JB-2007, just out of curiosity, what was the most recent new prefix you received in crisp from a bank and when did you receive it?
As for me, I live on the East Coast and I haven't seen any Jenkins/Carney notes out my way yet. I haven't been to a bank since the end of September, but I am planning to go to a CIBC branch this coming Saturday. No guarantees, but you never know what may happen.
As I key this, it's possible that there may have been crisp APKs in my region recently. Chances are by the time the Christmas rush is occurring, I will most likely be seeing APL or the APMs printed in 2006 as the last crisp prefix for my region and then the winter dry spell for shopping will begin, and I won't see any Jenkins/Carney notes until the spring shopping season begins around March or early April.