Topic: Rare Notes $2 Little b Big B $1 6666777  (Read 8484 times)
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« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2016, 09:50:04 am »

I know some of these bills are very rare especially the small b big B bill, anyone have an idea on the approximate value?
What you have is not rare at all. The B's are normal for all your notes listed. All notes BBA-BBN and some BBP have the large B while some BBP and all BBR-BBZ have the small B. CBA-CBK to my knowledge have no variences in the letter B sizes and the same is true for the previous series 1973/1974 1's and 2's.

Also note that B size varieties concern only the first B of both serial numbers occuring on 1986 $2 notes BBA-BBZ and BGA-BGZ only and 1989 $10 BDD notes.

Approx. value of your notes are all face value.

Hope this helps.

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