If you have the address can't you just bring it back to them? I know you can just drop it in a mailbox and the postal service is supposed to deliver it free of of charge. However I'm not sure if I would do that if it's full of cash. Perhaps deliver it in person if it's not too much of an inconvenience or package it in a small box and mail it. ...
Quite honestly, the wallet was in terrible condition (old & was run over by some vehicles). I suppose I could have wrapped it in cellophane...
& yes I would have delivered it to the address had we not found a contact phone #. Was told I didn't get them all (he said he took out $500 but I only found $200 plus his ATM card)
The bill hunter in me would peek at the serials of all the cash before giving it back. If one of the recovered 20s was a BSW I couldn't guarantee it wouldn't be replaced with a different one when returned
-Do we know each other? Okay-
YES- -
the bill hunter (in me) was very much alive that morning. I had to check every prefix & serial # BUT
nothing unusual nor collectable (unfortunately). And that's the kind of answers I was expecting from some of you collectors here on
CPMF (check the back of the banknotes- at least!)
-On the upside- yes, my wife found his business card finally after my failed 411 attempt (& that really made me feel like I was blind after I searched the wallet myself & came up empty handed). So she called him & I returned it. He was happy that he found his license after we told him where we had located it. Overall, he seemed a bit of an oddball, but a happy oddball at least.