It is very common for business people to count a stack of notes and write the number of notes on the top note in the stack. Is this illegal?
No. It is not illegal because it is not
MENS REA, but overmark thousand banknotes YES it is illegal.
Mens rea :
Actus non facit reum, nisi mens sit rea An act does not render a person guilty unless he has criminel intent.
Try to explain to a judge you had no criminel intent to mark with a pen Legal Tender documents knowingly you were making them unfit to circulation. I am sure you are going to be found guilty.
If you read the French version. There's no doubt it is illegal. One should not ignore the french version of Article 369 Refer you to case law : R. c. Mac, [2002] 1 R.C.S. 856
In french:
Quiconque, sans autorisation ni excuse légitime, dont la preuve lui incombe, selon le cas :
a) fait, utilise ou sciemment a en sa possession :
(i) soit du papier de bons du Trésor, papier du revenu ou papier employé pour billets de banque.
This section is providing a mechanism to police and crown attornies to reduce the burden of proof if a counterfeiter is appreheneded. If the accused has in his possession banknote quality paper, and any of the tools which may be USED to make banknotes and there is evidence that he has done so, they can proceed with a prosecution. Otherwise they would only be able to convict if completed forged currency was apprehended along with the accused.
True, but rules also Paper money use and not only as a matter. Paper money is a legal tender document. Please refer to article 321 in PART IX
It is not our propriety. You cannot modify a document without authorization. Refer you to (a) (i) BoC must authorize you to modify their bills. Forgery implies according to the law 'false documents' the definition is :
false document" means a document
(a) the whole or a material part of which purports to be made by or on behalf of a person
(i) who did not make it or authorize it to be made, or
(ii) who did not in fact exist,
(b) that is made by or on behalf of the person who purports to make it but is false in some material particular,
(c) that is made in the name of an existing person, by him or under his authority, with a fraudulent intention that it should pass as being made by a person, real or fictitious, other than the person who makes it or under whose authority it is made;
I can convict also with Article 340
Please refer you to Article 340.
340. Every one who, for a fraudulent purpose, destroys, cancels, conceals or obliterates
(a) a document of title to goods or lands,
(b) a valuable security or testamentary instrument, or
(c) a judicial or official document,
is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years.
R.S., c. C-34, s. 300.¸
Vandalism is a criminal purpose.
