I have some 1954 1,2,5 and 10 dollars bills, all with devils head, for example
1 Beattie Rasminsky GF 6238752 to XM 4577180
2 Bowey Rasminsky dg 1305685 to XU 2157906
5 Beattie Rasminsky CX 0438865 to KX 6577094
10 Beattie Rasminsky GV 8030835 to YT 1705670, some in sequences
20 Beattie Rasminsky XE 4242675
I would an approximation of what these could be worth, if 5 of them are in sequence, are they worth more and I live in Quebec City, what would be the best way to sell these and get fair value??
thank you for any information