CPM Forum
General => General Forum Comments => Topic started by: polarbear on July 26, 2006, 11:24:59 pm
Trying to post a scan and it says always have to browse again for security reason. Any ideas people.
What's the exact error message?
Testing attachment here. Yep, works! :)
[attachment deleted by admin]
NOTICE: If you had an attachment in your post, you will need to reselect the attachment again in the browse box for security reasons.
What should I do. You will like this one.
Oh, just make sure you select the picture immediately before posting. If you preview it, the image will be lost and you have to reselect it again.
Brentster... Your the man.
Should the image appear on the preview ?? TIA.
No. An attached image will NOT appear in the preview. Once you are finished and satisfied with your post, attach the image, then click Post.