Topic: Found AAN insert notes in AAR Brick  (Read 12374 times)
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« on: July 27, 2011, 11:30:33 am »

Hello again to those who remember me from about 5 years ago..

I have been going through bricks of mostly $5's and some $10's.
Probably no surprise to many of you the serial numbers were found to be shuffled in some bricks with no inserts or obvious reasons to have them shuffled (didn't notice any missing notes either).

Recently I found a small run (11 notes) of inserts in a brick of $5 AAR1259xxx.
The inserts found were AAN1099171 to AAN1099181.

I approximate that I have searched through close to $100,000 in notes with nothing more to show then a couple of ho-hum radars and shuffling in some bricks.

[edit]Added insert tag. --BWJM[/edit]
« Last Edit: July 28, 2011, 02:25:09 pm by BWJM »

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