Topic: Objectives of the AU_ Search  (Read 9869 times)
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« on: December 18, 2004, 12:33:03 am »

In a separate topic, eyevet posed the following question:
Just curious - is it the desire of the group to record as many sightings of AUG - AUN notes as possible or just ones that more closely define changeover points?

So as to keep that thread on-topic, I've replied by creating a new thread.  Here's my response to eyevet's question:

It is my understanding/belief that the primary objective is to zero in on any known changeovers, and that a secondary objective is to narrow down on any new changeovers should they be discovered. Further, posting them on the forums as opposed to maintaining offline records serves to disseminate this information among the collecting community, raise awareness about the search, and solicit greater participation from others.

So, by posting all AU_ notes, in the event that a bunch of Thiessen/Crow AUJ notes appear around the 0465000 mark, we would know that if it were a full run of 20,000 notes vs a single sheet, then it would be at most a run of 20,000 notes because of two Crow/Bouey notes at 0459811 and 0499969. This leaves only a gap from 0460000 to 0479999.

It is worth noting that until the creation of the lists on this forum, the potential 20,000 note run of AUJ Thiessen/Crow notes from 2200000 to 2219999 was not known to other list-keepers. A member of this forum, Laurie, posted her note. Since it is only a single note (so far), I have defined the range as narrowly as possible without implying that it is a single sheet.

There are still hundreds of gaps in our information. These gaps are at times hundreds of thousands of notes wide. Since I'm still looking at the AUJ list, let me refer to it yet again. There are no reported AUJ notes between 7350969 and 8300525, creating a gap of almost 950,000 notes, or nearly 10% of the entire AUJ prefix. In this gap, there are 47 possible distinct print runs of 20,000 notes each, meaning that while it is unlikely, there could be 47 different changeovers in that gap. (Numbers subject to a small amount of counting error, but only to the first order.)

This all said, I firmly believe that it is in our collective numismatic best interests to report as many of these AU_ notes as possible.

Life Member of CPMS, RCNA, ONA, ANA, IBNS, WCS.
President, IBNS Ontario Chapter.
Treasurer, Waterloo Coin Society.
Show Chair, Cambridge Coin Show.
Fellow of the Ontario Numismatic Association.

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