Mark, you mis-read my post. Our hosting is already dirt cheap. My own personal hosting, and that of several other major numismatic websites are using the same provider at very economical rates.
But I'm not talking about hosting. I'm talking about the domain name. It which was registered at a higher-than-market rate due to immediate needs that otherwise would have seen this site be out of commission for up to three months, and would have risked the domain name being acquired by a third party and thus lost to us entirely.
As I said above, I am working on reducing future costs. That said, neither the hosting nor the domain are free.

Life Member of CPMS, RCNA, ONA, ANA, IBNS, WCS.
President, IBNS Ontario Chapter.
Treasurer, Waterloo Coin Society.
Show Chair, Cambridge Coin Show.
Fellow of the Ontario Numismatic Association.