My point is this, and I should have explained in the earlier post, sorry if it got people upset. To me this note shows an error, and I would think others would agree. Weather this note has had a lower grade assigned to it due to the fact that it is off-center should be noted on the holder.
To me this indicates that BCS will/has agree to grade errors if they are minor on the note, and if they look legit, without referencing a Charlton error variety on the holder.
My point once again, if BCS is grading notes similar to this one, and they do not want to grade errors, or indicate “error” on the holder, they should make a comment on the holder regarding the appearance of the note. This is not saying it is an error, it is indicating a visual inaccuracy on the note that may be out of place to a regular issued perfect note, and this could be a factor in a lower grade of a note.
I do agree that some error notes are very tough to identify as being legitimate, and if BCS starts to grade and identify notes as “error” verities, then they need to establish as I indicated in the missing circle thread, strict guidelines as to the method and steps needed to grade a note as an error.
So the bottom-line, yes I would like to see BCS grade errors, but at a minimum at least indicate visual appearance irregularities in the comment section.