Topic: Strange cut on Commemorative $10's  (Read 14929 times)
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« on: October 11, 2017, 12:41:29 pm »

I went to the TD Canada Trust in Waterloo yesterday and got another batch of 10's.  The machine put out all new 10's.  The right top corner on the front is cut off.  These tens are all new and in sequence.  There are two different ranges.
CDD  8236703 - 8236718
CDD  8238983 - 8238999

In another range close to the above
CDD 8235700 - 8235714
Now in this range, the first note 5700 is normal with the full squared edge, then 5701 -5714 the same right top edge is cut off but not as much as the previous ranges above. I have included pics of the first two ranges above with the significant cut.

Any thoughts on what has happened here?

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« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2017, 12:46:44 pm »

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« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2017, 06:14:53 pm »

I went to the TD Canada Trust in Waterloo yesterday and got another batch of 10's.  The machine put out all new 10's.  The right top corner on the front is cut off.  These tens are all new and in sequence.  There are two different ranges.
CDD  8236703 - 8236718
CDD  8238983 - 8238999

In another range close to the above
CDD 8235700 - 8235714
Now in this range, the first note 5700 is normal with the full squared edge, then 5701 -5714 the same right top edge is cut off but not as much as the previous ranges above. I have included pics of the first two ranges above with the significant cut.

Any thoughts on what has happened here?

Hello robb4640,

Thank you for sharing. At first glance it looks rather interesting but the details of the cut seem to indicate that someone has taken a scissor to it. They are not precise enough or patterned enough to have resulted from a production related event.

The ranges that you indicate come from the same "200 skip ream" starting at 8235000 and going to 8243999

I believe the PN are as follows:

82367xx - 49

82389xx - 22

82357xx - 44

You mention that this came out of a machine so I am guessing that you did not see a bundle with a strap. Generally speaking if these notes would have been processed at a BoC distribution centre then would not have been put for circulation (unless by error) because I think they would exceed the threshold of being considered mutilated because of the cut corner.

Typically this type of range would also not be normal in a typical bundle (although there could be exceptions). One would expect consecutive PN's within a bundle. There are exceptions to this that have been seen in bundles from bricks but the PN distribution that you have seen 22, 49 and 44 is a bit odd to find in a bundle.

So what are the possibilities:

a) Someone returned the notes from a brick search back to the bank and they loaded it in their machines. The "someone" deliberately cut the corners so as to make these notes not UNC. ;)

b) The corners were cut by someone or through some process through post production with a view to put these notes out of circulation (mutilated) and somehow got back into the circulation system. ???

c) The production process was so botched that it accidentally and terribly sheared the corners, it totally missed the quality control at the BoC, it passed through whoever put the notes in the machine . :(

d) The machine that dispensed caused it to shear  ???

One way to find something out is to watch out for the radars that may have been part of this brick.

Based on my knowledge of how the bricks get packaged I would suspect that within this brick the following radars would have been possible (no repeaters in this brick):

CDD 8235328 (less likely)

CDD 8236328 (more likely)

CDD 8237328 (more likely)

CDD 8238328 (more likely)

CDD 8239328 (less likely)

If these radars are found and they do not have cut corners my suspicion is that someone took the scissors to the notes after retrieving the radars.

Wonder what paper money would say if it could talk?
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« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2017, 06:30:17 pm »

Hello robb4640,

I believe the PN are as follows:

82367xx - 49
82389xx - 22
82357xx - 44
CDD 8235328 (less likely)
CDD 8236328 (more likely)
CDD 8237328 (more likely)
CDD 8238328 (more likely)
CDD 8239328 (less likely)

If these radars are found and they do not have cut corners my suspicion is that someone took the scissors to the notes after retrieving the radars.

Correction - The body of the post and the photographs had inconsistencies

The photographs show the following notes:

82367xx - which would be PN 49 (not seen in photo but my estimation)

82369xx - (not 82389xx as mentioned earlier) which would be PN 31 and also seen in photo.

Given this information it would appear that these two sequences are likely from the same bundle. PN 31 and PN 49 would typically be next to each other in a bundle found in a brick. PN 31 would end with a note close to 99 and PN 49 would start with a note close to 00. PN44 notes do not belong to this bundle but to a separate bundle.

The explanation provided in earlier posts becomes even more meaningful. If this sequence of notes came out of a brick that someone had then the most likely radar that was present is:

CDD 8236328 and possibly CDD 8235328 and/or CDD 8237328.

The unevenness of the cuts can be seen in these cropped images of the corner from the original photos.

Wonder what paper money would say if it could talk?
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« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2017, 09:05:33 pm »

If these radars are found and they do not have cut corners my suspicion is that someone took the scissors to the notes after retrieving the radars.

-With all due respect: that's a lot of "ifs" and I (myself) have come up to many expected radars (from a CDN banded bundle from vaulted bricks) and no radar 6 - 8 times (I've lost count & try to forget).  I've discovered no radar because the serial numbers skip that critical number FAR too many times with this series! So the premise that someone has retrieved the radar and returned the notes (IMO) just doesn't really work.  We don't know what # ranges we're getting when we order a partial brick.  We just hope we hit the right ranges.

I would also suspect someone has cut the notes deliberately too.  The motives behind the cuts will likely remain a mystery.

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« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2017, 11:44:17 pm »

With all that information, i would have to also believe then that someone must have cut them.  They would have cut them in a bundle though as they seem to be cut evenly when you line the notes up in a stack.  Usually scissors would grab the top and/or bottom notes and make the cut very uneven.
Hard to say, if anyone comes across the other notes in the ranges it would be interesting to note if they were cut also.


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