CPM Forum

Canadian Notes => Bank of Canada Notes => Topic started by: venga50 on December 25, 2005, 05:22:41 pm

Title: 1975 $50 - Two horses have butt "tattoos"!
Post by: venga50 on December 25, 2005, 05:22:41 pm
I have been a paper money collector for over 25 years, I grew up with the Multicolour series and have seen more 1975 $50 bills than I can remember.  But until yesterday, I never realized the following:
On the back of the 1975 $50, two of the horses each have a white maple leaf on their left buttock! :o  See attached scan if you don't believe me...

Has everyone else always known about these oddly-placed maple leafs, because I was blown away when I spotted them!  I wonder if the BofC put these markings on the horses so that police and bank personnel would have a secret method of spotting a counterfeit - it would certainly make the counterfeiter feel like a horse's ass if he got caught!

So, imagine that...long before Cher had butterflies tattooed onto her butt, the Mounties were putting maple leafs on their horses' butts!  ;D
Title: Re: 1975 $50 - Two horses have butt "tattoos"!
Post by: BWJM on December 25, 2005, 07:37:20 pm
Actually, all RCMP horses have this marking during the Musical Ride.

The following quote is taken directly from a FAQ page on the RCMP Musical Ride website (link below):
Q: Why is the Maple Leaf on the horse's rump?

A: It is used for show, plus it is our unique way of displaying our Canadian symbol. The Maple Leaf is made a few minutes before every show with a stencil and a wet brush.
Link: Click here (http://www.rcmp.ca/musicalride/ask_rider_e.htm#Riders), then scroll up just a bit.
Title: Re: 1975 $50 - Two horses have butt "tattoos"!
Post by: Oli1001 on December 26, 2005, 01:42:21 pm
That's such an interesting fact
Title: Re: 1975 $50 - Two horses have butt "tattoos"!
Post by: eyevet on December 26, 2005, 07:23:01 pm
BUTT why would they put the Canadian Maple Leaf there? :-?
Title: Re: 1975 $50 - Two horses have butt "tattoos"!
Post by: BWJM on December 27, 2005, 12:39:50 am
Probably for visibility, ease of creating, and least likelihood of being disturbed by anything. Plus, as they say, it is their "unique way of displaying our Canadian symbol." ;)
Title: Re: 1975 $50 - Two horses have butt "tattoos"!
Post by: admin on December 27, 2005, 01:36:24 pm
I'm so glad you "assed" that question.
