Yesterday the teller gave me four 1975 $50, all three letter prefixes, 3 C/B the other one L/B. The 1954 $100 was a B/R, unfortunately the notes looked as though they were borderline AU/UNC, but somebody crumpled the notes a bit before turning them in. All the notes had sharp corners, deep embossing, vibrant colors, etc...the $100 note was crumpled in the same way as the $50 notes. The teller said the person handed them in that way. But I sometimes wonder if some of these notes go missing from somebody's collection and the person who took them, try to make the notes looked used a bit before cashing them in? Or maybe some people intentionally ruin the notes before handing them in so they lose a lot of their collectable value? But it was a shame because these would have been great notes to keep if they weren't crumpled.