I've posted a few photos that I've found online of vintage photos with people handling vintage currency.
Let's keep them all in the same thread from now on!
I found this photo online. The caption reads:
Looking back to a visit to Agincourt A&P in this image from the Scarborough News Photograph and negative collection from 1966.
Pictured from left to right; Mr. and Mrs Ted Manley, Cashier Viola Sellwood, Mr. Brown, manager, Albert Maud.
I can see two 1954 $10s and four 1954 series $1s in the hand of Albert Maud. The most visible 1954 $10 note appears to be signed by Beattie and Rasminsky.
One thing's for sure; $24 would certainly not buy that many bags full of groceries in 2025!
Oh, and the two kids look absolutely thrilled to be in the photo.
