Topic: Really neat story.  (Read 7390 times)
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« on: November 24, 2004, 09:41:58 pm »

I used to deliver newspapers as a kid in Winnipeg, around 1975. Now this is a truly neat story. Even as a kid I was into paper money. Of course back then, I could only afford to collect a few $1 and $2 notes. But everytime I went for collection, (to get payments from newspaper subscribers), I would get around $60 or so, mostly in $1s. And before I'd turn in the money, I'd go through all the bills and I came across two $1 notes in sequence. So, what's the big deal, right?

Well the thing is one note was heavily circulated and worn,  the other one was in AU condition. I got the notes from 2 entirely different people, living a few blocks apart. So the notes must have travelled separate paths at one point, then came back together sometime later. I only delivered papers on one street, along a few blocks. So what are the chances of these two bills coming back together on the same street? Even if the bills had stayed in Winnipeg their entire life, what are the chances that they would end up on the same street, only a few blocks apart? Pretty incredible I think.
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« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2004, 09:54:30 pm »

I've been interested in Canadian banknotes since I was nine.  I, myself never had a paper route, though.

22 years later, I am still interested in Canadian banknotes so much, that back in the 1980's and 1990's, Canadian banknotes were my "obsession" (not!)  ;D

Jonathan  :)

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