Pg. xvii: right side, 2nd papargaph, 8th sentence. "at the front of the back of the note, ?
right side, 2nd papagraph, 9th sentence. "In the early issues of note," should be "notes,"
Pg. xviii: left side, last sentence."downwards" is followed by a period instead of a comma.
right side, first sentence. "may only be noticeable only under very close examination" omit 1 of the only's
right side, 2nd papagraph. "In cleaning notes" is followed by a period. There should be no punctuation.
Pg. xix: GEM UNCIRCULATED, 8. period missing
CHOICE UNCIRCULATED, 5. period missing
6. period missing
Tips for different series for CHOICE UNCIRCULATED "Clear polymer window(s) must have no hairline scratches" period missing
UNCIRCULATED, 5. period missing
Tips for UNCIRCULATED, "2001 Journey notes with holograms may show a "cutting cup" missing period
Clear polymer window(s) must have minimal hairline scratches Must they? Or may they? Also period missing.
Pg. xx: AU, 5. period missing
EF, 4. period missing
VF, 3. period missing
Pg. xxi: F, 4. "Polymer notes will show the underlying primer and starting to show some of the clear polymer film" should read "and may be starting to show"
Pg. xxii: Sheet Number, 3rd sentence. "number.This is called the sheet number. Many people" No space before "This" extra space before "Many"
Pg. 55: Left side, last sentence. :- ? The bracket is missing to make this a happy or sad face :-( / :-). Seriously though, there should be no hyphen.
Pg. 357: REPLACEMENT NOTES, 2nd sentence. "Number rangers" should read "Number ranges" Also, sentence ends with a comma instead of a period.