place, Ontario on October 8, 2022. I received a new prefix for the $100 banknote which suggest that the polymer $100 has the most interesting prefixes. As BoC has release E, F, G and now H. I also received a number of polymer INK $5 banknotes on either side of the changeover. It is not too often when received banknotes from the teller that you get this in your cash withdrawal. If anyone is interested in these INK's please send me a PM.
October 13th finds:
I stopped in at one of my regular banks on the way home today. The branch was totally empty and the head teller who is my contact was training a new teller. As soon as she sees me, she tells the new teller “ this is Dean…he’ll want all of the bills in your mutilated envelope”.
Obligingly, the new teller takes out some paper notes…three $20s, a 1979, a 1991 first prefix EIA and a journey note.
The head teller teaches the trainee how to subtract the notes from the mutilated inventory and then she goes into the safe to get the big pile of notes for me to look through.
I decided to keep a few nicer birds $50s and some nicer 1975 $100s that the teller said came “from an older gentleman last week”.
I got to look through $10,000 in journey $100s, and I managed to rescue a radar note!
All in all, it was a good day at the bank!
October 25th finds:
I picked up 16 rolls of pennies plus one lonely $2 note from one of my banks today.
Not much to report from the penny rolls…
One UK penny dated 1985, 23 US cents, 14 Canadian cents dated between 1945 to 1969.
It was interesting to note that the rolls contain mostly copper coins pre 1997 with a lot of lustrous 1989 dated coins.
Finds for Thursday, November 10th 2022 (Part 1):
Sorry for the delay in posting, but I got a significant load of notes the other day from a bank, and a purchase from a friend.
Bank finds: 1954 $1s and $2s, 1973 $1s (including a radar!) a 1974 $2 with interesting writing on the back, one 1979 $20, 1975 $50s (including 2 x EFA prefix notes and one fancy serial number EHK1599999, four 1975 $100s, one with 2 letter prefix JD, and one birds $100 prefix AJN.
The teller said that these notes were deposited by an "older gentleman".
Friend purchase: 20 x consecutive 1988 $50s FHF prefix and one birds $1000 note. My friend was going to deposit these notes into the bank! Of course, I paid him a small premium in order to save these birds $50s and $1000 notes from the shredder.
Enjoy the pictures!
November 10th finds (part 2)
November 10th finds (part 3)
November 10th finds (Part 4)
November 14 coin hoard purchase and bank finds too!
I recently purchased 611 King George V pennies and 260 George V nickels from a man who said that the coins had “been in coffee cans since the 50s”. The seller told me that his grandparents used to give him coins and that he used to earn extra pocket money by mowing lawns.
A cursory glance through the coins reveals that most of the pennies are dated 1920, 1921 and 1927.
The nickels range in dates, with the most common at a glance being 1931, 1932 and 1936. I did pull out a nice 1929 and 1935 from the bag, but most of the nickels are in VG-F condition, with some maybe being VF.
There are four paper wrapped rolls of pennies in this lot; two rolls labelled 1920 and two rolls dared 1927.
A glance at the loose pennies in the bag shows that many are from 1920, 1921, and 1927. So I take the seller’s assertion that the coins were “un searched” with a hefty grain of salt.
I stopped at one of my local banks today and picked up the following notes from my friendly teller contact:
One US $2
One journey $5
One journey $20
Two journey $50s
Two journey $100s
Two multicolour $50s
One multicolour $100
Two birds $20s
One 1979 $20
And to top it off, I took out $100 in tens from the bank machine and five of them were 2017 commemorative notes!
Enjoy the pictures!
November 14th banknote finds:
November 16th finds:
I stopped by one of my regular branches today and my teller contact said “I have some hundreds for you; they were brought in by an older gentleman on Monday.”
She let me look through twenty $100 notes, all birds series.
Nothing special in the pile, but I pulled out the three nicest ones…just because.
I hope that there are lots of older gentlemen who continue to cash in their old money; you never know what might come in next!
Enjoy the pic!
November 24th purchase
With my banks kind of drying up, I have indulged in purchases to feed my addiction to paper money.
This lot of 4 shinplasters was interesting, only because of the one note with manuscript (and it’s cut out of register too).
Read more about this note on my other thread, “Banknotes with a story…”
November 28th finds and purchases.
I went to one of my banks today and picked up a nice bunch of paper notes. Nothing too special, but there were 3 nice consecutive journey $10s, a first prefix EHP birds $50 a birds $5 and a handful of really rough $1s and $2s. Also found was a BTT journey $10 a JB prefix 1975 $100 and another birds $50, prefix EHR.
The highlight of this lot was a journey $100 EJJ insert note (9.360-9.720M) and five colourized and five non colourized Alexander Graham Bell loonies.
Purchases to follow in a second post…
Part 2…November 28th purchases.
I had the opportunity to purchase a $1000 note signed by Bouey & Rasminsky. The seller also “threw in” a partial sheet of $2 notes… 😀
I don’t agree with cutting up full sheets of notes, but I couldn’t say no when it was part of the package.
December 12th finds:
I stopped by one of my banks today and the friendly teller gave me a bunch of 50 cent coins, a nickel dollar and she let me pick through the mutilated envelope for old paper.
The teller said that “some lady came in and wanted to deposit the coins because she couldn’t spend them in the store”.
Nothing special today, wouldn’t you know that the AOH prefix $5 is NOT an insert note? 🤣
December 14th finds:
I stopped by one of my banks today and the friendly teller was kind enough to give me some penny rolls, an old 1981A series American $20, three commemorative US quarters and a coin from Kuwait.
Also in this haul were:
Five journey $50s,
A 1975 $100
Two journey $10s…BTT and BTU prefixes…but no errors in the paper.
A birds $5
and a bunch of journey $5s.
I had no luck getting any commemorative loonie or toonie rolls though.
Enjoy the pics!
Hi Dean,
For us newbies that weren't around for this issue, wondering if you might elaborate on what the paper error was on the $5 BTU's and the BTT's???
Thank you! CB
Some of the BTT/BTU $10s were printed on paper that was meant for the $20 note. Instead of Sir John A. In the watermark, you’ll see the Queen and the security strip will be of the $20.
Pre-Christmas cashout! Part 1
My bank was very nice to me last week. On Thursday, they offered up the following notes:
A pile of 1973 $1s, birds $2s (and a couple of 1974s along with one 1954)
A whole pile of birds $5s, some journey $5s
A few 1975 $50s (one EFA prefix)
A few birds $50s
A birds $100
And a 1975 $100
Oh, and they had rolls of the black toonies as well.
Pre Christmas cashout, part 2:
Birds $5s…and $2s…so…many…$2s….for Claude. 🙂
As a follow up, the AUH $2 is signed by Crow/Bouey and the AUK $2 is signed Thiessen Crow.
Hi Dean,
Thanks for the picture of the 2$1986,it have some BG prefix no large B :( but I'll take the information for my research.For your 5$ 1986 if you want to take time to take a look of the back plate number in prefix:GPG,GPF,GPH,GPW and GPL some have the misplaced back plate number,the number are higher in the brushwood.If you have would you like to let me know.
Thank you.
Hi Dean,
Thanks for the picture of the 2$1986,it have some BG prefix no large B :( but I'll take the information for my research.For your 5$ 1986 if you want to take time to take a look of the back plate number in prefix:GPG,GPF,GPH,GPW and GPL some have the misplaced back plate number,the number are higher in the brushwood.If you have would you like to let me know.
Thank you.
Hi Claude,
There were three notes, but they all had the clear back plate number.
Hi Dean,
Thanks for the time you take.The back plate number are regular,like I said the number have to be in the brushwood.Do you look at the GPW prefix,some are found .
Thank you again Dean.
December 28th finds from the local bank, always searching for the Journey replacement notes. Enjoy the pictures.
January 4th finds:
Today, the friendly teller let me look through the mutilated notes.
I got nothing too special today, some journey notes and a couple of nicer birds notes but she did give me a birds $1000 and seven rolls of black toonies!
$1000 notes seem harder to obtain these days; I guess that’s to be expected since they were withdrawn 23 years ago. :D
At the grocery store, the coin star machine even paid out! I got the following coins rom the reject tray:
UK penny, 2009
Canadian nickel 2002
10 centavos Brazil, 2013
10 sen, Malaysia, 2018
Enjoy the pics!
PS: if anybody wants a roll of the black toonies, please send me a PM.
Hi Dean,
Thanks for the time you take.The back plate number are regular,like I said the number have to be in the brushwood.Do you look at the GPW prefix,some are found .
Thank you again Dean.
Hi Claude,
All of the GPW $5s have the clear back plate number.
Hi Dean, I sent you a pm….
Hi Dean,
This is a picture of a 5$ with misplaced back plate number.The # is higher in the brushwood.
The only one I do not have it's the GPL prefix.
Hi Claude
I am not good with computers. tried sending these in PM. no luck. hope this works.
January 9th finds:
Two banks, two scores!
I went to two of my regular banks today…The first bank paid out with four rolls of black toonies, thirty rolls of pennies and a crispy journey $100.
The second bank gave me some 1973 $1 notes, a 1969 $20, a 1979 $20, a 1979 $5, a bunch of birds $2s, some 1974 $2s and a ratty old journey $10 and $20.
Overall, it was a good day…The toonie rolls were sold even before I got them home. 🤣
Enjoy the pics,
January 10th finds: Sometimes, cold calling works.
I went into a TD bank branch today; I do not have an account with TD and I thought I might justcask the teller if they had any old paper notes.
To my surprise, the teller gave me some paper journey notes. Nothing special in this lot, but the fact that the teller was willing to exchange notes with a non customer is a positive development.
I withdrew some cash from my regular bank and I got a run of consecutive FZK prefix $20s. What is interesting about this consecutive run is that there is one note missing from the sequence (FZK9918459 is the missing note.)
I wish I was able to see the rest of this consecutive bundle to see whether there were any other numbering anomalies like Whitenite found in his bundle of $5s recently. A missing note in an otherwise unbroken sequence indicates to me that the sheet that contained FZK9918159 was unfit and was removed from the ream. I am convinced that the Bank of Canada still uses insert notes; how else would they make up for spoiled notes and/or sheets?
To add to the fun, I found 6 cents in the Coinstar reject tray on my way out. 🤣
All in all, another good day.
Enjoy the pictures,
I wish I was able to see the rest of this consecutive bundle to see whether there were any other numbering anomalies like Whitenite found in his bundle of $5s recently. A missing note in an otherwise unbroken sequence indicates to me that the sheet that contained FZK9918159 was unfit and was removed from the ream. I am convinced that the Bank of Canada still uses insert notes; how else would they make up for spoiled notes and/or sheets?
-Were these FZK "Lane-Macklem"?
I'm a bit confused why suddenly the BoC are still inserting notes when there's gaps of notes. 1 missing note in a run like that is near perfect. I got 3 tiny runs (12-14 notes 1000 apart) in my FFK $10 batch of change-overs. Believe what you will (nothing I write will convince you otherwise) but I'm just going to paste what i wrote a week ago (its been my experience in the past 5 years):
- I took out half-bricks of 2017 & 2018 Tens & found much larger gaps than 4 notes. In fact, the numbers of the notes often jumped by thousands or tens of thousands in the serial numbers. I missed many radars or repeaters because of the gaps. I actually found that if no gaps occurred & the numbers ran consecutively without a gap (here and there) that this was the exception (rather than the rule). Sometimes I found 2-5 notes that seemed completely out of place too (the same prefix). My understanding was that there may be reams removed before sorting the notes into bundles/bricks and this was the new way of things.
-Were these FZK "Lane-Macklem"?
I'm a bit confused why suddenly the BoC are still inserting notes when there's gaps of notes. 1 missing note in a run like that is near perfect. I got 3 tiny runs (12-14 notes 1000 apart) in my FFK $10 batch of change-overs. Believe what you will (nothing I write will convince you otherwise) but I'm just going to paste what i wrote a week ago (its been my experience in the past 5 years):
Hello WTTW:
Were the half bricks that you examined original untouched Bank of Canada bundles or is it possible that the bank you got them from composed their own bundles before giving them out to the public? Is it possible that the bundles you received had been searched by someone down the line who took out the radars before your bank received them or could the notes have been mixed up by one of the new electronic cash dispensing machines that most banks use?
The 2017 $10 notes I searched were almost entirely from bricks. I ordered them a week in advance. Most of the time they were sealed in BoC shrink wrap but occasionally they were opened. Every time I arrived for them the teller went back to the vault. As I wrote originally, gaps (often of 30-50, 100’s; 1000’s and even 10,000 or multiples of 10,000) were often reported in the SNDB. It was extremely frustrating because I often missed a special # (radar or repeater) due to the jumps (gaps) between the numbers. I found that the least gaps occurred with the more common prefixes like CDE, CDC and more regularly with CDA. I didn’t find the gaps quite as often when I first started to search half-bricks of the 2018 series.
When I first read about the BoC no longer using inserts that seemed to solve the mystery for me (they just printed a 6th prefix for the 50M order as was done with the 2015 Commemorative $20)
When I first read about the BoC no longer using inserts that seemed to solve the mystery for me (they just printed a 6th prefix for the 50M order as was done with the 2015 Commemorative $20)
Maybe this is why there is renewed interest in short run prefixes (like CDF for the 2017 $10)...The "make up" notes. :D
January 12th finds:
I stopped by my favourite bank today and the friendly teller took out the following notes for me including:
Three 1969 $20s
Seven 1979 $20s, some journey $20s and $5s
Some birds $20s and $100
And a journey $100
I even spotted a polymer $20 in the mutilated pile that had a dropped 9 in the serial number. 🤣
I picked up a bundle of brand new $20s and new $5s (prefix FZK and ING respectively) just for the heck of it, and wouldn’t you know, I got a radar, ING7281827
The teller also gave me $12 in penny rolls and twenty loose black toonies.
She even gave me the RCM $2 cardboard box that was used for the black toonies!
Another good day at the bank…
Friday January 13th finds:
Some people associate Friday the 13th with bad luck, but I’m not one of them!
Today, I stopped by a bank that doesn’t usually pay out and I asked for black toonie rolls. When the teller asked how many I wanted, I said “all of them”.
She had a bewildered look on her face and went to the vault and brought out a box with nine rolls in it.
She asked “Are you sure you want 9 rolls? It’s $450.”
I said yes and she sold me the rolls and even gave me the RCM box. I now have two of the original boxes!
January 14th finds:
While running errands today, I stopped in to one of my banks to see if they had any more black toonies. The friendly teller obliged with four rolls of toonies plus a birds $50 and birds $10 from the mutilated pouch. He was kind enough to give me yet another RCM labelled toonie box.
This box has the shipping date of December 1st 2022 along with the usual sticker stating not to distribute before December 7th 2022.
January 15th find:
While out and about today, I found this penny on the ground.
I’ll take any find I can get, no matter how small. :D
January 16th: finds from New Brunswick!
My friend in New Brunswick got these notes from his bank. Of course, I could not say no!
Nothing too special, but the highlights include two 1954 $1000s, a 1937 $1 and a counterstamped 1973 $1 (more on this note in my other thread “banknotes with a story”.)
PS: on my way home, I found ten cents on the ground. 🤣
January 17th finds:
I stopped by my favourite bank today looking for black toonies, but the friendly teller had some paper notes and one lonely 50 cent piece instead! When it rains, it pours!
I am getting a lot of journey notes, a few birds notes and almost no multicolour notes these days.
The highlight today is a high numbered ARK journey $20 changeover note.
Enjoy the pics!
January 18th finds:
More black toonies and a purchase for my collection.
I stopped at one of my banks today and asked for black toonies. The teller obliged with one roll…
I then withdrew some cash from the same transaction and asked for $10s. The teller gave me 10 x FFL Rogers-Macklem tens.
If anybody wants black toonies, please send me a PM. My goal is to get these commemorative coins into people’s collections at a reasonable cost.
I purchased this note and it came in the mail today…It’s a 1954 *XF replacement note that is cut out of register. I like seeing replacement notes with irregularities such as this. It looks like some of the ink from the right side asterisk has streaked…or it could be red pencil crayon.
January 20th finds:
I didn’t get around to posting my finds yesterday, but better late than never, eh?
A friendly teller gave me one lonely 1979 $20…and I got two HCM $5s in my change…both sides of the changeover!
January 25th finds:
Paper, plastic, black toonies, pennies…and more.
My favourite bank gave me a few paper notes today plus some penny rolls.
I visited a second branch and the teller there was able to give me twenty loose black toonies, after explaining that these were all they had left. Of course, I took them all.
From the bank machine, I received six FFL Rogers Macklem $10s.
A good day…snowy, but productive!
To make things better, I picked up a sheet of 1973 $1s that I purchased for a very reasonable price.
January 27th finds:
FFK $10 windfall…
I went to a bank and withdrew some $10 notes today and what should they five me? 49 FFK Rogers-Macklem FFKs!
They are in two groups; 19 consecutive and 30 consecutive. Unfortunately, they cannot be considered uncirculated because they were dispensed from the banknote machine behind the till. But I did ask the teller to handle them with care…😀 This was not my regular bank and the teller looked at me as though I was slightly insane for asking her not to bend or crinkle the notes.
These notes will be staying with me for the time being and are not for sale. There is a broken ladder note in the lot as well; FFK 8654723.
On my way out of the branch, I also found a 1968 quarter on the ground…not silver, but still neat!
January 28th finds:
More FFKs!
I went back to the same bank I got the FFK notes to see if I could get more. They gave me a serious runaround today, even though it was Saturday morning and I was the only person in the branch.
Here’s what transpired:
I was waiting in line for a teller and the greeter says to me “How can I help you?”
I said “I need a large quantity of $10 bills.”
The greeter tells me to go to the bank machine to get $10s…I explain to him that I was in yesterday and I was looking for a specific prefix. I asked him if I could buy 100 notes in a strap directly from the cash cage because I am a collector and I wanted untouched notes.
He insisted that I could get new notes from the bank machine and basically would not let me go to the teller counter. I was a bit put off by this but I went to the ATM just to get him off of my back. I withdrew $500 in $10s and they were all FFL prefix. Yes, they were uncirculated, but they were not the notes I was looking for.
The greeter seemed puzzled as to why I didn’t want the notes. He says “See? Brand new notes!” But I calmly explained that I was looking for FFK prefix $10s.
So I went back inside and exchanged the 50 FFL notes with the teller at the counter. I asked the teller if I could buy a bundle of new $10s from the cash cage…again, the teller says, “yes we have bundles, but you can only have bills that come out of the machine”.
Basically, he was unwilling to sell me anything from the cash cage.
I decided to salvage the situation by asking the teller to withdraw $1000 in $10s from the machine and he obliged.
Out of the 100 notes dispensed, 89 of them were Rogers-Macklem FFK notes. The teller then told me that he could not sell me more than 100 of any denomination because that is the branch limit. Has anybody else encountered this?
It would have been so much simpler if the greeter guy just let me go to the teller in the first place…This experience makes me even more thankful for the amazing tellers I usually deal with. But, at the end of the day, the employees at this branch still accommodated my odd (to the non collecting public) request for specific notes and I can’t complain about that!
The FFKs I got today are in four separate consecutive groups. See the pictures!
Jan 30th finds:
Banknote dispenser score!
I took out $1000 in tens from the same bank that has been giving out the FFK changeovers.
The teller took 100 ten dollar notes out of the dispenser and this is what came out:
I got 9 FFK notes, 8 in sequence and one lone note.
Other highlights include:
FTU low number
FTL high number
FTH changeover
FTN changeovers
A birthday note, 1974019…Jan 9, 1974
FFE changeovers
And the best of all, a three digit radar note!
Not bad for a cash dispenser withdrawal, eh?
February 2nd: my newest acquisition (and a few $2s).
I bought a 1900 $4 note and it arrived in the mail! I also stopped by the bank on my way home and the teller gave me five $2 notes.
Feb 4th: circulated strap of $10s.
I returned to the bank where I got the FFK notes and got $1000 more in $10s from the teller’s dispenser.
24 Macdonald $10s, of which I got one note from both sides of the FTN changeover and one FTV lat prefix note.
32 new FFA prefix notes
Four 2017 commemoratives
And four Rogers/ Macklem FFK notes.
February 4th purchases part 1:
I had the chance to purchase a bulk lot of 224 Centennial $1 with no serial number. The seller painstakingly put each note into a plastic sleeve…most are AU/UNC, but a handful show signs of circulation.
February 4th purchases part 2:
The other package that arrived for me was a sheet of $1 notes (plus a pane of 4).
I suspect that the person I bought it from was a “sheet butcher” who cut up the original sheets into pairs or 4s…
Look at the shoddy cutting job on the 4 notes…complete with Scotch tape repair.😢
Unfortunately, the full sheet has two torn edges…😢
Prefix ECR for the small sheet of 4, and prefix BFK for the large sheet of 40.
Perhaps the coolest feature was not the notes themselves but thr original Bank of Canada issued tube and label from 1989!
Look at the label…it has the serial number 211216 in red numbers and somebody blacked out “4000 notes/billets” under the serial number on the label. These labels were undoubtedly originally meant for bricks of new $1s at the time of issue. Also notice the red end caps on the tube; the other tubes of $1s that I own all have blue caps. Does anybody else have a red capped tube?
Does anybody know if new notes came in larger bricks of 4000 notes back then or was this label meant for something else?
I got these items at a very reasonable price, so damaged or not, I can’t complain.
February 6th purchase and bank finds:
I purchased this test token for my collection. It is dated 2006; I like it because it has the maple twig that was on the penny. On the other side, it has the RCM logo and Royal Canadian Mint/monnaie royale canadienne.
The token has the same diameter as a loonie. I can’t find an entry for it in the Charlton Catalogue; could it be a 50 cent test token?
I stopped by my bank today and the teller had two 1973 $1 notes for me.
February 6th $10 bank strap search:
My friend from New Brunswick sent me two Bank of Canada banded straps of $10 notes.
They are prefix FFE, Wilkins-Macklem.
Nothing spectacular in the first bundle…the usual missing notes, but no notes out of place…
The second bundle started out as more of the same…until I found a 4 digit radar note, FFE9354539!
February 7th finds:
Lots of paper…
One of my regular banks gave me a big batch of paper money, mostly multicolour $10s and $20s.
Nothing too special, but there are a couple of nicer $20s and $10s in the lot. Quite a few are Lawson Bouey EE— series, but sadly, there are no EET good over notes. The $2s look like they were hit by anti theft dye or something. :D
February 9th finds:
I stopped by another one of my banks on the way home today and the teller gave me some journey notes.
Nothing special here…these notes will likely be returned after I enter the data into the SNDB.
February 10th finds: “X” marks the spot!
I stopped by one of my banks today and the friendly teller said that she had no mutilated bills for me. Undeterred, I went to another one of my regular banks down the road to try again.
Luckily, the teller said that he had some ones and twos saved for me.
42 circulated $1s…many in the”B” series (All big “B”s…) but look closely…one of the notes is a BAX replacement!
The twos are unremarkable, but there is one birds $2 in nice shape.
It’s amazing that after 30 plus years, one can still find these notes at the banks. There are still millions of $1s and $2s out there and you can find them if you know where and how to look for them!
February 10th mail call!
I purchased this 1900 shinplaster for my collection because the front was printed out of register with respect to the back.
