Here are the details of 2 bricks of HOD on Thursday at a branch of the T-D in Georgetown, Ontario.
HOD 9845001 - 999
Top half
001, HOG0805471, 222, 444, 002, missing note was 000.
Bottom half
501, HOG 0805971, 722, 944, 502, missing note 500.
HOD 9848001 - 999
Top half
001, HOG 0808471, 222, 444, 002, missing note 000.
Bottom half
501, HOG 0808971, 722, 944, 502, missing note 500
One of the most interesting things about this find is that, a few months ago, glassmancanada reported getting bricks HOD 9841, 2, 3, and 6 (bricks from the exact ream)[/b]). His bricks came from a branch of the Bank of Nova Scotia in Edmonton. His bricks were missing the 000/501, inserts were numbered HOG 0801471 & 1971, 2471 & 2971, 3471 & 3971, 6471 & 6971 and his inpection notes were 222/444 - 722/944 in each brick.
Thank goodness we both kept the details of our finds.