CPM Forum
Canadian Notes => Canadian Journey Notes => Topic started by: JB-2007 on October 03, 2006, 10:36:43 pm
So what are your thoughts. HPA is out, its been out for a few months now but really not many reports. Could we be yet again dealing with another rare/incompletely released prefix?
With about 6 weeks remaining, I think that HPB might surface, and one lucky dog is going to get a pile of them. Maybe even HPC. Remember how fast BTA-BTF came out. REAL fast. Everytime I get my brick of $5s I just cross my fingers.... but no luck.
I will keep my eyes peeled here in Victoria- HPA and up eh? Time to visit my local bank and buy a bundle or two, and to keep my eyes peeled at work.
I have never found HPA yet, so maybe i will hang onto to it when and of course IF i ever find one. I got an HOZ the other day so im getting closer. There seems to be a fair amount of HOZs around because there were two members that did acquire bricks of them. But yeah, HPA was released in April, so far only two notes reported. I think this is going to be a rare one!
Yes, even with all the searching I do I still have not gotten my hands on any HPA yet.....
Both sitings were in Montreal so it is possible only their wearehouse got them (If so limited). I agree witht he possibility of HPB... HPC I am not holding my breath. HOZ is still very alive and being shipped. But there is WAY too much old stuff surfacing now.... This has me convinced we are already near the end. I had 2 sealed blocks of HON Bricks shoe up as well as that many in HOM. This is a VERY interesting find.... :)
The fact of it is that no one will really know until Nov 15th what will happen.... We can only speculate. :-/
I may have to agree that HPA may be the scarce prefix. I have yet to see any HPA anywhere, but certainly have seen up to HOZ. Last week I picked up 2 bricks and they were HNS believe it or not. Did find a few HNR inserts which was nice. So it certainly looks like they are clearing out the vaults.
I doubt that the BoC will pull the old fives out of circulation until they are worn out. The ten was pulled because so many counterfeits were found which was never a problem with the fives. The banks could still be issuing CBN prefixes until the end of the year. My guess is that BABN has printed the new issue and it will start with AOG or APA. Completing AOF would have been interesting since it would be a great changeover but I doubt that would happen.
The Bank may not issue an order to immediately withdraw all old $5s, but I highly doubt they will distribute bricks of old notes to banks after the new notes are released. Further, any notes that actually make it back to the Bank of Canada will likely have the old series notes pulled and new notes issued instead. The question is whether or not the Bank will issue an order instructing all banks to actively withdraw the 2002 $5s.
My question has been answered, HPA is not going to be as rare as we first possibly thought as HudsonAb managed to get a whole pile of them. Something that was not seen in those famous rare 2001 $10 prefixes.
HPA May not be the end...
ya but for $15 you have to get one I think he is running out so I dont think that there was a BIG pile I think it will be a rarer prefix.
Just my thoughts.
The HPA that don't go, are staying with me. Just like my BEPs (Except I actually got a brick of those ones (took them back to the bank :( ) ).
I guess time will tell.
In addition: of the bundle, only a small amount are GEM UNC. Like I mean PERFECT. Those who have contacted are getting them, and I am nearly out. So amount of GEM UNC HPAs is alot less than what I originally even thought .
for $15 you have to get one
Very True, For $15 it is not a bad deal anyways. :)
With 1 month to go we are getting close to crunch time.... :-/
I say get the HPA while you can and see what happens...If HPB comes along just get them too. Either way both prefixes should carry a slightly higher trend in the long run.
Only Time Will Tell! ;)
I would say this is a 50/50 shot here. Will they be a hard find, well they wont be like the BEK BEL or BER thats forsure! Perhaps they might be similar to the BEP issue? But when this thread started we only had two reports then suddenly Hudson got hold of a bundle. Perhaps we will see more spring up soon but i think HPA will be the final prefix for the series.
The brick I received last week was HNW so there must still be alot more old prefixes left at the BOC. That brick was complete start to end. But HNW shesshhh.........
HNW! :o
They MUST be scraping the bottom of the pile... :-/
I wonder what else for old stuff (Inserts) might still surface??? ::)
I got an HPA that is very near uncirculated (it can infact prolly pass for uncirculated), is it worth keeping or should I just spend it? The serial isnt anything special...
I got an HPA that is very near uncirculated (it can infact prolly pass for uncirculated), is it worth keeping or should I just spend it? The serial isnt anything special...
HPAs are very common now. I would say spend on what ever you need. :)
Call it wishful thinking but the HPA prefix still has room to become a year/signature changeover. Maybe if I cross my fingers hard enough their will be a changeover in the 9.98 range ::)
Put me down for 10 of them will ya?? ;)
Just picked up 4 bricks and all were HPA including two RADARs.
My neighbour picked up 40 HPAs from the Bank a few days ago and before that she received HONs and HOUs. I can't see if there so many new 2002 $5s still being released that the BOC would withdraw them before they're worn out. $5s usually don't seem to be a big priority, but in 12-18 months you won't find too many of the old style in circulation anymore. However like the $1s and $2s many will be set aside because more can afford to do so.
Today I received 22 C.U. HOU $5s but they weren't entirely in sequential order!
The notes have run HOU9918379-9918402. Missing are: 18382 & 18388. Could that indicate someone just pulled them or that there were insert notes in that pile? My apologies if I'm adding a topic that doesn't apply.
Got 100 of them from a BMO branch yesterday who misinterpreted "New 5s". What a look of disappointment I had on my face when they were spat out from the machine, and they were New OLD 5s. :-/