February 13th finds:
Holy birds $100s, Batman! (And some journey $20s too…)
I stopped by the bank to make a cash withdrawal today. I usually see my teller contact at the cash cage but she was not there. I went to one of the other tellers to get my cash and my teller contact comes out of the safe and waves me over. She was busy at the end of the day, but she still took the time to show me a strap of 100 birds $100s that somebody brought and cashed in today!
The teller told me that I was lucky to come by because she was going to send them out—whenever they get 100 of any denomination, they send the bundle out.
So, the teller let me look quickly through the bundle…
I managed to save 32 $100 notes, all of which are in the BJ—prefix (sorry Claude, all of the $100s were the 2 small “B” variety😢)
All of the notes are EF-AU…I wish I could take more, but my budget and the limited time I had to search prevented me from taking the whole stack.
The highlight was an AJX replacement note!
There were also some runs of journey $100s, but I could not afford to take those. 😢
It looks to me like an estate distribution or just somebody who put some money away for a rainy day.
It is amazing what you can still find at the bank…
Hi Dean,
Thanks a lot for the attention you take for me it's apreciate ;)
February 16th finds: two banks, two scores…
I stopped by three different banks on my way home today. The first bank gave me an UNC journey $50 and $100 as well as 30 pennies.
The second bank gave me two multicoloured $50s and a birds $50…
And the third bank gave me no banknotes, but I did leave with a valuable bit of information: to visit on Tuesdays because they ship out their mutilated notes every Wednesday.
February 16th mail call.
I bought this small group of 1954 notes specifically for the out of register cut $20.
February 17th finds: Main branch treasure hunt, part 1
This afternoon, I decided to try my luck by going straight to Downtown Toronto’s main branches on Bay Street.
I got the stock line that “we are not allowed to give out old bills once they come in”. From Scotiabank, and TD. CIBC and BMO both said that they “didn’t have anything”, but my bank paid out big time by giving me a whole pile of multicoloured notes and $41 in pennies!
Some of these notes really are ready for the shredder, but I took everything they had, sight unseen and the head teller didn’t bat an eye when I said that I would take it all.
The highlight is a three digit radar note, ECG3321233.
Sorry Claude, all of the”B”s on the $1s are the big “B” variety.☹️
There was also one 1971 $10 with a nice vintage Bank of Montreal stamp on it.
I also took a close look at the VV prefix $10…one “V” looks larger than the other “V”…Claude, could we possibly have another variety here?😀. Big V, little V on the first V? Does anybody else have any VV $10s to compare with this one?
All in all, it was a good day’s hunt!
February 17th finds, continued…Main branch treasure hunt part 2!
I withdrew some regular cash as well as the mutilated notes…$500 in fives and $500 in tens.
So far, I got one Rogers Macklem FFK note from the tens and several INK $5s…only one of which is signed by Lane/Macklem.
And here’s a picture of the $20.50 in penny rolls…🤣
February 19th finds: More fun at the bank machine!
I withdrew some notes from the bank machine today and I got a bunch of $5 “close calls”…almost radars.
And I received one Lane Macklem INR prefix note…
From Friday’s polymer withdrawal, I forgot to mention that I got $5 HBN sheet replacement note…They are still out there!
PS: I have noticed several really ratty polymer notes out of the bank machines and even from tellers at the bank…These notes are so worn that the polymer substrate is visible and the design is worn right off.
The chartered banks really need to do a better job of culling the worn polymer notes; it’s embarrassing to use such tattered and tired notes.
PS: I have noticed several really ratty polymer notes out of the bank machines and even from tellers at the bank…These notes are so worn that the polymer substrate is visible and the design is worn right off.
The chartered banks really need to do a better job of culling the worn polymer notes; it’s embarrassing to use such tattered and tired notes.
-This has been my experience in the past 4 years (especially with the TENS & TWENTIES). Not so bad with the FIVES & FIFTIES (a steady stream of newer prefixes or runs of new notes). Just before Christmas, I got whole batches of new TENS & thought they were going to cull the old 2013 (finally) but that did not materialize as I still got the old MacDonald notes soon enough (with see-through worn out polymer substrate). There seems to be no active culling going on at most branches I go to.
February 22nd finds:
A snowstorm brings paper money and black toonies…
I stopped by a bank that I don’t have an account with. The friendly teller there had some mutilated notes and rolls of black toonies that he was willing to sell to me as long as I had enough cash on hand to buy it.
So I ended up with some birds $2s (one of which is BBA with the Big B), some $1s, five rolls of black toonies and 17 journey $100s.
February 23rd finds:
Main branch madness!
I went to the main branch of my bank yesterday and the tellers were nice enough to give me these mutilated notes.
February 24th mail call!
This 1937 $1 arrived in the mail today.
It features a hand written date of June 14 1947.
February 28th finds:
A few paper notes a couple of changeovers and more black toonies.
I stopped by one of my banks on the way home today. The teller gave me a few paper journey notes and four black toonie rolls.
I withdrew some cash from the machine as I was leaving and I got a FFK Rogers Macklem $10 and an INK Lane Macklem $5 amidst a pile of raggedy disgusting polymer $5s and $10s that should have been withdrawn months ago and sent to the shredder.
March 1st finds:
Follow the toonie trail…
I had to go to the bank today on some routine business. While at the teller, I asked if they had black toonie rolls or paper bank notes. The teller said that there were no new black toonie rolls, but that there were some black ones in the customer wrapped rolls.
He retrieved a roll of toonies for me that had three black ones in it. I took a closer look at all of the coins when I got home and I was pleased to find a 2006 toonie with the RCM logo and another 2006 toonie with no logo.
The highlight of the roll was a 2012 old design toonie— the first one I have ever found in circulation!
March 2nd finds: More paper…
I received an email from one of my tellers advising me that she had more paper notes.
I went to the branch and she said that I should take what I wanted because she had to ship them out at the end of the day. Apparently, branches are not allowed to keep more than $10k in mutilated notes and coins on hand at any time.
Sorry Claude, all of the $100s were small “B” variety notes…☹️
So I picked through a pile of birds $100s and a pile of birds $20s. Most of them were ready for the shredder, but I chose a few nicer $20s and a couple of $100s.
To my surprise, one of the birds $20s was an EVB prefix without the back plate number! Ofcourse, it has to be the worst condition of the four $20 notes in this lot. :D
March 3rd finds: More main branch madness!
I received these notes from the main branch of my bank yesterday. Most appear to be ready for the shredder, but there are a few hidden gems in the lot including a 1973 $1 with handwriting on it and a BBP 1986 $2 note.
March 4th finds:
While running errands this afternoon, I stopped into a bank that I don’t usually get anything from, but this time, they had $3.65 in pennies that they allowed me to take home.
March 6th finds:
Two for two!
One of my teller contacts emailed me today and said that he had a bunch of paper notes. Of course, I had to go to see what surprises came out of the cash cage…
The haul included a few multicolour $1s, lots of birds notes and a few journey notes too. Nothing too special, but there was one birds $5 with slightly misaligned left and right serial numbers.
After picking up these notes, I went into a different bank across the street. I went in cold and asked if they had any old bank notes…And the teller came back with a bunch of multicoloured $1s, some $2s, a couple of $5s, some birds $20s and a birds $50.
If that wasn’t enough, the teller said that he also had six US $2 bills…All from the Federal Reserve in Atlanta. So of course I bought them too.
On Saturday March 4th, I hit an estate deposit at the local RBC where 40 Bird $100 banknotes were available. After the discussion regarding the Big B and Little B on the Bird $100 from C. Beaulieu, I had to take them home and take a closer look. There are some differences in the B's but I would like to see a further discussion from the Forum. The BJD and BJB notes are very interesting but we need to have a discussion if these different B warrant a special category. I also picked up an "AJX" which is a nice bonus. Anyways, please look at the picture and let us have a discussion regarding Big B and Little B like the Bird $2 banknotes.
Thank you to show all your 100$.I take a look and they are all regular ''small B ''.When you look at the prefix the large ''B'' is really easy to see the difference of a small''B''.Take a look on my topic(my last discovery) it have a picture of a 100$ BJD with one large ''B'' on right side and small''B'' on the left side.If you have 2$ with this kind of variety please let me know.I apreciate when you show your find.
March 8th finds: Bank error in your favour…
I went to one of my regular banks yesterday to ask for paper notes. The friendly tellers obliged by showing me a stack of journey $100s and three journey $10s.
One of the tellers then pulled out a 1973 $1 and a birds $2 from the drawer and gave them to me.
When I tried to give him $3 in exchange, he refused it…
Confused, I asked him why he wouldn’t accept my $3. He said that a customer came in the previous day and “handed in” the notes, saying that they were now “worthless”.
I educated the teller by telling him that while the notes have lost legal tender status, all it means is that merchants have the right to refuse payment if you present old currency and that individuals can still obtain full face value for the notes at any financial institution in perpetuity because the notes have not been demonetized.
So, I got $3 free from the bank. I’m keeping these two notes in my collection just because of the story behind them. :)
March 10th finds:
Main branch madness!
I went to the main branch of my bank today, braving the snow hoping for some treasures.
When I get to a teller, she goes to the vault to check for paper notes and comes back empty handed. Determined to salvage the situation, I ask this teller if she has any American $2 notes.
The teller explains that “because US $2s aren’t used, we can’t accept them and the Bank of Canada won’t take them”. Talk about crossed wires…I wondered how this young lady even got a job as a bank teller.
Just then, an older more experienced teller who was walking by told the young teller “we actually have a few US $2s and you can take them from customers if they bring them in.”
The senior teller then brings out four US $2s and hands them to me.
So Although I ended up striking out with Canadian paper notes today, I walked away with some US $2s, one of which is a series 1953C red seal note with a wide left margin!
March 12th mail call.
I finally made it to the post office to pick up a package from my friend in New Brunswick.
I bought three mint rolls of 1991 quarters from him and he also found some cool paper money at his bank that he saved for me, including a nice 1971 $10, a birds $100 radar note and a journey $100 replacement note!
The tattered journey $5 was also part of the package, but it was nothing special.
It’s always nice to have friends who look for notes, isn’t it?
March 13th finds:
Downtown banks 0 for 5. ☹️
I tried my luck finding paper money at several banks in downtown Toronto this afternoon…with no luck at all.
But I did find an Indian rupee and ten cents on the ground so it wasn’t a total loss. 🤣
March 14th find: A “grand” day at the bank.
I stopped into a bank that I hadn’t visited in quite some time and the teller gave me a 1954 $1000 note.
He said that an old lady come in every few weeks and brings one in. (What is it with little old ladies…they seem to have drawers full of cash everywhere!)
Apparently, this little old lady has been depositing $1000 notes on a semi regular basis for over two years. Unfortunately, the teller said that he marks them for destruction as soon as they come in and he was unwilling to contact me if more $1000s do show up.
It was just blind luck that I happened to come in today because the teller said that he was just about to “send the note out”.
I will say that it has been quite some time since I last found a $1000 note. $1000 notes are less frequently found in the mutilated piles these days.
March 15th finds:
Another day, more paper money!
I was at my favourite bank today (for other business) and I stopped by the cash cage on my way out.
The friendly teller gave me some journey notes, some birds notes and a couple of multicoloured notes. Not the best quality notes today, but beggars can’t be choosers.
The highlight is the journey $50 birthday note AHM 1964317…March 17th 1964 or July 31st 1964.
There are plenty of notes to be found…if you are persistent.
For Claude:
I have this $2 with a big “B” and small “B” in my collection.
March 15th finds: Main Branch Madness!
I stopped by the main branch of my bank yesterday on some routine business. While there, I asked for paper money and the teller brought out two journey $50s and $100s.
Nothing too special in this lot, but there is a BKM short run $100 in there and the fact that the staff willingly give paper notes to me is something not to take for granted.
To make matters better, I found 10 cents on the ground and received a colourized 2017 quarter in my change yesterday!
Hi Dean,
Thank you for the picture of the 2$BGJ with one large''B''.I'll put this information in my registry.If you want to sell it,let me know.
March 17th finds:
Well, today was certainly a lucky day at the banks for me. I got three bank bags of $25 in pennies and a black toonie from one branch and a few paper notes from another branch.
The highlight is the $1 note…It’s a repeater!
March 17th mail call and miscellaneous find:
I arrived home to find two packages waiting for me. The contents included a 1000 Japanese yen note (that I bought for less than face value) and this 1937 $1 that has “found March 13/52” on the front and “found March 13,1952” on the back.
If somebody actually found $1 on the ground back in 1952, they must have felt like a millionaire! Imagine how much $1 could buy 71 years ago…
The third note is a regular polymer $5 I received in change…It has a washed out message written in ink on the back. I am not sure what it reads.
The fourth note has to be the worst condition note I ever paid money for. But it is a number 10000, so I bought it (very cheaply). This 1967 note would definitely be sent for shredding if it was in the wild. It looks like someone had it in their wallet for a VERY long time…
March 20th finds, part 1.
I forgot to post photos of a Macklem-Carney $5 I found the other day in my change…so here it is. Part 2 gets better!
March 20th finds, part 2.
I received some pretty cool items from my friend in New Brunswick…He hunts for silver, but when the bank has notes, he picks them up for me.
Among the highlights is this really nice 1937 $2, and a 1954 $1 replacement note.
Also found was a repeater and a radar from the latest vertical $10s!
My friend also scored an original Bank of Canada bundle dated 22092014 (more on this in a separate post).
It’s amazing that after all this time that 2013 dated $10s are still in the bank vaults.
It goes to show you that there are still many treasures to be found at the banks…Don’t give up…old bank notes are out there!
March 23rd finds:
Main Branch Madness! Part 1…
I stopped by the main branch again today and boy, did they ever pay out…
I got tons of paper $5s, $$10s, $20s and $50s ranging in condition from virtually disintegrating to AU+.
Among the highlights are:
A near solid 6s birds $20
A 1954 $10 with some amazing date stamps on it from 1975 (more on these in my other thread).
And three EHX replacement birds $50s, two of which were consecutive.
I that wasn’t enough, I stopped by another branch on my way home (the same branch that gave me all of the FFK prefix Rogers Macklem $10s). The teller initially said that they “had nothing”, but then I used my superpowers and pulled out the envelope full of paper bills from the main branch. When I told the teller that I got all of these notes from the main branch, his tune suddenly changed and he brought out $26 in paper $1s and $2s.
So there you have it…Most bank tellers will tell collectors that they have nothing…so that we go away.
Be persistent; it will pay off!
March 23rd:
Main Branch Madness part 2:
On closer inspection of the $10s, I realized that there were some diamonds in the rough.
An out of register cut DV prefix $10.
A birthday note, FDM 1985520…May 20th 1985.
March 23rd:
Main Branch Madness: Part 3:
Here is the last of the main branch finds for the day…
The birds $50s and the 1954 $10 with tons of stamps on it.
It really is too bad that somebody put a light fold in those EHX $50s…and that the one note is missing from the run. 😢
March 23rd finds:
(Regular) Branch Madness!
Here are the $1s and $2s I received from my regular branch.
Sorry Claude, no Big B $2s or mismatched B $1s…
March 27th finds:
Today, I went to one of my regular branches and picked up a few paper notes.
Nothing really special today, just some journey notes, a few birds $100s and a 1975 $100.
For Claude: All of the Bs on the birds $100 are small. ☹️
One of the birds $100 is a bit out of register and the two BJT series $100s both have a bit of offset ink on the top left of the back of the note.
One thing I have noticed is that there are a LOT of very nice birds $100s, journey $100s and journey $50s coming out of the woodwork lately. If you need one for your collection, the banks have tons of them.
March 28th finds:
A replacement note is rescued and something really special…
I went to one of my regular branches today. When I arrived in line, I saw the lady in the cash cage counting big piles of bank notes. I knew this teller from previous transactions so I just walked up and asked her if there was any paper money in the piles.
The friendly teller obliged by pulling out all of the paper notes.
Most are unremarkable journey notes and a few birds notes, but in with the mutilated notes, I pulled out an AJX birds $100 replacement note with a clear BPN and in the pile of journey $10s, there was an incredible low serial number note BTU0000020
Unfortunately, somebody doodled a small number on Sir John A. Macdonald’s forehead! 😡. A similar number is scribbled on the birds $10 on his forehead.
Why did the teller choose THAT particular note to scribble on? 😡😡😡
It’s still a very cool find though!
Many of the $10s have the “roller marks of death” from being deposited in the bank machine. ☹️
After I finished looking through the Canadian currency, I noticed a large pile of US mutilated notes on the desk. The teller let me look through those notes as well and I pulled out 30 $2s, and three old design $20s.
None of these notes are worth a premium, and some do deserve to be shredded as there is very little design left on them, but I took them anyway.
Wow #20 great find, enjoy!
March 31st finds:
Main branch strikeout but all is not lost…
I went to the main branch of my bank today, but they had no paper money or old coins for me. 😢
On the way home, I stopped in to a branch of a different bank and did a “cold call”. The teller comes out of the cash cage with a plastic bag containing $9 in nickel 50c pieces. 😀
She said that they “don’t know what to do with them” because there is “nowhere in the system to record these coins”.
I told her that I’d take any and all 50c coins and big nickel dollars or paper money that they get.
If 50c coins are so unpopular and nobody uses them, why doesn’t the Government retire the denomination altogether?
If 50c coins are so unpopular and nobody uses them, why doesn’t the Government retire the denomination altogether?
Because the Canadian Government can still make money selling 50c coins to coin collectors in Canada and around the world. Why give up such a nice little extra money? ;)
April 3rd finds:
Lots and lots of journey $20s…and some pennies and a $5 too…
The friendly teller at one of my banks gave me $1765 in paper notes, mostly $20s. There are some nice UNC runs in this haul…The teller said that someone came in just hours before I did and deposited these notes.
I also obtained $4 in pennies.
April 5th finds:
Hitting paydirt…
I stopped by one of my regular branches today and the friendly teller pulled all of the paper notes from the mutilated pile. While the majority of the notes are nothing special, there are a couple of HAE $5s (Jenkins/Carney) and an FEE prefix $10 (printed in 2002).
Sorry Claude, all of the birds $2s have small “B”s…☹️
While the notes are run of the mill, the story behind them is interesting:
The teller told me that the client who deposited the notes is the son of an elderly man who is moving into a senior’s home and they found this money while cleaning out his house.
The “discovery” of hoards of money in homes is the stuff that dreams are made of…
What else could be stashed in sock drawers and old coats forgotten in people’s homes?
April 12th mail call:
I saw this note and I couldn’t resist buying it…
A binary radar 1974 $2!
You did the right choice,beautyfull 2 digits radar and also binary.A great note!
April 13th & 14th finds…A double header!
I didn’t report my find yesterday from the Main Branch of my bank. All I received was a pair of colourized Alexander Graham Bell loonies; they did not have any paper money nor did they have any coins.
Today, I went to two different banks. The first bank is one of my regular stops and they did not disappoint!
The friendly teller gave me some really nice notes from the mutilated pile today, including some 1971 $10s (no FDA or FDC prefix notes☹️), however, the nicest $10 is a radar note, ETK1437341 I also got some crisp birds $20s but unfortunately, several of these had corner bumps from being thrown into the mutilated pile ☹️
Last but not least, there are the circulated journey $20s and one journey $10 without the security strip.
I am fairly certain that the crisp 1971 $10s and birds $20s came from a collection. Either the collector died and the family deposited the “found” money, or the collector was downsizing their collection and figured that the $10s and $20s were not worth keeping.
The second bank yielded 74 cents in pennies. Some Americans and several cents that were dug from the ground.
I’m amazed at the types of notes and coins I am finding after all of this time. There must be millions upon millions of dollars of old money out there, waiting to be found again!
April 20th finds:
Lots of $50s (and a couple of $100s too)
I went to one of my regular banks and the friendly teller let me look through a bundle of journey $100s and a few $50s.
Surprisingly, the journey $100s were in terrible shape, so I took a couple of the best ones.
I was pleasantly surprised to find an insert note, EJE 3928555.
There were some nicer journey $50s as well, but because they are lightly circulated, they will be going back to the bank.
April 21st finds:
New bank, new finds!
I went to a branch that I have never been to and the teller kindly gave me a bunch of paper notes and 90c in pennies!
Highlights include many crisp 1973 $1s and an FDS short run prefix 1971 $10.
Sorry Claude, all of the $1s had big “B”s…☹️
April 24th finds part 1:
Lots and lots of paper…
I picked up a huge load of better paper notes today.
I was pleasantly surprised to see some 1954 notes and a couple of 1973 $1 replacement notes and a journey $50 short run FMJ prefix note.
Sorry Claude…no variety in the “B”s…☹️
April 26th finds:
Take what you can get…
Today, I stopped in at one of my regular banks. The pickings were slim; only two journey $20s and a US $2 with a corner missing. ☹️
I did notice some rolls of customer wrapped dimes, so I bought them.
I hope there are some treasures in the rolls…
The dime rolls did not yield much. Approximately two rolls of keepers; including 13 US dimes, and of the nickel composition coins, the oldest were two 1968 dated examples. There was only one 1992 dime and two 2017s in $100 worth of dimes.
There were 13 double dated 2021 dimes but only two sailing (non colour) bluenose dimes.
April 27th finds:
Main Branch Madness!
I got a whole whack of vintage notes from my main branch today, including some more US $2s!
I will comment on some specific bills in my other thread…
Bank stamps galore today!
May 1st finds:
Take whatever the bank offers…
I got these circulated notes from the bank yesterday.
The birds $2s in the BBA, BBB and BBN series have “big Bs” and the BGH series $2 has “small Bs”.
There’s also an AUJ series $2…signed by Crow and Bouey.
May 2nd finds:
I stopped by one of my banks today and the friendly teller gave me some paper notes and some rolled pennies!
The highlight is that two of the $5s are HAE prefix changeovers, but unfortunately, they are the common Jenkins/Carney signed notes. ☹️
May 2nd: Addendum
On closer inspection of the HPJ journey $5 today, I noticed that the varnish on the back of the note exhibits a dotted pattern, like a sewn seam on a piece of clothing.
This pattern goes around the edge of the blue area on the top left of the note and along the bottom margin on the left side in the dark blue area.
Has anybody else noticed this?
In the past in journey series I found notes with a ''thin'' paper,I call it thin but I think it's because the notes have no varnish?When I touch it the paper are not rigid.I found some notes with the same texture on touch.
In 5$ the prefix I have is:AOF8733711-6361251,HOW0471694-0260515-8655865-2541278,HPA5399631,HOZ1819844.
In 10$:BTG0049431-0011682
In 20$:ERM6596410
About 50$ and 100$ I never be able to have a sealed brick.
And like Dean said I have one who have stripes cause by the varnish was not dry at the back when it past under caster the stripes are easy to see.It's 5$ APJ7344962 it found in sealed brick.
Thats what I think?
Sorry for my english I'm a french canadian,I hope you understand.
Thank you.
May 6th finds:
I decided to stop by a bank in downtown Toronto where I have never been successful in retrieving any paper notes.
I asked the teller for paper money and he introduced me to the head teller who happily opened up the mutilated note envelope.
I got quite a large selection on a visit where I was expecting nothing!
Persistence pays off… never give up!
On closer inspection of the journey $50, it looks to have some offset ink on the back.
Is this worth keeping?
Yes it is a keeper.
May 8th finds:
Scraping the bottom of the barrel…
Sometimes you just take whatever you can get, even if it is just a handful of coins…
May 10th finds:
Beggars can’t be choosy…
My local branch had a US $2 and four consecutive journey $100s…plus five rolls of pennies to give me today.
