Indeed two uncirculated notes like that, thats indication of full brick(s) circulated. It wouldn't surprise if HBG Macklem-Carney were to be circulated in full so that would mean more than 3,500,000 notes circulated.
This is great news! However, I'm not sure I follow your logic. Two HBG notes have been discovered in a range lower than we had expected: Does that really mean we can jump to the conclusion there are "brick(s) circulated." If that member who posted those low number notes actually found more M/C HBG (at the subsequent places he checked out) than that would definitely lead to some suspicions. I understand that they are in great shape so that there may be more circulated than we previously expected- but brick(s)

In an earlier post you stated:
Looks like these notes are become more common by the month.
Am I missing something? Right now there are 2 on that online auction site. A whopping 40 have been reported out of the nearly 2200 M/P HBG reported. There were 2 for auction when "Roberto" made his first startling claim ("MC HBG were common.")
Do you recall how long it was before the first M/C HBG was discovered? It seemed like it took forever for the next few to be reported and the reports slowly trickled in. However, every collector (& his family

) have been busy scrutinizing fives. On the SNDB 5 prefixes have over 5000 notes reported and equally as many have over 4000 notes reported (indicating that never have we scrutinized our notes like the polymer!)
I mean this is the BOC we're talking about here. When have they ever followed logic or what we expected?

We don't have to look that far back: take the partial release of 2011 M/C $5 prefixes for example. 3,500,000 HBG seems astonishing - even 1000 (or a couple bundles) of M/C HBG sounds promising - but I'm not sure I'd crack open the champaign just yet.