CPM Forum
General => General Forum Comments => Topic started by: Cbeaulieu on July 23, 2023, 09:41:36 am
For now I think it's hard to know what going on with this prefix,in futur we maybe have more information.I would like to know for now if we have many of those found?If you have information would you like to communicate it with us.
Thank you.
Last thursday I found two 10$ FFG4718585-4718586 I think it will have all the serie coming out??
About the 50$ I do not see a higher prefix after HHA with Lan-Rog?It rest a lot of prefix to going out before Lan-Rog??
I've been watching the SNDB, and all the FFG notes to date (only 8 so far) seem to be found in QC.
I will gladly let you know if I find any FFG TENS but I just want to caution jumping to any conclusions on your experience since new notes (& prefixes) continue to trickle out at an incredibly slow/lower than low pace. I've been taking out 100X $20 every other week since June & I have found 1 FZZ prefix in the 8M range a couple times. Notes are predominantly from the 2012 era with very few FZ_ prefixes so very frustrating. I'm assuming from seeing 2 tellers on any given Saturday that bank traffic & demand for cash is at an all time low (thus the BoC doesn't need to release new notes). At least that's been my experience out in the burbs of GTA (Ontario).
The last time I went to a Scotiabank ATM, I got five fresh $20s with prefix FZK. So it appears that, in my province, the FZ* prefixes are now starting to appear, but I expect to probably see some prefixes jumped over down the road. The Lane-Macklem prefixes are experiencing a slower release, with only FZT, FZV, FZZ and FLA released to date (albeit in smaller quantities).
I am thinking the oldest of the existing Polymer $20s are finally starting to get replaced in my neck of the woods as of lately.
Visited an RBC ATM in Vancouver and got 10 brand-new, consecutive FFG $10s. Nice to see them outside of QC now, and even nicer having some in my collection :)
Well. a few unc FFG 31xxxxxx came out from a casino today
At this point there are almost twice as many FFG $10s than all prefixes combined of Lane/Macklem $20s documented on the SNDB :D
I'm assuming from seeing 2 tellers on any given Saturday that bank traffic & demand for cash is at an all time low (thus the BoC doesn't need to release new notes). At least that's been my experience out in the burbs of GTA (Ontario).
Makes sense, especially since it seems like Scotiabank is closing down branches every year for some years now. Foot traffic is quite low these days (I haven't done any in-person banking on a regular basis since July 2012), and the panhandlers loitering outside the branches doesn't help much. Plus, I did learn on an article that Scotiabank is phasing out physical banking in favor of digital branches - implying that Scotiabank branches may likely be clearing out whatever cash exists in their vaults. Once a denomination is depleted, they're likely to discontinue ordering that denomination - realizing the bank branch's future. I expect that if Scotiabank is phasing out physical branches in favor of digital branches, other bank corporations will likely follow suit. I did learn that Loblaws and Walmart already have a significant number of self-serve checkouts, and now Dollarama and Sobeys is now starting to phase them in.
By the end of this year, eight branches in rural Newfoundland will be gone. I expect there will be more branches in Newfoundland closed in 2025 (though maybe fewer than eight).
I think it's today's grandparents and great-grandparents that are the reason why cash still exists. I still use cash despite being younger, but only because it's much cheaper to withdraw so much cash in one transaction as opposed to multiple debit and electronic payments.
On the upside, we have seen a big increase in new prefixes this year as opposed to last year; but sadly, this year the only new prefix I saw in my region (that was new to the region, to be exact) was $100 GKF in early August - and that prefix was circulating in Canada for at least two or three years by that point. By the time the HJ* series started to appear in Canada, GKD was likely the latest prefix issued to banks in my province at the time. There still have been no new $5 prefixes (not even the Lane-Macklem signature combo) in my region to date. But regarding the big increase in new prefixes in Canada, there have been at least one new prefix reported to the SNDB every month so far this year. By last Christmas, only one new prefix was listed in the "recent prefixes" section, but then as 2023 was drawing to a close $5 INT did get reported to the database.
It will be very interesting to see what $5 prefixes I see in my change in the coming months. If I see more $5s with Wilkins-Macklem signatures than Wilkins-Poloz signatures in my change, then chances are the majority of the Wilkins-Poloz signature $5s were likely replaced with $10 Rogers-Macklem notes due to inflation and will be pretty clear by that point that the $10 bill's dark period - which lasted about three decades - is finally over. For what it's worth, on several occasions last year or earlier this year, a Dollarama outlet did appear to have plenty of $10 notes in one cashier's till, and didn't seem to have as many $5 notes.
The last post I'm not sure if I understand very well,I'm french canadian.One thing I would like to communicate it's every week about 4 or 5 years I got a 1000x10$ and it's imposible where I am to have a brend new brick they are all circulated,for now in FFG prefix I found the higher serial # and I never found FFN prefix,I found all other prefix until the FFU.It's only few weeks I found a few FFG over 5 million.Where are the FFN?And all my brick I chage it for 100x100$ to finaly cath the EKZ.
FFN notes are being issued in Toronto now, I have picked up a couple of bundles. As to FFG, I still have not found any.
Hi AZ,
thanks for the information,I'll wait to found any?
Today in my 1000x10$ I found two more higher FFG,6954798 and 6955798,no one I found over?I supposed all 10 millions will be out?
I found an FFG & an FFJ (198 & 178 as of Sept 15, 2024). FFJ has a much tighter range of notes reported (6.6M - 8.3M) but I still think it's far too early in the day to draw any conclusions with the way notes are being released in such trickle fashion.
