Topic: Bank of Canada bundles of $5 and $10  (Read 4862 times)
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« on: January 02, 2023, 09:02:26 pm »

In searching for interesting banknotes, I received a brand new bundle from the Bank of Canada at my local Royal Bank branch for a Polymer $5 and for a Vertical $10.  You can see from the upload images that the these bundles are stamped with the BoC code and possibly a lot number as you would get with a package of Advil tablets.

What is interesting that the these bundles were not your typical bundle of 100 consecutively numbered banknotes and in each bundle, there were a number of ranges.  For example, the Vertical $10 banknotes have the following range.

FFK 1289230 33 33
FFK 1289299 33 33
FFK 1289301 33 33
FFK 1289334 33 33

Where there are a number of banknotes missing such as FFK 1289300, overall there were 4 banknotes missing for the range of 1289230 to 1289334.  I should also mention that this is the last prefix of Wilkins/Macklem.

This gets more interesting with the Frontier $5 (Lane/Macklem) where the bundle had the following ranges!

INL 2614075 45 45
INL 2614094 45 45
INL 2613095 44 44
INL 2613099 44 44
INL 2631000 44 44  xxx - insert note??
INL 2613001 44 44
INL 2613076 44 44

In this case, the bundle had 3 distinct ranges of banknotes and more surprising, there is the insert note which has a totally different number but the same position number of 44.  As you can see from the attachments that this was how the BoC bundle was created and I am truly baffled how these are put together.

I would appreciate if any Forum Members have seen such an example.  Secondly, is the banknote of INL 2631000 a replacement note?  I have no idea if this could be a replacement note where these days, we have no concrete evidence if the Bank of Canada does have a designation for the replacement of destroyed notes during the printing process.  I would welcome comments.

Lastly, if anyone is interested in these banknotes please let me know by private message.

Happy New Year, Whitenite.

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« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2023, 09:54:36 pm »

INL2631000 sure looks like an insert note to me.

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« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2023, 09:28:05 am »

Where there are a number of banknotes missing such as FFK 1289300, overall there were 4 banknotes missing for the range of 1289230 to 1289334.  I should also mention that this is the last prefix of Wilkins/Macklem.
- I took out half-bricks of 2017 & 2018 Tens & found much larger gaps than 4 notes. In fact, the numbers of the notes often jumped by thousands or tens of thousands in the serial numbers.  I missed many radars or repeaters because of the gaps. I actually found that if no gaps occurred & the numbers ran consecutively without a gap (here and there) that this was the exception (rather than the rule).  Sometimes I found 2-5 notes that seemed completely out of place too (the same prefix).  My understanding was that there may be reams removed before sorting the notes into bundles/bricks and this was the new way of things.

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« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2023, 11:09:00 am »

Wondering if it is AT ALL possible that it is a number print error?  Could the "13" have been reversed during the numbering process and erroneously printed a "31" instead?  The longer you look at it the more it seems like a counter went a bit weird with a roll over from 099 to 100?  Does anyone else see this?

INL 2613099 44 44
INL 2631000 44 44  xxx - insert note??
INL 2613001 44 44

Just my thought...
If this was a numbering error caused by misaligned rollers in the numbering machine, how likely is it for the roller to skip from 1 to 3 and vice versa?  (i.e.: skip over the number 2?)

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« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2023, 12:03:23 am »


I obtained a brand new bundle of $20s today and when I spread it out, I found a very similar situation with the $5 bundle found by Whitenite with the possible insert in it.

The bundle began with five notes in sequence (FZK 6252395 37 37 to FZK 6252399 37 37)
Then the numbering starts with FZK 6251301 36 36 and is consecutive to the end, FZK 6251395 36 36


Between FZK6251312 36 36 and FZK 6251314 36 36 there is a note completely out of place,
FZK6252313 37 37.

This note is consecutive to the others but is 1000 off and it has a different fpn and bpn number!

I believe I found another insert note!  I also suspect that FZK 6252395-FZK 6252399 are also insert notes because they are also 1000 apart from the rest of the notes in the run.

