Hello All
Ink smears often appear on notes, specifically on the 1954, Multicoloured notes, and bird series. They are not considered wear, nor do they count as a demerit point when grading uncirculated notes. They are, however, an undesirable quality and sholuld be taken into consideration in the choice and Gem ranges. For example, if a note has no demerit points, and is reasonably centred, it will achieve a grade of at least Gem UNC-65. However, if these ink smears are very strong, it will prevent the note from a Gem UNC 66 or higher.
Fried squid, you did slightly mis-interpret the grading description from our website. Before the statement of the note being "free of printer ink smears" it states that "The variance between Gem UNC-65 and Gem UNC-67 depends on the amount and degree of the following desirable qualities". I can see how you could intrepret this as meaning that the note must be free of printer ink smears. The intention is to say that being free of ink smears is desirable, but the degree to which the note exibits these smears is what is taken into account when assesing between a 65, 66, or 67. They are allowed, but looked down upon.
I hope that cleared things up. Perhaps I should consider re-phrasing that part to avoid anymore confusion.