CPM Forum

Foreign => World Bank Notes => Topic started by: Gorbalskorp on May 07, 2006, 02:18:51 pm

Title: Italian Bank Note
Post by: Gorbalskorp on May 07, 2006, 02:18:51 pm
I have an Italian bill that is not in the best of shape, but I'm mostly interested as to why it has no face value.
On the front it is signed by Luigi Longo the Governor and Palmiro Togliatti the secretary. The date is April 18, 1948 and it is from the Banca Dell' Inflazione. The part that I don't quite understand is that it is Lire 00.000, which would mean it's worthless?

If you have any knowledge about this bill, let me know!  :)

Title: Re: Italian Bank Note
Post by: eyevet on May 08, 2006, 01:18:37 pm
Wow, Neat!!!

I don't know any Italian, but maybe if you copy the text on the front of the note and put it through the Google Translator the answer will be clearer.  Maybe it's a land bond worth 20 acres on the Italian Riveria!!!
Title: Re: Italian Bank Note
Post by: Seth on May 09, 2006, 01:40:09 pm
Part of what is written on that note translates roughly to "cast your ballot to ensure that the hyperinflation that happened in Lithuania, Hungary, and Romania does not happen here in Italy."

I don't know much more about this "note", but the page linked below seems to classify it as an "elezioni" (election) collectible, so presumably it is not a banknote at all but an election advertising handbill made to look like a banknote.  The same page lists it with a price of EUR49.00.


Anyway, nice find!  I would classify this Italian "banknote" in the same category as our own "Diefendollar":

Title: Re: Italian Bank Note
Post by: Gorbalskorp on May 09, 2006, 09:59:47 pm
That would make sense, on the back it tells a little about voting too. I had done some googling in the past and asked a few people in the area but nobody was able to identify it. Thanks for all the assistance in finding out a meaning for this handbill.