Topic: The market...  (Read 3359 times)
Hudson A B
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« on: December 23, 2007, 12:50:01 am »

Hi Roland- this is to address a point you made --

About the posters-- well you know when a couple of big posters become MIA (missing in action) it is easy to see a slow down.

This is for everyone--

X-Savior was in an accident in about August (and has since returned but has much bigger things to deal with right now)
and in August I moved out far far away from the city and have not been able to continue my research.

Between him and I were many posts on various things...

I agree the forum has slowed down, but the fact that two often posters went MIA at one time might have made a dent.

I hope to be back into the research in about 7 months...

Until then,  KEEP POSTING!  :-)

CPMS Lifetime Member #1502.

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