CTC ordered 3.07 million $2.00 coupons in 1989 from British American Bank Note Company as part of an order of 50 million coupons of different denominations in use at that time. Almost all we released before 1991 except the $2.00 notes. The purple $2.00, dated 1992 was actually released before these yellow $2.00s. After they were released, the yellow $2.00s like yours were released. CTC did not like the yellow twos and only released 900 ,000 of them. The rest were all destroyed except for the first and last 200 notes (one bundle) in the 3.69 range. These notes were kept by the head office and given as "gifts" to various people. Your note was given out along with the first 10,000 (from T0000001 to T0009999) to employees of the stores and head office that participated in a survey in 1995. All store owners (dealers) were also given one note along with a money clip from CTC parts division "Motomaster Express Auto Parts".