CPM Forum

Canadian Notes => Bank of Canada Notes => Topic started by: Bitburger on July 20, 2005, 04:46:51 am

Title: Pulp of paper...
Post by: Bitburger on July 20, 2005, 04:46:51 am

I was talking with my childhood friend collector today and we had a discussion about the pulp paper on one of my BET bills in UNC. He was claiming the bill was no more UNC because the girl had a pulp of paper or a lot of ink on her skirt. ( he was trying to deal me to have another BET or harassing me ah ah ah ). According to him I should not keep this one...because I know he wants it ah ah. What do you think? Look the girl between the old man and the little girl...
Title: Re: Pulp of paper...
Post by: Gary_T on July 20, 2005, 12:38:30 pm
 I've seen this before on journey series notes, but the FEJ notes I had were marked like this on every other note in the upper left counter on the reverse.I've seen others as well.

You better send this note to me and I'll get rid of it for you.  ;)
Title: Re: Pulp of paper...
Post by: admin on July 22, 2005, 01:27:01 am
Sounds like two different things. If this BET is the only one, it was likely a flake of pulp that came off after the litho printing. It might be considered an error, but I doubt it would have much of a premium. On the other hand, if that's how it come off the press, I'd still call it an UNC.

If there are a number of notes, as Gary suggests, then the pulp was likely stuck on the litho "offset" roller. I'd still call it an UNC. (The "every other part" is a bit strange, but there are several discussions about that already).