Something is going on here and I am curious...


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« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2023, 12:27:07 am »

I managed to pick up three BoC straps of notes from the bank.  (2 x $10 bundles and 1 x $20 bundle)

I'd really like to figure out what is going on at the printing company...

We expect mixed runs of notes within bundles now, but this is interesting:

From the $20 bundle: (notice that the suspect note is inserted between otherwise consecutive notes...)

FZL 6534595 21 21 consecutive to...
FZL 6534598 21 21
FZL 6534411 21 21 **insert?**
FZL 6534599 21 21

From $10 bundle #1:  Notice again that the suspect note is inserted between two smaller runs of consecutive notes.)

FFL 6374234 33 33 consecutive to...
FFL 6374249 33 33

FFL 6212399 33 33 **Insert?**

FFL 6401350 33 33 consecutive to
FFL 6401383 33 33

From $10 bundle #2:  (This time, there are two notes with different, non sequential serial numbers inserted between mini runs of consecutive notes.)

FFL 6376234 35 35 consecutive to...
FFL 6373249 35 35

FFL 6655382 39 39 **insert?**

FFL 6214399 35 35 **insert?**

FFL 6403350 35 35 consecutive to...
FFL 6403366 35 35


« Last Edit: February 03, 2023, 12:31:00 am by Dean »

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« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2023, 12:13:25 pm »


I obtained another Bank of Canada strap of $10s yesterday.  We expect to see mixed bundles with runs of notes and notes missing from the sequence.

What I find interesting about this particular bundle is that while there are notes missing, there are no oddly placed (suspected insert) notes. in the bundle


Here is the data:

FFL $10 Rogers-Macklem

BOC BDC 061122 B2

FFL 2761515 28 28 consecutive to
FFL 2761534 28 28

FFL 2761535 28 28 *missing*
FFL 2761536 28 28 *missing*

FFL 2761537 28 28 consecutive to
FFL 2761557 28 28

FFL 2760472 27 27 consecutive to
FFL 2760484 27 27

FFL 2760485 27 27 *missing*

FFL 2760486 27 27 consecutive to
FFL 2760487 27 27

FFL 2760488 *missing*

FFL 2760489 27 27 consecutive to
FFL 2760505 27 27

FFL 2760506 27 27 *missing*

FFL 2760507 27 27 consecutive to
FFL 2760520 27 27

FFL 2760521 27 27 *missing*

FFL 2760522 27 27 consecutive to
FFL 2760525 27 27

FFL 2760526 27 27 *missing*

FFL 2760527 27 27

FFL 2760528 27 27 *missing*
FFL 2760529 27 27 *missing*
FFL 2760530 27 27 *missing*
FFL 2760531 27 27 *missing*
FFL 2760532 27 27 *missing*

FFL 2760533 27 27

FFL 2760534 27 27 *missing*
FFL 2760535 27 27 *missing*
FFL 2760536 27 27 *missing*
FFL 2760537 27 27 *missing*
FFL 2760538 27 27 *missing*
FFL 2760539 27 27 *missing*

FFL 2760540 27 27 consecutive to
FFL 2760543 27 27

FFL 2760544 27 27 *missing*

FFL 2760545 27 27 consecutive to
FFL 2760546 27 27


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« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2023, 02:06:09 pm »

Here are some photos of the $10 bundle in my previous comment.


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« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2023, 02:06:51 pm »

Two more photos of the notes from this bundle:


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« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2023, 06:30:16 pm »

March 20th:

A friend of mine in New Brunswick managed to score this original Bank of Canada bundle of $10s.

Here is the data:
BOC BDC 22092014 A2

FTM 6039785 44 44 >>
FTM 6039799 44 44

FTM 6039500 43 43
FTM 6039501 43 43 *Missing*

FTM 6039502 43 43 >>
FTM 6039585 43 43

Nothing too special or exciting in this bundle but it’s still cool to find one this old just coming out of a bank in 2023.



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