Back in on August 3, 2011 I posted scans about this variety. I noticed that the "The 2 smaller hockey players and the lady skating with her child are both missing some colour on their sweater and pants. "
What I did not notice was the missing ink on the hockey stick.
Nice to know that it is being recognized as such
Hi ShareBear,
When I started this topic I did not see your thread. Also I was not a member of the forum until fall 2012. However what you have in your topic and the stars are actually related to some extent.
My initial post was going to be:
"Starred Stick and Rosy Cheek" There is a strong correlationship between the whiteness of the cheek of child with an adult and the occurrence of the white areas in the hockey stick. Similar thing can be said about what you referred to as the "lack of colour" on the jacket of the child besides the adult.
In your post mention was made of the lack of colour in the jackets and the pants of other people. To some extent it is true but what makes the: stick, the cheek, the jacket of the child besides the adult unique is that it is missing ink as opposed to having lighter ink.
I will explain this in another post with images some other time.
Needless to say you had alluded to the same thing that this thread is talking about. What has happened is that I have been cataloging every $5 that passes through my hands and cataloging this condition. Many forum members have been kind enough to send me details on their notes as well.
As I have mentioned earlier I have reached a point where if you give me the prefix and serial number I can actually tell you with 85% certainty if it has stars or not on the stick. What I am really saying here is that there is a predictability to this pattern and that in itself suggests that there is something underlying to this thing.
I am currently working on two possible theories. In both the theories I am saying that the ink that is missed in those areas is caused because the corresponding areas on the plates have become ink resistance (remember this is offset lithography).
More on this later.
But thank you for pointing to the earlier thread. I was going crazy at the beginning thinking I was the only person seeing this. It is good to see that you were thinking about it as well.