I think the signatures' size is just about right now. As design elements, signatures don't add very much, and keeping them small and out of the way works for me.
PS Poloz wasn't the first to use his full name signature - Tiff Macklem beat him to it.
Call me old fashioned, but I would respectfully disagree.

The signatures in my opinion do add to the design aesthetic of the note. They convey authority and also a bit of the individuality of the person.
What I do not like about our current notes:
1. The lower case font
2. The asymmetrical design
3. The volume of empty space
4. The absence of a defined border
5. Text that is curved, sideways, and differently sized. (I know this is a security feature, but I still don't care for it.)
I wish that we would do one of two things:
1. Return to a more traditional style of banknote. (I actually like the "stock certificate" types of notes...The 1935 series is my #1 favourite!)
2. Turn everything on its head and do something like vertical notes (like Switzerland)...
http://www.snb.ch/en/iabout/cash/current/design/id/cash_current_design_principleIt seems that the Frontiers series was hastily designed on a computer somewhere.
Just my two cents.