I have collected or rather saved CT coupons for years and have a large accumulation of coupons with most dating from 1991 and earlier right back to the first store issues in 1961. the last time that I counted it there was over $350.00 so I would expect there to be around $500.00 by now. As a guess I would say 3/4 of them are of the old style (1961-1991) and the rest are the newer style with numerous runs or pairs, most all from 1992 forward are uncirculated. I have not saved any with tears or writing so these are fairly decent with lot's being very nice. I have limited knowledge with CT coupons but I do know there are some stretched numbers and at least one replacement that I'm aware of, there could be more.
Included in with the older style coupons are some gas bar coupons I'd estimate the face value between $80-$90 but most are form the last few series......there are some runs in the $0.50 and $1.00 gas bar coupons between 10-20 consecutive coupons. I realize I could sell many of these separately but I'm thinking of selling them as a lot but I'm not sure what to expect.
I realize many of these coupons can be easily obtained but there are also some not so easily found. In the end you could expect no junk and lots of nice coupons.
I know I'm asking a lot but my question is this. What would you consider to be a fair value for such a lot?
Thanks in advance to all who share their opinion.
Cheers, Bill