I have been in discussion with DR (the Admin at Cdn-Money.ca) recently about integrating the High/Low data from this website (CMT) with the High/Low database here (CPM). I would like to present the plan to you folks here and see if you have any comments or concerns that we can take into consideration.
The plan is to export data in an automated fashion on a regular basis from CMT to CPM. Included in the export would be the high note and the low note for every prefix in the Canadian Journey series.
As an example, say DR originally entered note BTX0001234 back on April 1, 2009, and he found it in Toronto. When this gets imported to CPM, it would show up as the new BTX low number similar to below:
BTX 2008 Low 00***34 DR [CMT] Toronto, ON 01-Apr-2009
BTX 2008 High 9999999 BWJM Vancouver, BC 15-Jul-2009
The serial number would be obscured (for consistency with the CMT site). Also, the original contributor's username is displayed with a link to CMT. The city, province and date of when the note was entered are also reported.
If you have any comments, concerns or questions about the pending integration between the Canadian Money Tracker website and the Canadian Paper Money website, please post a reply to this thread. Thank you!

Life Member of CPMS, RCNA, ONA, ANA, IBNS, WCS.
President, IBNS Ontario Chapter.
Treasurer, Waterloo Coin Society.
Show Chair, Cambridge Coin Show.
Fellow of the Ontario Numismatic Association.