May 11th finds:
Main Branch Madness!
I lucked out today. The main branch provided me with a bounty of paper money; most of which were 1971 $10s!
May 12th finds:
2 banks, 2 scores…you guessed it…lots of $2s!
I stopped by two different banks today. The first bank teller gave me three US $2s and a whole bunch of nickel 50 cent pieces, nickel dollars and pennies.
The second bank teller was kind enough to give me six birds $2s. She said that “an older client came in and deposited them”. She promised to alert me if any more old paper money comes in.
May 19th finds…Friend finds from New Brunswick!
My friend in New Brunswick sent me these notes and I received them today.
The highlights of the lot were some nice crispy $1s and $2s as well as a very nice 1975 $100 and best of all, a 1979 Lawson/Bouey replacement note.
Honourable mentions go to the EIJ $20 with serifs, the EVD $20 with no BPN and the FHG $50 with the small Fs.
May 19th finds: Main branch madness!
I got a collection dump from the main branch today. (And a few birds $20s).
This collection contained silver.
Five $20 silver coins…
$7.40 in silver dimes…
Six rolls of nickels, two of which are in tubes and are all 12 sided coins ranging from 1940-1962. The paper rolls of nickels were all at least from 1963 through to 2000, most being 1981 or earlier.
I think the quarter rolls were originally silver…but whomever cashed in the coins took the silver to a dealer and reused the wrappers to bundle up newer coins. $7 worth of the quarters were nickel alloy while $3 worth were steel plated coins.
The dimes in the paper rolls were all nickel alloy with a few plated coins sprinkled in.
This collector collected by date because there are several coins with the same date throughout the rolls.
Then there was also this note scrawled on the lid of the cardboard box that the coins came in: “C$240 spend”
Ah well, any time I can get silver at face value from the bank, I am a happy camper!
May 24th finds:
$50s…Get your mountie $50s here!
One of my regular banks gave me 41 multicoloured $50s, two multicoloured $20s and $4 in pennies today.
When I asked the teller where they came from, she said that “an older guy brought them in yesterday.”
This collector must have collected by prefix…
Some of the notes are in very nice condition while others should rightly be shredded, but I took everything so I didn’t waste the teller’s time.
Highlights of this lot are the EHF changeover prefix notes.
May 24th coin hunting find:
I was searching through a box of pennies last night and I found this coin:
Very weak design on the reverse but good detail on the obverse.
Faint date of 1981…
Is this considered a “struck through grease” error coin?
May 26th finds:
It’s raining $2 bills…along with some $1s for variety.
I was planning to go straight home from work today…until the bank messaged me to say that they had “lots of $2 bills”.
Well, I just had to check them out and I’m glad I did!
73 $2 notes, 22 $1s and one 1979 $20 plus some black toonies and other commemorative toonies and loonies were waiting for me.
This appears to be an estate clean out. There are nicer condition notes but not consecutive other than one pair. This suggests that somebody accumulated the notes a handful at a time.
The later prefixes on the $2s suggest that the collector was squirreling the notes away right around the time that the toonies were released in 1996. I remember many people at the time doing this.
The $1 notes are not in great shape, but there are some 1954 $1s in there plus a couple of curiously toned notes that I will comment on in my other thread.
Highlights of the lot include two birthday notes, 2013125…January 25th 2013 or May 12th 2013.
and 9161967…September 16th 1967.
Also interesting is a 4 digit radar note EGR 7523257 and a note with a number CBH 9191119 plus another interesting note, CBA 9933339.
The 1979 $20 also has something interesting scribbled on it. More on this note in my other thread…
May 29th finds:
$100s anyone? (and another multicolour $50 thrown in for good measure).
One of my regular banks had three $100 notes and a multicolour $50 waiting for me today.
May 31st finds:
Today, my bank had a few paper notes for me. Nothing special here, but sometimes you have to take what’s there to keep the connection alive.
June 9th finds: Main Branch Madness, foreign edition!
Today, the main branch of my bank gave me three US $2 notes and five Japanese 2000 yen bank notes!
The common thread here is that in both countries, these denominations do not circulate widely.
The highlight is that one of the US $2s is a star note!
Oh, and for some Canadian Content, I did also get $26.50 in penny rolls… :D
Today, the main branch of my bank gave me three US $2 notes and five Japanese 2000 yen
-That's interesting Dean.
I just looked up your 2000 Yen notes (P-103a & P-103b) since I was curious whether they were commemorative banknotes (released in 2000). However, the Japanese government doesn't consider them commemorative (while many collectors mis-attribute them as such). According to Numista, over 500,000,000 of the single letter prefix were issued in 2000 (P-103a) and 100,000,000 of the 2 letter prefix were released in 2013. You have both. Also, one of the reasons that the 2000 Yen isn't popular in Japan is b/c they're not accepted in vending machines.
They're in great shape so nice start to a World currency collection Dean!
Here's where I got the info on your 5 Japanese banknotes:
https://en.numista.com/catalogue/note203032.html (https://en.numista.com/catalogue/note203032.html)
The 2000 yen notes are a great get. Congrats.
June 12th finds:
It’s pouring rain (and paper money).
One of my regular banks offered up some $1s $2s and a five today. Nothing really special but it goes to show you that there are still millions of these notes out there!
June 13th finds:
A bit of paper…and more pennies!
Today, one of my regular banks gave me $7.50 in penny rolls, two consecutive AHN short run prefix journey $50s, and a journey $100 four digit repeater note.
Not bad for a Tuesday afternoon…
June 16th finds:
Main Branch Madness…Some old pennies (and a few paper notes for good measure)
Yesterday, the Main Branch offered up $5 in penny rolls. The teller said that the man who deposited the pennies said that they were “very old” and that he would “prefer it if they went to a collector”.
8 of the rolls are King George VI coins, one roll is 1967 and one roll is just regular cents. The paper rolls appear to have more than 50 coins in them!
The paper money isn’t really anything special, but there was one 1975 JA first prefix note plus a birds $100 that at first glance appears to be nothing special, but the Optical Security Device has a little streak of extra iridescent ink to the left of the square.
Is this extra ink enough to warrant keeping this note?
June 26th:
Main Branch Madness!
The main branch offered me a few notes today; I got to pick through the pile and I salvaged some $1s, a bird $2 and some journey notes. The highlight is a journey $20 replacement note, EZH 9915621. Replacements and inserts are still out there! Keep looking…
June 27th finds:
Oldies are still out there!
I stopped by one of my banks today and they gave up some $1s, $2s, as well as a 1937 $5 and two 1954 $20s!
June 28th finds:
More $1s!
I picked up some nice $1s today…Some nicer 2 letter prefix notes in this bunch, along with a scarce PA prefix note!
I think this was a collection dump.
July 17th finds:
Main Branch Madness!
After a couple of weeks off, I went to the main branch of my bank and retrieved these notes.
Aside from a nicer 1979 $20 and journey $20, there’s not much in this find.
July 22nd finds:
I visited one of my regular branches and the teller had some paper notes for me. Highlights are a nicer 2 letter prefix multicolour $100, a 1954 $5 and a run of 4 consecutive birds $2s.
Oh, and the teller said that she had “tons” of pennies…$54 worth, so naturally, I took them all. :D
August 4th finds:
Lots of $100s…And some US $2s.
One of my regular banks had some nice multicolour $100s and a few US $2s today.
Interestingly, 7 out of the 8 $100s were the 2 letter prefix and there was one decent birds $20 so I took it as well.
August 9th finds:
Main Branch madness!
I decided to go to the main branch today and the friendly teller sorted through piles of mutilated notes for me.
I kept a handful of very nice 1979 $20s, a 1969 $20 and a very nice 1975 $100.
But one note caught my eye…a ratty 1975 $50. When I picked it up, I couldn’t believe that it was a Lawson/Bouey EHX replacement note!. It’s really too bad that it is in such poor condition, but I’ll keep it anyway!
You just never know what you will find…Just when I thought I was done, the teller offered me two rolls of Aboriginal themed toonies!
I swear that somebody out there is printing 1979 $20s and 1975 $100s in their basement. I have seen so many of them in the mutilated piles at several banks.
The 1975 $100 could be a birthday note for somebody born on March 24th 1952.
Finding vintage notes like these in AU/UNC condition at the bank means that somebody is cashing in an estate or they had notes stashed away…for a very long time!
August 11th finds:
I was out running some errands and I popped into a bank that I don’t normally go to. To my surprise, the nice teller sold me 11 rolls of pennies.
August 11th finds, part 2.
A country drive pays off!
After finding notes in the city on the morning of August 11th, I headed out for a drive.
I stopped at a bank in a small town east of Toronto and they had no notes, but the friendly teller was nice enough to give me $226 worth of old nickel dollars and 50 cent pieces and $9 in penny rolls!
The baggies of coins have scraps of paper with the number of “silver” dollars in them… :D
The person who deposited the pennies must have printed their own penny wrappers…I have never seen this pattern before.
August 14th find:
I went to my local bank and the friendly teller showed me some paper notes. I noticed that this birds $100 had handwriting on the back. It looks like a list of some sort…
I’m having trouble making out the message, but it looks like someone may have been tracking their expenses.
There’s a word, then “600” and then “Ph -300” under it.
I am guessing that it means “Phone -$300”.
Can anybody help with the rest of the writing?
August 16th finds:
I went to a bank that I hadn’t visited in awhile and the nice tellers let me look through the mutilated pile.
I pulled out two $20s and a multicolour $10! The $20s have writing on them; I’ll go into further detail in my other thread, "Banknotes with a story”.
August 16th finds, part 2!
As soon as I got home from the first bank, I received an email from another bank saying that they had “lots of old $100s and if I wanted them I would have to pick them up today or the notes would be shipped out.
When I get to the branch, I was pleasantly surprised to receive nine 1954 $100s. Some are not in great shape, but it’s still nice to get them.
To top it off, the teller had four US $2s for me as well!
August 17th finds:
You just never know what’s out there…
Today, I stopped by a bank that I have not visited in awhile. In fact, I don’t even have an account with them but I went in “cold” and simply asked for old bank notes and/or coins. To my delight, the friendly tellers didn’t bat an eye when they said “we have lots of old bills…how much do you want?”
I searched through the entire mutilated pile and pulled out what I could reasonably save, including all of the $1s and $2s…and there were lots of those!
I also managed to save some beautiful crispy journey $10s, a $5 and a $100 with the EJZ prefix!
There were also LOTS of bird series $100s and one really nice 1975 $100 so I saved the best of them.
To top it off, the teller had 40 rolls of pennies too!
After I chose the notes I wanted, the teller waited while I ran across the street to withdraw cash from my own bank!
Highlights of the lot include:
EJZ $100 journey…UNC
A $2 birds ARX replacement note (Thiessen/Crow)
A $2 birds AUK note signed by Thiessen and Crow
And two 1954 $2s.
Another interesting thing is that I found 2 journey $10s in the pile with the BFF prefix as well as two $1 notes, also with the BFF prefix. I’ve been keeping all notes with the BFF prefix that I can find in hopes of one day finding a matching serial number pair. Talk about a needle in a haystack, but you never know…
There are hidden treasures all over the place!
I thanked the friendly tellers at the end of this massive transaction and they said “ no problem…we are glad to get rid of this stuff so we don’t have to deal with it!”
I took a separate picture for Claude showing all of the B-series $2s in this lot.
If anybody wants any birds $100s, I have lots of them! 😀
August 18th finds:
Out and about today, I managed to get these three $100 notes.
It’s cool to find 2 letter prefix multicolour notes in the mutilated note piles…They are real survivors!
I also managed to get a roll of new coloured 2023 Elsie Macgill loonies..
August 19th finds:
3 banks, 3 scores.
I got a call from one of my banks today and the teller said that she had “lots of US $2s”. So naturally, I went out and picked them up. This lot of 22 $2 notes is mostly from 1976 with a few later dates sprinkled in. Overall, nothing special and no star notes.
On the way back from picking up the $2s, I decided to do a “cold call” at a branch that I have never visited before. I explained what I was doing to the teller and she said “we have bills, but not many old ones”. I said that I would look at everything and the teller seemed hesitant to open up the mutilated pile.
She offered me the chance to claim some paper notes but she insisted that I give her a dollar figure…so I said $100 please.
She then proceeded to pull out $100 worth of $5s and $10s and told me that she “cannot give out the $20s, $50s or $100s.”
I figured that my request was odd for this teller and so I did not object and took what was offered to me. One note stood out…a GOG prefix birds $5.
Finally, the third bank I visited this afternoon was very accommodating; the teller let me look through the mutilated notes and I took a few. She also sold me $6.85 worth of pennies! $6.85/hour was Ontario’s adult minimum wage when I was a teenager. (The student minimum wage at that time was $6.40/hour!)
I’ll probably end up returning most of the Canadian notes but it was worth trying some untested branches to see what they would give me.
Probably the most exciting souvenir from this day of bank hunting was this TTC bus transfer I obtained this morning…with the serial number 1! Two of the banks I visited today were in downtown Toronto and taking transit was cheaper than paying for parking. :D
I wonder if the transfer will be worth a premium in the future?
August 19th finds:
More pictures…
August 21st finds:
Mail call from New Brunswick!
I bought a lot of notes from my contact in New Brunswick who hunts the banks for me.
There are lots of $1s…most from 1973, but a few 1967s and 1954s.
An EFA prefix 1975 $50
A couple of 1975 $100s
And a few other notes…including a 1974 RS test note!
Other cool notes include:
A 1954 $1 with prefix H/F
Two birds $50s…FHG with the small F and FHM Bonin-Thiessen in what appears to be UNC and a very nice birds $20 ESJ prefix note.
There is also a worn 1973 $1 with serial numbers that are a bit out of register, but would anyone donsider this an error?
Lots of amazing bank notes and coins are sitting there, waiting to be uncovered!
Highlights include
August 21st:
A closeup of the birds $2s for Claude. 🙂
August 22nd finds: Main Branch Madness!
I visited the main branch of my bank today and the nice teller was able to give me a few paper notes.
Nothing huge in this lot, but I did find a nice journey $5 AAD series changeover note, an AAT changeover note, a couple of defaced $50 notes and a roll each of new 2023 loonies and toonies as well as a few 50c pieces and nickel dollars!
August 22nd finds…Part 2!
I went grocery shopping and next door, there was a branch of my bank. I stopped in to get some cash and asked the teller if she had any old coins or paper money. The teller surprised me with four 50c pieces and ten pennies. 😀
I withdrew some spending cash and looking at the notes, I saw that there was a slight offset transfer of the signature on the back of one note in prefix INN.
Luckily, in the cash I took out, there was another note with the INN prefix so I compared them.
The note with the offset is INN 0953567.
Is it worth keeping?
August 23rd finds:
Slim pickings…
I spent the afternoon scouring more bank branches in downtown Toronto. Unfortunately, after visiting 8 different branches, all I have to show for my efforts are seven rolls of pennies, a roll of Elsie Macgill loonies, two US $2 notes and one journey $100–a short run BKM prefix note.
The bright side to this is that the tellers in the branches that I have visited before remembered who I was and I left my contact info at the other branches I visited for the first time.
August 28th finds:
Bank hunting marathon…
I went to 8 branches today and I managed to score a handful of bank notes plus $105 worth of 2023 loonies.
One bank actually allowed me into the counting room to go through the mutilated notes while the teller stood watch. I was incredibly fortunate to have earned the trust of the employees of this branch!
Highlights of this day include:
A journey $10, BFH prefix, printed in 2009. And…
A $100 EJE prefix sheet replacement note!
I am eternally grateful to all of the wonderful tellers and bank employees who allow me to indulge in this hobby.
August 29th finds:
Guelph edition!
I took the opportunity to visit a few branches on my road trip today.
One bank gave me 8 rolls of pennies and the other bank was nice enough to provide $28 in nickel dollars and 50c pieces plus $480 in crispy beautiful birds $20s plus a 1954 $100 note!
There were actually $500 in $20 notes, but I rejected one because it had a stain on it.
When I got home, I took a closer look at the coins. Unfortunately, one of them was a medallion for the sesquicentennial of the Corporation of Elora, Wellington county, 1832-1982.
The teller who gave me the notes and nickel coins told me that they “belonged to a 92 year old woman and when she died, her family cleaned out her apartment.”
Let this serve as a message to all of us in this community: Please ensure that you have your collection organized and that you provide specific instructions in your will for your beneficiaries so that they don’t just cash everything in at the bank!
August 30th finds:
Main branch madness…and more!
I was out and about today and stopped by the main branch of my bank. They didn’t have any paper notes to show me, but the nice teller offered me two rolls of Aboriginal toonies.
When I got home, I had two messages from two other banks saying that they had stuff for me to look at. So off I went…
The second bank of the day offered up 60 penny rolls, $10 worth of 50c pieces, three $2 notes and two 1969 $20s. One of the $20s looks to be a bit out of register…It’s in pretty good shape too!
The third bank of the day told me that they had some “really old $1s, $2s and $20s.”
Off I went and to my surprise, the teller gave me a 1937 $20 note, some 2 letter prefix 1973 $1s, some 1967 $1s with serial numbers, a pair of 1954 $20s and last but not least, a 1974 $2 with two letters.
For kicks, I asked if they had any pennies and the teller gave me 29 rolls!
In all three cases, the tellers said that they were happy to “get rid of the pennies” as it is a lot of paperwork to ship them out. 😀
There are two penny rolls encased in those old “penny pinchers” that the banks used to give out in the 1970s. Does anybody use these anymore?
All in all, it was a productive day of hunting.
August 31st finds:
Another day, more notes (and coins).
I took my car to get an oil change today and while I was waiting, I visited 3 banks in the vicinity of the shop.
Boy, they didn't disappoint!
I got a bunch of US $2s from one bank.
The second bank gave me some birds notes, some 1954 notes and some multicolour notes. The highlight for me is the really nice 1954 $100! The 1954 $20 is also a short run G/W prefix note!
The third bank gave me $40 in big nickel dollars, $69.50 in 50c pieces and some 2 letter prefix 1975 $50s.
The $50s aren't that special (other than being really old) but there is one note with a lot of figures written on it by a teller...More on this note in my other thread.
In all three cases today, the tellers were happy to "get rid of the mutilated bills" and the one bank teller also said that she was glad to "get rid of the old coins" because "she had no idea what to do with them or how to get rid of them."
August 31st finds...Continued.
More pics of today's finds.
I even found a 1973 $1 with the BFF prefix…I am saving all of the $1s I find with this prefix.
September 1st:
Out and about today, I visited two banks.
The first bank gave me $7.50 in pennies and the second bank gave me a 1971 $10 and a 1979 $20.
Not a bad start to the month!
September 12th finds:
I got an email from one of my regular banks advising me that they had a few paper notes. I went over and grabbed them as soon as I was finished work.
Nothing amazing in this lot, but I did keep a “high and low” pair of BJD prefix birds $100s…Claude, these two notes both have “small B’s”.
Rounding things out were some journey $10s, $20s $50s and a birds $20 plus some penny rolls. There was one ARW prefix journey changeover note.
September 14th finds:
Two banks, two scores!
I visited two different banks on my way home today.
The first bank gave me a 1975 $100 with writing on it, a journey $10 and a birds $20 EVC prefix with no BPN.
The second bank gave me a couple of beaten up 1973 $1s, a birds $2, a 1974 $2, a nicer birds $10 and a 1954 $50! The teller at the second bank also showed me a birds $1000 but unfortunately, it had tears in the edge and a big hole in the middle of it so I turned it down.
It’s worth noting that even though I didn’t take the $1000 note, it has been a very long time since I have seen one in a bank’s mutilated note pile.
September 22nd finds:
I finally got something from one of my banks today after a few days of no finds.
The best part of this lot are two birds $100s, BJI prefix and a beat up BRX $2 replacement note.
September 23rd finds:
One man’s junk is another man’s treasure! Great finds at the Guelph Coin Show.
I attended the Guelph Coin Show and was pleasantly surprised that I was able to add a significant number of defaced notes to my collection at very reasonable prices.
I was able to pick through piles of heavily circulated notes and I came away with lots of treasures, including three BFF series $1s, teller stamped notes, notes with hand writing, and even a ratty beaten up BRX birds $2 replacement note.
I will elaborate on the uniqueness of these bills in my other thread, “Banknotes with a story”.
For Claude, there are two BG- series birds $2s…both “small Bs”
Grab some popcorn!
September 26th finds:
One of my banks called me today and the teller said that she had some paper notes and some US $2s.
I managed to get there just before closing and came away with a few notes.
Nothing too spectacular today, but the $100 notes have some interesting markings that I will include in my other thread.
The US $2s are series 2017A; two from New York and one from Kansas City.
September 27th finds:
More high denomination notes.
I stopped by one of my banks on the way home today. The friendly teller had $100 notes for me to pick through.
I ended up taking three notes…the journey $100s turned out to be nothing special, but the birds note was interesting.
More on this note in my other thread…
September 29th finds:
Main Branch Madness!
I stopped by the main branch of my bank today and there was a pot of gold waiting for me.
The teller let me look at the entire stack of mutilated notes and there was a significant quantity of 1969 $20s in that pile.
The highlight is the short runs of consecutive 1969 $20s.
There was also one BG- series birds $2 with two small Bs…
September 30th finds:
Coin Expo day 2 and more!
I had a great day at the Toronto Coin Expo…I came back for day 2 to specifically attend the currency grading seminar and I learned a lot!
I also picked up more great notes…
Highlights include:
A neat bundle of 1973 $1s with the special stamp announcing the impending arrival of the loonie in 1989.
And a 1986 $2 BGP with the “Big B” “Small B” variety.
Plus some cool defaced notes from a dealer’s bargain bin…more on these notes in my other thread.
On my way out, I started chatting with a fellow collector and he showed me a huge pile of mutilated notes. He offered to sell them to me at face value because he was going to return them to the bank. How could I say no to that? There were a couple of interesting notes in this lot too…
October 6th finds:
I know what I’m thankful for…
I went to three banks on my way home today and they all paid out!
The first bank offered up a bunch of 1979 $20s and a 1989 $10.
The second bank gave me a 1975 $50 and $100 plus I took 6 journey $100s that I thought could be replacements. (Sadly, they were not). There was one $100 note with an interesting teller stamp…more on this note in my other thread.
The third bank gave me $20 in penny rolls…and the teller was just as excited to let me have the pennies as I was to receive them. She told me to come back next week because there were more pennies coming in almost every day at this branch.
Be thankful to all of the wonderful bank tellers who go above and beyond the call of duty to help us in our pursuit of collectable coins and currency.
October 7th finds:
Better finds on the street than at the bank!
I went into one of my banks while I was out and about today and all they could offer to me was one roll of pennies, which I gratefully accepted.
On the way home, I stopped for a coffee and in my change I got a black toonie and a 1967 silver quarter!
To top it all off, I sat down on a bench to drink my coffee and right there beside me were two British pound coins!
How and why they were placed on that bench are a mystery.
October 11th finds:
I got a call from one of my banks to come and pick up some paper money.
I managed to get some journey notes, a couple of birds $100s, a birds $5 and the highlight of this load wasn’t even Canadian!
The teller pulled out two US twos; I always buy any US $2s that I can get, but these just happened to be star notes from 1976!
Not rare at all, but still a cool find!
October 13 & 14 finds:
I went to a bank yesterday and they had a couple of journey $20s for me but nothing else. The same bank called me today to tell me that a customer just came in with some US $2s and penny rolls. Naturally, I went out and picked them up.
