Topic: Why are there so few conversations happening on the CPMF?  (Read 8265 times)
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« on: February 10, 2019, 04:29:45 pm »

There doesn't seem to be much activity on the forum these days.  Are people not aware that it is back?
Why is everyone so quiet?

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« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2019, 01:06:09 am »

The closing probably tanked a lot of momentum. Most people know it's back by now, but not everyone.

I don't know if this actually correlates to a lack of activity, but the BoC doesn't print nearly as much bills as it used to due to the durability of the plastic bills. Less amounts printed, less cool bills, less new prefixes, less chance for error? I am talking out of my  :), but could be a reason.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2019, 05:06:51 pm by MAS1 »
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« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2019, 06:56:43 am »

CPMF was pretty slow before the site shut down. I think it has to do with several factors: rarely did Admin take note of our input (& when they did it was to crack down on a post they felt was out of line): there's little to be gained by inputting notes in the SNDB (& this continues) ; the forum platforms are not really as contemporary as they used to be (& people are more into mobile apps) & then I get the feeling that less people are collecting banknotes (for numerous reasons).   

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« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2019, 05:43:21 pm »

I have been taking note of input regarding the SNDB and it has all been taken into consideration.  We have been working hard to get a new section of the site ready for launch so I had to put the SNDB on the back burner for a little while (after spending several months doing a first pass to update the entire source code).  The new section is a sort of extension of the SNDB and will eventually take it's place most likely.

As for a more mobile friendly view, it's something that I would like to eventually get to but just getting the old style sheets updated to be compatible with SMF 2.x was several months of work and the main reason it took a while to get the site back online (and still there are still many sections which were left half finished).  For now I am prioritizing some functional improvements over stylistic ones but certainly when we are ready to do another pass through the style sheets we will look at making a more adaptive design.  Personally I love the old-school style and tried to keep as much of the feel of the original forum as possible.  I'm sure it would have been much less work just to change it for something completely different.

Since a lot of development is still in progress I have avoided doing any kind of marketing of the CPMF for the time being.  Once the site has been updated to a satisfactory state I do plan on sending out invitations to old members to come back to the forums and possibly implement certain incentives for participation.

Apart from everything mentioned above I also think it's just the nature of the hobby for things to move slowly.  There aren't exactly new banknote discoveries happening every other day.   Much of what needs to be said probably has been said already.  I think there is still a healthy and growing community of collectors though.  Record prices year after year should attest to that.  Also an issue is that most big collectors tend to be reserved and not necessarily want to flaunt their collections which is not necessarily a bad thing.
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« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2019, 08:38:55 pm »

Well thought out and expressed Admin!

The forums for the most part where I am concerned have always been quiet on occasions but never dead. 
I rely on new posts for updated information and trends, visiting 2-3 times/week to see if there is anything new and exciting going on.

The temporary shutdown likely drove quite a few away who found other forums to vent or share their discoveries.  The demise of replacement notes likely had an impact as well, not to mention that there aren't many young collectors entering the field to liven things up.

Honestly with the world going to HE double hockey sticks in a handbag and with so many other distractions you pretty much have to be an unemployed/retired bachelor to devote more than just a casual interest in the hobby.  I guess I'm one of the nut-bars that hasn't figured out his priorities yet!

Thankfully there are many passionate and knowledgeable collectors still in the field  who would love nothing better than to pass on the baton but until that time comes....

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« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2019, 09:55:13 pm »

I am actually in my 20s but I am not aware of anyone else my age with more than just a casual interest in this hobby. Most people my age use plastic for all transactions except buying things off Kijiji, etc or spending their tips. I am in this hobby because I have always been entranced by numbers, but even I can admit that plastic is a lot easier than cash for a good percentage of daily transactions. It is what it is, I enjoy myself and talk about it to those who are legitimately interested.
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« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2019, 08:58:32 am »

I am in my 20's also, so your not the only one at least : ) I have been building sets for 10 years now, but most of my notes are polymer]
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« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2019, 05:21:35 pm »

I am actually in my 20s but I am not aware of anyone else my age with more than just a casual interest in this hobby.

