Nice set to notes, congrats on getting your collection together,
Did anyone find the new $2 Inuit Nunangat coin in circulation yet? Haven't gotten it yet in circulation but I would like to hear if you got it yet?
I am looking for those notes , I prefered unc or better but willing to take lower grade;
____________found___________1954 2 BE/RA N/R 4.32-4.40
____________found___________1954 2 BE/RA K/R NO BPN
1954 2 BE/RA S/R 0.32-0.40
1954 2 BE/RA S/R 0.64-0.72
___________do not exist___________1954 50 BE/RA A/H
___________do not exist___________1954 100 BE/RA A/J
1971 10 BO-RA *DX
-----------------found------------- 1986 5 CR-BOW EPW BLUE>9.698
___________FOUND______________1986 5 BN-TH GOG 0.1000-0.1999
1986 2 TH-CR BBX BBX-bBX
1986 2 TH-CR BUJ BUJ-bUJ
1986 5 BN-TH HNB
1989 10 BN/TH BDP 4.440-4.460
-----------------FOUND-------------------1989 20 KN-DO EWP 2.358-2.394
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.120-6.138
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.300-6.336
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 6.534-6.552
1989 20 KN-DO AWV 7.200-7.218
1988 100 TH-CR BJD bJD-BJD
2004 5 JE-DO HNN 5.845-5.846
__________found_________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOH 5.709-5.710
2006 5 JE-DO AOH 9.838-9.839
__________found_________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOT 2.987-2.988
2006 5 JE-DO AOT 2.992-2.993
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.847-4.848
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.874-4.875
2006 5 JE-DO AOV 4.905-4.906
____________found________________ 2006 5 JE-DO AOV 5.816-5.817
2006 5 JE-DO APF 2.909-2.910
2006 5 JE-DO APF 2.914-2.915
____________found_______________ 2006 5 JE-DO APL 5.325-5.326
____________found_______________ 2008 5 JE-CA APN 0.004-0.005
2008 5 JE-CA APN 0.964-0.965
2009 5 JE-CA AAD 2.560-2.561
2009 5 JE-CA AAD 2.829-2.830
2005 10 JE-DO BEY 2.620-2.621
____________found________________ 2005 10 JE-DO BEY 2.928-2.929
2008 10 JE-CA BFF 3.472-3.473
-----------------found-----------------------2004 20 JE-DO AYR 4.296-4.304
_____________found_______________ 2005 20 JE-DO ALK 9.922-9.923
2007 20 JE-DO ALW 0.345-0.346
2007 20 JE-DO ALW 0.398-0.399
2005 100 JE-DO BKJ 5.560-5.561
------------------found---------------------2013 5 MAC-POL HBG 7822400-599
------------------found-------------------- 2012 20 MAC-CAR BSW
------------------found---------------------2012 50 MAC-CAR AMK
------------------found---------------------2011 100 WIL-POL GKA
------------------found---------------------2012 50 MAC-CAR GMA
------------------found---------------------2013 5 MAC-MAC INE
_____________found_______________2012 50 WIL-MAC GMN
------------------found---------------------2012 50 LAN-MAC GMN
------------------found---------------------2018 10 WIL-MAC FFE
------------------found---------------------2018 10 WIL-MAC FFF-FFT