October 14th coin roll hunting results:
Since I’ve been picking up penny rolls on a regular basis, I decided to hunt the equivalent of two boxes or 100 rolls.
I was pleasantly surprised at what these rolls contained…
Several pounds of pre 1982 copper Canadian pennies
Several rolls worth of US zinc cents
Several rolls worth of copper US cents
Several 1967 centennial pennies, 8 of them still fully lustrous.
11 British pennies
Five 2 Euro coins
A 1 Euro coin
A penny from Trinidad & Tobago
Philippines 25 centimo
Two Canadian 10 cents
One gold plated US cent
Several US wheat back pennies, the oldest of which are from 1916 and 1918.
Several US pennies dated 2017P, full lustre.
Several King George VI Canadian pennies
And the coolest find of all is a Canadian penny from 1920!
Don’t turn down pennies if a friendly teller offers them to you…There’s treasure in those rolls!
October 14th coin roll hunting results:
Since I’ve been picking up penny rolls on a regular basis, I decided to hunt the equivalent of two boxes or 100 rolls.
I was pleasantly surprised at what these rolls contained…
Five 2 Euro coins
A 1 Euro coin
Five 2 Eurocent coins and one 1 Eurocent coin ;)
From which country are they?
Five 2 Eurocent coins and one 1 Eurocent coin ;)
From which country are they?
1 Eurocent: Germany 2010 “J” mintmark
2 Eurocent:
2 x Portugal (2008, 2002)
1 x Netherlands 2004
1 x Spain 2017
1 x Germany 2009 “A” mintmark
1 Eurocent: Germany 2010 “J” mintmark
2 Eurocent:
2 x Portugal (2008, 2002)
1 x Netherlands 2004
1 x Spain 2017
1 x Germany 2009 “A” mintmark
Thanks for the information :)
October 18th finds:
I stopped by one of my regular banks today. The friendly teller took me into the cash cage and I searched through the mutilated notes.
I got some Canadian $1s and $2s but the surprise of the day was this batch of US $2s…11 in all, including 4 consecutive notes with a curious pink stain around the margins, maybe from anti theft dye.
I was also able to pick out one $5 US star note from 1999. Not rare, but still neat!
Any idea why so many US $2 notes consistently show up in Canada? They're not that common in circulation down here.
Any idea why so many US $2 notes consistently show up in Canada? They're not that common in circulation down here.
Hi Cory,
I think there are a number of reasons why I'm seeing US $2s in Toronto:
1. Toronto is a big city and there are people from all over the world who travel a lot.
2. The branches take in US $2s but don't recirculate them. So, they are considered US mutilated notes and they hold on to them until they get 100 of them before shipping them out, just like old Canadian paper notes.
3. There are a lot of estate accumulations coming in lately. Once, I got 26x US $2s and the teller said that the family of a senior citizen found them as they were cleaning out her house after she died.
Whatever the reason the banks up here have US $2s, I will happily take them whenever I can. :)
Ah, that completely makes sense. Thanks!
October 20th finds:
Some old paper, and new loonie rolls.
I picked up some new 2023 loonie rolls and some paper notes from my bank today.
A couple of nicer birds $100s and three 1954 $100s are highlights of this load.
More interesting notes on the hundreds in my other thread, banknotes with a story…
October 21st finds:
Some more paper notes and a find from the bank machine.
Yesterday, I went to a bank that I have not visited in awhile. The friendly teller gave me some paper notes including a birds $10, a journey $10 with the missing circle, and a 1971 $10. I was also able to get some nice journey $20s and a $50.
The teller searched the change tray and was able to find a black toonie, which I gratefully accepted.
I took out some normal cash from the bank machine and there was a polymer $20 FWW non commemorative note in the pile.
October 25th mail call.
I received two packages today.
I bought this lot of three 1937 $1s, including two Osbourne signed notes.
The second package contained this 1969 $20. More on this note in my other thread.
October 25th finds:
Main Branch Madness!
I went to the main branch today and the friendly teller had some very crispy journey $5s, a journey $10 and fifty crispy birds $20s!
Naturally, I took everything…
Highlights include:
A journey $5 repeater serial number and a couple of birds $20s with no serif on the “I”.
October 25th:
More pickups!
After visiting the main branch, I met up with a fellow collector who offered me a large batch of notes for a reasonable price. Of course, I could not say no!
For Claude: there were a couple of BG- series birds $2s in this lot…
October 26th finds:
Today, I got a call from one of my banks to check out some Canadian paper bills. When I got to the branch, I looked through all of the mutilated notes (mostly journey $100s, nothing special) but I managed to pull one birds $20 EVP prefix note and a birds $50 FMF prefix note. The $50 is not really worth keeping, but I did notice that one of the Fs in the prefix was slightly lower than the rest of the prefix.
While I was there, I asked the teller if he had any US notes. He pulled out three US $2s and a really nice condition 1995 series $10 note.
October 27th finds:
2 banks, 2 scores!
I was called back to the same bank I went to yesterday. The teller said that “an old lady deposited her late husband’s money”. I arrived to see a whole pile of really nice 1973 $1s, (more than 100 notes!) 1974 $2s, 1979 $5s and birds $2s and $5s. There was even one 1954 $20 in the pile, and some circulated journey fives. I also obtained one journey $100 when I stopped in to another bank on my way home. More on this note in my other thread.
Highlights are the two letter prefix $1s, and 1974 $2s…they are really nice.
Added to this was $1.50 in loose pennies…I took those too!😀
November 1st finds:
Today, one of my banks gave me six journey $20s, five of them brand new consecutive notes.
At the store today, I also received a 1978 dime…Imagine getting excited to find a coin from the 1970s in circulation…🤣
November 3rd finds:
I stopped by one of my banks today and the teller gave me a few journey series notes, a US $2 and some penny rolls. Most of these rolls are in Bank of Montreal wrapping paper and they look vintage!
November 7th mail call:
I bought this 1971 $10 Lawson-Bouey EDX replacement note. It’s close to the highest number known in the Charlton Catalogue.
November 10th finds:
So many pennies…
I stopped by one of my banks and retrieved 67 rolls of pennies…actually 66 rolls and 50 loose pennies.
I spy lots of US pennies, a centennial dove and a 2 Eurocent piece peeking out of the end of one of the rolls…
November 17th finds:
I visited a couple of banks on my way home today.
The first bank had no paper money, but they did have two rolls of 2023 Riopelle toonies, four 2002 dated 50c pieces and two Summit Series toonies.
The teller at the second bank said that she was saving something for me…and I was surprised to see this 1954 $1000 emerge from the cash drawer! I have not seen a $1000 note in quite awhile…
It’s not in great shape, but there’s more to this bill…See my other thread for the details.
November 18th finds:
Yesterday, one of my banks called and said that they had a bunch of paper money in the mutilated bundle.
I was pleasantly surprised with a large pile of low denomination notes.
While most of these notes are not in collectable condition, there were a few highlights:
A 1974 $2 ABX replacement note signed by Lawson/Bouey
A nicer 1979 $5
Some decent 1954 $2s
Some nicer birds $2s…including 1 BGW prefix $2 for Claude. 😀
The nice thing about finding heavily circulated notes is that there is a high likelihood of finding notes with graffiti or other interesting features and this lot does not disappoint! See my other thread for details on what I found…
Thanks Dean. ;) ;)
Next week I guy I know gone a bring me aroud 400x2$.
November 20th finds:
At the right place at the right time.😀
I visited one of my banks on Thursday last week but the head teller was closing and told me to come back on Monday (today).
When I arrived, I was told that the head teller had taken the day off because she was sick. I was disappointed, but I asked the teller who served me if he had any paper notes. He said “I have this $100 if you want it.”
I took the note so I wouldn’t leave empty handed and to my surprise, it turned out to be an EJJ prefix replacement note!
On a whim, I decided to visit the bank next door and while in line, the guy behind me opened up his bag and took out a gigantic stack of paper $20s! I spoke to him briefly and asked him if he would sell some notes to me on the spot. He agreed and he even let me leaf quickly through the pile! I didn’t want to hold his money for too long as it would look awkward to everyone else in line. I didn’t notice any replacements or rare prefixes.
The guy said that his elderly mother had given him the stack of cash ($10k) as a gift!
He took out the best condition $20s (and a few spenders) to round out to $600. He then showed me a small pile of birds $50s and three 1975 $100s, all of which were heavily circulated. I chose one 1975 $100 and quickly ran to the bank machine to withdraw some cash.
Talk about being at the right place at the right time…At least I saved some of what he deposited…I may go back tomorrow and ask the cash cage if I can have a closer look at the $20s.
I’ll end up returning some of thes notes, but there are a few runs of consecutive notes and the highlight; a note with smeared digits in the serial number!
This also goes to show you that there are millions of dollars stashed away in sock drawers, in mattresses and behind walls. You just never know when old money will appear!
November 24th finds:
Yesterday, one of my banks emailed me to say that they had “a lot of older Canadian $20s”.
Off I went to the branch and while I was able to look through $2000 of paper $20s, most of them were circulated and soiled Journey notes and a few birds $20s.
I pulled out the nicest notes and some circulated notes with a story. Check my other thread for details on these notes.
I asked the teller for US $2s and she obliged with three.
I also asked for pennies and the teller said “we have 9 boxes worth of pennies, but some are in bags”. I took two bags (because they are so heavy!) and I’ll probably return to buy the rest of the pennies next week.
I am always impressed with Dean's finds but I got a call last Thursday from my local Royal Bank branch in the Ottawa Valley where I picked up 3 bundles of $1 for a total 297 banknotes and 2 bundles of $2 for a total of 200 banknotes. At least now, I can compare myself to the Big City Hunters.
This deposit appears to be an estate dispersion where many of the banknotes are in the range of AU -50 to UNC 60. It appears that the person who owned these notes knew about banknotes. There are a number of gems including a small B $1 of BCP which is not to far off from the BCP $1 reported by Cbeaulieu BCP 7634507 under the thread of Big B $2 - subthread of $2 large B. I found another small BCP in AU 58 - UNC 60 condition with the serial number of BCP 7469915 and a large BCP with the serial number of 7228665. We need to keep our eyes open as there could be more., We can certainly establish a range for the small BCP's. I also found 3 big B $2 Birds including a small B/big B banknote. This was the first mismatch I have found through my hunting in the Ottawa Valley.
I also should mention that there were 58 1954/1967 $1 including the a couple of changeover prefixes as well as a B/I and D/I but no E/I. There were 8 1954 $2 banknotes including a V/B with a Beatty/Coyne signature. More interestingly, about 10 AU/UNC 1974 $2 ARE banknotes as well as UNC $2 BB banknote. The same applies to the 1973 $1 banknotes as there were a number of good conditions ECV and BFK.
I still need time to sort the banknotes out and there will be future posts from these bundles.
Enjoy Whitenite
The BCP find is remarkable! You definitely found something special there, and to also find a birds $2 with mismatched Bs is amazing!
Congratulations on the haul!
November 27th finds:
Today, I returned to the bank and retrieved the rest of the pennies that the teller had in the safe.
She was quite happy to release these coins to me so I could “take them off her hands”.
A quick glance at the variety of wrappers indicates that this is an accumulation dump. With the unavailability of one cent wrapping rolls, people are being creative, cramming pennies into dime rolls, nickel rolls and using plain paper to dispose of these coins. There was one remaining bag of $25 worth of pennies as well.
There are some older style wrappers from CIBC and Canada Trust plus some old school plastic “penny pinchers” from RBC!
One of the vintage rolls was broken so I took a look at those coins first and they are all 1970s copper pennies!
Many of the rolls are marked “checked” in messy cursive writing, so someone must have searched and pulled the older varieties. On the bright side, they left behind all of the copper!
Another interesting observation: on the vintage CIBC rolls it says “50c coppers”. I have heard pennies referred to as “coppers” but to me, it is more of an American expression, though I could be wrong.
My finds today pale in comparison to Whitenite’s banknote score, but I’ll take anything I can get!🤣
December 1st finds:
I stopped by one of my banks today and the teller had two birds $2s and a 1954 $10 for me.
The $10 has something stamped on it…More on this note in my other thread.
Not a bad way to start the month!
December 2nd & 3rd finds:
Yesterday, I stopped by one of my banks asking for old notes or coins. All that the teller could offer me was $1 in pennies which I gladly took.
Today, I met up with one of my contacts and bought 28 US $2s. There’s one red seal note in there and a few nicer 1976 series notes.
December 3rd pickups:
I went to the Mississauga Coin Show today and came away with a stack of notes from several amazing dealers.
I found some diamonds in the rough…Check my other thread for details on these notes!
For Claude:
I found a bunch of BG— series $2s today. 👍
December 6th finds: Main Branch madness!
I went to the main branch today and I sorted through the mutilated pile. I came away with a few notes including four consecutive birds $100s.
I’ve noticed a lot of crisp sequential journey $100s at the banks lately, but not many birds $100s. A few months ago, I was finding large quantities of uncirculated birds $100s but they seem to have disappeared…for now.
It’s also been a long time since I have seen any multicolour notes in the mutilated piles (except for $1s and $100s.)
The highlight of this haul is not the four consecutive $100s but a single ELT prefix journey $20…A short run!
December 8th finds:
Yesterday, I was at the grocery store and on the way out, I noticed some coins in the reject slot of the Coin Star machine. To my surprise, there was $1.30 sitting there; a loonie and three dimes, two of which were silver dated 1952 and 1959!
When I got home, there was an envelope waiting for me that had this $5 sent to me by docstrange. It’s marked by whereswilly and when I entered the serial number, I found that in 20 years, this note has travelled from Hamilton Ontario in 2003 to Toronto, with the last entry dated 2021 in Toronto.
December 12th finds:
Two banks, two scores!
Christmas came early for me this year!
I went to one of my banks after work today. The friendly teller greeted me and said “I was just about to call you because I got some old paper money yesterday”.
She pulls out the mutilated note envelope and I was pleasantly surprised to see several nice journey $20s, including a last prefix short run BID prefix note, a few nicer 1979 $20s and best of all, a whole bunch of crisp birds $5s and $10s plus some very nice multicolour $5s and $10s.
I remarked just the other day that I haven’t encountered multicolour notes in the mutilated piles lately and, well, here they are!
I asked the teller about who brought them in and she said that “an older guy brought them in and said that he was saving them for his grandkids but they didn’t want the notes so he deposited them”.
Kids today and their debit cards and cellphone tap and pay apps…they have no appreciation for physical cash. Oh well, their loss, my gain!😀
On the way back from this score, I stopped at another bank that paid out in the past. Last time I was at this particular branch, I had to work really hard to convince the teller to yield one birds $5. This time was no different; I still had to convince the teller to sell me some $1s and $2s.
These bills are rough, but what’s interesting is that they have all had their corners trimmed and rounded off.
Who would do such a thing and why? I suspect that they were trimmed to fit inside a particular shape of wallet judging by the dye transfer and flattening of the paper on these notes.
Without a doubt, the highlights are the nice crispy multicolour and birds $5s and $10s…some are even sequential!
December 15th finds:
Journey $10s anyone?
Yesterday, one of my banks allowed me to search the mutilated pile.
I pulled out a bunch of nice journey $10s, many of which were Uncirculated. There was one 1954 $100 in the pile, and I never turn these notes down!
The teller also gave me some penny rolls. Some of these rolls are marked USA…I wonder what’s inside?
Always great finds Dean, thanks for sharing !
U.S.A. penny rolls, I like searching for wheat cents, you never know what your gonna get ranging from 1909 to 1958 and which mint mark. Enjoy !
December 19th finds: Main Branch Madness!
Today, I stopped by the main branch. The teller was nice enough to let me search the mutilated pile of about $10k in notes.
Interestingly, there were very few paper notes at all, let alone many worth keeping. The teller offered me three rolls of pennies which I gladly accepted.
Of the few paper notes available, I chose only two; a journey $10 and $100.
I also took out some regular cash and in my withdrawal, I got the catch of the day…a polymer $5 replacement note!
Edit: I quickly searched the three penny rolls. In them, I found:
47 US cents
A 2012 last year Canadian cent
A 1967 dove cent
A handful of pre 1982 Canadian copper cents
A British penny from 2006
A couple of lustrous Canadian copper pennies; one from 1966 and one from 1979.
And interestingly, 1975 Canadian penny with a giant “X” through the effigy of the Queen.
December 21st finds:
I stopped by one of my banks today because the teller emailed me to say that they had some “old $50s and $100s”. I was able to search the mutilated pile and while there were lots of notes, most of them were common journey $50s and $100s of no significance.
There were a few birds notes in the pile too. I ended up taking a few of the best $5s, a $10 and an AJX replacement with the hidden BPN. Unfortunately, the AJX note has a tear at the top, but otherwise, it is in decent shape. ☹️
I ended up taking a few journey $50s and a couple of journey $100s too. See my other post for details on the journey $50s.
December 23rd: Rainy day coin hunt.
I decided to search through $100 worth of dimes that I had picked up from my banks a few days ago.
In the rolls, I found:
9 US dimes
Two 2017 commemoratives
One colour 2021 dime (there were numerous non colour 2021 dimes in the rolls)
38 pre-2000 nickel alloy dimes, the oldest of which were 1968
And, the highlight of the lot: one 1968 50% silver dime.
The interesting thing is that the silver dime came out of a machine wrapped roll and 7 of 9 US dimes came out of customer wrapped rolls.
December 24th finds:
Christmas Eve Coinstar cashout!
I was running some last minute errands today. At the grocery store, the Coinstar machine had some change in the reject tray, including 2 dimes, one British penny from 1990, six US pennies, and twenty Canadian cents.
I stopped at the bank machine and withdrew some $5s. I got a Lane-Macklem INK prefix changeover note and an HBT prefix replacement note!
December 27th finds:
Today, one of my banks gave me a US $2.
While I was there, I asked for a box of dimes, since I had some success finding silver in some coin rolls lately.
This dime box did not disappoint!
I found:
23 x US dimes
Nine 2017 commemoratives
Two 2021 Bluenose under sail dimes (one colour, one non-coloured)
164 x pre 2000 dimes
And best of all, two silver dimes, one dated 1965 and the other dated 1963!
There’s still silver out there!
December 28th finds:
When one door closes, another one always opens.
I went around to a few banks that I haven’t visited in awhile to see what they had.
The first bank had $49.50 in penny rolls that the teller gladly sold to me “so he didn’t have to deal with them”.
$25 worth of rolls is in a box that is taped shut with a barcode on the lid.
The head teller of this bank also told me to come back next week as they would have some paper money by then.
The second bank was a bit of a hassle to deal with. I asked for a box of dimes, hoping to continue on my silver streak, but I was met with a blunt refusal. The head teller told me that “only business customers can order boxes” and that “regular customers can only have 20 rolls of any coins maximum”.
She also made it clear that she would not give out any mutilated banknotes (after the junior teller just told me that she had two $1000 bills in her till).
I decided to cut my losses, take my rolls of dimes and get the heck out of there.
On my way home, I stopped by a third bank. This branch consistently gives me paper notes and they did not disappoint!
The teller gave me five $100 notes—three multicolour and two 1954s. The best part is that one of the multicolour $100s is a replacement note! It’s in pretty good condition, but of course, there has to be a stain on it.☹️
There’s also one birds $50 of interest. See my other thread for the details!
I searched the 20 rolls of dimes when I got home and I found:
8x US dimes
68x pre 2000 Canadian dimes
4x 2017 commemoratives
2x Bluenose under sail dimes—non colour.
December 30th finds, part 1:
2023 was a very good year.
Today, I went to one bank that I hadn’t visited for quite awhile to ask for old bank notes and coins. The teller obliged with a pile of multicolour $50s, four multicolour and one journey $10 and five US $2s.
The highlights are the two EFA prefix $50s, one high number $50 (EHK9999616) and two red seal US $2s! Of course, the high numbered multicolour $50 has writing on it. Otherwise, it’s in nice shape.
Feeling lucky to have saved these notes, I asked for two boxes of dimes and the teller happily obliged with two boxes of customer wrapped dimes. What a difference from the other day, when my requests for coins was flatly refused!
I searched one of the dime boxes and I found:
$32 worth of pre 2000 nickel alloy dimes
$10.60 worth of US dimes, the newest of which was 1985! There were two entire rolls of US dimes in this box plus six loose US dimes scattered in the other rolls.
One UK 5 pence dated 2009
Two Bluenose under sail dimes, one colour and one non-colour.
Three 2017 commemoratives.
And best of all, two 50% 1968 dated silver dimes!
On my way home, I stopped at the grocery store and the Coinstar machine paid out too!
I found one bent up 1973 dime, a dime dated 2022 and a 10c piece from the Netherlands Antilles dated 2012.
It has been a great year of finds and let’s hope it continues into 2024!
I will search the other box of dimes once my eyesight recovers…🤣
December 30th finds, part 2:
December 30th finds, part 3:
January 1st 2024 finds:
A new year’s day dime hunt!
I searched the second box of dimes that I brought home the other day.
It was a good box that did not disappoint! In it, I found:
$13.40 in pre-2000 dimes.
8 Bluenose under sail non-coloured coins and 5 coloured coins.
8x 2017 commemoratives.
23 US dimes.
One Barbados 10c dated 2019
One Bermuda 10c dated 1995
One Cuban 1c dated 2015
Two really nice Canadian dimes dated 1978
And…one 80% silver Canadian dime dated 1946
A great way to start a new year, I say!
January 2nd finds:
2024 starts off on the right foot.
So I get a call from one of my banks today and the teller says “Hey, we just got some old bills, do you want to come in to have a look?”
Of course, I could not resist the opportunity! The teller had 9 multicolour $50s a few ratty birds $50s and a bunch of journey $100s—except for these two 1954 $100s at the top of the pile.
I swear that somebody is printing multicolour $50s in their basement…I’ve found so many of them!
More commentary on the 1954 $100s and birds $50 in my other thread.
Since I was already at the bank, I asked if they had any customer wrapped rolls of dimes. The teller happily gave me one whole box! At first glance, I can already see many US dimes in the clear rolls. Fingers crossed for silver!
January 2nd dime hunt results:
More silver found!
I searched the box of dimes I brought home today, and I was pleased to find the following:
36 US dimes
$15.70 in pre-2000 Canadian dimes
Four 2017 commemoratives
10 Bluenose under sail dimes (4 colourized and 6 non-colour)
And best of all: three silver dimes…two 50% 1968 dated coins and one 80% 1964 dime!
I can see why coin roll hunting is addictive…
The chance of finding silver is tempting me to continue doing this. To top it off, after re-rolling the coins to take back, I was up by ten dimes!
January 3rd finds:
Main Branch Madness!
I got a call from the main branch today. The teller said that someone had “just dropped off three $1000 bills”. Since I can’t resist, I went down and retrieved them. The teller handed me three birds $1000s, nothing special, except that one of them is almost a radar with the serial number EKA 1350533…So close!
While I was there, I picked up two boxes of dimes, since I’m on a bit of a silver streak.
Interestingly, these two boxes were machine labelled and sealed by the TTC; for those who live elsewhere in Canada, that’s the Toronto Transit Commission.
Though cash use on the TTC has been dwindling with the advent of the PRESTO card and now debit and credit enabled tap-to-pay on the vehicles, I find these boxes to be exciting because if the TTC has its own coin rolling machines, they still take in vast amounts of cash every day that will not be subject to the Alloy Recovery Program.
