That was my note until recently....a real beauty. Sold it to Don Olmstead at the TICF last weekend. In fact
I sold him all my PMG graded Devil's Face replacements except for the $5 which I kept as part of my collection.
The notes that were sold to Don were:
1954 $1 Devil's Face Coyne-Towers, *A/A *A/A 0009903 PMG CUnc 64 BC-29aA
1954 $1 Devil's Face Beattie-Coyne, *A/A *A/A 0016707 PMG GUnc 65 BC-29bA
1954 $2 Devil's Face Beattie-Coyne, *A/B *A/B 0008422 PMG GUnc 65 BC-30bA
1954 $10 Devil's Face Beattie-Coyne, *A/D *A/D 0008243 PMG GUnc 67 BC-32bA
1954 $20 Devil's Face Beattie-Coyne, *A/E *A/E 0008231 PMG GUnc 66 BC-33bA
In my view all the notes were accurately graded by PMG. This is based on independent grading done by
several prominent paper money graders prior to the notes being sent to PMG.
Arthur Richards
Contributor, Charlton Catalogue of Canadian Government Paper Money, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd and 29th Edition
Pricing Panel Member, Charlton Catalogue of Canadian Government Paper Money, 21st Edition 2009