I have met at least three young (in age) people at trade shows. Two of them are serious collectors.

IMHO any collecting of serious nature that requires large sums to be plunked down will only attract limited number of people. It is a niche.

Unlike coins there is very little to have people excited about bank notes. With coins there are new ones every year, it costs "pocket change" to hold on to, and there are many special kinds that are minted every year to keep the interest going for general public.

And I think if the serial numbers were removed from the bank notes then the interest will go down even further.

Having said that I do believe there are many "closet" collectors. I am amazed at the number of times the front line bank staff that I deal with will ask me questions about something that they have or may have found.

Wonder what paper money would say if it could talk?
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« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2019, 05:39:42 pm »

Just last week I pleasantly discovered the forum was back with us.  I assumed when it was closed that was it.
Usually these types of things don't come back once they're gone. 

A nice thing to see as I mark 30 years since I started collecting in March '89.

There's no question the BoC is printing less given that there are far fewer people using cash than even 5 years ago combined with polymer durability.

Marc :)
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« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2019, 11:52:51 am »

Many good points expressed by several posts here.  I especially appreciate the younger collectors chipping in.
And for the record: I was not trying to be negative re: my observations on Admin.  Thanks for your response & I want to express gratitude that you're trying to keep the site relevant!

IMHO any collecting of serious nature that requires large sums to be plunked down will only attract limited number of people. It is a niche.
Unlike coins there is very little to have people excited about bank notes. With coins there are new ones every year, it costs "pocket change" to hold on to, and there are many special kinds that are minted every year to keep the interest going for general public.
And I think if the serial numbers were removed from the bank notes then the interest will go down even further.

A) Large sums of money (like an investment) definitely could act as a deterrent for coin collectors to enter this hobby (& I believe a majority of banknote collectors often started as coin collectors)
B) I feel the opposite- that there is a lot more to get excited about a bank note rather than a coin (e.g.: its creation, design, security, numbering, etc) however I know many people still hold the notion that a coin is intrinsically more valuable due to its metal content. But your point about "pocket change" and accessibility into the hobby is a very valid one, and I'm sure a very cogent reason why many shy away from notes.
C) I agree that if the serial numbering process were removed (which makes each note unique) would definitely have a negative impact.  Many have noted the loss of inserts as a negative blow.  I also feel that many of the older generation collectors have turned their backs on the polymer (yet, ironically, its attracted new blood).

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« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2019, 02:45:17 am »

I would definitely stop collecting new series of bills if serial numbers were removed. The core reason why I enjoy this hobby is because I find it fascinating how every bill has a unique identity and I enjoy finding interesting patterns.
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« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2019, 01:17:32 pm »

The core reason why I enjoy this hobby is because I find it fascinating how every bill has a unique identity and I enjoy finding interesting patterns.

- I hear you!  I was one of those very same collectors who dropped out of action when the new Frontiers polymer series were introduced.  I just hated the drab colours & ultra conservative basic designs. Then I saw that the BSW was a short prefix and no one was reporting them.  So it was the hunt for the BSW $20 & the M/C FTH prefixes that drew me back into the "game." 

Searching for months (which turned into years) and going empty handed (or finding 1 very circulated two-digit radar every six months) made me realize how rare these prefixes (& special numbers) actually are. One of my biggest challenges was just not to give up (which honestly I did a couple months and then would go back again).

The introduction of the Vertical & Commemorative Tens has also made me a big fan again.   

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« Reply #12 on: March 20, 2019, 11:10:11 am »

I went to the Calgary show a couple of weeks back and was pleasantly surprised how many young people were there and buying. Kudo's to those of you that have encouraged young people to collect and those who are involved in the local "kids" versions of you clubs.


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