It is worth noting that I turned down a third box of dimes. This box was labelled “Brinks” and when I inspected the rolls, there was a lot of extra paper on the top of all of them as they sat in the box. I was concerned that each roll might be short 1 or 2 coins and if that is the case, then the losses will add up!
On the TTC boxes, there is listed the gross weight of 4620g and 4607.0g.
I did a bit of mental math.
Each modern dime minted since 2000 weighs 1.75g.
If there are 2500 dimes to the box and they were all steel plated, the net weight of just the coins would be 4375g.
I weighed an empty dime box and it came in at 77g.
I made an allowance for the paper wrappers at 30g.
So, the gross weight of a box of steel dimes with the box and wrappers would be approximately 4482g which is still significantly less than the stated weight of each box. We shall see if there are any treasures inside these boxes…Stay tuned!
January 6th finds:
No paper, but lots and lots of coins…
TTC dime box update: I was able to search through both boxes of TTC labelled dimes. Highlights include:
Over four rolls of pre-2000 dimes
Lots of US dimes
Bluenose under sail
And a few 2017 commemoratives
The foreign coins were the most interesting…
Two 5 Bani coins from Romania, dated 2020 and 2022
Turkey 5 Kurus 2015
Panama 1/10 Balboa, 2019
But no silver. ☹️I was a bit disappointed by the lack of finds in the TTC boxes…
January 6th finds, part 2:
I went to a few of my banks today looking for more paper notes, but all I could get was customer rolled coins.
I managed to get two boxes plus four rolls of dimes, five rolls of quarters, and one roll of nickels. The neat thing about this nickel roll is that it is machine wrapped and labelled “Casino Rama”.
I think I’ll leave this nickel roll intact. It would be a shame to open it.
From the quarters, there were a lot of commemoratives, coloured and non coloured. I am on the fence with these quarters…Should I keep them or send them back? There is one very attractive toned quarter dated 1974 and three US statehood quarters.
At first glance, the four loose rolls of dimes are all from before 1999.
I wonder what’s inside these two boxes? Fingers crossed for silver!
The best find wasn’t from a bank. I was at Shopper’s Drug Mart and I received some 2023 King Charles quarters in my change! I bought all I could from the confused cashier, including one entire unopened roll!
January 7th finds:
Is coin roll hunting worth the effort? Yes, it is!
I searched the two boxes of dimes that I brought home yesterday and they turned out to be loaded with silver.
Here’s what I found:
33 US dimes
$25.10 in pre-2000 dimes
One 5 pence from the UK dated 2008
One 10c from the East Caribbean States dated 2009
One 10c from Barbados dated 2016
13 Bluenose under sail (3 coloured, 10 non-coloured)
5x 2017 commemoratives
One really nice 1968 nickel alloy dime.
And another dime with a big “X” through the Queen. ☹️
Best of all, there were 26 silver dimes including 5 x 1968 and one 1967. The oldest silver was from 1940!
In terms of distribution, 25 of the silver coins came from one box and only one from the second box. It’s a collection dump because all of the silver dimes have glue spots or tape marks on them.
I’m going back to that bank to see if they have any more dime boxes (and maybe quarter boxes too).
You never know what’s in these rolls…Most of the time, you get nothing, but every once in awhile, you hit the jackpot!
January 8th finds: More silver!
I went back to the same bank to retrieve the last box of customer wrapped dimes. I figured that I had nothing to lose after getting 26 silvers yesterday. When the teller opened up this box, I was initially disappointed to see that they were machine wrapped. But on closer inspection, all of the rolls were mixed circulated coins so I took it.
I decided to take a box of quarters just for kicks and it was the quarters that ended up paying out!
In total, I found:
$20 worth of pre-2000 dimes
37 US dimes
Four 2017 commemoratives
One 2016 dime that is missing the edge reeding. (Yes, I know about so-called “dryer coins” and I believe that this coin could be an error because there are slight impressions around the rim where the reeding would normally be.
Two 1 piso coins from the Philippines
One obsolete UK shilling from 1964
Some nice millennium quarters and 1992 provincial quarters
And a silver quarter dated 1965
I really hope that I can start finding paper notes again—coins are so heavy!
But, I am enjoying the coin roll hunting experience and finding silver is always great!
January 11th find:
I stopped in to one of my banks and the teller had one US $2 for me. This particular branch has gone cold in terms of Canadian paper…but at least the teller was nice enough to retrieve this one note for me.
January 12th finds: Back on the paper trail!
I stopped by one of my banks and the teller had a bunch of nice birds $10s and journey $20s for me. He said that “an older guy brought it all in.”
Recently, I got a bunch of crisp multicolour and birds notes from this branch and I suspect that it’s the same “older guy” who is depositing all of this old cash because his grandkids “didn’t want it.”
Their loss, my gain!
The star of the show today is an ATX replacement note and the runner up is a high number AEJ prefix $10.
While I was there, I asked if they had any customer wrapped coin rolls. The head teller was standing right there and she said “that’s all we ever get at this branch”.
So, I bought a box of dimes…We’ll see what lies inside.
January 12th update:
Coin roll hunting highs and lows…All in the same box!
It was bound to happen sooner or later…The box of dimes I brought home today had three rolls that contained a penny, leaving me short 27 cents. 😡
Luckily, the losses were offset by 39 US dimes and one 1967 centennial silver dime.
I was able to get $18.30 worth of pre-2000 nickels, seven 2017 commemoratives, and one 10c piece from Barbados dated 2007.
There’s still silver out there if you’re willing to put in the work to find it and you have to be willing to risk taking a loss sometimes.
January 13th finds:
The silver finds continue!
I went to one of my banks yesterday to check for paper money.
The teller didn’t have any, so I asked for customer rolled coins. The teller obliged with $100 in dimes.
Out of these rolls, I found:
16 US dimes
6 Bluenose under sail, including one coloured coin.
$7.10 in pre-2000 dimes including one really nice 1991 dated dime.
One British 5 pence coin from 2019
One 10c piece from Barbados dated 2007
One 10c piece from the East Caribbean States dated 2009
One US penny 2007P. (Interestingly, the roll that had the penny in it was not short.)
And best of all, one 1968 silver dime.
Hey Dean! I thought of you when I was standing in line at the bank the other day and a man and a little boy walked in with two pillow cases full of rolled coins (pay-load the size of two bowling balls). My eyes met with the man and I said "pennies?" and he said "no, we already did the pennies. These are quarters." I fleetingly thought about buying them from him, but the staff at that branch is a bit 'snitty' so didn't want to rock the boat. Nice haul. The Bluenose with or without colour are my favorites.
Hey Dean! I thought of you when I was standing in line at the bank the other day and a man and a little boy walked in with two pillow cases full of rolled coins (pay-load the size of two bowling balls). My eyes met with the man and I said "pennies?" and he said "no, we already did the pennies. These are quarters." I fleetingly thought about buying them from him, but the staff at that branch is a bit 'snitty' so didn't want to rock the boat. Nice haul. The Bluenose with or without colour are my favorites.
Hi Breanna,
That’s an interesting story!
If you had been successful in buying the bags of coins, I doubt that anything of value (silver) would have been left behind since they sounded like collectors.
It’s interesting that the customers brought in loose coins to deposit. I know that all of my banks insist on the coins being rolled up and some branches prefer it if you deposit a whole box of 50 rolls rather than a partial box.
January 14th finds:
Coinstar cashout!
I went to the grocery store and I always check the Coinstar reject tray as I leave.
This time, there were 4 Canadian nickels waiting to be claimed, two of them dated 1978.
Hey, finding free coins is always fun!
It’s interesting that the customers brought in loose coins to deposit.
Sorry, to clarify, the coins were rolled, just carried in pillowcases. :)
Edit: And yes, I agree with you that the rolls were likely cherry picked.
January 15th finds:
More journey notes…
I got a call from one of my banks today. The teller said that he got some paper notes and so I went over after work to check them out.
I took all of the notes that he saved:
Two journey $20s and five journey $20s.
I asked for rolled coin and received $80 in quarters.
Out of these rolls, there was:
$1 worth of US quarters
One 1983 RCMP quarter
One 2013 Orca quarter
One 2017 commemorative
One 2006 Bravery quarter.
There was only $2 worth of pre-2000 quarters but I kept them aside anyway.
January 16th finds:
Back on the paper trail…and more pennies too!
I stopped by one of my banks and the friendly teller said that she had pennies…Lots of pennies.
There were 100 vintage rolls plus three bags of loose coins.
I could only carry so much, so I chose to take home the rolled pennies first. The teller said that she would keep the bags for me until I wanted them.
The teller also brought out the mutilated note pile and let me look through it.
I chose a few journey $50s, a $10, and a journey $100 EJV 9991510 the highest in the SNDB
Then, there were the birds $50s, $5s and best of all, a birds $100 AJX replacement note with the hidden PBN
I figured that I should also pick up some rolled coins, considering my good luck. So, I brought home $100 in quarters and $100 in dimes to see if my silver streak continues…
I stopped at the dollar store on my way home and I received a polymer $5 INR 2481558…the lowest number in the SNDB so far…
January 16th coin roll hunt update:
Out of the $200 worth of coins I brought home today, I found:
$5.70 in pre-2000 dimes
$1.75 in pre-2000 quarters
Three 1 Piso coins from the Philippines, 2002, 2010 and 2015
Three US quarters
Four Bluenose under sail dimes (three coloured)
Three 2017 commemoratives
One US dime (This was unusual…I usually get many more US coins in the rolls).
And best of all, one 1968 silver dime!
The silver keeps popping up. I have gone to several different banks to get coin rolls and have found at least one silver coin at every location so far.
January 21st finds:
Weekend coin roll hunt.
I went to a couple of banks yesterday and came away with two boxes of dimes and a box of quarters. Unfortunately, there was no paper money.☹️
One box was labelled TTC (Toronto Transit Commission) and the other batch was in hand rolled wrappers.
The second box of dimes was really grungy. The coins were oxidized badly and I suspect that they were metal detector finds or they were stored in a damp basement for a long time.
After a really dirty search, I found:
$43.10 in pre-2000 dimes.
$4.00 in US dimes.
Four Bluenose under sail dimes (non coloured)
Four 2017 commemoratives.
Two 5 pence coins from the UK (dared 2004 and 2010)
One 10c piece from the East Caribbean States, dated 2019
And…one silver dime dated 1968
Sometimes, you really have to dig through the dirt to find treasure.
From the quarter box, I found:
$10 in pre-2000 caribou coins.
One 25c piece from the East Caribbean States, dated 2017
And a variety of commemorative coins.
Highlights of the quarter box include:
Some really nice millenium quarters, a holed quarter, and two 1968 nickel alloy quarters that look like they were broken out of uncirculated sets.
Close up view of January 21st highlights:
January 23rd finds:
A paper money drought…
I went to one bank on my way home today. I asked for paper money, but they had none. I asked for a box of dimes so that I wouldn’t leave empty handed. The teller said that she could only give me $50 worth of dimes which I gladly accepted.
Two of the 10 rolls were machine wrapped and had nothing in them. All of the finds came from the 8 customer wrapped rolls.
One silver dime dated 1962
5 US dimes
Two 2017 commemoratives
and some nickel alloy pre-2000 dimes round out this hunt.
Silver is still out there!
The same thing happens here in the states -- lots of Canadian coins and some other random foreign stuff ends up in circulation. When I was in college in the 90's (back before everyone paid with debit/credit cards) I worked nights at a grocery store, and I used to pick out the Canadian coins and put them in a mason jar at home. After seeing so many of your posts I was thinking that jar must still be around somewhere...
After some hunting I managed to find it. It's overwhelmingly pennies, but a lot of everything else too. For pennies there were 5 King George VI cents with a couple from before 1948, about twenty with a younger QE II, 4 of the peace cents and 3 of the 1992 commem., out of around 200 pennies.
About the only other interesting thing was a couple of 12-sided nickels, one with KG VI and the other with the younger QE II. Some of the quarters are from the late 60's and could have a slightly different metal composition, not sure.
At any rate, I set aside all the interesting stuff, which didn't even amount to $1 face value. I'll probably deposit the rest at the bank when I'm back in BC this spring. I know that's cringeworthy to coin collectors, but it would be cost-prohibitive to mail it from the US, and everything is well-circulated so I doubt there's much value there. At least I'm repatriating it all back to Canada! :D
The same thing happens here in the states -- lots of Canadian coins and some other random foreign stuff ends up in circulation. When I was in college in the 90's (back before everyone paid with debit/credit cards) I worked nights at a grocery store, and I used to pick out the Canadian coins and put them in a mason jar at home. After seeing so many of your posts I was thinking that jar must still be around somewhere...
After some hunting I managed to find it. It's overwhelmingly pennies, but a lot of everything else too. For pennies there were 5 King George VI cents with a couple from before 1948, about twenty with a younger QE II, 4 of the peace cents and 3 of the 1992 commem., out of around 200 pennies.
About the only other interesting thing was a couple of 12-sided nickels, one with KG VI and the other with the younger QE II. Some of the quarters are from the late 60's and could have a slightly different metal composition, not sure.
At any rate, I set aside all the interesting stuff, which didn't even amount to $1 face value. I'll probably deposit the rest at the bank when I'm back in BC this spring. I know that's cringeworthy to coin collectors, but it would be cost-prohibitive to mail it from the US, and everything is well-circulated so I doubt there's much value there. At least I'm repatriating it all back to Canada! :D
Hi rxcory:
Please post pictures of the coins you saved before you deposit them. The pennies will surely be destroyed if they are returned to the bank.
For pennies, anything 1996 or older is copper.
For dimes, anything before 2000 is nickel alloy. 1968 could be 50% silver or it could be nickel alloy. Silver coins are non magnetic. You want to look for the super rare 1969 large date dime.
For nickels, anything from 1982-2000 is cupronickel (Some 2000 dated nickels are plated steel) and anything that is 1955-1981 is nickel.
Of course, you know about the chromium plated series of coins from 1952-54 or 1943-45 and tombac war nickels.
In quarters, 1968 is also a transition year. Some 1968 dated coins are silver and others are nickel alloy. Silver coins tend to have a more whitish appearance and are non-magnetic.
January 26th finds:
Paper money and coins…lots of coins.
I went to one of my banks today and they had three bags of pennies for me and some paper bills.
Nothing really special, but I accepted it gratefully. While I was there, I asked for customer rolls of dimes. The teller obliged with $165 worth of coins.
Out of the dimes, I managed to find:
Three full rolls of pre-2000 dimes.
Three 2017 commemoratives
One colour Bluenose under sail.
One UK 5 pence dated 1996
And one damaged 80% silver dime dated 1966.
January 27th finds:
Paper $10s and more coin rolls.
I received five journey $10s from the bank today. Along with these notes, I asked for customer wrapped coins. The teller obliged with $88 in dimes and nickels.
The nickel rolls were pretty forgettable, except that there were two entire rolls of pre-2000 dated coins in the bundle with the oldest nickel being from 1964.
These coin rolls were probably a collection dump or piggy bank dump because it is highly unlikely to see entire rolls of cupronickel or nickel alloy coins.
From the dime rolls, I was pleased to extract $3.70 in US dimes, $14 worth of pre-2000 Canadian dimes, one 2017 commemorative and one Jamaican dollar dated 2012.
There was no silver in this batch of coins, but it was still cool to find five King Charles dimes dated 2023. This marks the first time that I have found King Charles coins “in the wild”.
I am going to search through one of the penny bags I brought home yesterday…Stay tuned!
January 27th:
Penny bag hunt results.
This penny bag was rather unremarkable. Aside from a handful of laureate portrait Elizabeth coins from 1960-64, there was one penny from the Bahamas dated 2004, seven 1967 centennial cents, and one 2009 US Lincoln cent.
There was a total of $2.82 in US pennies, and half a sandwich bag of pre-1982 Canadian copper.
Sadly, there was not one King George VI penny in this bag, but there was one US wheat penny dated 1948s.
The coins in this bag may have been picked over and these were the leftovers that were deposited.
Ah well, that’s coin hunting for you…
Happy Belated New Year!!
To add to Dean's impressive finds, I was lucky enough to find paper banknotes in the Ottawa Valley over the Christmas Holidays. Not the kind of hauls you usually see from Dean but I try my best. I did find one replacement Journey banknote (EJE 1997856) in decent shape (EF/AU) and number of EJZ's as well. More interesting is that EJZ 2097856 is so close in numerical order with the replacement note of EJE. What are the odds of that? I also got a stack of Journey $10 banknotes in a variety of conditions. It is so nice to get actual paper bills and the AU notes are so much nicer to handle than the worn out polymer notes that the Bank of Canada does not want to replace. Just like Dean, I will include pictures of some coins that the bank has given me as well as the Black twoonies and one King Charles quarter. If anyone is interested in these notes please send me a PM. Enjoy the pictures and don't shovel too much snow this winter. Best regards, Whitenite.
Oops, I forgot an image.
January 29th finds:
Main Branch Madness!
I went to the main branch today and the Head Teller let me look through the mutilated banknotes. I was lucky that I went today, because she said that she was going to ship everything out tomorrow!
I looked through and picked out the following notes:
Three birds $20s, including two AIX replacement notes with serifs.. Of course, the replacement notes had to be ripped and/or torn. 😕 but I took them anyway because they were replacements!
An assortment of circulated journey and birds $5s and $10s; nothing really special here.
Two consecutive birds $100s.
And…a birds $50 Insert replacement note, FHZ 9793454.
The teller obliged my request for coins by giving me 11 rolls of pennies. 😀
Since I was downtown, I decided to visit another branch. This second branch had no paper money for me but the teller did give me $17 in old nickel dollars and 50c pieces.
All in all, a very good day!
PS: Did I mention that I’m selling penny rolls? Check out my ad in the trading post…
February 1st finds:
A new month brings more paper money…and tons of pennies.
I stopped at one of my banks today and the teller offered up a bunch of birds $50 notes and one raggedy old $1 note.
She also gave me $70.50 worth of penny rolls.
I decided to ask if they had any customer wrapped rolls of dimes, and the teller gave me an entire box!
We shall see what the box contains…
February 2nd finds: Groundhog day…for banknotes and coins.
I stopped at two banks on my way home today. The first bank gave me five birds $50s and a couple of $20s.
At the second bank, thee teller let me look through $20,000 in hundred dollar notes. They were a mix of multicolour, lots of birds and a few journey notes, interestingly, there were only a couple of torn polymer $100s in the stack. The other denominations in the mutilated pile contained almost no paper notes but lots of ripped, torn and burnt polymer notes.
From the $100s, I took four 1975 $100 notes. One of them was an AJX replacement note!
These notes probably came from the same elderly person because many of the $100s in the stack had wobbly cursive numbers written on them as if the person was tallying up piles of bank notes. More on this in my other thread.
The teller at the second bank also offered me pennies. She said that she had 4 whole boxes so I took one. (I am currently swamped with penny rolls!)
The pennies came in what looked to be a brand new cardboard penny box. I haven’t seen these in some time because pennies have been out of circulation for so long. I asked the teller how she got the cardboard penny box and she said “We just order them.”
So, it is possible for banks to order cardboard boxes for penny rolls, even after all this time without pennies in circulation.
February 3rd Dime box search results:
I finally got around to searching through the box of dimes I got from the bank a few days ago and it did not disappoint!
The box contained:
$19.40 in pre-2000 dimes.
Eight 2017 commemoratives.
Seven Bluenose under sail—only two of which were colourized.
And only $1.70 worth of US dimes which is unusually low for a customer wrapped box.
Foreign finds include:
One 10c piece from Singapore, dated 2016
1/2 franc from Switzerland dated 1989
A five pence coin from the UK dated 1990
Best of all, there were two silver Canadian dimes, dated 1961 and 1965!
February 4th penny box hunt results:
I was blown away by what I found in this penny box…
It was 100% copper coin all before 1996 with the bulk of coins from the 1970s and early 80s.
I pulled a heap of beautifully lustrous coins dated between 1975-1981.
There was also a pile of nice lusterous coins dated between 1983-1985.
Rounding out the box were some US pennies, a couple of King George VI pennies, some laureate portrait Queen Elizabeth pennies, two really nice lustrous coins from 1965 and 1964. And best of all, a blank planchet!
You just never know what’s hiding in these rolls…
February 5th finds:
More pennies!
I went back to the branch that gave me the box of pennies last Friday to pick up the remaining three boxes. When I got them home, I immediately noticed some brilliantly lustrous coins on the top of some of the rolls…the three boxes of coins was incredibly heavy, which is a good sign of lots of copper being hidden within!
February 6th finds:
Birds, birds, birds…
I stopped at one of my banks on the way home today. The teller joked that she knew that I would walk through the door because she had just accepted $5000 of old money from a customer who brought them in after he “went through his dad’s stuff”.
I am seeing more and more of these “estate accumulation clean outs” from multiple banks.
I looked through all of the notes-all birds series.
They all appeared to have been folder or rolled but there were still a handful of nicer notes. The majority of the notes were VG-F condition and I think they were rolled up and kept in a sock or under the mattress. 🤣
There were three consecutive ESJ series $20s, and I took one AIA and EIA prefix note along with three $10s.
Most of these notes are nothing special, but…
The highlight of this load was a low numbered $50 FHM 0000581
I also asked for customer wrapped coins but the teller only had three rolls of dimes which she happily gave to me.
February 6th dime roll update:
I searched through the three rolls of dimes I got today.
I found:
Nine pre-2000 Canadian dimes.
One 2017 commemorative
One UK five pence coin dated 2014
February 7th finds:
I stopped by one of my banks and withdrew some regular polymer cash. Out pops this $20 with a partial teller stamp. It reads:
A search reveals that the transit number belongs to:
The Toronto Dominion Bank
St. Laurent Place Vertu
3131 boul. De la Cote-Vertu
Saint-Laurent, Qc.
H4R 1Y8
While I was there, I asked for paper money and coins. While they had no paper, the teller was able to sell me a box of customer wrapped dimes. Interestingly, this box was last sealed on Aug. 11 2022 and it is unlike any other dime box I have seen before. It is rather plain and marked only with “$250x10c” on each side of the box.
When I opened the box, I was pleased to see that most of the rolls were clear plastic and I can see many US dimes already…
Maybe there’s also silver in the box…
Stay tuned!
This past weekend I got some banknotes through my searches of bundles from banks in the Ottawa valley. In a bundle of tens, I found 4 CDF banknotes which is harder and harder to find. I also found two HCM $5 banknotes with signatures on either side of the changeover. The changeover number is 5822999 and 5823000, what are the odds of finding two banknotes with serial number so close to the changeover. I also found 3 1979 $20 banknotes and a number of other Bird and Journey banknotes. A Journey $20 with serial number ELP was just outside the replacement range but I am hoping that someone can confirm if the serial number 9997059 could be a replacement note.
I also found a number of EJA $100 banknotes in AU to UNC conditions as well. Anyways, enjoy the pictures and keep on hunting for interesting banknotes.
Best regards, Whitenite
February 8th dime hunt results:
I searched the box of dimes I brought home yesterday and I was able to get $175 more in customer wrapped rolls today.
Here’s what I found:
Tonight’s finds from $425 worth of dimes:
$5.20 in US dimes
$35 in pre-2000 Canadian dimes
one Cuban 5 centavos 1994
one UK 5 pence, 1991
Two Canadian Silver dimes, dated 1956 and 1965.
February 12th finds:
More paper…and some coins for good measure.
