got this mixed brick of polymer/paper tens yesterday and found:
2002: 3 Knight-Dodge's
2004: 4 Jenkins-Dodge
2007: 50 Jenkins-Dodge BTG-U
2008: 183 Jenkins-Carney BTW-Z and BFA-H including a nice UNC BFB keeper
2009: 482 Jenkins-Carney BFH-W incl a new low SN: BFP 0013551; a radar: BFU 5883885; new high SN's: BFV 9946204 and BFW 8237798
2013: 278 M-C poly's FEW-Z and FTA-D incl a radar/repeater: FEY 5452545, new low SN: FTB 2021430 and two interesting SN UNC keepers: FTB 2910000 and FTD 5366666
So five new bills for my collection and 5 new SN records
I built this free-standing stack of cotton bills and defy anyone to beat this record at 5.75 inches:
repeater radar:
a near solid:
a new low SN and an interesting UNC keeper:
and finally the 3 Knight Dodges (lower left) versus 54 Jenkins-Dodge (left) versus 665 Jenkins-Carneys (right 2 stacks):