Topic: Charlton Standard Catalogue Canadian Government Paper Money, 33rd Edition 2022  (Read 8799 times)
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Arthur Richards
Contributor, Charlton Catalogue of Canadian Government Paper Money, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd and 29th Edition
Pricing Panel Member, Charlton Catalogue of Canadian Government Paper Money, 21st Edition 2009
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Thanks for sharing!

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Thanks for the heads-up.  I placed an advance order.

Is the Charlton Press still an entity unto itself?  Their contact information shows they're at the same Dorval address as Lighthouse Canada.  Was just wondering.

Marc :)
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I'm curious if they're going to correct the glaring oversight on Macklem-Carney FTH $10? The SNDB reveals 13 reported. I've never seen one for auction (& have searched thousands of Tens & found 1). My catalogue has them for $13 in CU.  Wilkins-Poloz FTH have been given $30 for CU (& these are VERY Common in comparison).

They finally acknowledged BSW (kind of) but scarce AMK/EKZ still seems quite low ($160?) I'd gladly pay the BV's on any of these (even the BSW which seems super low for how scarce they are).

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Good point!
Did it will be the same thing about the 10$ commemorative ''Viola Desmond''with the prefix FFE?I look on SNDB and for now the higher is under 300 000 printed.Is this the same like 20$ BSW?Or a lot of those 10$ FFE were found?

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Did it will be the same thing about the 10$ commemorative ''Viola Desmond''with the prefix FFE?I look on SNDB and for now the higher is under 300 000 printed.Is this the same like 20$ BSW?Or a lot of those 10$ FFE were found?

You have posted a pretty confusing question. The short prefix for the $10 commemorative is CDF & it is like a full 10 M run prefix when compared to the 2013 $10 M-C FTH with 13 notes reported on the SNDB. We should have seen it 8 years ago but it has never really turned up according to most collectors I know. Everyone is scratching their heads on why Charlton still hasn't acknowledged this missing signature prefix combo. 

The new $10 FFE is still being released (58) so it shouldn't even be mentioned next to the scarcity of the 2013 M-C FTH which came out like the 2003 BER (which supposed to have had a huge run but we saw more 2004 BER than we ever saw the prior 2003 version). I have seen FFE $10 & they still will be released.

Just to give you a little context, according to BOC, only 280,000 BSW $20 were printed but a whopping 16 have been reported :D.

A similar number were supposed to be produced for AMK $50 (which most of us highly doubt were produced) & only 5 have been reported. I really doubt anyone lucky enough to have scored an AMK $50 (in any condition) would be willing to part with it for $160.  I doubt there exists any UNC so the catalogue seems nothing short of absurd on these scarcely seen prefixes (and ditto for the $100 EKZ).  Even AMG $50 prefix has only 180 reported so it is NOT that common either (& it is doubtful its a full 10M run). I've never seen a SNR with the AMG prefix sell for the $300 ballpark Charlton pins it at either (b/c most collectors know that fewer AMG were released). 1.44M is the highest # reported for AMG.

Additionally, the M-C GHD $50 has only had 62 reported (it actually has a bit of a bumped up BV).  Only very low # or high # ranges have been reported & I believe 'Rupiah' established that it wasn't printed in a typical CBN Co matrix but more like an ABNC matrix. But there has been no mention of these irregularities in the catalogue.

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I found out (from a Dutch collector who bought the new Charlton GPM 33rd edition) that the seldom seen Macklem-Carney $10 FTH prefix still books at $15 for Gem Uncirculated?  What! Are you kidding me???? 

Thirteen notes have been reported in the SNDB clearly making it rarer than the BSW yet the Macklem-Poloz FTH is $50 in same grade (631 reported)? What's up with this glaring oversight which we've been posting here on CPMF for 8 years?

I get that contributing to the catalogue takes a lot of dedicated work (which I applaud) but it seems to me that since the 2013 Vertical Tens were FINISHED 3 long years ago (in 2018) somebody's on the pricing has "fallen asleep at the wheel" over this one.

The Macklem-Carney GHD prefix (50 reported) is given the same BV as the Wilkins-Poloz even though the 2nd change over is far more prevalent (small oversight compared to the FTH IMO).
Anyone know what's up with the blinders Chartlon's put up to the scarcity of M-C FTH $10 (& to a lesser extent the tough $50 M-C GHD?
« Last Edit: August 12, 2021, 07:52:12 pm by walktothewater »

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I got a question regarding the $1, $2, $25, $500 and $1000 notes. Now that legal tender status is removed from these banknotes, is information on those five denominations removed from this year's catalogue and all future editions?
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I got a question regarding the $1, $2, $25, $500 and $1000 notes. Now that legal tender status is removed from these banknotes, is information on those five denominations removed from this year's catalogue and all future editions?
No, there would be no reason to remove the notes from the catalogue.

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I got a question regarding the $1, $2, $25, $500 and $1000 notes. Now that legal tender status is removed from these banknotes, is information on those five denominations removed from this year's catalogue and all future editions?

Of course not. The guide is for collectible notes. The removal of legal tender status doesn't make them any less collectible. Keep in mind that the guide contains items like depression scrip that were never legal tender.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2021, 12:22:07 pm by Seth »

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