I managed to pick up some paper notes from one of my banks today. The teller was also nice enough to give me $8 worth of penny rolls and some customer wrapped rolls of dimes and quarters. The circulation issue BDH prefix birds $10 is a neat find.
Two of the penny rolls have American coins on both ends…Maybe they are all US pennies inside…
The teller said that a “lady has been bringing in pennies every week that she found from her father’s things”. This is yet another estate clear out…
February 10th coin roll hunt update:
Well, it didn’t take long to hunt all of the coins I broght home today…Because there wasn’t much to find.
12 commemorative quarters, one US quarter and two King Charles quarters plus just under $10 in pre 2000 dimes, plus only seven US dimes.
The highlight is not a coin at all…it’s an aluminum TTC transit token!
I still have not come across Charles coins in the wild and will be asking at the bank from now on if they have any rolls, but ... is there possibility they are holding back mass issue of Charles coins, until they circulate all of the Elizabeth's they likely already have minted??
Also, love the token. Read something recently about vintage TTC tokens garnering a high price, but can't remember where?!?
February 15th finds:
Yesterday, I went to one of my banks because the teller said that she had “over 200 rolls of pennies”.
I ended up buying 209 penny rolls plus four 1979 $50s and one journey $50 that the teller had received that same day.
The teller said that the pennies “come from the same guy who brings them in in big batches”.
February 15th finds: Part 1
I got so much stuff yesterday that I had to delay my post so I could process it all! 😀
I got an email from the main branch. The teller said that she had “a few older bills” if I wanted to check them out. So, off I went and while the notes were underwhelming, I took them anyway because the teller had saved them for me.
I ended up leaving with a couple of $5s, a couple of $2s and a $20…
When I got home from the main branch, I saw an email from another branch. This second teller said that she had “some crisp older bills that just came in”. So, off I went to the second branch.
The bills I received at the second branch were much nicer. Six birds $100s, a $50, a couple of $10 and some $5s made up this haul.
Stay tuned for part 2!
February 15th finds: part 2…Mail call!
When I got home from the second branch visit, I saw a package and an envelope waiting for me.
My contact in New Brunswick had sent me a load of bank notes and it had finally arrived!
In the box, he had sent a huge pile of 1973 $1s, 1986 $2s 1967 $1s and some nicer paper notes.
Highlights of this box include four consecutive BGH prefix notes…for Claude. 🙂
And one ratty 1973 $1 with a near-radar serial number, LS6866666.
The envelope contained three circulated birds $2s that I bought online. I would not usually purchase circulated birds $2s but there was one note that had a written message on it. More on this note in my other thread.
February 17th coin hunting finds:
I picked up $150 worth of dimes today and I found:
$7.10 in pre 2000 dimes.
$1.70 in US dimes
One UK five pence dated 1990
And…one silver Canadian dime from 1953.
February 19th finds:
I picked up these two consecutive birds $2s yesterday…
BGJ small B, Large B
Hi Dean,
Good found I'll put it in my registery.
Thank you for the information.
February 20th finds:
Take what you can get…
I stopped in to one of my banks on the way home. I saw the teller take some raggy old bills and a sandwich baggie of pennies from an older man in front of me. When it was my turn, I went to the teller and asked if I could buy the mutilated notes and coins. She asked her manager, but in the end, she only allowed me to take the paper money, which amounted to two $1 bills.
I decided to ask for customer wrapped coin rolls and the teller obliged with $50 in dimes.
Let’s see what’s inside…
February 20th: dime roll hunt update:
Tonight’s finds from $50 in dimes:
13 US dimes
30 pre-2000 Canadian dimes…including one really nice 1867-1992 commemorative.
One non-colour 2017 bluenose.
And…best of all, one silver 1943 dime!
February 21st finds:
Banknote bonanza!
I stopped by one of my banks and the teller surprised me with a big pile of old paper notes. I was pleased to see that a large portion of the notes were 1954 series and the remainder were multicolour and birds notes.
I can’t decide what the highlight should be…It’s a tie between the 1954 $50 and the 4 digit cycle repeater 1973 $1.
Just slow to post my finds from last Saturday where the Bird $50 had writing on it and it seems that it could be for a purchase of a pickup truck in Atlantic Canada where the license plates for NB, NS and NL have started with the letter C followed by two letters and three numbers. On the front side of this bill, it does have a partial bank stamp and I am betting that Dean will be calling for this note.
Also there is a Bird $20 with the last prefix before the Journey notes.
More interesting banknote, I call this one with the "Naughty Prefix" as in other threads in the Forum, there was a discussion if prefix FFG for the Vertical $10 banknotes would be issued and it has. I wonder if the Bank of Canada would have a different position on this prefix of the 1973 $1 banknote. I had to buy it off Ebay just to have fun with it.
What do you think, would Bank of Canada issued this prefix today??
Enjoy the pictures, Whitenite
What do you think, would Bank of Canada issued this prefix today??
Probably not.
February 24th find and coin roll hunt:
Yesterday, I picked up a box of dimes and seven rolls of quarters from the bank.
I withdrew some $5 notes from the bank machine and to my surprise, I received a radar note! INP 5541455
Yesterday’s finds from one box of dimes and seven rolls of quarters.
18 US dimes, 9 commemorative quarters, $37.10 in pre 2000 Canadian dimes including a really nice 1983 and 1979 dime.
There were only three commemorative dimes in the entire box…only one colour 2021.
And of course, one silver dime dated 1963!
Good find,nice radar ;D
February 26th finds:
As one door closes, another one always opens.
Today I made a “cold call” to a bank I had never visited before. It was right before closing time and the teller was very accommodating when I asked him for old paper money. This was only a couple of days after I was stonewalled by one of my banks that used to give me notes and coins all the time and recently has refused to give me anything; even rolls of coins.
The teller went through his stack of about $15,000 in mutilated notes and gave me nine $10s a $50, a few 1973 $1s and a birds $1000.
This is the first $1000 note I have managed to pick up in a very long time. They are definitely getting harder to find at the banks.
I also managed to get $50 in customer wrapped dimes…We’ll see if there’s anything good inside…
Update: Dime roll hunt results:
$3.70 in pre 2000 Canadian dimes
two 2017 commemoratives
two 2021 Bluenose under sail (one coloured).
nine US dimes
six King Charles 2023 dimes
two UK 5 pence 1992 and 2005
one 1/2 Franc from Switzerland, 1994
a 10 cent coin from Trinidad & Tobago 2007
a 50 Peso coin from Colombia, 2015
No silver this time, but a trip around the world instead!
February 26th mail call:
When I got home from the bank, a package was waiting for me. It contained a birds $2 with out of register serial numbers that I had purchased.
February 29th finds:
Leap year luck…
Today, I stopped by one of my banks to pick up a box of dimes that I had pre ordered. I asked the teller if any new bills had come in and she let me look through the mutilated pile.
I chose a few notes, including a nice birds $50 and a couple of $2s.
Stay tuned for the coin roll hunting results…
February 29th:
I entered the notes I found today into the SNDB. The journey $10 was a new low, but the journey $50 came back as being previously entered into the database. Maybe I entered it…or somebody else did.
Dean, you entered AHF 9927023 at datetime 2024-02-16 08:16:06. It would be interesting to know if the same note has been found by more than one member, though. By the birthday paradox, it would actually be quite likely to happen.
March 2nd coin roll hunt results:
I searched the box of dimes I brought home the other day and I managed to score one more box of dimes today and five rolls of quarters fora total of $550.
Here are my finds:
off centre strike 1974
Bahamas 25 cents 2007
East Caribbean States 10 cents 1991
only one silver 1963 dime found…
Some commemorative quarters…
but lots of US dimes…
March 6th finds:
I stopped by a branch today to pick up some coin rolls. I asked if they had any old coins and the teller said that they had some 50 cent coins. Of course, I said that I would take them all.
Imagine my surprise when the teller counted out $27.50 in coins with $26.50 being silver!
Originally, the head teller said there was $34 in 50 cent coins, but I think he might have kept a few aside for himself. 😀
You just never know what is hiding at the bank…
??? Simply amazing, all that for face value ! 8)
March 10th 2024 finds:
I searched through $275 worth of dimes and $50 in quarters today.
Highlights include:
Turkish 5 Kurus, 2015
UK 5 pence, 2001
Barbados 10 cents, 1996
21 x US dimes
2017 commemorative dimes
10 x 2021 commemoratives, 2 colourized.
Two TTC tokens
One silver dime dated 1957
It’s funny that the TTC transit tokens are actually worth more ($6.70) than the silver dime I found. :D
March 11th finds:
Main Branch Madness!
I paid a visit to the main branch on March 11th and the teller had some goodies for me.
Highlights are the PA $1 note (too bad the corner is missing!😢) and the crispy journey $10s. (Why did somebody have to fold them down the middle???😢)
I also got some penny rolls and some 50c pieces, plus a couple of black toonies and a Japanese 2000 yen note.
March 11th mail call:
I received a package from one of my contacts in Winnipeg. He gets a lot of old money from his customers and he sent me a whole pile of $1s and a few $2s.
March 12th finds, part 1:
I decided to go to a different area of the city to prospect for notes and coins…And it paid off!
The first bank I visited was hesitant to give anything up at first, giving me the stock line “We send all mutilated bills out as soon as we get them”. I explained why I do this in greater detail to the teller and after further conversation, she went to the cash office and retrieved a small bunch of paper money for me. I took it all, since this was the first time I had received anything from this branch.
The highlights are the 1954 $10 and the BER (2004) journey $10. Too bad it is a high numbered Jenkins/Dodge signed BER note. (Why are the 2003 dated BER $10s so much more valuable if there were 7.2 million printed versus only 1.4 million of the 2004 dated notes?)
March 12th finds, part 2:
I went to a second branch just down the road from the first one and I went in and asked the teller for old notes and coins. The teller obliged with $42.50 in nickel dollars and 50c coins. She went to the cash cage and let me look through the paper money in the mutilated pile. There wasn’t much, but I chose a birds $5…the teller then said “oh, there’s a $1000 bill. Do you want it?”
Of course, I took it! Boy, am I glad that I have unlimited transactions on my bank accounts!
(Why are the 2003 dated BER $10s so much more valuable if there were 7.2 million printed versus only 1.4 million of the 2004 dated notes?)
Much of the 7.2M BER 2003 notes were never released into circulation while the 2004 BER which saw only 1.4M were fully circulated. If you find a 2003 hang onto it!! They are very hard to find.
March 14th finds:
One of my banks called me to pick up some pennies. When I arrived, the teller gave me 4 bank bags worth of them!
While I was there, I asked for paper money and the teller let me pick through the pile. I chose three journey $100s and one journey $20. The highlight is the pair of EJZ prefix $100s.
March 18th finds: 2 banks, 2 scores!
I went to 2 different banks today and both of them had paper money for me.
The first bank had 48 birds $2s, a birds $20 and some 1954 series notes. It’s nice to receive crispy birds $2s!
The second bank had two 1975 $100s for me.
March 28th finds:
I managed to pick up a few paper notes from my bank today. While I was there, I got three boxes of dimes and some regular spending cash. To my surprise, I got a nice $20 repeater out of the bank machine.
March 30th Easter weekend coin hunting finds:
I searched through three boxes of dimes over the last couple of days and found…
69 US
2x UK 5 pence
1/2 Franc from Switzerland
10c from Bermuda
2017 commemoratives,
2021 Bluenose under sail
21 x 1968 nickel alloy dimes
And…one silver dime dated 1953!
I returned the three boxes of coins to one branch and went to a different branch to ask for old paper money. While they had no paper, this branch did give me one more box of dimes. Let’s see if there’s something good inside!
March 30th dime box results, part 2:
The 4th box of dimes of tonight’s hunt yielded the following coins:
My finds from the 4th box of dimes of the day:
two Barbados 5 cent coins
one Cuban 5 centavos
one UK 5 pence
24x US dimes
2021 Bluenose under sail (2 colour)
2017 commemoratives
one nice 1968 nickel alloy dime
And…one silver dime dated 1964!
April 1st finds:
Lots of coins…
One of my banks called me today. The teller said that she had a bag of pennies so I went to pick them up. When I got there, the teller offered me two boxes of dimes. Let’s hope that something good is in these boxes!
April 2nd dime box hunt update:
I searched the two boxes of dimes that I brought home yesterday and this is what I found:
20 x US
17x 2017
13x 2021 Bluenose under sail non-colour and 7 x colour
5x 1968 nickel alloy
Nice 1971, 1973, 1975 and 1978 dimes
1962, 1964, 1965 silver and also one 1996 proof sterling silver dime!
Three out of the four silver dimes came out of one box and there was one silver in the second box. Silver is still out there!
April 3rd finds:
I went to one of my banks and the teller let me look through a gigantic stack of birds $10, $20 and $50 notes…Maybe $7000 worth. Most of them were in awful shape, but I took the best ones. The highlight is the lower numbered $50 FHU 0005290. Too bad it has a tiny tear in the bottom margin…☹️
The teller also gave me five customer wrapped rolls of dimes…
Wish me luck!
I searched the 5 rolls of dimes and all I got was $1 worth of US coins…
April 5th finds:
Today, I stopped at one of my banks and they let me look through the mutilated pile of about $15,000 worth of mutilated notes.
The highlight is a 1954 $20 M/E changeover prefix, even though it has writing on the back. Honourable mention to the CDF polymer $10…Too bad it is torn… :'(
I also bought $300 in dimes…Let’s see if there’s anything good inside…
April 5th dime box update:
Tonight’s finds from $300 of dimes:
27 x US
2017 commemoratives
2021 Bluenose under sail commemoratives (1 colour)
UK 5 pence 1990
2 x East Caribbean States 10c 2014
Cuban 5 Centavos 2006
Jamaica 1 dollar, 2015
9x 1968 nickel alloy dimes (the dark toned 1968 is nickel, not silver).
1991 low mintage dime
1969 misaligned collar die
April 7th:
A really interesting dime box hunt tonight…I think it was an accumulation dump.
More than half of the box was nickel alloy dimes dating from 1968-1989.
I saved all of the 1968 and 1969 dimes, plus many very nice 1970s dared dimes. There was a nice 1971 and 1986 cameo proof and even a King Charles 2023 dime in the box, along with one UK 5 pence from 1990 and 13x US dimes.
If this was a collection dump, then the person who deposited all of these coins forgot two silver dimes, dated 1960 and 1962!
April 8th finds:
Main Branch…Mediocrity.
I went to the main branch today, and the teller only had a handful of notes for me to see.
I took the two best birds $20s in the pile, and there wasn’t much else worth mentioning.
April 9th mail call:
I bought this lot of notes and it arrived today.
The highlights are the 1954 notes.
April 10th finds, part 1:
Today, the teller at one of my banks sent me a message to come in because she had just received “a lot of old paper notes.”
When I got to the bank, there was over $2000 in old paper currency; mostly multicoloured series notes.
I bought over $1500 worth of the hoard, which the teller said was brought in by a single individual. The other notes were in bad condition and were not worth taking. This was most certainly a collection dump.
Highlights are the 1979 $20 replacement note, the EFA series $50, ALM $1 (too bad it’s signed Crow/Bouey☹️) and the EPW series $5 (too bad it’s signed Thiessen-Crow☹️).
April 10th finds part 2:
Thank you Dean to show me the 2$ BG...prefix you found.
April 15th finds:
Some penny rolls…and a $1000 bill to go with them.
One of my banks has been holding a $1000 bill for me for a couple of weeks. I decided to pick it up today, because I want to continue having a good relationship with this branch.
The teller had some penny rolls, and I took them too…but seriously, I really don’t need any more pennies…
I also returned a bunch of rolled coins. I found a grand total of $2 US, four commemorative quarters, one 2017 dime and one 1968 nickel alloy dime from $135 in rolls.
April 18th finds:
Lots and lots of pennies…
I stopped by one of my banks and they had some penny rolls for me. Since I was there and this branch no longer gives out paper money, I call this score a victory. I also took the opportunity to pick up some rolled coins.
Stay tuned for the results!
This lot contained some commemorative quarters, $2.50 in US quarters, $1.40 in US dimes,
$2.50 in nickel alloy quarters, but the highlights are:
One Australian 10c from 1981
Malaysian 5 sen from 2021
East Caribbean States 10c 2004
UK 5 pence 2015
Five King Charles 2023 quarters and one 2023 dime.
Two nice 1991 dimes
Four 1968 nickel alloy dimes
One 1969 dime
One nice 1989 dime
April 20th coin hunting finds:
Silver everywhere!
I went back to the same bank where I got the dime box full of 1968s last week. They obliged me with another box and boy, this one paid out too! I’m sure this was an accumulation dump.
I also grabbed 10 rolls of quarters just for fun. Here’s what I found:
Lots of commemoratives
$4.20 in US clad coins
One UK 5 pence 2004
One Netherlands25 cent 1976
Lots of 1968 nickel alloy dimes
King Charles 2023 quarters and dimes.
One 2024 King Charles dime (the first one of the year for me!)
and lots of nice shiny vintage dimes.
Best of all, Six Canadian silver dimes (including one 1947 maple leaf) and one US 90% silver 1961 Philadelphia.
April 26th finds:
2 banks, 2 scores!
I visited 2 banks on my way home today. The first bank had no paper notes, but the teller said she had some US quarters that she would sell to me at par. So I got $18 US for $18 Canadian dollars.
At the second bank, the teller offered me five birds $1000 bills. Unfortunately, they were all VG/F and not worth keeping. She also had $8.50 in big nickel dollars and 50c pieces and seven rolls of pennies.
Funny enough, the most interesting finds were in the regular cash I took out of the bank machine…
A 3 digit radar note, HCK 5799975
A heavily circulated HCB prefix note…Unfortunately not an insert note.
This peculiar INH prefix note with what looks to be missing ink on both the blue background and also missing black ink on the serial numbers. Any comments on this note are appreciated. What could have caused this?
April 27th: No paper money today…But lots of dimes!
Let’s see what’s in $350 worth of dime rolls!
Stay tuned…
Out of this batch of rolls, I was able to find:
Five Bluenose under sail (two coloured).
Seven 2017 commemoratives
17x US dimes
13 x 1968 nickel alloy dimes
3x 1969 (one really nice one).
Nice 1987 and 1988 dimes
One TTC token.
One UK 5 pence, 1992
Best of all, two silver dimes, 1957 and 1967!
April 29th finds:
I have been feeling under the weather for the past few days and have not visited my usual banks. I did however stop by my local bank this afternoon to pick up a few rolls of dimes.
Unfortunately, there was nothing great in these rolls, only a 2023 and 2024 King Charles pair of dimes were worthy of mentioning. I didn’t expect much from only $75 worth of coins, but that’s the nature of coin roll hunting.
This peculiar INH prefix note with what looks to be missing ink on both the blue background and also missing black ink on the serial numbers. Any comments on this note are appreciated. What could have caused this?
Hi Dean,
Wondering if that kind of damage could be caused by a note being "stuck" in a cash dispenser or counting machine and being "pulled out" by the user? Just a guess. :-\
Hope you're feeling better. :)
Cheers, Breanna
May 5th:
Tonight’s finds from $300 worth of quarters, dimes and nickels.
Lots of US, a Japanese 1 Yen, lots of 12 sided nickels and commemoratives, King Charles 2023 and 2024 coins, and…
Three silver 1968 dimes!
May 11th: So many finds this week…
I guess spring has officially arrived, and people are cleaning out their closets and drawers…and cashing in old paper money!
I could not believe the volume of finds this week…Every single day, a bank would call me to check out some old bills. Five different banks yielded a pile of banknotes, most of which are well circulated, but there are a few standouts, including:
Some nice older US notes, even a red seal $2!
Lots of 1954 series notes…Highlights being the very nice $50 and the $1000, both signed by Beattie-Coyne! It’s too bad that someone wrote their name and bank account number on it. 🤬
A 1979 $20 replacement 5100 note.
You just never know what is still out there…
May 11th finds, part 2:
More photos of what I found this week…
May 14th finds:
Party like it’s 1979!
I went to one of my banks today and the teller gave me some 1979 $20s.
I decided to press my luck and buy some dime rolls to go with the paper notes!
May 16th finds:
Two banks, two scores!
I visited two banks today and I managed to score a few paper notes. It’s amazing what you can get if you know the right people.
May 17th finds:
I stopped by one of my banks on the way home yesterday. I was able to get a handful of paper notes. Nothing really special about this lot, but it’s important to keep the teller connections alive.
May 28-30 finds:
I have done some coin searching as well as some banknote pickups this week. What follows is a summary of my finds.
One bank gave me some coin rolls and a couple of $2 notes. Out of the dime rolls came two silvers and a bunch of East Caribbean 25c coins…
The nickel rolls yielded tons of US nickels and a nice pile of pre 2000 Canadian nickels.
May 31st finds:
I went to a branch that I haven’t visited in awhile and managed to convince the teller to give me a journey $20 and $100 note plus 21 multicolour $10s!
She even had six baggies of 50 pennies that she let me have.
I figured with the luck I had, I would ask for rolled coins and the teller gave me a box of nickels, and for the first time ever, the box of nickels contained two rolls of dimes!
May goes out with a bang…
June 17th finds:
It has been awhile since I have found anything but notes sometimes appear in bunches.
Today, I picked up some nicer birds $20s and $50s and some circulated 1969 $20s.
The highlight is the small group of ESJ prefix changeover $20s, signed Bonin-Thiessen.
June 18th finds:
Main Branch Madness!
It's been awhile since I visited the Main Branch. Today, I got a chance to go down and see what they had to offer.
I picked up a bunch of really crispy journey $20s and some nicer Journey $10s. One nice Journey $5 rounds out today's haul.
Highlights include:
One FEE prefix $10 printed in 2002.
One FEN prefix $10 (short run)
and FEH 9348702 Sheet replacement note.
A nice bunch of BTT prefix $10s (No errors though.)
BES Short run prefix.
A closeup of the front of FEE 4356705 for "Hunter".
Thanks for the picture Dean.
I don’t know if it’s just my bad luck but I’ve been looking for a 2002 FEE with double full circles forever it seems. Anyone reading this post have one?
BES was not a short run, the one you want to look for is BET which only had a small run of 920,000. Which was the final prefix for the 2005 10$ series on the BABN side.
June 22nd finds:
I visited a branch that I have not been to in awhile. I initially asked the teller for rolled coins and banknotes. She said at first that she had some $1s and $2s, but that she was not sure if she could give them out. The manager overheard the conversation and gave the teller the go ahead to sell me the notes.
To my surprise, there were some decent 1954 $2s, and $1s in the bunch and a couple of nicer 1967 $1s, but most of them are low grade.
Highlights include the PA prefix 1973 $1 and the nicer 1954 $1s and $2s.
Oh, and there are a couple of BG— prefix birds $2s for Claude…
June 22nd finds, continued:
Here’s a photo of the 1954 and 1967 $1s I found today.
June 24th finds:
One of my banks had a small stash of notes for me today.
Nothing too special here, but it is still nice to be finding stuff again!
June 25th:
Three for three!
I visited three banks today. This is what I found:
Bank #1: I followed up on an email I received from the teller saying that she had some old notes. I was pleased to claim a birds $1000, a 1973 $1 and a nicer journey $10. The $1000s are getting harder to find at the banks…
Bank #2: I lucked out here because I hadn’t visited this branch in awhile. The teller let me have some 1973 $1s and some birds $2s along with a nicer birds $50 and a 2017 $10.
