I did two bricks on March 15, but had not posted it yet.
BRICK AOJ 4893001 FP 93 BP 98
The brick started with 3001 and between 001 and 002 I found AOH9253189 FP 93 BP 98
Then replacing AOJ4893115, 116, 117 were AOH9253190, 191, 192 All have FP93 BP 98
Then replacing AOJ4893908 was AOH 9253193 FP 93 BP98
BRICK AOJ 4892001 FP94 BP60
The brick started at 2001 and was the same as the 3001 with no 000 note.
Between 001 and 002 was AOH9252189 FP94 BP60
Then repalcing AOJ4892115, 116, 117, were AOH9252190 191, 192 All have FP93 BP98
Then replacing AOJ4892908 was AOH9252193 FP93 BP98