As I said before, I came across only one Charles coin in my change so far - a quarter.
This implies that nickels and quarters are the highest-demand coins currently in circulation. Toonies have supposedly fallen in decline for years where I live - it's probably because its purchasing power became the $5 bill.
As I said before, it seems like, due to recent inflation, the $5 bill's heyday may be over as more people are using $10 bills - likely for the first time since the 1980s. As for $5 bills, there have been no new bills of that value in my hometown despite the many that were printed in the last two or three years, and that may be because the number of toonies in circulation may have leveled off now.
But then again, we may see new $5 bills being trickled out in my region eventually, as the HCV through IND prefixes, still seen in circulation to this day, have been issued five years ago and are likely due to be replaced soon - but regardless, banks won't order as many new bills anymore, and I may be lucky to see just one new prefix per denomination per year these days.