Bank #3: There was no old paper money at this branch, so I changed tactics. I got $50 in customer wrapped dime rolls and five regular $10 notes. On closer inspection, one of the $10s is a 3-digit radar note, with radar front and back position numbers (44/44) and also a radar prefix, FFF 0210120
I’d say it was a good day!
June 26th finds:
$50s anyone?
One of my banks called and said that a bunch of $50s came in. I decided to take two crispy consecutive notes, one with a teller stamp on it and one replacement note, FMI 9418566
June 28th finds:
I made a cold call to a bank that I have never visited before and asked for old paper money. The teller said that she “just received these notes today” and offered them to me so I accepted.
Nothing special in this lot, but when a teller offers you old notes, you should take them, especially if you are searching new branches.
July 4th finds:
Paper banknotes have once again dried up at my banks so I had to settle for hunting some customer wrapped coin rolls which in Toronto are also becoming hard to obtain.
Tonight’s finds from $100 in nickels and dimes. Highlights include:
Two 2000p nickels, a 1942, eight 2023s, and a really nice 1963 that looks like it was broken out of an uncirculated set. And best of all, I found a dime stuck in one of the nickel rolls!😀
July 27th part 1:
After a prolonged drought, there must be finds. The following posts are a summary of what I have found in my travels.
Since my banks in Toronto have been dry in terms of finds for the last few weeks, I ventured a bit further afield.
Over the past few weeks, I have visited many banks located east of Toronto and have struck gold once again.
Highlights include:
Another PA prefix $1
Loads of 1967 $1s
A US star note $1
1979 and 1969 $20s
US $2s
See part 2 for more!
July 27th part 2:
Tons and tons of $1s and $2s…including one EBX replacement note.
77 nickel dollars, 42 nickel halves
27 rolls of pennies…
On to part 3…
July 27th part 3:
What might tomorrow bring? Hopefully more finds!
July 29th finds:
A teller at one of my banks called me and said that she had some old bills.
When I got to the branch, I was happy to pick up some birds notes and some nice crisp journey $20s, printed all the way back in 2005. While I was there, I asked for pennies and the teller had one bag to give me.
Lately, there have been lots of birds $2s floating around and I suspect that people are emptying out closets and sock drawers in these tough economic times or the notes belonged to someone who died and the family cashes everything in.
August 1st find:
No paper money today, but I did receive a silver 1962 dime in my change!
August 2nd finds:
I went to a bank in downtown Toronto and to my surprise, the teller in the cash cage was kind enough to give me the few paper notes he had.
I took them all because I didn’t want to be picky. There are a couple of decent multicolour $100s in the bunch, but nothing earth shattering today.
August 6th finds: Main Branch Madness!
The teller at the main branch gave me some paper notes (and a black toonie).
Nothing special in this lot, but I will take low grade notes just to keep the connection going.
August 20th finds:
Main Branch Madness!
The teller at the Main Branch offered me these crispy birds $50s. Of course, I couldn’t turn them down!
I stopped in to another bank and I finally managed to score $50 in customer wrapped dimes. This is the first batch of circulated dimes in quite some time for me…Stay tuned for the results!
The dime rolls were a bust…No silver and only five US coins, one 1968 nickel alloy and one Bluenose under sail, non coloured. :(
I also obtained two rolls of L.M. Montgomery commemorative loonies today. A picture is included below.
August 21st:
How did I miss this?
Finds are few and far between these days. Today, I spent some time organizing my circulated notes and I took a closer look at this 1979 $20.
It’s a radar 8055508
August 31st finds:
Two banks, two scores!
This week, I stopped into a bank in a small town east of Toronto and the teller was able to give me a bunch of multicolour $10s, $20s, one birds $5 and $10 plus three rolls of pennies.
Yesterday, one of my banks in Toronto gave me some crispy journey $50s, a birds $50 and $100 plus a bunch of penny rolls. Highlights are the two AHJ $50s one from each side of the changeover.
I also asked for customer wrapped coins and was rewarded with a bunch of dime rolls.
September 1st finds from $220 in customer wrapped dimes:
15x US
2x Cayman Islands 5c, 2013 and 2017
1x Jamaican dollar, 2008
1x East Caribbean States 10c, 2014
8x 1968 nickel alloy
1x 2017 commemorative
17x nice shiny dimes from the 1990s
and 8x silver dimes, 1967, 2x 1968, 1962, 1960, 1953 no shoulder fold, 1959, 1966
(7 of the 8 silvers came out of one roll!)
August 21st:
How did I miss this?
Finds are few and far between these days. Today, I spent some time organizing my circulated notes and I took a closer look at this 1979 $20.
It’s a radar 8055508
Wow, first 7-digit radar I've ever seen on an 11-digit serial, I think. They shouldn't be rare but I don't think very many were saved. I do recall a 1979 $5 where the last 7 or 8 digits formed a solid though.
Congrats on that one.
September 16th mega update:
I have consolidated the last few coin hunts into this post.
Out of all of the rolls I managed to obtain, I picked out a silver quarter, a silver dime both dated 1968, some US coins and a bunch of commemoratives along with several 2023 King Charles quarters.
September 16th finds:
Main Branch Madness…and more! Part 1.
Today, I got a call from the Main Branch. The teller said that some older notes came in. When I arrived, she showed me a pile of birds $20s, and Journey $20s and $5s. I took the best ones.
On my way home, I received another call from a different branch. The teller said that he had some old bills and coins. When I arrived, I was presented with some multicolour $1s, a couple of paper $100s, birds and multicolour $2s and $81 in 50c pieces and old dollar coins.
With such good fortune coming my way, I asked for customer wrapped coins. The teller obliged with some quarters and dimes. He then asked if I wanted to buy these “strange coins” that had been deposited as Canadian loonies. To my surprise, there were almost two full rolls of US “golden” dollars, and Susan B. Anthony dollars!
Finally, when I got to my car, I looked more closely at one of the quarter rolls…and I think I see a silver coin in there!
Stay tuned for the coin hunting results…
September 16th finds, part 2:
Here are some photos of the coins…
September 16th coin hunt update:
This is what I found in the coin rolls I brought home today:
Commemorative quarters
$3.05 in US coins including one 90% silver dime dated 1959 from the Denver mint.
Nine 1968 nickel alloy dimes
One Toronto Transit Commission token
A colour 2021 Bluenose dime
Three British 5p coins, 1990, 1992 and 2003
One Australian 5c from 2008
One Cayman Islands 5c coin from 2008.
And…even more silver…including a dime from 1959 and a quarter dated 1965!
Not only that, but I also searched the US dollar coins I got today, and I found a 1979 wide rim Susan B. Anthony variety!
The top coin in the photo is the wide rim…You can clearly see the difference.
People often ask why I hunt for coins and bills…Well, this is why!
Sept 19th finds from $50 in quarters and $50 in dimes:
Commemoratives, US coins, shiny vintage dimes, a UK 5p from 1991 and, best of all, a 1964 silver dime!
September 22nd finds:
Small town, hidden treasure!
I visited a small town east of Toronto yesterday. In my travels, I was able to obtain a large cache of notes.
I also picked up some rolled coins from the local banks.
Here is what I found in the rolls:
Lots of commemoratives, US coins, King Charles 2023 coins, a hard to find 1990 quarter, and best of all, a 1947 maple leaf silver quarter!
There was also a strange mutilated dime. Was this a mis-strike or post mint damage?
I was also up 90 cents because the dime rolls were over stuffed.
At the local flea market, I picked out a Japanese 100 yen coin and two UK 10 pence pieces for the princely sum of $1. I think I came out ahead on that transaction. 😀
September 25th finds:
A few bills…and some coins.
One of my branches let me look through the mutilated pile and I took a few notes.
I asked for customer wrapped coins and they obliged with $200 in quarters and $135 in dimes.
September 28th find
I went to the Guelph Coin Show today and boy, am I glad I did! I snagged this multicolour $1 at a very reasonable price from a pile of otherwise common $1 notes.
Check it out; BCJ 4810587 with small Bs!
Incredible find, fantastic. It goes to show that there are many more out there and we need to find them. Having to find BCP, BCT and BFG by myself for the 1973 $1 banknotes was incredible and to Dean and Claude for the other banknotes, we need to set up a database to track all of these small B and F's for the Multicolour and Bird Series of Banknotes.
My thoughts, Whitenite
Hi Dean,
It's a other great found from you!I hope more people will take a look on this?
October 5th finds from the Toronto Coin Expo:
I went to the expo yesterday and picked up a few notes for my collection (and a few for Claude) 😀
I’ll elaborate on the defaced notes in my other thread, but in terms of other finds, I managed to get a few BFF prefix $1s for my hoard, and a few “777” notes for the newest branch of my collection…You guessed it…notes with “777” in the serial number.
When you have been collecting for as long as I have, you need to find other things to collect in order to keep it interesting. That’s why I started collecting defaced notes and other oddities.
October 16th finds:
Lots of $1s…and more!
Today, I stopped by one of my banks and the teller had 63 $1s and a couple of $20s. When I took a look at the $20 note, it turned out to be a devil’s face note!
There was also a 1937 $20 in the pile, but the teller said that he was going to keep it for himself. 😂
I asked for rolled dimes and the teller gave me $100 worth.
When I got home, I noticed two silver enders, one from 1967 and another with King George VI
August 21st: Purchase…Error note.
I picked up this inverted 1954 $1 note.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: This note has been determined to be a manufactured error. Please don't make the same mistake I did and be VERY cautious when you encounter these types of notes. :'(
I have found a legitimate 1954 Error Note. To help others tell a real error, it will fall into this S/N pattern:
NL 457XX37
NL 4571737 (Example 1)
NL 4574737 (Example 2)
NL 4574837 (Mine)
October 18th finds part 1:
A big score from the bank!
I went to one of my banks today and I asked for old paper money. To my surprise, the teller pulled out some nice birds $20s and some circulated $1s and $2s
I was happy to find yet another “777” note to add to my collection!
I decided to ask for rolled coins and I bought a bunch of dimes and quarters.
I will post a summary of all of the coin hunts, including the silver enders I picked up from a different bank a couple of days ago.
One of the birds $2s (AUK0024766) has a curious spot on the large 2 counter on the back of the note. It looks like a white circle with a brown triangle in it. It is not paper damage.
October 18th, part 2:
I purchased this out of register journey $5 and it arrived in the mail today!
Hee-Hee, we like the same thing!
I wonder where 3587334 - 8 are.
One of the birds $2s (AUK0024766) has a curious spot on the large 2 counter on the back of the note. It looks like a white circle with a brown triangle in it. It is not paper damage.
Curiouser and Curiouser
Week of October 20th: summary of finds.
I haven’t had a lot of time to post this week, so I’m doing it all at once!
This week was a good week at the banks. I found a lot of coins, including $3 in US dimes, lots of foreigns, some commemorative quarters, 2023 King Charles quarters and four silver dimes (2x 1963, a 1967 and a 1952.
In terms of paper money, I was able to obtain a 1954 $1000 bill ($1000 bills are becoming really hard to obtain from a bank’s mutilated pile), $13.50 in rolled pennies, 21 US $2s, some nicer birds and journey $50s and even a beat up birds $50 with four 8s in the serial number. Is there any demand for a note with four 8s?
I even obtained a broken ladder polymer $5 in change this week!
In terms of purchases, I obtained a neat binary numbered 1974 $2 for a very reasonable price. And I received from Claude a neat birds $2 with writing on it. More on that note in my other thread.
And on a negative note, I bought a roll of toonies when I was picking up other coin rolls, and four of them were counterfeit! ☹️
Week of October 20th finds, part 2:
More pictures of my finds from this week…I just noticed that one of the birds $50s has some offset ink on the back. Would you keep it or send it back? ;)
October 30th finds:
I went to one of my banks today and the teller offered me some $1 and $2 notes. One of the $2s has a neat serial number, composed of only 8s and 7s, and another one of the $2s has serial numbers that are slightly out of register.
While I was there, I decided to ask for customer wrapped coins and I got a few dime rolls plus $100 in quarters.
Stay tuned for the result…
There wasn’t much in these coin rolls aside from a few shiny commemoratives, some King Charles 2023 quarters and 85 cents worth of US coins.
I hope I get some silver soon…but as they say, you’ll never find anything if you don’t keep looking.
October 31st finds and mail call.
I picked up some rolled coins today, and while the finds were few, the dimes contained silver! A 1960 and a 1962 dime to be exact…
A package of notes arrived in the mail today. Why would I buy such low grade notes? Well, one of them is a 1979 $5 replacement note and the other has an interesting stamp on it.
November 3rd finds:
More paper and silver too!
Yesterday, one of my banks gave me two birds $100s. While I was there, I picked up a few rolls of dimes.
My silver streak continues! There was one 1968 silver dime in the rolls, $1.30 in US dimes, a 2023 King Charles dime, a few commemoratives, a 5 pence coin from the UK and three 1968 nickel alloy dimes.
November 4th finds and mail call!
I went to one of my banks today. They had no paper money, but they did have four bags of pennies and a box of customer wrapped nickels and a few rolls of customer wrapped dimes. I’ll update whenever I finish hunting all of these coin rolls…
When I got home, I received two envelopes. Why would I buy more circulated notes?
Well, there were two *FA replacements and a couple of other surprises I will discuss in my other thread.
November 10th:
I found this polymer $50 a few days ago and I tried to upload a photo for confirmation to the SNDB but the page would not load.
So, here it is:
GMP 0741530 the low for the prefix with only 4 notes reported.
Dean, I don't know of a way to confirm a SNDB contribution if it gets submitted without an image attached at the same time. Trying to verify such a note just gives the following error message:
You cannot confirm or flag this note until an image has been posted.
I found this email while scrolling through the forum.
Try emailing sndb@cdnpapermoney.com
I don’t know if that email is active or not because BWJM posted the email to a thread 9 years ago but if it does work I’m sure they will enter it in the suspect note SNDB
November 18th summary:
I was so busy this week, I had no time to post.
Here is what I found from the Main Branch
Some nice journey $10s and $20s
Some circulated $1s and $2s
A nice multicolour $100 and a couple of birds $10s.
From $500 in quarters and $250 in dimes:
A bunch of US coins, lots of commemorative quarters and one silver dime from 1964 that looks like it came out of an uncirculated set.
Stay tuned for part 2…
November 18th part 2.
I went to the Scarborough Coin Club show yesterday and I bought this birds $2…BGJ with two large “B”s.
And here are closeups of that nice 1964 dime…
It's a beautifull 2$ large ''B'' both side you got Dean.For now(all information I have) at 1153615 to 1357874 they are both large ''B'' and at 1363805 it's one large ''B'' on the right side.Some of those notes I have but also some I do not have.In futur with all large''B'' I have I will look at the front and back plate number maybe found something intersting ??I'm happy for you and thank you Dean for the information.
It's a beautifull 2$ large ''B'' both side you got Dean.For now(all information I have) at 1153615 to 1357874 they are both large ''B'' and at 1363805 it's one large ''B'' on the right side.Some of those notes I have but also some I do not have.In futur with all large''B'' I have I will look at the front and back plate number maybe found something intersting ??I'm happy for you and thank you Dean for the information.
Hi Claude,
The position numbers on this BGJ $2 are 85/84
November 19th finds:
I went to a couple of banks that I hadn’t visited in awhile.
The first bank had a single birds $100 for me and a few loose commemorative coins and some pennies.
The second bank had lots of paper money including a couple of $1s and $2s, birds and journey $5s and $10s and a multicolour $10. The best note in this lot has to be the FEV prefix replacement note.
Also interesting are the two journey $10s…100 notes apart and another “777” note for my collection.
From the bank machine, I managed to get an INK prefix $5 and an FFN prefix $10…take a look at these curious lines on the back of the note; they do not appear on the face of the note. I do not think that these lines are scratches…Opinions are welcome!
November 19th: Pre postal strike pickup!
I received two packages on the eve of the postal strike…
I bought 600 circulated 1973 $1s to look through. The seller gave me this 1954 $1 for free…”Quebec Libre” in black sharpie…
The other package contained a partial set of 1954 notes that I bought because of the date stamp on the $20 note…June 11 1971.
Stay tuned for updates on the bundles of $1s!
From the bank machine, I managed to get an INK prefix $5 and an FFN prefix $10…take a look at these curious lines on the back of the note; they do not appear on the face of the note. I do not think that these lines are scratches…Opinions are welcome!
It may be a scratch based on my observations but I may be wrong as I gotten bills like these with those line on the bills which I suspect may be caused by the ATM machine when withdrawing or even the scratch may have happened at the one of the Bank of Canada’s facility packaging banknotes. I’m a new collector so I may be partially wrong but that’s my guess for how those lines got there
Hi Dean,
I hope you will found somethigs intersting in your 1$ 1973!
I bought a lot of 2$ 1986 and you it's 1$ 1973 haha!
It's the only way to found information.
Hi Dean,
It's about the 50$ GMP,today when I change my 1000x10$ to 50$ I found 2xGMP 0913348 and a new high # 1908061.The things I think about that it's maybe the same like the 10$?About 4 years I take 1000x10$ to change it to 50$ every weeks,and I never found in 10$ the prefix FFN until 3 weeks ago,two notes but someone told me at Toronto they have this prefix in circulation.I think it will be the same for the 50$ they maybe start to be in circulation??A other collector I know near of Quebec have found some GMP.About the FFJ for now I never foud a serial # under 6 million and over 9 million??
The futur will be explain that???
Nov 22nd update:
I searched the 600 x 1973 $1s that I bought. In them, I found several BFF prefix notes for my collection as well as some BCJ, BCL BCP, BFG and BCT prefix notes (not pictured as they were all the common large B type).
Overall, it was a disappointing hunt, but this is the only way to gather any information on prefixes.
I also picked up a box of quarters…An update will come in the near future with what’s inside the rolls.
I also picked up a box of quarters…An update will come in the near future with what’s inside the rolls.
Based on my observation in the box of quarters I can see
A Canada Flag quarter 2015 colored
A Stanley Cup quarter 2017
A Laura Secord quarter 2013 colored
Dean you are off to a great start based on my observation, I should try coin rolling one day but I get most of my coins from change and the Presto machine which gives me a ton of toonies which I found many commemorative coins from the TTC presto machine. Sometimes once in a while some TTC employees will give me some old nickel dollar or 50 cents coin to add for my coin collection.
Based on my observation in the box of quarters I can see
A Canada Flag quarter 2015 colored
A Stanley Cup quarter 2017
A Laura Secord quarter 2013 colored
Dean you are off to a great start based on my observation, I should try coin rolling one day but I get most of my coins from change and the Presto machine which gives me a ton of toonies which I found many commemorative coins from the TTC presto machine. Sometimes once in a while some TTC employees will give me some old nickel dollar or 50 cents coin to add for my coin collection.
Hi TN56,
Do you work for the TTC? I have tried hunting dime rolls in boxes that were sealed and rolled by the TTC…and I found nothing special in them.
Hi TN56,
Do you work for the TTC? I have tried hunting dime rolls in boxes that were sealed and rolled by the TTC…and I found nothing special in them.
Hello Dean,
Unfortunately I do not work for the TTC, I have seen your reply about hunting a box of dime from the TTC, I have some information if you need. Ask me anything and I’ll try my best to answer
I forgot to mention Dean,
Whatever the customer deposit in the fare box (A colored coin or a commemorative coin or maybe even silver coins) they will all be sent to a specific location and the coins will be rolled up to be sent to the bank. I don’t know if they do the ARP program and sort out coins.
January 6th finds:
No paper, but lots and lots of coins…
TTC dime box update: I was able to search through both boxes of TTC labelled dimes. Highlights include:
Over four rolls of pre-2000 dimes
Lots of US dimes
Bluenose under sail
And a few 2017 commemoratives
The foreign coins were the most interesting…
Two 5 Bani coins from Romania, dated 2020 and 2022
Turkey 5 Kurus 2015
Panama 1/10 Balboa, 2019
But no silver. ☹️I was a bit disappointed by the lack of finds in the TTC boxes…
Dean you should try hunting boxes of quarters, loonies or toonies from the TTC. I'm sure the finds will be good as I see people depositing lots of quarters, loonie and toonies in the fare box. If you have any questions regarding TTC fare collection I can answer most of your questions.
December 8th: A week in review.
I managed to visit three banks in the past week, including the Main Branch. I was rewarded with some paper money, most notably the 1975 EFA and EHX prefix $50s. Of course, the EHX replacement note is the one that is written on!
There’s still a lot of paper money hiding out there if you’re willing to search for it!
December 8th: Weekend purchases.
I bought these notes yesterday, and I am very pleased, especially with the graded 1954 *R/C replacement note. And, this note has a lower number than what’s in the catalogue.
The Christmas card is cool. It has three 1967 $1 notes inside of it, which was a lot of money back then for a kid!
I also picked up a run of 20 x 1967 $1s with the serial number.
December 14th finds:
I went to a few banks this week and I was rewarded with lots of paper money.
Most are spenders, but there are some diamonds in the rough, including a BFK prefix $1 with two small “B”s
December 14th:
Here is a photo of the BFK $1 note with small “B”s.
December 14th:
Oh, I almost forgot…I picked up 36 US $2s as well this week.
There’s a star note in the lot too, except it is ripped.
What a nice found about the 1$ 1973 with small ''B''.You got it with the bank with all other notes?
I'm happy for you,what was the chance?
I would like to show you my found.A dealer near were am I call me and told if I'm interest about a 50$ polymer he got by a customer who used this 50$ to pay stock she bought.I prefer to show the picture.And the 2$ came from other dealer and it have a little square on the right side down.
What a nice found about the 1$ 1973 with small ''B''.You got it with the bank with all other notes?
I'm happy for you,what was the chance?
I would like to show you my found.A dealer near were am I call me and told if I'm interest about a 50$ polymer he got by a customer who used this 50$ to pay stock she bought.I prefer to show the picture.And the 2$ came from other dealer and it have a little square on the right side down.
Hi Claude,
That $50 with the error is a great find.
I got the BFK $1 with small Bs from the bank with the rest of the notes I found last week. I am lucky to have it.
Hi Dean,
Yes you are lucky to found small ''B'' in 1973 1$.
Nice finds always enjoy checking on what you all have discovered.
Hi everyone,
Last Friday the 13th of December, I got lucky instead of getting bad luck where my friendly bank branch in the Ottawa Valley called me as they have received a number of paper banknotes. It was an interesting find and I am very lucky to have bank tellers to call me that there is paper banknotes to be had. In this find, I got the following.
1) A number of UNC to AU 1986 $2 banknotes. Some of these banknotes are choice UNC, imagine that!!
2) A 1975 $100 banknote with the prefix AJX in decent shape.
3) A 1973 $1 banknote with the prefix AFF which is the steel engraved banknote as there was split with this prefix between steel and litho.
4) A 1971 $10 banknote with the prefix EEV which is the steel engraved banknote as there was split with this prefix between steel and litho.
5) A 1986 $2 banknote with the prefix BGJ where there is a mismatch B's between the first and second serial number. This is the 2nd time that I got a mismatched B for the prefix BGJ from this branch.
Enjoy the pictures and keep asking your bank for paper banknotes. You never know what you can find.
Best regards, Whitenite
Hi Whitenite,
Thank you for the information about the 2$1986 large''B''.Do not stop to share your discovery with us.
