CPM Forum
Canadian Notes => Bank of Canada Notes => Topic started by: canada-banknotes on May 26, 2008, 01:08:23 pm
Many of you may have already seen the set of 1954 $2 Solid Radars (#1 to 9) that is currently listed on eBay.
http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110256270454 (http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110256270454)
In viewing the images of the reverse of each note, there appears to be obvious marks in the upper margins of
all notes that could be glue residue. They look like the marks left when removing a dried stamp hinge from a
postage stamp. The seller does not mention it anywhere in the listing. These notes may have been a part of
a Bank of Canada presentation set or just simply glued to paper backing by a previous owner.
These marks are similar to those that are commonly seen on the 1935 and 1937 Specimen notes from the Bank
of Canada auction sale. Many of those notes also had paper thins from where the adhesive removed a layer
of paper during removal from its backing. I have emailed the seller for disclosure on the artifact seen on the
notes and will post his/her reply when I receive it.
This is the same guy discussed in this thread: http://www.cdnpapermoney.com/forum/index.php?topic=7186.0
Given how he has acted on other auctions, I suspect he will ignore your question and that the reserve is unreasonably high.
I believe this same set was sold on eBay previously for $5600 in December 2007.
Dear rarenotecanada,
There appears to be two marks on the reverse top margin of each note that looks like glue residue, as if these notes were adhered to paper at some point in the past. Can you please confirm whether this is the case.
- canada-banknotes
His response:
Dear canada-banknotes,
Hi there,
I noticed that there are patches of colour. When I got this set, I examined it thoroughly. I did not see any kind of glue residue. The notes are crisp and straight. I don't think the notes were adhered to paper before. Thank You for your question and good luck!
- rarenotecanada
Considering the fact that the marks appear on the reverse of all the notes, and the majority of the notes are different
prefixes, I do not see those marks as naturally occurring. Just my opinion of course.
the reply I received was
Hi there,
Thank You for your question! For my knowledge, I notice solid 9 has a little bit darker colour for the whole note. I did not find yelowing nor discoloration for the set. Good Luck!
Last time they appeared on ebay I requested individual scans of front and back of all 9 notes.
After careful examination of 768kb pics it was my choice not to bid.
If I was not such an optimist I'd swear the photos on ebay and the pics I received were totally different sets!
The super enlarged pics I have show a lot more "deformities" than "meets the eye"!
Be careful,if I had any faith in those notes they'd have been in my safety deposit box months ago!
I looked at these 9 notes in the larger pictures and many of the notes are off cut. (which I find very annoying).
The man or women selling the solid radar $2 notes (1111111-9999999) had a reserve of $10,000.