I'd like to speak to this for just a moment. This is my first post, but I have some experience framing my notes. After much consideration, I had decided to purchase my own frames and do my own borders using matte paper. I took a set of $1 Bank of Canada Notes 1937, 1954, 1967, 1973 and asked them to frame with the Queen facing out. But they told me they would have to fix the notes using a glue of some sort.
Instead, I cut my own matte with four cutouts for the notes and an extra slot on the bottom for a plate I had made up with BANK OF CANADA - One Dollar Bank Notes on it. It looked magnificent, except for my greenhorn cutting technique on the matte board. I used regular paper sheets with ultra high whiteness to mount the notes and used acid free photo corners so I would not have to glue the notes. Instead, they sit safely within the plastic corners. I plan to do this for my $2 notes and $5 notes up to 1986 series (as no 1967 series exists like it does for the $1 note).
I feel I will be able to frame the next ones better because I have some more experience with cutting my matte. I will post pictures eventually when I get a few taken. But, I think the end result is still nice despite my amateur efforts. Later I intend to frame the front and back of the 1986 $2 and the $1 centennial note front and back to show the differences. As well, I intend to frame my $1 - $20 Devil's Face notes to show the different notes that existed and hang them in my wall. So far, I am working on my collection up to $20, but intend to move to the $50 and $100 as funds permit and then I will work on getting the 1935 series and earlier.
Too many notes to collect.