December 20th finds:
I stopped by one of my banks on the way home today and picked up these three journey notes. The $100 EJZ 9164904 is the new high number in the SNDB and the AAD $5 is a changeover prefix.
Awesome finds you are getting Whitenite and Dean. Keep up with the hunts as you may find something rare, special serial number and more!
I found my first ever $5 replacement note, the condition is not that good and I didn’t even know it was a replacement note until I entered it into the SNDB. Without the SNDB existing I would’ve probably release it into circulation
Awesome finds you are getting Whitenite and Dean. Keep up with the hunts as you may find something rare, special serial number and more!
I found my first ever $5 replacement note, the condition is not that good and I didn’t even know it was a replacement note until I entered it into the SNDB. Without the SNDB existing I would’ve probably release it into circulation
Nice find. Yes without the SNDB it would be very hard to spot these notes, a reason why many collectors will stay away from these and stick only to the identifyable replacement X and * notes. I really miss those days!
Good Day, eh!
Finds from my friendly bank in the Ottawa Valley on Friday December 20th where Santa Claus has come to town!! I got another call and here is my latest finds. Here are the noteworthy banknotes!!
1986 Bird $5 EPC with a Crow/Bouey signature, prefix changeover
1991 Bird $20 EIJ without serifs which is a nice find
1954 Devil's Face $1 T/A which is the end of the Devil Face run, imagine that!!!
1937 $1 banknote, Gordon/Towers
1954 Modified $1 banknote
Enjoy the picture and please got to your friendly bank branch as there are many people depositing banknotes at this time where they do not know the real value of these banknotes.
Happy Holidays, Whitenite
December 23rd finds: Main Branch madness!
I visited the main branch yesterday and the teller offered me some circulated $2s and a birds $1000 note.
There’s a Crow Bouey signed AUJ $2 and a BGH $2 with two small “B”s.
December 27th finds:
Coin roll hunt…silver score!
I went to a couple of banks today and picked up some coin rolls.
I got $22.50 in penny rolls and some dime rolls.
Eight of the dime rolls came from one bank while the second bank would only give me three rolls of any denomination I wanted because I didn’t have a business account. This is the first branch where I have encountered this restriction.
I asked the teller at this branch if I could pre-order a box of dimes. Again, I was refused because I didn’t have a business account.
None of my other banks have restricted how many coins I can take. I wonder why this branch is so stingy with its coin rolls?
Anyway, the dime rolls from the first bank were more interesting. I managed to get a whole bunch of lustrous dimes from the 80s and 90s, including a couple of 1991 and 1990 dated dimes. Best of all, I pulled two silver dimes, one dated 1964 and a 1967.
I was relieved to finally be back on the silver after coming up empty for awhile.
I took some cash from the bank machine and an interesting note popped out, BSB 0888000.
December 27th: Coin hunt summary.
Over the past few weeks, I have hunted
Two boxes of quarters
One box of nickels
And 4 and a half boxes of dimes
This is what I found.
Six silver dimes, (4x 1967, 1961, 1964)
One nickel from 1945
Over $14 in US coins
A decent amount of pure nickel nickels, including one elusive 1970 in nice condition.
Several coloured commemoratives including the elusive 2015 coloured poppy.
Several mint condition millennium quarters and Canada 125 quarters.
A 1967 rabbit nickel (these seem to be hard to get in circulation)
A few 12 sided nickels.
A 100 won coin from South Korea
Some European coins
Coins from Singapore, the UK, the Cayman Islands and Jamaica.
I am not sure what to do with the commemorative coins; the more boxes I search through, the more of them I find, but nobody seems to want to buy them.
the second bank would only give me three rolls of any denomination I wanted because I didn’t have a business account. This is the first branch where I have encountered this restriction.
I asked the teller at this branch if I could pre-order a box of dimes. Again, I was refused because I didn’t have a business account.
None of my other banks have restricted how many coins I can take. I wonder why this branch is so stingy with its coin rolls?
Sadly, this has become a common practice here in Germany. You only get one or more rolls if you have a business account.
Cash is hassle for the banks these days. Hence they make it difficult to get -- especially coins. :(
Eight of the dime rolls came from one bank while the second bank would only give me three rolls of any denomination I wanted because I didn’t have a business account. This is the first branch where I have encountered this restriction.
I asked the teller at this branch if I could pre-order a box of dimes. Again, I was refused because I didn’t have a business account.
None of my other banks have restricted how many coins I can take. I wonder why this branch is so stingy with its coin rolls?
In my city where I live (Toronto, ON) I never had that issue with TD Bank and CIBC. I don’t know why we need a business account to get coin rolls. I see on YouTube most Canadian coin roll hunter gets bundle of coins, nickels, dime, quarter, loonie and toonie to search without any issues.
I took a break from coin roll hunting because I already have enough coins and most of my special coins come from circulation or friends and family. Also I have been focusing more on collecting banknotes and entering them into the SNDB.
In my city where I live (Toronto, ON) I never had that issue with TD Bank and CIBC. I don’t know why we need a business account to get coin rolls. I see on YouTube most Canadian coin roll hunter gets bundle of coins, nickels, dime, quarter, loonie and toonie to search without any issues.
I also live in Toronto and I never have any problems getting rolled coin from any bank. CIBC, RBC, TD, BMO and Scotiabank all give me rolls whenever I ask. Sometimes they have enough in stock to give me full boxes of circulated coins but I would always say that I would take as many rolls as they felt comfortable to give me so the branch is not short of coins for "normal" customers. It's only this one particular branch of RBC that has the "three roll" rule for coins; none of the other RBC branches I visit have this limit.
As a courtesy to the branch, I would pre-order boxes of dimes and quarters but lately, when I place a bulk coin order, all I get are the white machine wrapped rolls of ARP coins.
So, I have had to resort to picking up smaller quantities of coins from multiple branches. It's a bit of a pain but I'm in the branch to ask for paper money first and foremost. The coins are just a bonus.
I have noticed that of all of the big banks, Scotiabank is the most reluctant to give out old paper money. In fact, I have never scored anything from Scotiabank in terms of old bills but they have given me rolls of pennies in the past.
Global News in Toronto did two news stories on the fake toonie issue in November 2024 stating that the offender they caught was depositing full boxes of toonies into banks and I wonder if this might have anything to do with the increased difficulty for coin roll hunters now and in the future. I don't think banks have a problem with giving them out, but the issue for them is the returning of the rolls back after they've been hunted. My branches have started 'cutting into' the rolls to ensure that they at least have the coin edges they are supposed to and they take a few entire rolls apart when I return them. They even did this to rolls that were in bank issued wrappers. In this day and age when so called 'replicas' of all currencies are being produced and sold en-mass on the internet all banks need to step up their game in protecting our monetary system from fakes and frauds as it's only going to get worse. Canada's 'gullibility/naivety' is glaringly obvious to every criminal faction around the globe right now where we have used "the honour system" for so much that it is now resulting in our law enforcement and justice systems being over-whelmed.
New Year’s Eve coin hunt:
I figured I’d take one last shot at finding silver in 2024.
Wish me luck!
New Year’s eve coin hunt update:
I searched the dimes and came up empty for silver but I did find a fair number of US dimes and a coloured 2021 bluenose.
Since I had the penny rolls from the other day, I searched those too…
They were mostly uneventful, but there were some pennies from the 60s and a couple of George VI pennies along with a 2 euro cent from France and a cent from Barbados. The oldest finds were two US wheat pennies from 1940 and I also decided to keep one shiny Lincoln memorial cent from 2004 because it was nice and shiny.
Happy New Year Eve to everyone and next year will be a amazing hunt for everyone hunting for treasures in the bank!
Speaking of which I went to the bank to get some cash to enter in the SNDB for New Years Eve and I found a CDF prefix. I wonder how hard it is to find a short-run CDF prefix in circulation?
I found a CDF prefix. I wonder how hard it is to find a short-run CDF prefix in circulation?
Might just be my area, but I've only ever found one in circulation. Seen lots of CDA-CDE though, so CDF definitely is harder to find.
Might just be my area, but I've only ever found one in circulation. Seen lots of CDA-CDE though, so CDF definitely is harder to find.
Where I live in Toronto. I usually see lots of CDA-CDE prefix but rarely I see any serial number under a million. I have only found 2 CDF prefix from the ATM ever since my bank started adding the option to withdraw in $10
The CDF prefix is a keeper in any condition.
January 2nd 2025 coin roll hunt.
I decided to pick up a few rolls of coins from my local banks today.
Again, no silver, but some interesting finds appeared nonetheless.
Highlights include:
$5.50 in US coins
A couple of really nice 1969 quarters
And a neat painted quarter from 1974.
A 5 convertible centavos from Cuba from 2016
Of course, there were a number of Canadian commemoratives, but far fewer than I was expecting given the number of coins I searched through.
January 7th finds, part 1.
I visited some friends in Eastern Ontario over the past weekend and I was able to score some notes from the local bank. Included are seven US $2s and a $1 with writing that I will detail in my other thread.
The 1975 $100 is a birthday note, March 5th or May 30th 1985.
January 7th finds, part 2:
Today, I bought these notes from a friend who had travelled to the UK.
He managed to score all of this paper money at an amazing price, given the favourable exchange rate of the British Pound.
There are a few diamonds in the rough…Including a couple of replacement notes, and a few notes with stories written on them. More on these notes in my other thread. There are also a few BG- series birds $2s for Claude.
There must be millions of dollars of old Canadian currency held in other countries. So, if your local bank dries up or if they refuse to sell you old currency, take a trip overseas to extend your hunt! 🤣
January 7th finds, part 3:
I went to one of my banks after picking up the UK hoard. Luckily, they had a few paper bills for me.
I also picked up some coin rolls in the hope to find some silver in 2025.
Wow what a good 2025 starting year.I saw many BG prefix,very nice.No small ''B'' in 1$ 1973 :) ?With the rest you have some good notes to.
January 9th finds:
Lots of coins!
I went to one of my banks and they had some old big nickel dollars and a 50 cent piece.
The teller also gave me two Canadian and one US quarter. To top it off, he also gave me a 5 Piso coin from the Philippines for free!
I’ll update with any finds from the coin rolls.
January 13th: Better late than never!
Here are my silver hunting totals for 2023/2024. (I actually started seriously hunting coin rolls for silver in December 2023)
I found a total of $35.80 in Canadian silver dimes, 50 cent pieces and quarters plus another three US 90% silver dimes.
The good news is that the silver streak continues in 2025! See my next post.
January 13th finds:
I finally hunted the rolls of coins I brought home the other day.
Aside from $3.90 in US clad dimes, I found a few Canadian commemoratives, a 1968 nickel alloy dime, a 1/2 Swiss Franc from 1969, a 2023 Canadian dime featuring King Charles but the best finds were a 1964 90% US silver dime and a Canadian silver dime dated 1961!
I never thought I’d be finding silver in 2025…
January 13th:
I hope to keep the silver streak going so I picked up $200 in customer wrapped dimes from the same bank where I got the rolls that contained silver.
Wish me luck!
January 13 update:
I searched the $200 in dimes I brought home today and I was surprised to find so many interesting things in less than one box.
$3.20 in US dimes
A 1991 Canadian dime
Two 1968 nickel alloy dimes
Two UK 5 pence coins, 2000 and 2014
1 New Shequel from Israel (Can anyone tell me how to read the date?)
Another 1/2 Franc from Switzerland, 1982
Ten 2023 dated Canadian dimes
And best of all, another silver dime dated 1961!
I think I’m going to go back to that branch again tomorrow to get more coins!😀
Also, if anyone wants a 2023 dime, shoot me a PM…
I found my second replacement note for the polymer series on the $20 FSH 4018139. As I was entering notes for the SNDB, it said that I had a replacement note but I decided i was not going to keep it because I discovered that there was a tear on the top of the banknote. I would’ve kept it if the bill was in good condition.
January 16th finds:
I went to four banks today and I picked up something cool from each one of them!
Bank #1: I picked up a birds $5 along with two rolls of dimes and two rolls of quarters, which was all they had in terms of customer wrapped rolls.
Bank #2: I got 42 rolls of customer wrapped dimes and three rolls of pennies.
Bank #3: I picked up a birds $1000 note.
Bank #4: I cleaned out the last of the customer wrapped dimes from this branch, where I found all of the silver this week.
Updates to follow!
Jan 18th: Coin hunting update:
The finds from all of those dime rolls were not as impressive as in the past, but I still managed to retrieve some interesting coins including:
Four 1968 nickel alloy dimes. One of them looks to me to be in mint state, possibly broken out of an uncirculated set.
$2.80 in US dimes
Two Swiss half Francs, 1992 and 2000. I like Swiss coins because of the classic wreath design reminiscent of Canada’s coinage before 1937.
One UK 5 pence from 2015
A 2023 King Charles dime
A pretty decent dime from 1978
And a 1969 dated dime, sadly, the small date.
One colour 2021 bluenose dime. These are harder to find than I thought!
One 10 cent coin from Singapore. I don’t know the date. Can anyone figure it out?
January 18th finds:
Bank machine find!
I withdrew some cash today and to my surprise, one of the bills was a replacement note!
While I was there, I asked for rolled coins and I was rewarded with $300 in dimes and quarters.
An update will follow!
January 26th summary:
I visited a few banks this week, and I was able to score some paper notes and $200 worth of dimes.
Highlights include a 50 cent piece, a 2023 King Charles loonies (received in my change) and three US $2s
From the dime rolls, I managed to find two coloured 2021 Bluenose dimes, $3.40 in US dimes, one Jamaican dollar, 2021 three 1968 nickel alloy dimes a nicely rainbow toned 1973 dime (this one fooled me…I thought it was silver!) a 1990 dime, 10 cents from the East Caribbean States, 2019 and one coin that is from Bulgaria, dated 1999.
Silver finds have dried up for the moment, and banknote finds are also somewhat reduced compared to the last few months. But I know that eventually, I’ll hit the jackpot again! If you don’t look, you’ll never find anything, right?
January 28th finds: Main Branch Madness! part 1
Today, I managed to get a bunch of notes from the Main Branch.
The best notes from this lot are the multicoloured $10s and $5.
The Main Branch also had some Japanese 2000 yen notes, an old US $5 and a $2.
I even managed to get a box of circulated dimes, a few quarter and nickel rolls and some pennies too.
January 28th finds part 2:
Out of the coins I got from the Main Branch, I managed to find:
$7.35 in US coins
Three colour and three non colour 2021 Bluenose dimes
One nice 1992 dime
Four 1968 nickel alloy dimes
One 12-sided dime from 1962
One US dime dated 1958 Denver
And most importantly, one silver dime dated 1965 with mint lustre!
I am relieved to have finally found more silver, but I had to search 15,000 dimes to find one piece! :D
January 28th mail call!
As if today’s haul from the Main Branch wasn’t good enough, I received a package containing a small lot of notes that I purchased for face value.
Included in this lot is a 1974 $2 test note that is in rough condition, but it still must be worth a few bucks?
January 29th:
Lots of coins!
I went to the bank today and picked up another box of circulated dimes.
I asked them if they had pennies or anything unusual and they obliged with 18 rolls of cents and one US golden dollar.
Included in this lot is a 1974 $2 test note that is in rough condition, but it still must be worth a few bucks?
Just wondering how do you know that the $2 1974 is a test note?
Just wondering how do you know that the $2 1974 is a test note?
In the multicolour series, the prefix RS identifies a test note. They were issued in the $2 denomination and also in the 1972 $5 denomination.
January 30th:
Dime box hunt update:
I went through the box of dimes I brought home yesterday and I was pleased to find:
$2.80 in US dimes
Two dimes from the East Caribbean States, 2009 and 2019.
A 5 pence piece from the UK 1990
A 2023 King Charles dime
2 x 1990
2 x 1991
2 x 1969
One 1968 nickel alloy dime
And best of all, two silver dimes, 1967 and 1968!
February 7th finds:
I went to a local bank and bought a box of dimes and five rolls of quarters.
From these coins, I was able to find:
Eleven 1968 nickel alloy dimes,
One 1969 dime
One old Toronto Transit Commission token
Three colourized 2021 dimes
One 5 pence coin from the UK dated 2003
One Mexican 50 centavos coin dated 2018
$1.80 in US dimes and $1 worth of US quarters
Some Canadian commemorative quarters
And best of all, one silver dime dated 1961, still semi lustrous!
February 8th finds:
Back on the silver!
After yesterday’s finds, I went back to the same local bank and I bought all of the dimes they had. I took a look at one of the clear rolls and it was immediately obvious that I had multiple silver dimes!
The teller was also kind enough to give me two rolls of pennies that someone had just deposited, and to my surprise, they were marked “US”. :)
Paper money seems to have dried up at the moment, but I’ll amuse myself with hunting coin rolls in the meantime. :D
An update will follow…
February 9th update:
The dimes I brought home yesterday yielded 13 silvers in total (twelve 1967 dimes in the same roll), plus one 1958 silver dime in another roll.
The rest of the rolls were pretty uneventful but I managed to pull out $3.10 in US dimes plus the following foreign coins:
2013 1/2 Franc from Switzerland
A 2021 Jamaican dollar
A 5 pence piece from the UK dated 1990
Two 1968 nickel alloy dimes
A 1991 dated dime
Two colourized 2021 dimes
A 2023 King Charles dime.
Maybe I’ll go back to that bank tomorrow and ask if they have any more dimes…🤣
February 10th finds:
More silver!
I went back to the bank where I got the dime rolls that contained silver. I explained to the head teller why I was doing this and she said “hold on, I might have some coins you want.”
The teller returns and hands me five 1967 quarters along with the last $100 in customer wrapped dimes they had.
I asked to order a box of dimes and they were happy to do it for me.
Meanwhile, I am always happy to find silver at face value.
An update will follow…
Hi Dean,
I explained to the head teller why I was doing this
... what do you tell the tellers about "why" you are doing this? I say I'm a collector and they don't care. :D
Cheers, B
February 10th finds:
An update will follow…
Well, Yesterday’s dime rolls were a bust.
I only pulled three US dimes, a 1969 small date and a 1968 nickel alloy dime.
February 11th finds:
Back on the paper…and more pennies!
I stopped by one of my banks on the way home and the teller gave me two paper $50s, ten rolls of pennies and three colourized quarters from the change tray.
I also asked for dime rolls and she obliged with $50 worth.
I think one of the rolls is overstuffed because it’s taller than the rest of them.
An update will follow.
February 11th coin roll hunting results:
Well, this batch of $50 in dimes surprised me.
There was one roll that had five extra dimes in it, and eight plastic rolls that contained one extra dime each.
Other finds include a seldom seen 1997 dated dime, a 1968 nickel alloy dime, four US dimes, a colourized 2021 dime, a 2023 King Charles dime and best of all, a silver 1964 dated dime!
This silver dime has a cool dark toning on it. I’m keeping it!
February 14th finds:
Main Branch Madness!
I visited the Main Branch and I picked up a bunch of paper notes. Nothing really special, but I went for volume this time.
I stopped at a second bank on my way home from the Main Branch and they had a box worth of pennies, and some perfectly fine 2013 Macdonald $10s in their mutilated pile. Two of the $10s happen to be changeovers, FTN and FTU. I guess the banks are being told to cull all 2013 $10s because these bills are still in good shape and could potentially circulate for several years longer.
After this, I went to the branch where I had preordered some dimes earlier in the week. They gave me a box with white wrappers and some other customer wrapped rolls. I am not optimistic about the white rolls; most often, they are ARP rolls but you never know…
I also bought a few quarter rolls just for the sake of it.
Wish me luck!
some perfectly fine 2013 Macdonald $10s in their mutilated pile. Two of the $10s happen to be changeovers, FTN and FTU. I guess the banks are being told to cull all 2013 $10s because these bills are still in good shape and could potentially circulate for several years longer.
I have been noticing the lack of 2013 $10 Macdonald bills circulating. When I withdraw $10 at the ATM, majority of the $10 are the new vertical series and the rest would be the Commemorative 150 banknote. I guess the screenshot I took two and a half years ago is becoming true.
February 16th: coin hunt update.
I didn’t find much in all of the rolls I brought home the other day. No silver, but a Swiss half Franc and a UK 5 pence piece and a few commemoratives and an entire roll of new 2016 dimes made it interesting. Overall, this hunt was a bust. I suppose the $1.90 in US dimes was the consolation prize. :D
As expected, the white paper wrapped rolls were all ARP. I opened ten of those rolls and found absolutely nothing older than 2001. I won’t waste time looking through those type of rolls any more.
February 20th: Today I decided to go to the bank to withdraw some cash in $5 and I found 2 keepers and one interesting bill
A Macklem-Carney $5
A interesting serial number INV 1961916 but I don’t know if it’s a rotator or a repeater (Can someone confirm if this bill is worth keeping?)
A banknote where you can track the bills location I was going to enter it on the website but for some reason I can’t access it, I will try to enter it another day when it works.
Bonus: I went to Dollarama to buy myself a notebook for school and in my change I found a King Charles Toonie 2023. I heard that finding a dated 2023 Toonie is difficult.
Tomorrow I will consider going to that bank again to withdraw all in $5 to see if I can find more
Feb 22nd finds:
More silver!
I picked up some more rolled coins and inside, there were two more silvers, dated 1950 and 1960!
Other highlights include $1.30 in US dimes, a couple of UK 5 pence coins, some nickel alloy 1968 and 1969s, and a 1991.
Silver is still out there!
February 24th find:
One paper note…
One of my banks gave me a journey $50 today. Nothing special, but I’ll take it!
While I was there, I also bought some rolls of dimes. An update will follow.
February 27th update:
I searched the dime rolls I got the other day and I found:
A couple of colour 2021 dimes
4 US dimes
Three 1968 nickel alloy dimes
One 1969 dime
One 1991 dime
February 26th find:
Yesterday, one of my banks gave me a nice crisp journey $50.
I also took the opportunity to pick up some rolled coins, including some loonies.
An update will follow.
February 27th finds:
I stopped by one of my banks on my way home from work today. The teller had a big pile of nickel dollars and 50c pieces.
I couldn’t resist taking them all! :D
February 27th coin hunt update:
Well, tonight’s coin hunt was basically a bust. No silver, but I did manage to get one US dime, and two 2023 King Charles loonies. I guess the best thing about this hunt was finding one extra dime in one of the rolls. :D
March 7th finds:
I picked up a large haul of customer wrapped coins from the bank today.
The signs are promising; I think I see a silver quarter and a 12 sided nickel right off the bat!
Wish me luck…
March 9th coin roll hunting results:
I finished hunting all of the coins I brought home the other day.
Here’s what I found:
Two colour 2021 dimes
$5 in US coins
Some pure nickel 5c coins
A colour 2017 quarter
Some 1968 nickel alloy dimes
Two 1969 dimes
One 1952 dated nickel and one silver quarter dated 1938!
I was reluctant to take the rolls of quarters because they are usually a bust, but then silver shows up in them, so you never know…
The worst part of roll hunting is short rolls…There were 8 nickel rolls in this batch with 39 coins in them so I was down 40 cents. 😡
March 10th finds:
I picked up a small load of coins today. Banknotes have dried up at my banks recently.
There wasn’t much in these rolls except $1.75 in US coins, a 1992 Saskatchewan quarter, a nicer 1973 RCMP quarter and a nicer 1990 dime along with a colour 2021.
To add insult to injury, one of the quarter rolls was short one coin, so I was down 25 cents. >:(
I a nicer 1973 RCMP quarter
Is the RCMP a large bust or small bust???