It has been noticed that the printing order of the prefix number in HCV+ has changed.
In all the polymers printed before the HCV was introduced the printing of prefix number was such that it increased sequentially down the columns i.e. PN 41, 42, 43 to 49 and then 31 to 39 etc. would have sequentially increasing numbers on a sheet.
In the HCV and HCW this has changed. Based on the preliminary analysis of the PN and serial numbers it would appear that the prefix numbers are increasing sequentially across the row i.e. 41, 31, 21, 11, 01 then 42, 32 to 02 etc.
The packing of bricks and the notes within each bundle has also changed since the introduction of Viola Desmond Polymers.
By all accounts so far the skip number still appears to be 200.
What does this all mean?
There will be further confusion for people who get bundles and bricks of these newer prefixes in terms of understanding the sequencing of notes.
But there is method to this madness. Although it is not clear about the motivation of the BoC to do it for HCV+ as it is continuation of the same series.