Several decades ago, while partying up at our extended family cottage, my cousin mentioned our ancestor Robert Baldwin ( so I asked my own family about this guy but my parents and siblings just thought my cousin was acting eccentric. I had absolutely no idea who William or Robert Baldwin were, so I went to our local library to start my search. There were no books on either of them so my uncle lent me
The Baldwins and the Great Experiment [There was Stephen Leacock's 1907 book but it was long out of print/unavailable at most libraries].
I also researched John A Macdonald, Louis Riel & started to become mildly interested in Canadian history. As my interest grew, I was surprised to discover that many CDN's had only mild curiosity about our history. This was around the time that Terry Fox started his marathon across Canada. I have to say that I was extremely impressed and followed Terry's story long before he arrived in Toronto. I, like thousands of other Canadians, was heartbroken when he was forced to quit his run across Canada near Thunder Bay.
A little after the Internet, Wiki & Google became commonplace, I noticed a couple Wiki entries about William & Robert Baldwin (much to my surprise since few historians wrote about them). Around the 200th anniversary the War of 1812, John Ralston Saul's book on LaFontaine & Baldwin was released. I went to one of his readings and got my copy of his book signed. While there, a U of T history student came up to me and asked me what happened to the Baldwin family fortune. (I guess it was that obvious I was just another poor nobody
). To this day, I ponder the same thing.
Anyway, my post isn't about seeing the Baldwins being featured on a Canadian banknote. For one, they're considered forefathers of confederation. I know they will be nothing more than minor footnotes in our history books. There have been a lot of unsung heroes who have contributed to making Canada a great place to live. I also know that there are many other worthy historical candidates who made major contributions to our nation: several of them were Indigenous. I voted for Pauline Johnson (on the $10) & believe that Onondeyoh makes an excellent candidate. But I also like Terry Fox because he has fired up youth to chase their dreams. He has truly been inspirational to several generations now.