Hi all,
I have modified the SNDB such that whenever you enter a note that is a new high or low number, it will ask you to send in a scan by email. This is geared mainly towards confirming new prefixes and changeovers, but also to make sure we've got some evidence to back things up.
Any notes requiring confirmation will show up with a blue background in the H/L list until they are confirmed. Please send in your images so that we can keep things up to date!
I am also considering adding email reminders for anyone with unconfirmed notes.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 03:08:22 pm by BWJM »

Life Member of CPMS, RCNA, ONA, ANA, IBNS, WCS.
President, IBNS Ontario Chapter.
Treasurer, Waterloo Coin Society.
Show Chair, Cambridge Coin Show.
Fellow of the Ontario Numismatic Association.