Topic: Polymer $50: Found 1 AMD in a 7-note AME Run - Added to SNDB  (Read 16813 times)
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« on: March 27, 2012, 05:05:40 pm »

Way too early to tell, and doesn't qualify as a bona fide find, but I asked for and received 7 new $50's today from a teller's bundle.

This is what I got:

AME 6528600
AME 6528601
AME 6528602
AME 6528603
AMD 5863941
AME 6528605
AME 6528606

Added to the SNDB as a regular note.
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« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2013, 01:35:56 pm »

Does anyone know what the AMD prefix is for?  I have two 50$ AMD4631230 and AMD4631231
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« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2013, 03:34:58 pm »

If you join and refer to the Serial Number Database you will note the following replacements:

AMD    4.738M-4.739M    Confirmed SNR Rep'l Range (GP-Jul2012)
AMD    4.920M-4.960M    Confirmed Sheet Rep'l Range (GP-Jan2013)
AMD    5.428M-5.429M    Confirmed SNR Rep'l Range (GP-Nov2012)
AMD    5.926M-5.927M    Confirmed SNR Rep'l Range (GP-Sep2012)
AMD    5.984M-5.985M    Confirmed SNR Rep'l Range (GP-Jul2012)

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« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2013, 08:24:07 am »

I apologize as coming across as so dumb here but how do I read those and what does it mean? I'm very new to this so learning can anyone point me in the write direction on where to read things on the board and what books would be best Thank you for your help.
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« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2013, 02:59:14 pm »

Hi RayCanada

What you are seeing are what are called Insert or Replacement notes. They take the place of regular notes that are damaged during production. It used to be that replacement notes were identifiable by a * before the serial number, and later, as an X as the third letter in the serial number. Replacement notes were often highly desired by collectors.

About a decade ago, the X-identifiable replacement notes were discontinued, and other regular appearing notes were "inserted" their places. The Bank of Canada has never released serial number ranges or information about these insert notes. Many

"Brick hunters", or collectors that obtain new sealed bricks of 1,000 notes, would examine them right after opening them, look for anomalous serial numbers in the consecutive runs of numbers, and report their finds to the wider collecting community, as "insert" or "new replacement" notes. Many collectors continue to collect notes from these serial number ranges as bona fide replacement notes, and the Charlton catalogue lists them as such.

Other collectors (myself included) do not trust the process of the reporting of brick hunting finds to the wider community. I personally think the process is open to error and/or abuse and I do not collect them. I stick to collecting older * and X replacement notes, where there can be no question as to their use as genuine replacement notes.

Because this can be a contentious issue, on these forums "new replacement" notes can only be identified as such if they are within the ranges published in certain publications, and a reference is made to which publication this information may be found. More info is in section III of the CPMF Code of Conduct.

I hope this helps.

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