I feel as if fresh FFJ notes are not likely to appear in Atlantic Canada, otherwise I wouldn't have seen FFL and FFM in my hometown in Newfoundland in August last year. If I would have seen any FFJs, I would have seen them by now.
Not to mention that the current high and low for FFM are both in Atlantic Canada.
a Dollarama outlet did appear to have plenty of $10 notes in one cashier's till, and didn't seem to have as many $5 notes.
To be fair because of inflation the $10 bills are being used frequently in circulation. I still see $5 bills being used frequently in cash transaction but as time will go on more people will be using the $10 bills but for me I still use $5 bill as I purchase goods that are regularly under 5 dollars.
I finaly found my first FFN prefix(3880059) here in Joliette,P.Q.Only one in my mixup brick.
I got a run of FFN last week in the GTA.
To be fair because of inflation the $10 bills are being used frequently in circulation. I still see $5 bills being used frequently in cash transaction but as time will go on more people will be using the $10 bills but for me I still use $5 bill as I purchase goods that are regularly under 5 dollars.
The reason $5 bills are still being used frequently is because it's the same $5 bills juggling around in circulation for many years. I bet, once the existing $5 bills are due to be replaced, they'll probably be replaced with $10 bills since it appears they may be rebounding in circulation. $10 bills were not being used broadly for 30+ years, and it may have been due to the likeness of a certain man who caused controversy (possibly exposed in the late 1980s or very early 1990s), and his dark past was further exposed in recent years which may have prompted the Bank of Canada to recall all $10s with that man on it, though the Canada 150 version - which does have his likeness - still exists in some capacity but are gradually disappearing. This may explain the Bank of Canada's decision to keep Laurier on the $5, and I wouldn't be shocked if King and Borden will continue to appear on the vertical $50 and $100 bills - whenever that may be (I'll probably be retired from my job by the time either gets released).
$10 is the new $5.
The reason $5 bills are still being used frequently is because it's the same $5 bills juggling around in circulation for many years. I bet, once the existing $5 bills are due to be replaced, they'll probably be replaced with $10 bills since it appears they may be rebounding in circulation. $10 bills were not being used broadly for 30+ years, and it may have been due to the likeness of a certain man who caused controversy (possibly exposed in the late 1980s or very early 1990s), and his dark past was further exposed in recent years which may have prompted the Bank of Canada to recall all $10s with that man on it, though the Canada 150 version - which does have his likeness - still exists in some capacity but are gradually disappearing. This may explain the Bank of Canada's decision to keep Laurier on the $5, and I wouldn't be shocked if King and Borden will continue to appear on the vertical $50 and $100 bills - whenever that may be (I'll probably be retired from my job by the time either gets released).
$10 is the new $5
I agree on what you said about the $5 bill being replaced by the $10 bill. A main factor of that is because of inflation causing people to use higher denominations such as the $10, $20 or even the $50.
The $5 bill is still used frequently in my experience as I see people using the bill for purchases under $5 and sometimes the cashier would give out 10-15 dollars back in change in fives instead of a ten and a five. Also worth mentioning the $5 are frequently worn out.
I still see the Canada 150 and the Macdonald bills in circulation but not as frequently. I do remember the BoC was going to take all Macdonald bills out of circulation but I still do see some Macdonald bills in my change or withdrawing some cash. I remember 3 years ago there were a lot of Macdonald and 150 bills circulating in my area but now it’s been reduced due to wear and tear as they are being sent to the Bank of Canada for destruction.
I like Laurier being on the $5 bill and there are many ways they can honour important Canadians. It depends if the Bank of Canada will replace the face of the $50 and $100 with Laurier and Macdonald which heard from a article I was reading
Few months ago someone told me about the FFJ prefix and I also read the post on this website and since two months ago I take attention on that and for now is this possible to only sew a range?Like I said I sew every week a circulated brick of 10$(1000x10$) and I dont found one FFJ prefix under 6 million and over 9 million?Every brick it contains about easely 10 to 15 FFJ?.Like I said it's maybe the same for the FFG prefix I do not found over 7 million for now??Maybe in the futur it will found more range?
Do you found something new?
I wonder if there's a statute on the $10 Wilkins-Macklem signature notes, now that the Rogers-Macklem signatures are out in full force for the $10s? Makes me wonder if there is a recall on any unreleased Wilkins-Macklem $10s to make way for the Rogers-Macklem $10s? Of course, if there is a recall, any existing $10s with older signatures already in circulation that are still in good condition wouldn't be affected.
Maybe that could explain the significant absence of FFJs issued into circulation, as well as FFGs over the 7 million range.
Also, I have noticed that, so far this year, October had no new prefixes reported to the SNDB. All other months this year have had at least one new prefix reported. HJD - the official last new Lane-Macklem prefix to ever be issued - was likely the last prefix legitimately reported, which was early in September (FLZ, said to have been reported late September, is most likely an error). Maybe there's a dry spell happening now.
(FLZ, said to have been reported late September, is most likely an error). Maybe there's a dry spell happening now.
I agree because all of the other $20 Lane-Macklem/Rogers-Macklem FL_ prefix would have to release first before it reaches FLZ. I believed they tried to type in FLA but mistakes could happen as the letter Z in the keyboard is near A.
I wonder why the admin hasn't removed the error made yet but maybe in the future it will be dealt with.